(Cardiff)Dosbarth Arbenigol Eiriolaeth / Advocacy Expert Class

(Cardiff)Dosbarth Arbenigol Eiriolaeth / Advocacy Expert Class

By Dyfan Jones

Date and time

Fri, 10 Mar 2017 09:30 - 13:30 GMT


Age Cymru

Ty John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court Vanguard Way Cardiff CF24 5PJ United Kingdom


Nodwch, mae eich cofrestriad yn cadarnhau eich diddordeb mewn mynychu yn unig, nid yw hyn yn gwarantu eich lle yn y digwyddiad. Bydd cadarnhad o'ch lle yn cael ei anfon i chi ar ôl 1af o Fawrth.

Please note, your registration will confirm your interest in attending only, this does not guarantee your place at the event. Confirmation of your place will be sent to you after the 1st of March.

Mae eirioli yn swyddogaeth hollbwysig os am sicrhau canlyniadau llesiant personol o dan y Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant. Yn aml, fe’i gelwir yr ‘Edau Aur’. Llais a rheolaeth yw rhai o egwyddorion sylfaenol y Ddeddf - gan roi unigolion a’u hanghenion yn ganolog yn eu gofal, a rhoi llais a rheolaeth iddyn nhw i sicrhau’r canlyniadau sy’n eu helpu i sicrhau eu llesiant.

Mae’n hanfodol bod gan eiriolwyr gwell dealltwriaeth o’u rôl fel Eiriolwyr Proffesiynol Annibynnol ac o sut mae eiriolaeth yn gysylltiedig â rhannau eraill o’r Ddeddf, er mwyn galluogi pobl i fedru manteisio ar ddulliau atal ac ymyriadau cynnar ynghyd â chael mwy o lais a rheolaeth.

Mae’r Cyngor Gofal, Age Cymru a Plant yng Nghymru yn cynnal tair sesiwn a fydd yn gyfle i eiriolwyr cyflogedig sy’n ymarfer yng Nghymru feithrin gwybodaeth, gan gynnig fforwm ar gyfer cymorth cymheiriaid a dysgu parhaus.

Bydd y dosbarthiadau arbenigol rhyngweithiol hyn yn rhoi sylw i:

  • Gyd-destun cyfreithiol eirioli
  • Rhan 10 o’r Cod Ymarfer (Eiriolaeth)
  • Cymryd rhan a rhwystrau i gymryd rhan wrth sicrhau canlyniadau llesiant
  • Fframwaith canlyniadau cenedlaethol a sicrhau llesiant
  • Eiriolaeth a gweddill y Ddeddf
  • Cyfnewid ymarfer IPA

Mae’r sesiwn wedi’i llunio i’ch galluogi i:

  • Rannu gwybodaeth, llwyddiant a heriau;
  • Ystyried sut mae gwybodaeth newydd yn berthnasol i’ch profiad presennol;
  • Cydweithio i ddod o hyd i atebion arloesol i broblemau presennol neu bosibl;
  • Eich ysbrydoli a’ch paratoi ar gyfer cymhwyso’r cyfan yn ymarferol yn eich cyd-destun gwaith!

Advocacy is a vital function for achieving personal well-being outcomes under the Social Services and Well-being Act. It is often termed a ‘Golden Thread’. Voice and control is one of the fundamental principles of the Act – putting the individual and their needs at the centre of their care, and giving them a voice in, and control over, reaching the outcomes that help them achieve well-being.

The need for greater understanding by advocates of their role as Independent Professional Advocates and how advocacy relates to other parts of the Act is vital to enabling people access to prevention and early intervention as well as greater voice and control.

The Care Council, Age Cymru and Children in Wales are hosting these sessions which will provide a format for paid practicing advocates in Wales to gain knowledge and skills and provide a forum for peer support and ongoing learning.

These interactive expert classes will cover:

  • Legal context of advocacy
  • Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy)
  • Participation and barriers to participating in establishing well-being outcomes
  • National outcomes framework and achieving well-being
  • Advocacy and the rest of the Act
  • IPA practice exchange

The session is designed to enable you to:

  • Share knowledge, successes and challenges;
  • Consider how new information relates to your current experience;
  • Work together to find innovative solutions to existing or potential issues;
  • Be inspired and equipped for practical applications in your work context!

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