5 Inspirational Books for Accountants (Upgrade Your Life and Career)

accounting and finance career growth

When we start our CIMA qualification we do so with a purpose.  Whether it’s to be more respected in our current workplace, to earn more money, to live and work abroad, to make a real difference in the world, to fulfil our full potential, or any number of other meaningful reasons.

But quite often, even if we make rapid progression through the CIMA qualification, our careers can be at a standstill.

We’ve acquired lots of valuable knowledge and sought after skills, but when we are at work, we find ourselves doing mundane tasks that virtually anyone could do with a few days training.

We start to question what we’re doing wrong.

Sound familiar?

And in this ever competitive and complex business world, a career that stands still is a career going backwards.

So how do we avoid being left behind?

And how can we stand out – head and shoulders – above the majority?

Upgrade Your Life as an Accountant

Truth is, you probably have what it takes to rise up to senior management or Board level.

But only if you take the initiative.  You have to say to yourself:

“It’s my responsibility to control my career and future” (tweet this to commit yourself to it)

Just ask Paul Shillam, CPA, CGMA, who says:

I have to make sure I have the requisite skills to make the change when appropriate. I’m constantly trying to renew and update and maintain my skill sets.

And according to accounting and finance recruitment specialists, Robert Half, when hiring managers are looking for professionals who can step into more senior roles when the time is right, they want:

 ambitious self-starters who adapts well to change and embraces continuous learning and personal development…  share new insights, generate fresh ideas, and motivate, engage and eventually mentor other members

That’s why today, I want to point you in the direction of 5 inspirational books that I’ve read and continue to refer back to.

If you’re ambitious and keen to learn,  I know you’ll enjoy and get great value out of them.  Just like I did.

They’ll help you improve your knowledge and skills outside of your studies (and current workplace). Grow your career and wealth.   And ultimately upgrade the lifestyle for you and your loved ones.

  1. The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss, Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich: If you’re looking for an alternative to working in a corporate or public sector job all your life, then this book is for you. The author explains why there is no need to wait until retirement to have more time and freedom. It’s an engaging read and gives you actionable plans if you want to escape the typical 9-5 lifestyle.
  2. The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen R Covey: This book is great for personal development. It talks about 7 principle based habits that’ll bring out the best in you, which whilst they may seem obvious, are often overlooked.
  3. Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy: This book is all about helping you to avoid procrastination and instead focus on your most important tasks, rather than trying to do everything. There’s some great actionable advice here on how to make more effective use of your time – I wish I had read this when I was still studying!
  4. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie: This book is all about how to be better at understanding different peoples’ points of view. This is important because both at home and at work, it’s the quality of the relationships we build that make us happier and more successful. Warren Buffett swears by this book in helping him to be better at dealing with other people.
  5. Think and Grow Rich, Napolean Hill: This book is all about how a change in mindset, and in particular more a positive attitude, can lead you to greater success in whatever you do. Napolean Hill takes his research of over 40 millionaires and shows you what made them successful and the steps that you can follow too.

Honestly, with these books there is plenty to learn from. I am also discovering new books each week that help me improve as a person and get me that much closer to realising my goals in life. I’ll update you on those soon.

Question: What books have really made a difference in your life? You can leave a comment below

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