
Data storytelling has become a powerful part of the communications toolkit. And this power isn’t just limited to written communication like articles and reports. Data storytelling is also essential to delivering presentations—including online presentations—that are more credible and visually compelling.

Knowing how to develop and deliver online data-driven presentations is now a crucial skill for many professionals. This skill can be used to:

  • Describe a new strategy or initiative to colleagues
  • Convey an opportunity to customers or partners

The bottom line: stories are much more compelling when backed by numbers.

Researcher and author Alexandra Samuel, author of “How to Give a Data-Heavy Presentation,” has developed practical tips to help presenters deliver more compelling data-driven online presentations.

In this Harvard Business Review webinar, Samuel shares:

  • Best practices for giving visually compelling data-driven online presentations
  • Ways to use data strategically, without overwhelming your audience
  • Tips for combining data, images, and words to improve the power of presentations
  • Advice for avoiding common mistakes, such as letting data overtake the presentation