All Recipes / Tahini Recipes

Tahini Recipes

Collection of our favorite Tahini recipes & beautiful images from the feedfeed global community of homecooks, chefs, bloggers, & food organizations

A Note From pepperandpalate

Tahini, a sesame seed paste, is a staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. We may know it for its right hand role in making hummus, though its talents go far beyond that distinguished dip. Have you ever bought tahini for a special recipe, and the rest of the jar still sits in your fridge, waiting for the next time you feel inspired to experiment? Tahini is not a seed butter to be ignored. It makes delicious dressings, creamy soups and sauces, decadent sweets, and beautiful entrées. There are different varieties of tahini; raw, hulled, unhulled, light and dark roast. Tahini can even be made from black sesame seeds. Usually the level of bitterness and nutritional value go hand in hand, but no matter the difference, each variety of tahini is delicious in its own way. There are no set rules for using and enjoying tahini on a daily basis, so feel free to experiment, and I hope you find the inspiration you are looking for here on this feed!