Get Outta My Head! | Jamie Gray February 21, 2017 at 02:30PM

Like a wave, it builds. Eventually I can’t take any more bullshit from the world. From POTUS 45. From the media whores on both sides of the artificially polarized issues…Walter Cronkite is fucking clawing at his coffin lid. From the GOP…Grand Old Party…Party of Lincoln…you’re just a fuck-fired disgrace to your legacy…but I digress.
So I unplug; disengage. The cruelty. The daily lies. The blatant manipulation of the masses. The headlines stick to you, and after a couple of days reading, sharing and commenting on the stories that enrage, engage and amaze, the ‘spirit me’ feels like it’s covered in slimey goo. Political sleaze and exploitative elite, teaming up to fill our lives with all the misery and suffering we can take, and the media reporting it as if it’s just another day in paradise. One can only stomach so much without flinching.
But then recovery. I can deal with it again. Forward. #Further. It’s just a #VisciousCircle. Probably one of the levels of Hell, but don’t get me going on the theological consequences. Fuck you 45 and your #GangOfIncapables. Fuck you very much.
#jfs #gomh