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Leituras, 2016
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Leituras 2016

05/jan - "Ditadura à Brasileira 1964-1985: A Democracia Golpeada à Esquerda e à Direita",  Marco Antonio Villa (NF)

08/jan - "The Complete MAUS", Art Spiegelman (HQ)

11/jan - "Mort(e)", Robert Repino (F)

15/jan - "Throw Like a Woman", Susan Petrone (F)

17/jan - "The Rosie Project", Graeme Simsion (F)

21/jan - "Girl in a Band", Kim Gordon (NF)

27/jan - "King Kong e Cervejas", Fabricio Corsaletti (F)

29/jan - "Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened", Allie Brosh (NF)

10/fev - “Seven seconds or less”, Jack McCallum (NF)

25/fev - "The Cartel", Don Winslow (F)

18/mar - "Up the Agency: The Funny Business Of Advertising", Peter Mayle (NF)

19/mar - "Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration", Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace (NF)

25/mar - "Brave New World", Aldous Huxley (F)

02/abr - "Boys Among Men: How the Prep-to-Pro Generation Redefined the NBA and Sparked a Basketball Revolution", Jonathan Abrams (NF)

06/abr - "Cape Fear", John MacDonald (F)

16/abr - "Born to Run", Christopher McDougall (NF)

17/abr - "Little Birds", Anains Nin (C)

21/abr - "Carrie", Stephen King (F)

25/abr - "The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness", Sy Montgomery (NF)

02/mai - "What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions", Randall Munroe (NF)

14/mai - "Two Hours: The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon", Ed Caesar (NF)

21/mai - "Marrow", Tarryn Fischer (F)

03/jun - "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", Douglas Adams (F)

10/jun - "The Vegetarian", Han Kang (F),

25/jun - "But What If We're Wrong?", Chuck Klosterman (NF)

28/jun - "Downtown Owl", Chuck Klosterman (F)

06/jul - "1984", George Orwell (F)

17/jul - "Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind", Yuval Noah Harari (NF)

27/jul - "Como Curar Um Fanático", Amon Oz (NF)

31/jul - "The Man in the High Castle", Phillip K. Dick (F)

10/ago - "Dom Casmurro", Machado de Assis (F)

19/ago - "How We Got to Now: Six Innovations That Made the Modern World", Steven Johnson (NF)

28/ago - "Rilke Shake", Angélica Freitas (P)

28/ago - "The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance", David Epstein (NF)

13/set - "Underground Airlines", Ben H. Winters (F)

17/set - "Modern Romance", Aziz Ansari (NF)

18/set - "Os Dados Estão Lançados", Jean-Paul Sartre (F)

18/set - "O Invasor", Marçal Aquino (F)

21/set - "Copacabana Dreams", Natércia Pontes (C)

30/set - "The Wave", Morton Rhue (F)

12/out - "A Fighter's Heart: One Man's Journey Through the World of Fighting", Sam Sheridan (NF)

20/out - "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower", Stephen Chbosky (F)

25/out - "Tempos Vividos, Sonhados e Perdidos", Tostão (NF)

29/out - "Meia Noite e Vinte", Daniel Galera (F)

10/nov - "Velocity: The Seven New Laws for a World Gone Digital", Ajaz Ahmed (NF)

18/nov - "Remember, Remember (The Fifth Of November): The History Of Britain In Bite Sized Chunks", Judy Parkinson (NF)

03/dez - "The Queen and I", Judy Parkinson (F)

10/dez - "Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits", David Wong (F)

22/dez - "Churchill's Bunker", Richard Holmes (NF)

26/dez - "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft", Stephen King (NF)

27/dez - "After Dark", Haruki Murakami (F)

31/dez - "Submission", Michael Houellebecq (F)

Ficção: 25

Não-ficção: 23

HQ: 1

Coletânea: 2

Poesia: 1

Releituras: 3