Metro, Uber team up for free ride program

Metro Bus
A new partnership between Metro and Uber offers free rides to some users.
Courtesy Metro
Andy Brownfield
By Andy Brownfield – Managing editor, Cincinnati Business Courier

Metro and Uber are teaming up on a new program that offers free rides to people who miss their bus.

Metro and Uber Technologies Inc. are teaming up on a new program that offers free rides to people who miss their bus.

The program, called "Guaranteed Ride Home," offers free Uber rides to Metro's 30-day rolling pass holders. Users can sign up between Feb. 8 and March 8 to qualify.

The program works like this: up to four times a year Guaranteed Ride Home participants can call an Uber and have their trip reimbursed. Riders submit a reimbursement form to Metro and will receive a payment for 80 percent of the ride cost – up to $45 – from that company, with the remaining 20 percent will be credited back to their Uber account.

The program will cover up to four trips a year with a total reimbursement limit of $100. The program only covers trips to and from a home, hospital, daycare facility, school or park-and-ride facility.

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