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Can two wrongs feel oh-so-right? This bride is about to find out—with the bad boy who makes an epic breakup worth her while.

Bella: I know I’m a princess. I’m used to getting what I want. But all I ever really wanted was a husband and a family. Unlike my sister, Sophie, I’ll never have a brilliant career to fall back on. So what’s a bride to do when she learns that Prince Charming is a cheating snake just a few days before her fairy-tale wedding? With my fiancé begging for another chance, the only way to save the wedding is to even things out with a little revenge sex—and local bartender Christian Jordan seems like the right man for the job.

Christian: If gorgeous Bella Bigelow thinks sleeping with me will somehow lead to happily ever after, I’m not going to turn her down. The guy she wants to marry is a jerk, and her sister is fooling around with my estranged twin brother, Cain. So what’s the problem? Besides falling for a woman who doesn’t know what she wants out of life? All I want to do is whisk her away from that church, take her to a cabin in the woods, and act out all our naughtiest fantasies. And I may just get the chance. . . .

203 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 28, 2018

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About the author

Erin McCarthy

191 books4,801 followers
USA Today and New York Times Bestselling author Erin McCarthy sold her first book in 2002 and has since written over seventy novels and novellas in teen fiction, new adult, and adult romance. Erin has a special weakness for high-heeled boots, beaches and martinis. She lives in Ohio with her family, two grumpy cats and a socially awkward dog.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 184 reviews
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,789 reviews372 followers
February 8, 2019
Christian was trouble and I apparently already had plenty of that in my life.

I was recommended this book for a runaway bride trope, and it definitely fits that plus about twenty others! I actually didn’t read the first book, and kind of wish I had because some of that story played in here and although it was easy enough to catch up with the info supplied in TB, I think reading both would make it more enjoyable! all in all a good read. If you’re looking for runaway bride or rich girl and poorest dude? Probably not the best description, but that’s the watered down version.
Profile Image for Wendy.
1,774 reviews622 followers
August 30, 2018
The Breakup, by Erin McCarthy, is the 2nd book in her "Jordan Brothers" series.
It is Bella and Christian's story.
Bella, a "princess" is about to have her fairy-tale wedding when she learns that her fiance is a cheating liar. She feels revenge sex is the only way to even the score and wouldn't local bartender and playboy Christian Jordan be the perfect man for the job. A man with secrets and problems of his own, he is intrigued by Bella and her situation. What starts as revenge for Bella and lust for Christian quickly becomes a hot and steamy romance.
Can they remain connected or will their vastly different lives tear them apart.
A hot, fun and very entertaining book that I couldn't put down.

Thank you to NetGalley and Loveswept for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Kelly Merie.
264 reviews82 followers
June 23, 2018
My Review: I really enjoyed this book, although I think I liked the first one more, this one was still pretty great. Christian and Bella were so cute together, and I really liked the pull between them. How they just gravitated towards one another, despite all the reasons why it was wrong to feel the way they felt.

In the beginning, I was on the fence about Bella and her "people pleasing" ways, I thought she needed more of a backbone, but later in the book, her character developed and I quickly fell in love with her. No longer was the girl who just nods and smiles to whatever was thrown at her, you got to see the fire spark within her to put a stop to her push-over ways.
Then banter between her and Christian was funny and I loved her quirkiness. We also got to see more of a sisterly bond between her and Sophie in this book, as well as how Christian truly feels for his twin brother. Christian's issues regarding the types of women he couldn't help but be attracted to was a little unnerving, but I love how he sorted himself out and became the man who deserved Bella.

The story was great for a nice quick summer read. I highly suggest people read book 1 before this one to get the max reading enjoyment of the Jordan Brothers. We got introduced a little more to the other Jordan siblings in this book, so I have high hopes for more books from Erin McCarthy and I can't wait to read them!

UPDATE - My offer for a kidney was accepted. I have received my ARC, thanks to NetGalley!! The first book was SOOOOOOO good, I'm super excited for this one!!


* * *

Is it too early to offer up a kidney for an ARC? Blood type O- if that means anything..... Just Kidding. Well Sorta. No - I'm kidding or it would be weird. I made it weird didn't I?


I really enjoyed the first book, and I cannot wait to read the second book. Sophie from The Hookup is holding the title of the my-favourite-heroine-of-the-year award right now - I just loved her! So I'm super pumped to read more from Erin McCarthy with Bella and Christians story The Breakup.

Profile Image for Bette Hansen.
5,065 reviews40 followers
August 24, 2018
When reviewing a book I always try to keep in mind two things. First an author has put their time and heart into it so bashing is unnecessary. Secondly, just because I don't like something doesn't mean everyone will feel the same so try to point out the positives. Unfortunately with this book I'm having a hard time adhering to point two, that's how much I disliked it. Reading through the reviews though it appears others feel differently but for me I have to say there is nothing about this story that I liked. These characters annoyed me. Their behavior repulsed me. The overall story left me scratching my head and asking why. All I can say about this one is NO. Just NO!
Profile Image for Juli.
1,478 reviews21 followers
July 7, 2018
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book (given by Netgalley)...

I loved Cain and Sophie and I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen between Bella, (Sophie's sister) and Christian (Cain's brother). If you read The Hookup, then you already know about the bad blood between the two brothers Cain and Christian, but now we get to see into the mind of Christian. Now I won't lie I already disliked Christian, but I wanted to give him a chance to redeem himself and hopefully rebuild a relationship with Cain. Now as for Bella, I was on the fence with her because at times she could be totally snobby and then kind which to be honest was a little annoying. Now I will say I loved this book until we hit the 70% mark and then the book took a weird turn for me.

I don't want to giveaway spoilers so I'm going to try to be vague, so just in case I warning POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD.

After Bella and Christian get to really know each other, there was an issue and they kind of "break-up" but at this time Christian finally realizes he truly wants Bella. However, instead of putting his big boy pants on and telling her how he feels, he starts having casual sex with another girl while pining after Bella. This bothered me because for one at this point he knows he loves her, and two they never discuss his causal relationship and it's like it never happened and Bella just smiles and moves on. Now mind you Bella lives in town now and works at his bar and yet instead of talking to her, he screws someone else until he decides he wants Bella and she just goes along with it.

Unfortunately, Christian started to grow on me but lost me after he decided to be a coward and not tell Bella his feelings for her and then acted like a man-child when things got difficult. I know most people think Bella was weak in the beginning, I didn't think she was, I thought she was trying to do the best she could in a terrible situation; however, by the end of the book, she sounded like pushover and somewhat resembled a doormat with the way she let Christian treat her. The ending felt awkward as well as rushed and didn't make me feel like they were actually in love with each other.

Definite Spoiler below:

Now for the last part that confused me, it had to do with Christian basically abandoning Bella after she reveals she's pregnant to him and then coming out of nowhere with a business-like resolution to the problem. Now the confusion I had was that he basically offers to marry her to benefit him (he can keep his son from Ali) and presents in such a clinical way that Bella screams "NO" at him because she wants love. I kid you not, he basically says sorry then ACTUALLY asks her and then tells he loves her and she says "YES" all within a couple paragraphs. This bothered me because nothing about it sounded sincere, just a quick resolution to get to the HEA.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
September 11, 2018
This was a fun read.It was fast paced and sexy! I haven’t read this author before so it was a nice surprise.The story is told in dual first person point of views. Bella and Christian We’re such a great characters you could easy connect with them.Bella is cute,sweet and kind.She was exactly what Christian needed!
Profile Image for Kimberley C..
255 reviews11 followers
September 2, 2018
This is a book I’ve had on my kindle shelf for awhile but there were a few books I wanted to finish before I started it. I’m kinda bummed I waited. It was really good. I read the first in the series but this one blew it out of the water. I enjoyed watching the love story between the two play out but I thought it went on a little long at the end. Four stars.
Profile Image for Brianna {Semi-Hiatus}.
175 reviews7 followers
July 7, 2018
The Breakup by Erin McCarthy follows Bella and Christian. They first meet at a bar and are instantly attracted to each other, but Bella is getting married. In two weeks. However, Bella discovers her fiance is a disgusting cheat, so when she finally wises up and dumps his lying ass, Christian is there to pick up the pieces (and the runaway bride!).

When reading this book, I was really pulled into the characters despite that fact I hadn't read the first novel in this series (when I asked for this one, I hadn't realized at the time it was second in a series) and the dual POV was perfect. However, I felt it was kind of rushed after about the first half. Everything was going great, nothing was too slowly paced and then I felt like so much time passed so quickly! There was even this point towards the end that something happened and then it was just glossed over and everything was peachy again!

Also, I didn't really care for Bella as a character, especially in the beginning. She just felt whiny and nitpicky. Maybe she was more likeable when she decided to grow a backbone. Maybe. I mean the characters seem like a good match for each other, but she was overall "meh" for me.

Now here it's my turn to be nitpicky - during the epilogue when Sophie and Cain were visiting them at their house it really irked me the way Christian and Cain conversed with each other. Yes, I fully understand there are issues there that still need to be worked through, but it felt like they were strangers, not brothers with a sorted past. But, maybe it's just me.

Overall this book was went from a 4 rating to a 3/5 rating because of one major point in the story towards the end that felt so rushed, insincere and completely glossed over that I couldn't let it go. Honestly. It made me roll my eyes and shake my head. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so if you choose to read this book, I hope you'll understand which part I'm referring to.

Thanks to NetGalley for a free copy of this book for my honest review.
Profile Image for Jeannine.
1,349 reviews43 followers
July 9, 2018
I really liked this one. I wasn’t too sure on Bella at first, but she totally grew on me right away. I do think she had one of the coolest jobs ever in a fictional book that I’ve ever read. She was a birth-mother advocate at an adoption agency. What an amazing job for a fake character to have! Then there’s single dad, Christian. I liked him in the last book and I was still digging him in this one. I liked watching those two fall for each other. The epilogue was all kinds of sweet. I’m sold on these Jordan brothers!
Profile Image for Kelly (the book hussy).
1,678 reviews62 followers
August 28, 2018
This is book 2 in the Jordan Brothers series. I would definitely recommend reading the first book before reading this one.

I’m going to start with what I liked about this book. I liked Bella (even though she was a weak female character). She was kind and sweet, but a bit of a pushover. I enjoyed the scenes with Christian’s son. I really wish there were more.

I did not like Christian. I really tried. We already know (from the first book) he slept with his twin brothers girlfriend and she got pregnant. Unfortunately, because they’re twins, there’s no way to know who the father is. But Christian is raising him (along with his mother) as his own. Christian doesn’t do relationships. He sleeps around with women who are not available. Meaning women who are already in a relationship. While he and Bella are sort of in limbo, he starts sleeping with an ex-coworker. I was beginning to like him and then that happens. I was totally turned off. At that point, I consider it cheating. Once the hero sleeps with the heroine, I do NOT want to read about them with somebody else. We’re talking 4-5 weeks between them getting into a fight and they begin “officially” dating. Next thing you know he’s asking Bella to marry him. He couldn’t keep it in his pants for a month?? This whole scenario did not make me a happy reader.

So does this end in a happily ever after? Yes.
Do I recommend this book? Probably not.
Do I recommend book one? Yes, that was much better.

*ARC received by NetGalley for review*
Profile Image for Cheryl Whitty.
904 reviews14 followers
September 4, 2018
3.5 stars
This story was about Bella, Sophie’s sister from the Hookup, and the runaway bride.
It took me much longer to get into book than last one. Bella who had left Bradley at the altar, after finding out he had been cheating.
So it took a while to warm up to Bella and Christian, but I did as we get to know the real people behind their fears.
This is a sweet read with some hot sex thrown.
I think there is some more Jordan siblings like their brother Cain and his weekend sex pad up in the hill cabin. This is quick read sometimes we just don't gel with characters.
Profile Image for Mae.
149 reviews
August 17, 2018
Bella is a socialite that has been unfortunately been tied to her family's ideology of what they want for her. This means she is now engaged to a financially sound man who unfortunately happens to be a serial cheater who expects things even if they are not in the normal. Christian and his family come from the rough side of town and works as a bartender. He also happens to shares custody of his son with his mother, after Aly, tricked both Christian and his brother Cain and followed that by abandoned their newborn son.

The story is told in dual first person point of views. Bella and Christian tell the story in the sequence of events that go from one to the other, shortly after the first point is shared. The characters do not only develop amazingly but have super interactions and show how much they grow as a couple but also personally. There is a former relationship between Aly and Christian but also Aly and Cain. There is also a history between Sophie, Bella's sister, and Cain, Christian's twin brother. The relationship between Bella and Christian starts as physical and unattainable, due to Bella's engagement. It takes time and energy but also time, patience and trust that needs to be built up.

Yes, I would recommend this book. It has an excellent writing style and also the way the characters feel so real. This story is excellent for any young couples but also those who are looking for an interesting read in the light nature.
Profile Image for JG.
1,495 reviews60 followers
August 28, 2018
Fun, lighthearted and really sexy! The Breakup might appear as fluffy and hot but its also about the female leads self discovery. The book is an offshoot of The Hookup and runs on parallel timelines. Therefore, it can be read as a standalone. Christian and Bella’s story will have readers turning the pages, laughing and fanning themselves at the same time.

*ARC from NetGalley*
Profile Image for Miekenstein .
322 reviews6 followers
August 27, 2018
Boy, I did not like this book. Seriously. I only gave it two stars because I enjoyed The Hookup so much.

What I dislike most about this book is the main characters. Bella is vapid and all around alarmingly dimwitted. She's almost delusional at times in her need to believe that her life is a Disney fairytale waiting to unfold. She acts more like a thirteen year old with severe comprehension issues than a twenty six year going through a crisis. Maybe not stupid exactly, more like she should have been diagnosed at some point for some disorder that would explain her issues. The only nice thing I have to say about Bella is she wasn't a mean person, but that wasn't enough to make me like her.

Our hero was Christian. OMG, was he a piece of work and not remotely heroic, even in the loosest meaning of the world. It's not about him being promiscuous and sleezy (which he was). I can enjoy books about a bad boy who finds redemption and love, but Christian isn't really a bad boy as much as a basic jerk. He might have stepped up where his son was concerned but he lacked fundamental maturity and did not display much character.

I also found the pacing of the book odd and the ending felt incredibly rushed and ridiculously trite. I didn’t find the ending remotely believable, even in an HEA. Plus, as much as I disliked both characters, I’m not sure they deserved a lifetime of each others BS.

I received an ARC in exchange of my honest review
Profile Image for The Book Lover.
2,074 reviews32 followers
July 13, 2018
I can't with this book I just can't!!! characters were so immature!!! also, the plot of the naive heroine that doesn't like oral sex or anal sex is so overdone!! why can't they just be normal jesus
Profile Image for Book Binge.
838 reviews153 followers
September 13, 2018
Bella is pretty sure that her fiancé is cheating on her. She’s one week out from her wedding and she’s an emotional wreck. When she finds texts on her fiancé’s phone confirming the cheating Bella confronts Brad about it. He, of course, being the ass he is, turns it around to make it look like Bella is the cause of his cheating. She knows she’s being manipulated but still can’t bring herself to end it. She talks to her parents who push her to marry Brad anyway. She’s SO confused!

Bella recently became friends with Christian, a bartender in the coastal Maine town that she’s getting married in. She gets drunk and asks him to teach how to be good in bed but he refuses. Though Christian doesn’t normally have problems sleeping with women in relationships, because they’re emotionally unavailable, there’s something about Bella that makes him want to treat her well.

When Bella decides right before the wedding ceremony that she absolutely can’t marry Brad she calls Christian and he whisks her off to a family cabin to hide her from her family, Brad and his family and anyone else trying to talk to her. With Bella now single and free, Christian has no problem showing her exactly how good in bed she is. The two spend a couple of days together but soon they have to face reality. Bella has to decide what she’s going to do now that she quit her job, sold her furniture and has nowhere to go, and Christian has to decide if wanting Bella in his life will be a good thing or just make his crazy life even crazier.

After book one in this series I can’t say that I liked Christian all that much. Book one was about Bella’s sister and Christian’s twin brother getting together. It seems that Christian slept with his twin’s girlfriend and was caught. Of course it comes out in this book that the girlfriend, Ali, had told Christian that they had broken up and since Christian had had a thing for Ali all through school he took her up on her off of some bed-play. Little did he know it would change his life forever. Turns out he wasn’t a bad person after all – he just didn’t make the best judgment calls about people. He knew this about himself so that’s why he hesitated when Bella approached him about going to bed with her. I was happy that he finally saw that it would be a bad idea. I actually ended up liking Christian a lot in this book, thank heavens. 🙂

Bella was a strong character but sometimes she made me a bit crazy. She knew deep down she was never going to marry Brad but then ended up waiting until the last possible moment to run. That bothered me a lot. I guess I have not idea what I would have done in that situation so I can’t be too judgy. I liked how she handled things with Christian, her family and Brad after the wedding fiasco and was happy that she didn’t settle.

I was annoyed at the alternating first person POV. Not that I mind that POV so much, but there was no clear delineation of when one POV stopped and another started, like a new chapter. There was just a break in the story and then we’d get another POV – sometimes it was hard to figure out if I was reading Bella’s POV or Christians. 🙁 Not to my liking.

The book was good and I really liked it. It was a fun, easy read and was perfect for just sitting in the back yard with no worries.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5
Profile Image for Nalla Reads.
360 reviews24 followers
August 29, 2018
Originally posted on NallaReads.com!


She's a runaway bride...running straight towards the one man who always wants what he can't have. We met Bella and Christian in book one, The Hook Up, so there some backstory readers need to have. On the night of her bachelorette party, Bell discovers the perfect future she envisioned with her Prince Charming is all a lie and he's been unfaithful to her. Desperate to have her own HEA she gives him a second chance...but it doesn't last long. Digesting heart crushing news takes some time and at the moment of matrimony, Bella panics and asks for Christian's help to escape the wedding she can't go through with.

Christian is...rough. He's definitely not the nicest or most charming hero, but I'm loving McCarthy's new anti-heroes. Christian is Jared from his baby-mama drama; his son is a shining light and everything right that Christian isn't. He always goes towards unattainable women so he doesn't have to worry about them getting attached. So his new found fascination with rich princess Bella is confusing to him...but he can't deny the chemistry. She may be prom and proper, but when he whisks her away from her wedding at the last second, he begins to peel back all the layers that make her beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.

I love that McCarthy gives us a before, during, and and after with this couple. There's a large part of Bella's story that focuses on her discovering happiness for herself and BY herself rather than just with a man. (But don't get me wrong...there is the customary HEA for our girl) Christian may be a bad boy but he's definitely got some good sides to him, despite some questionable choices. The whole story is filled with self-discovery and some super steamy scenes! Another win from Erin!

Profile Image for Kay Daniels (Kay Daniels Romance).
1,801 reviews59 followers
August 13, 2018
Have you ever been in a situation you wanted to get out of, but felt so backed into a corner that it just felt impossible to escape? Perhaps you had no one to call, no one to rely on because everyone in your life helped back you into that corner; your parents, your friends, your cheating fiancé, even the rules of society didn't help. Your life was crashing in on you and you could barely breathe, who would you call?

In a state of panic Bella Bigelow called the only person that came to mind, Christian Jordan. He never should have been on her mind, but when you are running from your own wedding his face flashed before her eyes and without thinking she dialed his number. Before she knew what she was doing she jumped into his "getaway car" and she ran away from the only life she'd ever dreamed of. All she'd ever wanted was to be a wife and a mother and in an instant she threw it all away, but it was better than making the biggest mistake of her life, marrying a lying, cheating scumbag.

Christian Jordan was known for finding trouble. He was excellent at it. Bella Bigelow is trouble in every sense of the word. She's beautiful, she's rich, and she's taken.  Christian has his own problems raising his son without any support from the birth mother. He really doesn't need more trouble in his life, but when it literally comes calling, he doesn't say no. He is drawn to Bella in a way he hasn't been drawn to anyone else before and the more time he spends with her the harder it is to walk away even when every instinct inside him says he should.

When all the cards are finally on the table for these two and it comes down to, should they progress as a couple, or was the time they spent together post runaway-bride-nightmare just a fling? 

I read this book, not knowing it was book 2 of a series. Erin McCarthy is a pro and I had no trouble jumping right in and following along as if this was a standalone.  Christian was extremely likeable, especially when he considered putting his family first and Bella's worries and concerns are very realistic. A very enjoyable read. 
231 reviews
August 28, 2018
Most romances follow a certain pattern; boy and girl meet, yadda yadda, happy ending. Generally, important themes are extraneous and not part of the story. “The Breakup” is different. While never heavy-handed, indeed, as part of what moves the story along, the reader is invited to ponder a number of serious questions. What does a person lose in pursuit of perfection, and what happens when perfection is not enough? What is the cost of relying on external validation for one’s self-worth, and what happens when it is not forthcoming?

Both of the main characters in this book are good people. Both are imperfect because human beings are imperfect, but neither one is dark nor twisted by her or his past. There is no silly and unnecessary angst in “The Breakup,” but rather the action flows from the situation and the characters of the protagonists. I don’t like spoilers so I am not going to give any but I will say that this is not a thrill ride, rather it is a good look at what happens when people grow up and accept responsibility for their own actions.

I really liked “The Breakup.” It was well-written, which is of great importance to me, well-edited (and that cannot be said about every book these days) and flowed right along. I liked both of the main characters and enjoyed the minor ones. If you want to read a romance which does not put you through an emotional ringer but gives you something to think about while you watch two nice people make their way to each other while growing as individuals, this is the book for you. I can’t remember when I enjoyed a romance so much. Five stars.

I received an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Randa Knight.
Author 2 books10 followers
August 13, 2018
I didn't realize this book was a sequel to The Hook-Up until I was over halfway through the novel. I did have one or two moments where I felt that I was missing an inside joke between Sophie--Bella's little sister and Cain--Christian's identical twin brother. But that didn't take anything away from Bella and Christian's story. Bella is a rich girl from Boston whose family has a vacation home in a tourist town on the coast of Maine. Bella is engaged to Bradley Alexander--was--until she found lewd texts from and to him from various women only days before the wedding. Feeling vulnerable and inept at sexual behaviors sue to the types of texts on Bradley's phone, Bella asks local bad-boy Christian to help her lose her prudish and close-minded ways. Since Bella is still engaged Christian declines her offer--until Bella texts Christian on her wedding day to come pick her up. The duo spend the weekend together. Bella's journey is more than learning about sex--it is also her own self-discovery. Before she blindly followed Bradley because he offered her what she always wanted--a family, stability, the dream of motherhood. Bella's mothering nature is what lead her to social work and the job she left just days before her wedding--social worker at an adoption agency.
Since Bella gave up her apartment, quit her job, and broke up with Bradley, she has no where to go. She manipulates Bradley into giving her the house that he bought as a wedding gift to her in the small tourist town. Bella decides to remain in Maine to begin her new life. In this sleepy tourist town doesn't have many opportunities for an adoption social worker, so Bella begins working at one of the local bars which Christian also happens to work in. Christian inadvertently fulfills one of Bella's dreams and in the process his own.
Profile Image for Kristen Johnson.
1,170 reviews50 followers
August 29, 2018
I've been anticipating this book since I read The Hookup and was introduced to Bella and Christian. Gotta say, I was not let down at all. The Breakup was a uniquely fun, steamy and emotional story.

Bella thought she had it all, the perfect fiance, her dream wedding and her future planned out, but when it all blows up she finds herself taking a walk on the risky side - starting up a fling of sorts with Christian. What she discovers is that perhaps the perfect life she thought she had wasn't at all what she really wanted or needed.

Christian knows better than to start something with Bella and yet when she turns to him in her time of need - he can't turn her away. As they grow closer, Christian realizes a few truths about himself and suddenly he can see the promise of love and why people want it.

I really enjoyed following along the ups and downs these two faced on their journey together, I loved that it wasn't smooth sailing and they had to face up to their own fears as well as admitting to their feelings. This book was the perfect follow up to the Hookup and I absolutely loved every page. I laughed, I teared up, and I was hooked on these two.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,674 reviews157 followers
September 2, 2018
As I enjoyed the first book in this series, I was eager to pick this one up. I liked this one as well but it took a little bit of time to get there. This series is a bit grittier than much of what I read which is one of the reasons that I like it. It feels a bit different and novel to me. The characters are flawed with a capital F. But, one of the things I love about this one is that the book allows you to watch the characters really grow as people. The heroine, Bella, was particularly difficult to like initially. But, she came together for me as she grew as a person. Christian is a fascinating hero and I loved learning more about him as the book moved forward. They are a really interesting couple and I loved watching them grow into each other over the book. Really liked this one ... warning - it's quite sexy so if that's not your kind of romance, this won't be for you. But, if you're ok with some heat, this is a good one to read!

NOTE: Thank you to the publisher for providing me a free copy of the book for an honest review.
Profile Image for Pennie Morgan.
2,102 reviews8 followers
August 26, 2018
When I started this one I was sure I was not going to enjoy it and for most of it I just gritted my teeth and kept reading because it was an ARC and I finish those but after a while it started to get better. Bella was going to get married but the groom is cheating on her and finally on her wedding day she bolted and called Christian who came and picked her up. Runaway Bride and the bartender...These two have been circling each other and establishing a weird kind of friendship and the rescue cemented everything. The Jordan brothers and the Bigelow sisters are opposites and yet they work. Both stories in this series were kinda off but okay.

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**
Profile Image for Love & Lavender Book Review.
484 reviews38 followers
August 28, 2018
3.5 Stars

I have mixed feelings about this story. It's my first by Erin McCarthy, so I haven't read The HookUp, and I wasn't lost reading this book as a standalone. Bella and Christian were interesting characters. Throughout the beginning of the story, I couldn't quite figure them out, then through the second half I thought they were a good fit for each other. But the end felt rushed, and not genuine to the story.

There's a few weird moments in the story that I felt could have been handled differently to be true to the characters. Personally, I read through the story, but I didn't connect well to the characters or the story line. I was hoping for a satisfying HEA, which there was, but not a genuine ending that left me cheering for Bella and Christian.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for Bobbie.
1,090 reviews10 followers
August 8, 2018
This book is the second in a series by Erin McCarthy, but it is totally a standalone. I did read the first book but had to go back and re read some of it to remember why they were connected. The story kept my attention, but it was a familiar plot....runaway rich bride and poor, hot, bad reputation bartender. They somehow work and I believe that was because Ms. McCarthy did a great job humanizing both characters. Fun, interesting easy read.
Profile Image for Jo.
1,473 reviews13 followers
August 28, 2018
Right, I'm just going to come out and say it - I didn't particularly like either of these characters - at least, not at the start.  And for both of them, that reaction is grounded in their behaviour from Book 1.

That said, I think that the author embraced the less endearing elements of these two and made it work.  Did I always enjoy the path they took?  No.  But this was still a decent read.

Again, I'm not sure that this ought properly to be described as a romantic comedy.  But I'm still pleased I took a chance on this author.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.
Profile Image for Marie.
309 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2018
A more unlikely couple you could not think of. Bella an engaged debutant, Christian a local bartender and single father. There were a lot of emotional ups and downs in this book. Luckily the ups won out. The love scenes were very good and the family dynamics were very interesting.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for this honest review.
Profile Image for Michelle (MichelleBookAddict).
293 reviews220 followers
June 9, 2022
Another Netgalley book I wasn’t sure I’d read but ended did anyway.

Marked to 2⭐️ because my pet peeve with the whole pregnancy being a conflict that would help solve for a HEA. The story would’ve been fine without that. And maybe without how the h felt about sex too (vanilla, anal , etc). Also some scenes after the 50% mark were just dull and I was actually skipping ahead a lot.

Marking it a 2⭐️ and not 1 because I think I’ll keep this copy from Netgalley (even with the small typos I found). I haven’t read the first book with these brothers and honestly I was not lost with what was going on there as there’s a lot so story going on in this book. So maybe I’ll keep my copy for a reread. At least now I know the sections I can live without reading.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 184 reviews

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