A Very Bookish Gift Guide

Posted by Cybil on November 13, 2017

Books make the best gifts! To help you with your shopping lists this holiday season, we asked authors to recommend the perfect books for every type of reader in your life.

Enchanting Picture Books to Delight the Youngins
The Day the Crayons Quit's Drew Daywalt recommends books for your youngest giftees.

Middle Schoolers De-Mystified
Tahereh Mafi selects chapter books.
Hilarious Reads for Kids of All Ages
Adam Rex (and son) pick funny books.

Great Books for the Classics Lover
Emily Wilson, the first woman to translate The Odyssey into English, culls the classics.

Keep Horror Readers Happy
Joe Hill spooks up some scary novels.
Mystery Solved with These Thrillers
Shari Lapena's tense-filled selections.

Coffee Table Beauties for Bookworms
Library expert Kenneth Breisch recommends artful books for serious readers.

Books for the History Buffs
Dan Jones' history picks.
Books for Fantasy Fanatics
Nicholas Eames' ultimate fantasy list.

Cookbooks for your Favorite Chef
Bravetart's Stella Parks recommends some 'crash-course' cookbooks.

Inspirational Books
Anne Lamott's suggested uplifting reads.
Nonfiction No Brainers
Nobel-winner Richard Thaler's picks.

Comments Showing 1-50 of 87 (87 new)

message 1: by Ayon (new)

Ayon Bit Thanks For sharing

message 2: by Colleen (new)

Colleen Fauchelle The silk road is a very popular book at our bookshop in NZ.

message 3: by Crumb (new)

Crumb Very nice compilation of books. Thank you Goodreads!

message 4: by Clara Patricia (new)

Clara Patricia Thank you for these wonderful recommendations Goodreads!

message 5: by Guin (new)

Guin Any book is a great gift.

message 6: by Allison (new)

Allison Ryder You missed a huge demographic here! I would love to have had some inspiration for teen readers.

Kayleigh {K-Books} No Teen/YA books? I'm quite disappointed since that's such a huge group of readers.

message 8: by Allison (new)

Allison Ryder Kayleigh {K-Books} wrote: "No Teen/YA books? I'm quite disappointed since that's such a huge group of readers."

My comment as well!

message 9: by Jimena (new)

Jimena Kayleigh {K-Books} wrote: "No Teen/YA books? I'm quite disappointed since that's such a huge group of readers."


message 10: by Jimena (new)

Jimena Allison wrote: "You missed a huge demographic here! I would love to have had some inspiration for teen readers."


message 11: by Sarah (new)

Sarah The right book with the right person at the right time can change their perception to this world in the right way.

Thanks a lot for the share.. Loved it!

message 12: by Gary (new)

Gary Smith Colleen wrote: "The silk road is a very popular book at our bookshop in NZ."

Who is the author of this book. Sounds like a "Good Read" !

message 13: by Yasmin (new)

Yasmin :)

message 14: by Tom (new)

Tom Ezekiel Thanks Dear admin.

message 15: by Tom (new)

Tom Ezekiel Thanks Dear admin.

message 16: by Nathan (new)

Nathan Cook Jimena wrote: "Kayleigh {K-Books} wrote: "No Teen/YA books? I'm quite disappointed since that's such a huge group of readers."


message 17: by Deb (new)

Deb Thanks Admin!

message 18: by Deb (new)

Deb Gary wrote: "Colleen wrote: "The silk road is a very popular book at our bookshop in NZ."

Who is the author of this book. Sounds like a "Good Read" !"

Colin Thubron (but there are also lots of other authors)

message 19: by Gary (new)

Gary Smith Gary wrote: "Colleen wrote: "The silk road is a very popular book at our bookshop in NZ."

Who is the author of this book. Sounds like a "Good Read" !"

Thank you . will look him up .

message 20: by Anuj (new)

Anuj Any suggestions for avid gamers ?

message 21: by Marcia Scott (new)

Marcia Scott Guin wrote: "Any book is a great gift."

So true!

message 22: by Colleen (new)

Colleen Fauchelle Gary wrote: "Colleen wrote: "The silk road is a very popular book at our bookshop in NZ."

Who is the author of this book. Sounds like a "Good Read" !"

It is by peter frankopan, its on goodreads.

message 23: by Celia (new)

Celia thanks for sharing. loves these books

message 24: by Guinevere (new)

Guinevere de la Mare Thank you for including I'd Rather be Reading! Great recommendations all around.

message 25: by Jill (new)

Jill Schaefer Jill Schaefer's website listing all four of her books. http://home.earthlink.net/~schaefer234 Great reads!

message 26: by Debra (new)

Debra Wideroe As an educator and environmentally-focused children's book author, I believe in the power of reading...and see first-hand how a book can not only entertain, but educate, inspire change and spark the imagination!

message 27: by Tammy (new)

Tammy YA books? They're my fave!!

message 29: by DLS (new)

DLS This has backfired, and just ended with me adding lots of new books to my "to read" list!

message 30: by Andrés (new)

Andrés Astudillo Thank you for not encouraging nowadays weak books. Literature has lost its touch, decaying as every art inspired in the last years.

message 31: by Rachael (new)

Rachael Allison wrote: "You missed a huge demographic here! I would love to have had some inspiration for teen readers."

Yes! Where are the young adult suggestions?

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

This is great! Thanks.

message 33: by Elley (new)

Elley Murray I'd like to see some more stocking-stuffer type of ideas for book lovers (besides bookmarks, which is about all my not-so-creative mind seems to be able to come up with!)

message 34: by Pam (new)

Pam Carmichael Thank you Good Reads for all the books you are showing, I just love this site!!!!

message 35: by Lawrence (new)

Lawrence Didsbury Excellent. Books make the best gifts...they make new readers and inspire old ones to read more. Bueno.

message 36: by Pam (new)

Pam Carmichael Yes I so agree with you Lawrence, books take you anywhere you want to go and if you find something that interests you it can make you a reader for life. I can't understand my friends who don't read, how boring life must be for them. They say it puts them to sleep, well a good book keeps you up!!!

message 37: by ♡ Rosella (new)

♡ Rosella Swan ♡ 'Reading is dreaming with open eyes' Thanks for the advice of books. I know understand how this website is a major hit. It is awesome.

message 38: by Taylor (new)

Taylor Great except where's the Young Adult section?

message 39: by ♡ Rosella (new)

♡ Rosella Swan ♡ Yeah, that's just what I was thinking.

message 40: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette Colleen wrote: "The silk road is a very popular book at our bookshop in NZ."

Author please?

message 41: by katie (new)

katie Kayleigh {K-Books} wrote: "No Teen/YA books? I'm quite disappointed since that's such a huge group of readers."

YES exactly

message 42: by Nivrith (new)

Nivrith Great post Goodreads!! I am actually getting ready to across this information, is very helpful my friend. Keep up the good work you are doing here. Song Download

message 43: by Melissa (new)

Melissa H Kayleigh {K-Books} wrote: "No Teen/YA books? I'm quite disappointed since that's such a huge group of readers."

I was going to say the same thing! I can't believe how many reading gift guides totally skip the YA market!

message 44: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Presner Thanks so much for your gift ideas! May I also add these fun reads:

Surviving Hollywood North: Crew Confessions from an Insider


First Kiss and other True Fiction

message 45: by Melissa (new)

Melissa i hope you would do more of this recommandations ! its really useful ! <3

message 46: by Sammie (new)

Sammie Kayleigh {K-Books} wrote: "No Teen/YA books? I'm quite disappointed since that's such a huge group of readers."

Same...... wish they would have posted some for that

message 47: by Pam (new)

Pam Carmichael I like this too Melissa, we need more!!

message 48: by Em (new)

Em Disappointed there are none for YA :/

message 49: by Libby (new)

Libby Thank you!

message 50: by Trever (new)

Trever Rubino Guin wrote: "Any book is a great gift."

i agree good friend

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