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The Men of Crestview #3

Craving Midnight

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Librarian's Note: This is an alternate cover edition for ASIN B0772H1JQV

She’s a starlet with secrets. He makes scandals go away. Together, they’ll make sparks fly…

I'm Harrison Kirkland, Hollywood’s fixer … the clean-up guy for their sordid messes.
When I'm hired to handle a situation for Midnight Drake, a rising dark-haired sultry actor, I figured it would be a simple in and out job.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
The mess she got herself into was only the beginning.
Midnight has a web of secrets and mystery... and she's not giving them up for anything or anyone … including me.
If I’m not careful, the next thing that’ll need fixing… will be my heart …
That alone should’ve made me exit stage left … but it didn’t.
It only left me craving Midnight even more.
And isn’t that like pouring gasoline on a fire?

*This book contains sensitive subject matter that may not be suitable for all readers
**This is a full-length, stand alone novel.

Buy Craving Midnight to start a sexy Hollywood tale today!

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 2, 2017

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About the author

A.M. Hargrove

72 books2,454 followers
One day, on her way home from work as a sales manager, USA Today bestselling author, A. M. Hargrove, realized her life was on fast forward and if she didn't do something soon, it would be too late to write that work of fiction she had been dreaming of her whole life. So she made a quick decision to quit her job and reinvented herself as a Naughty and Nice Romance Author.

Reader, Writer, #WalterThePuppy Owner, Dark Chocolate Lover, Ice Cream Worshipper, Vodka Aficionado, Coffee Drinker, she believes coffee and ice cream should be added as part of the USDA food groups.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews14.9k followers
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November 2, 2017

She’s a starlet with secrets. He makes scandals go away. Together, they’ll make sparks fly…
Midnight Drake’s squeaky clean reputation has suddenly taken a nosedive. She’s horrified after she wakes up naked from a drugged stupor, but the worst is yet to come. She just found three sex videos on her phone of a night she can't remember. Midnight wonders if her promising new career will go up in smoke …
Harrison Kirkland cleans up Hollywood’s sordid messes for a living, and he’s never met a scandal he couldn’t contain. But when he’s assigned to fix the sultry Midnight’s problems, he never expected to get dragged in after her…
Behind Midnight’s diva exterior, Harrison discovers a mysterious woman with a web of secrets he can’t untangle. The deeper he’s pulled into her world, the stronger his desire for her grows, but can he handle the truth about her past? If he’s not careful, the next heart that’ll need fixing… will be his…
Craving Midnight is a red-carpet ready contemporary romance novel. If you like steamy chemistry, flawed characters with compelling secrets, then you’ll love A.M. Hargrove’s pulse-pounding story.

ARC provided to me by author A.M. Hargrove in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Megan✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
293 reviews485 followers
November 3, 2017

“She’s a starlet with secrets. He makes scandals go away. Together, they’ll make sparks fly…”

One of the things I love most about reviewing books is the authors and stories you uncover, that you never have come across before. A.M. Hargrove is a new to me author, so when the opportunity arose for me to read Craving Midnight, I jumped at it. Based on this book, this author can seriously write fascinating and thought provoking page turners that keep you fully captivated and intrigued right until the end. This story will definitely have you craving for more.

Midnight is an up and coming Hollywood actress who is set to take the world by storm. She is a relatively unknown starlet about to make her mark on tinsel town with her up and coming Hollywood release. Midnight has not had the easiest of roads leading up to stardom and as a result is harbouring many skeletons in her closet. For me uncovering all of her layers added to the intrigue and depth as I discovered the ins and outs of Midnight.

When the night from hell threatens to ruin her career before it’s even had a chance to take off, she is in dire need of reinforcement. Someone to take charge who knows what they’re doing and someone who is a professional at cleaning up Hollywood’s many indiscretions. Harrison is definitely the man for the job, he has seen and dealt with it before, there has never been a scandal or situation he hasn’t solved.

“I don’t want cautious. I want abandon and desperation and I want you unhinged, uncontrolled.”

I found Craving Midnight to be quite addictive, once I started reading I actually couldn’t stop until I reached the conclusion. I loved Midnight with her web of secrets, lies and obstacles that stood in her way and Harrison who strived to help her during her darkest hours only to be dragged deeper into her world past and present.

Craving Midnight was an intriguing and thrilling ride full of many twists and turns that kept me engaged right until the end. The attraction and steamy chemistry between the two characters was off the charts hot and I just could not get enough. I will definitely be reading more A. M. Hargrove stories in the future, especially if they make my heart race as much as Craving Midnight.

****Warning: This book contains sensitive subject matter that may not be suitable for all readers.****

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Profile Image for Moon .
3,336 reviews230 followers
October 25, 2017
I had the pleasure of beta-reading this book. Before I talk about the characters and the story, I want to talk about how this book made me feel. I started reading and the book was great, I was happy and I liked Midnight, and was wonderful. Until 4%. That's when the mood shifted from being light and happy, and Anne Hargove brought out the big guns. I mean there are scenes that are really hard to read and I imagine hard to write too. It's like putting an ugly reality out there to see, but yet knowing there is hope and redemption waiting around the corner. I had to put my kindle down to deal with everything I was feeling, especially the fear, anguish, and pain, that Midnight was feeling too. And you know in the ugly aftermath, there was hope and anger too. I love how I felt so much in just a short time. And the emotions continue throughout the book. It's not as much as a roller coaster as it is in the beginning, but if you can get past that ugly part, there is something beautiful lying beyond it.

The story is complex, with both Harrison and Midnight having to deal with issues they've buried deep and hidden away, even from themselves, while handling situations arising from their current work lives. It was wonderful to see them fight all that was happening around them, and even when they were battered and seemingly broken, with each other they were resolute. I mean those two give a new meaning to relationship goals, especially with everything they had to work out and through.

I absolutely loved Midnight. This is a woman who has come up from nothing and is trying to make herself better and be better, and you can't help but root for her. I never once held her past and any perceived sins against her. You can't, because to do what she did and survive what she did, she is one strong person. And Harrison? There were moments in the beginning where I'll be honest. I didn't like him. But what I saw as callousness and rudeness, was his way of pressing his point home and doing his job. Even better was watching him slowly fall for Midnight. And the sex they have is hot! If you're a fan of angry sex, this book is totally for you!

A.M. Hargrove deserves kudos. She shows the ugly side of being a fixer and a celebrity, but does it in a way that keeps it real and authentic. I didn't like everything in the book, or why it was done, and that was okay, because if it caused strong emotion, positive or negative, the story had me in its thrall. Isn't that the whole point though? To feel? So I think on all those regards, this book is amazing. She continues to impress me and I love the fact she's pushing her boundaries! If you're a fan of her books you'll also spot some familiar names and faces!

I can't wait for the rest of the world to get their hands on this book!
Profile Image for H.J. Bellus.
Author 98 books2,714 followers
October 15, 2017


Fresh and intriguing...

“Hargrove packs a punch straight to the heart in Craving Midnight. It's a twisted and sexy read.…A perfect combination of intrigue, lust, darkness, and steam.” —HJ Bellus, USA Today Best Selling Author

A.M. Hargrove's Craving Midnight was a page turner that left me on the edge of my seat. I was FOR SURE  I had the entire storyline nailed down in the first few paragraphs in chapter one. Boy, was I wrong!  The twists and turns never stopped coming and I gave up on my predictions. I fell HARD and FAST for Harrison. That man is all I'll say. Oh, and I want one in my life. My frustration level nearly exploded with the interaction between the two main characters. It was a classic tug of war that heightened their dynamic chemistry.

I'm not going to go into detail about the storyline because it was too grand of a ride!  The love and protection shared throughout the book are stellar.

Profile Image for April Symes.
5,013 reviews440 followers
November 2, 2017
Craving Midnight is a sexy , intriguing, twisted and intelligent page turner that left me on the edge of my seat. A.M Hargrove showed a different side to her writing with Craving Midnight, one that she took her readers to the darker edge, one that was a bit edgier and raw than I have seen in her past books . And she touches on some subjects that may be hard to read ; I have to say this was a great read- The author handled everything she wrote with a deft hand and it really blew me away. The book starts off with Midnight and her story and at first its all light and you don’t get a sense of darkness until about 6 % into the book and then BAM, it gets all dark and by then we have met Harrison and WHOA! Harrison and Midnight will take your breath away. The plot is complex and edgy, their love story is intense and raw, passionate and heartbreaking but it is one that I enjoyed. This is the story of two people who don’t want to be in love, who fight their intense attraction to each other yet when the chips are down, find that they are it for each other.
Midnight is a complex character, one who is full of layers but most of all, I felt so much respect and love for her. She had so many bad things happen to her yet she did everything she could to make it thru a bad situation, to make everything right and climb her way to a better life. When she lost pretty much everything, she did what she needed to be better, to make things better. She was someone to admire and I really loved how Ms. Hargrove wrote this character. She wrote this woman with so much courage, so much spunk after everything she had gone thru. GAH!!! You have to read to understand what I mean. And then Harrison, OMG, he was an intense alpha male, a man who at first I didn’t know if I was going to like him but as the story progressed, I found he used his attitude to hide who he really was. He didn’t want to care for anyone yet he found himself falling for Midnight and that made him angry. Oh and the sex between Harrison and Midnight was super intense!!! One word *Angry Sex*..keep an eye out for that!
A.M. Hargrove wrote one heck of a good book for this story had everything- action, intrigue, drama, angst, heartbreak , romance and above all LOVE== The perfect mix for a great story. I will say tissues may be needed. I very much recommend this book!!

My Rating: 4.6 stars *****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book at no cost for an honest review***
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,845 reviews1,457 followers
November 30, 2017
The minute I read the blurb to Craving Midnight I knew I needed to read it. This story basically had an amazing Hollywood suspenseful feel. A cross between a movie and TV's Ray Donovan. It was gritty, sexy and so addicting. I loved Midnight and Harrison and could not get enough of their story!

When rising actress Midnight Drake is victimized and wakes up drugged with sex tape videos now storming the Internet she needs damage control fast before her career ends before it can really begin. Enter Harrison Kirkland - the fixer of Hollywood scandals. I really enjoyed this story and their HOT chemistry together. I loved that there were secrets that blindsided me and kept me on my toes and that Harrison was alpha and protective but also sweet and sensitive towards Midnight when she needed it. This was an all around fantastic book! Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for Sejla.
551 reviews59 followers
October 29, 2017
Craving Midnight was such a unique and unputdownable reading experience. After reading a couple of books from A.M. Hargrove I can tell that she is a super talented writer who knows how to keep her readers on their toes. To be honest I had no idea in which direction the story would exactly go but I had confidence in the author to deliver a great story as always. And let me tell you that she did not disappoint! Craving Midnight was a very intriguing story with twists and turns I did not see coming! What impressed me the most was how the author created a flawed but multi-layered heroine who was so much more than meets the eye. I loved how her true nature and vulnerable core was revealed page after page. I must confess that I misjudged her at the beginning but ended up loving her not despite her flaws but because of them. She was young and was not given an easy life. Desperate times called for desperate meassures and she made some bad choices. But she did them in order to survive and I totally respect that.

After Midnight Drake, a rising young actress, wakes up naked from a drugged stupor, she finds three sex videos on her phone of a night she can't hardly remember. When her clean reputation is about to go up in smoke and destroy her recent film deal she is in desperate need of help. 

Harrison Kirkland's job is to clean up Hollywood’s messes. He’s never met a scandal he couldn’t fix before but when he’s assigned to save the problems of a sultry starlet, he never expected to get dragged into her mess and fall for her...

Behind Midnight’s diva exterior Harrison will discover a mysterious woman with a lot of secrets he is tempted to solve. But will he like what he will find out? Can this charismatic man with a helper syndrom handle the truth about Midnight's past?

I loved how these two were so different yet perfectly complemented each other. Harrison gave Midnight love and safety - things she desperately needed but couldn't allow herself to want. He wasn't looking for a relationship but was unable to resist her. She made him want more than just a fling. Their chemistry was off the charts hot!

If you like steamy reads with mind-blowing plot twist as well as flawed but loveable characters, then you’ll love this story. 4.5 stars!
Profile Image for Romance Readers Retreat.
2,346 reviews222 followers
November 1, 2017
5 stars for Craving Midnight!! A.M. Hargrove has once again brought us an emotional, suspenseful, angsty romance with a little bit of dark thrown in. This was one of those books that was full of twists and turns and had me on the edge of my seat in anticipation the whole way through.

Midnight and Harrison's story a very intense emotional story; it was gut-wrenching and raw but also very thought provoking. This book is more angsty and dark than what she usually writes and covers some very sensitive topics that aren't suitable for all readers. I liked how A.M. Hargrove portrayed such topics in a realistic manner without sugarcoating anything. As always her storytelling was compelling and emotional and her character development was flawless and had me quickly falling in love with the both of them.

Midnight is first introduced in Chasing Vivi and the picture that was painted of her in my mind was not a good one. But boy was I wrong about her! She is so much more than I initially thought. Midnight is an up and coming A-list movie star. She has had a crappy start in life and a ton of secrets, but she is just trying to move on and make the best of the life that she's got. That is until she wakes up in a random hotel room, naked from a drugged stupor, and finds three sex tapes on her phone from a night she can't remember. That's where Harrison comes into the picture. He is a professional problem solver. He cleans up all of Hollywood's sordid messes and there has never been a mess that he couldn't fix. But when he is assigned to fix Midnight's problems, he never expected to be dragged in after her and share an insane attraction to her.

These two characters are both complicated and endearing at the same time. You can't help but to fall in love with these two wonderful characters and I felt for everything that they were put through. They definitely keep each other on their toes with their constant push and pull. There were so many twists, turns, and secrets that there was never a dull moment in this book and it was a very quick read for me. I highly recommend this book and can't wait for the next one from this author!
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,430 reviews399 followers
November 5, 2017
3,8. Começou muito legal, intrigante, mas nos capítulos finais achei muitas cenas descritivas sem necessidade.
Profile Image for Selma.
487 reviews94 followers
October 29, 2017
This story was a very intense emotional journey. It was gut-wrenching and raw but also thought-provoking and eye-opening. This book is on a dark and angsty side. It covers some sensitive topics which may not be suitable for all readers. A.M. Hargrove managed to portray them in a realistic way and without sugarcoating. As always her compelling storytelling and convincing character development were great and made me devour this book. She is a very talented author and I love her books!

Midnight Drake and Harrison Kirkland's paths cross when her clean reputation is about to suddenly take a nosedive after waking up naked and drugged with sex videos on her phone of a night she can't remember. Harrison is well known for cleaning up Hollywood’s messes for a living and he has never met a scandal he and his team couldn’t fix. When he is assigned to fix Midnight’s problems he discovers that she is hiding many secrets she is not willing to disclose. The deeper he is pulled into her world and gets to know her the stronger his desire for her grows. Can Harrison handle the truth about Midnight's past or is it going to destroy all chances of a future together?

For those of you who may start judging Midnight from the very beginning I kindly ask you to please stay open-minded until you've heard her whole story. There is so much more to this heroine than meets the eye. You will be deeply impressed by how strong and resilient this woman is despite the shitty cards she has been dealt by life. For me, she is the proverbial phoenix who triumphantly remmerged from the ashes. Midnight thought that she was broken beyond repair and that noone would ever love or accept her with her baggage but Harrison showed her that she is perfect for him because she is wearing scars from her past with her head unabashedly held high. She earned his respect and admiration, making him crave not only her magnificent body and smart mind but also her bruised heart.

Harrison is a born fixer - someone who sees a thing or person who is broken and immediately feels the urge to repair them. It gives him a purpose, a satisfaction like nothing else. He will offer you his help and spare no costs or resources but only if you're willing to stick to his rules. His whole team is a bunch of people who he literally picked up from the streets and offered them to work for him because he saw the potential in them. Harrison is a very good person, someone you can trust and lean on. He was Midnight's knight in shining armour when she badly needed him to save her career. But he not only salvaged her professional image he also managed to heal her heart. She made him realise that not everyone is perfect and that flaws are what makes each person unique and more beautiful. I loved how she put disorder into his very orderly life. They truly complemented each other.

This book often made my heart clench in pain and my eyes water over with tears. I wanted to hug Midnight and protect her from all evil. I wanted her to be finally happy and content with her life and have someone who will fight for her and love her the way she deserves. A.M. Hargrove put her heroine through the wringer but she gave her a beautiful, swoony HEA. I enjoyed this book very much and highly recommend it.

4.5 well-deserved stars!
Profile Image for Jan .
2,157 reviews45 followers
October 23, 2017
A really interesting story that shows wherever you come from life can turn around for the better & love can develop from your lowest of moments.

Harrison and Midnight meet at Midnight's lowest of moments when Harrison is called in to help Midnight. As a rising movie star Harrison's job is to help with her current issue and do damage control also to find the culprit.

Midnight found herself in a hotel room after being date raped and raped repeatedly after being injected with Heroin against her will, she then discovers the whole thing was filmed and uploaded onto the internet. There are no graphic scenes of the rape in this story just so this is clear.

With a not so clean and shiny past for the film industry instead of going to the police scared her past will be brought up Midnight has no choice but to do as Harrison says to protect her career.

Midnight was an abused teen, a child in Foster care and then on the run with no money, Midnight's start in adult life then ended up in the porn industry for a while. A past she isn't proud of and a past that she despises and the people in it. Midnight is very much a woman with backbone and someone who gets up after being down time and time again.

Harrison is a fixer, he is in his element sorting peoples issues which is how he ends up being in the business he is in and not without a high price he has all technical people at his service and can make peoples problems go away, he's a fixer he takes his job seriously, a confident man who comes undone when he meets Midnight.

Instant attraction for both Midnight and Harrison and a slow burn romance develops until it becomes one that is sizzling hot but first Harrison has to solve who is out to hurt Midnight.

There's twists and turns along the way, sort of like a soft action movie making this an interesting plot. Craving Midnight is a well developed story that has you turning the pages with interest and flows really well with hot sex scenes in the mix.

Craving Midnight has Great characters contains a story to get lost in, told in first persons dual pov's and leads to well deserved hea.

Arc received for review purposes
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews25 followers
Want to read
January 27, 2018
💝💝 FREE on Amazon today (1/27/2018)! 💝💝

She’s a starlet with secrets. He makes scandals go away. Together, they’ll make sparks fly.

Harrison Kirkland

I'm Hollywood’s fixer … the clean-up guy for their sordid messes.
When I'm hired to take care of a mess for Midnight Drake, a rising dark-haired sultry actor, I figured it would be a simple in and out job.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
She woke up naked from a drugged stupor and found three sex videos on her phone.
Her memory is a blank.
But that’s only the beginning.
Midnight has a web of secrets and mystery... and she's not giving them up for anything or anyone … including me.
If I’m not careful, the next thing that’ll need fixing… will be my heart …
That alone should’ve made me exit stage left … but it didn’t.
It only left me Craving Midnight even more.
And isn’t that like pouring gasoline on a fire?

*This book contains sensitive subject matter that may not be suitable for all readers
**This is a full-length, stand alone novel.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,035 reviews92 followers
November 3, 2017
* A review copy was provided by the author for the Blog Tour *

~ 5 Intriguing Stars ~

Craving Midnight was everything I expected and more….so much more!!! I have loved these Crestview Guys since meeting Weston in A Special Obsession. But I think Harrison is my absolute favorite.

This book was a different side to A.M. Hargrove’s writing. She took us a little darker and grittier then she has in her past books. I loved this side of her writing. I will warn you she does touch on some serious subjects and some things might be hard for some people to read or could be triggers….just know you’ve been warned. Don’t get me wrong she handles these subjects with grace and tact and nothing is overly graphic…she leaves a lot to the readers imagination.

This book had everything I hope for when I pick up a book. She gave us some laughs, edge of my seat drama, love, romance and heartbreaking emotions. This book was the perfect mix of everything. It wasn’t overloaded with excess drama or sex it all just balanced really well giving us an amazing 5 star read!!. I thought the flow and pace of this story was perfect. There were many times I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I had to know what would happen. I loved she added a little bit of a suspense aspect to the story. She kept us guessing about Midnight’s past even though she dropped hints throughout the story, but my heart broke when it all came to light. The author was also able to take me by surprise…I didn’t see something coming and then BAM!!! It was perfect timing on let it slip.

Craving Midnight is a standalone novel told in Dual POV. It is a complete story with NO cliffhanger. You don’t have to read any other book to enjoy this story, but this book is a companion to A Special Obsession and Chasing Vivi. You will see the characters from those books in this story but nothing is spoiled for those books and you won’t be missing anything if you start with Craving Midnight.

This story’s focus is on Harrison and Midnight. I won’t be talking much about the storyline because this is a story that needs to unfold for itself. Harrison is the last friend of Weston and Prescott (The Crestview guys) All three of them went to school in their younger days. Harrison is known as the fixer of the group. He always tries to find a way to fix things, so he started a company to do just that. Midnight is an up and coming movie star who just landed her first big movie deal. So when something horrible happens to her, she is forced to hire Harrison to help fix things. What we get from here is a story of healing, suspense, action, some steamy sexy times and a whole lot of love. This is definitely a story you are going to want to read.

I loved both of these characters. Harrison is my absolute favorite. He was tough when need be, but sweet and swoony at times too. Yes he is the typical male and I wanted to smack him at a certain point, but I still love him all the same. Midnight was an amazing heroine. She was broken, but strong also. Everything she went through, any normal person would’ve broke a long time ago. I loved her strength and resilience. I wanted her to be my best friend!!

I don’t think I can rave enough about this book and cast of characters. I also didn’t think my words can do this story justice. This is for sure going on my Best Of 2017 list. I would 100% recommend this book to all readers!! It’s a book you won’t want to miss!!!

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Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,074 reviews208 followers
November 27, 2020
Tacco12 - per RFS
Buongiorno Fenici!

Complice il lockdown e un palinsesto noioso, è stata una passeggiata leggere questo terzo capitolo della serie Men of Crestview, nella quale vengono raccontate le storie di tre amici di infanzia compagni alla Crestview Academy.

Dopo Wetson Wyndham e Prescott Beckham, finalmente è giunto il momento di scoprire chi conquisterà il cuore del risolutore Harrison Kirkland, un uomo che da sempre ha la passione per aggiustare le cose e ha trasformato questa sua caratteristica in una professione di successo.

Abituato a essere chiamato anche nel cuore della notte per risolvere i casini delle stelle di Hollywood, Harrison e la sua squadra volano a New York per cercare di arginare i danni di uno scandalo che potrebbe rivelarsi fatale per la carriera di un’attrice emergente che ha appena firmato un contratto milionario con la casa cinematografica Alta Pictures.

Compito complesso perché la sua nuova bellissima cliente è caparbiamente intenzionata a mantenere il più stretto riserbo circa il suo passato.

Ce la farà Harrison a proteggere la carriera di Midnight Drake… e il suo cuore?

Prima di tutto, pur essendo ogni libro autoconclusivo, in ognuno di essi si trovano riferimenti a ciò che succede nelle vite degli altri amici, motivo per cui consiglio di affrontare la lettura in ordine per evitare spoiler.

Ho davvero apprezzato entrambi i protagonisti perché assolutamente “umani”.

Mi spiego meglio: Midnight non è la classica ragazza nei pasticci, è un personaggio con tante sfumature intenzionata ad andare oltre un passato orribile sfruttando al meglio una chance. È una donna che ha fatto e fa tutt’ora errori e scelte contestabili, ma ha la forza di accettare andando oltre, consapevole che il passato non si può cambiare ma può solo essere accettato.

Harrison in lei vede l’ennesima persona da salvare, ma con il tempo comprende l’importanza di riconoscere che nessuno è perfetto e alcuni difetti sono proprio ciò che rende unica una persona… e ancora più bella.

Trovo che sia realistica la sua difficoltà nell’accettare certe scelte compiute da Midnight nel passato e la sfiducia e la vergogna di quest’ultima nel condividere certi dettagli.

Molta la simpatia che ho provato nei confronti del personaggio secondario di Helen, chissà se il prossimo racconto non avrà come protagonisti lei e Holt?

La storia è ben strutturata, certamente non banale, sebbene abbia trovato troppo veloce la parte in qui Midnight torna a Black Canyon City per affrontare il suo passato.

La scrittura è fluida, la trama avvincente e tutto ciò permette di mantenere un buon ritmo di lettura.

Profile Image for Dana L Stusse.
58 reviews53 followers
October 31, 2017
I do believe Annie Hargrove is winding up her pitching arm as she was throwing us great curveballs with this storyline.

I always enjoy reading a book that contains characters from previous reads; it's like an extended reading family. This book focuses on Harrison Kirkland who is Hollywood's "Fix-It" man. You have a problem and you want him on your 'clean-up' detail. He surrounds himself with a quirky group of skilled personnel, each adding their own flavor to a successful recipe. Enter the newest client, Midnight Drake, an up and coming starlet with so much baggage she couldn't pass a TSA screening in a pinch.

Secretive starlet + Mr. Fix-It leads to some initial fireworks, and not the kind you want to set off on the 4th of July. Midnight Drake has skeletons and she will do almost anything to keep them in the proverbial closet, even admit to an addiction she doesn't have to avoid sharing the truth about her past. Midnight has a colorful past filled with pain and suffering, despite all the trials and tribulations, she is an upbeat, driven woman with goals. You like her, you root for her and you want to see her succeed. Just when you think you know all her background, you get more pieces to the puzzle that help explain decisions she has made along the way.

When you get 2 fireball main characters, there are going to be sparks and where there are sparks there will be fire. Both Midnight and Harrison are strong-willed characters, each missing something and made stronger by being together. It takes some time but they overcome those obstacles and we get our HEA.

Give this a 'shot', you'll be 'Craving Midnight' too.

Two enthusiastic thumbs UP!
Profile Image for Alice.
530 reviews3 followers
October 31, 2017
OMG! I just finished Craving Midnight and can't deal with all my feelings at the moment!
I don't usually read dark romance but THANK GOD this book wasn't dark the whole time! ♡

"She’s a starlet with secrets. He makes scandals go away. Together, they’ll make sparks fly…

 Midnight Drake’s squeaky clean reputation has suddenly taken a nosedive. She’s horrified after she wakes up naked from a drugged stupor, but the worst is yet to come. She just found three sex videos on her phone of a night she can't remember. Midnight wonders if her promising new career will go up in smoke …

Harrison Kirkland cleans up Hollywood’s sordid messes for a living, and he’s never met a scandal he couldn’t contain. But when he’s assigned to fix the sultry Midnight’s problems, he never expected to get dragged in after her…

Behind Midnight’s diva exterior, Harrison discovers a mysterious woman with a web of secrets he can’t untangle. The deeper he’s pulled into her world, the stronger his desire for her grows, but can he handle the truth about her past? If he’s not careful, the next heart that’ll need fixing… will be his…"

Oh my goodness A.M. Hargrove what have you  done to me? Well let me tell you guys:
This book won't let you sleep until you've read the whole thing!
I couldn't stop myself from reading!
The Story of Midnight and Harrison was so full of suspense and drama and emotions!
OMG I cried A LOT because so many bad things happened to Midnight and everything seemed so hopeless until she met Harrison.
He was like a handsome knight in a black tie suit and so cried a lot as well because of their moments together! *swoon*
 I just hoped for a happy ever after while I read their story! BUT I can't tell you now... no spoiler alert here! ;)
*sigh* This book was absolutely brilliant!
Thrilling and emotional and heart breaking and so romantic!
Thank you so much for this story A. M. Hargrove! ♡♡♡
Profile Image for Melanie Kulpa-Effnert.
190 reviews2 followers
November 1, 2017
It’s fantastic how much the authors writing improved since the last book I’ve read by her. A.M. Hargrove really did surprise me.

For Midnight Drake couldn’t get it any better. After a past no one should have, she’s determined to finally have the life she deserves.
Landing a leading role next to Hollywood’s most desired male actor is a huge step for her, even when said actor is a complete jerk.
But after a nice dinner and a night out in a club with the director of the film, all seems to fall apart.
Her career could be destroyed, all her dreams could be shattered.

This is when Harrison Kirkland enters her life. He and his team from The Solution are going to make things right.
With his skills and connections he’s sure to prevent a disaster. Rule number one: don’t let things get emotional.

I will say no more now. You really should read Craving Midnight. It’s so good. Never did I expect to scarf down each and every word so fast. I was hooked from the start and couldn’t put the book down. I read it in one sitting this captivating it was.
The emotional up and down, the mystery behind Midnights past, the chemistry between the main characters....I found it hard to even get a pause for a sip of water.
I suffered like Midnight, was frustrated like Harrison and these perfectly plotted twists.
Im so pleased with this story.....the FEELS.

I totally recommend this book and sure will start the former standalones in this series real soon.
115 reviews2 followers
October 21, 2017
This is one of those books that Is so full of secrets and twist and turns that you spend the whole time anticipating what is going to happen next.
Midnight is an up and coming A list movie star. She has had a crap past and it is all just one big secret.
Harrison has had a pretty sweet life. He had a good upbringing & thinks he knows all about how the world works. When he meets midnight, he quickly learns that life is not all rainbows and lollypops for everyone and sometimes you need to let go in order to move forward.

These two characters are complicated and endearing all at the same time. They keep each other on their toes with their constant push and pull and at times it is mind boggling how they keep up with each other. This is I think what makes them so fascinating. I honestly found myself not wanting to put the book down because I was so hooked on what as going on with them.

There are so many secrets and so much going on behind the scenes that there is never a dull moment in this book and it remains that way right until the very end. The journey these two characters embark on is enough to bring even the strongest of people to their knees but it is oh so worth it.

This book is very much worth getting that one click finger out for!!
Profile Image for Sarah Scholz.
102 reviews25 followers
November 1, 2017
Wow! This is such a great book! I couldn't put it down 😊 I had no idea that this was the third book in a standalone series. I had heard great things about A.m. Hargrove. I have a few of her books on my TBR list. This is the first book of hers, that I read. She is an awesome storyteller 😊 I loved that this story was told in Dual POV. As a reader, I love to be able to get inside Midnight and Harrison's minds. To get to know what they're thinking, feeling, etc. Midnight is such a strong woman. She has been through so much. It was heartbreaking, reading all that she has had to endure 😢 Harrison is an alpha male with a good heart 💜 He has wanted to help fix others (people & animals) since he was a little boy. It was neat to see how their love story evolved. How their feelings, misconceptions, and truths also changed along the way ❤️ I will definitely be reading more of her books 😊 This book is a Must Read for any fans of her writing. It is also a great book to read for any readers looking for an amazing story.
Profile Image for Rhonda Ziglar.
3,983 reviews41 followers
October 20, 2017
5 STARS FOR CRAVING MIDNIGHT!! Oh my, I was on the edge of my seat with this paging turning book. This book starts with a bang and ends with a sigh. Midnight and Harrison stories were intense, sexy and will hit all your emotion buttons. A.M. Hargrove his given us readers a beautiful story with action, intense, lots of sexy times and craving more as you read. This is one book you will want to read. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
Profile Image for Ashley .
1,090 reviews5 followers
November 6, 2017
This is a gritty story and I absolutely loved it! There is a good romance, plot, and character development as well. A good amount of suspense! If you're looking for something that will make you crave it and have to turn each page immediately after the others than I recommend this story by Hargrove!

I received an arc of this book and am voluntarily reviewing.
Profile Image for Cindy M. Green.
813 reviews27 followers
November 4, 2017
Loved Harrison and Midnight ❤️❤️❤️

This story does not disappoint. There is mystery, intrigue, heart and passion. Harrison is a fixer and is drawn to Midnight the minutes he's hired to help her get out of an unfortunate situation. Midnight knows she has an uphill battle to fight, but if there's one thing she knows how to do it's fight. I loved Harrison and Midnight together. They are two people from completely different backgrouns coming together as one. This story is intense, sexy and engaging.
Profile Image for Angela.
2,129 reviews10 followers
October 28, 2017
Fantastic story. Great characters. Such a great story flow. So many feels and emotions
Profile Image for Harloe Rae.
Author 36 books6,023 followers
November 1, 2017
Wow, wow, wow! I was definitely not expecting all that and WHOA, I’m totally blown away. AM Hargrove has always been a go-to author for me so I’ve read the vast variety of plots and storylines she’s created over the years. Her talent is plentiful and knows no bounds. Craving Midnight is proof of that.

This author has a nice collection of suspenseful and dramatic romances that left me on the edge of my seat but she’s never gone real dark. I always wondered what would happen if AM Hargrove pushed the limits a tad further. Now I know—gritty perfection. It’s obvious in the flow of her scenes, the word choices, and the character arcs that she was meant to go down this twisted road.

Harrison and Midnight stole my heart. Individually, they’re suffering with horrible and painful pasts. This commonality ties them together and allows the reader deep into their souls. It forms this connection that I was desperate to discover more of. Each page was glorious, even when it hurt to read the anguish.

It’s the darkest journeys that make room for beautiful redemption.
Profile Image for Naomi.
1,381 reviews58 followers
March 27, 2018
Original Review @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

3.5 Stars

Craving Midnight made a big impact on me right from the opening chapters! Midnight went through something that was so dreadful, that it rocked me to the core. However, Midnight is a strong woman and had endured so much that she pulled through with the help of a team of people who help celebrities when their career is put into jeopardy.

Midnight was a tough cookie to get to know. She kept all of her secrets close and has never let anyone in before. She appeared to be an up and coming actress, but she did a lot of things she wasn't proud of to get where she was today. She found a connection with Harrison Kirkland, and he was able to get under her skin and he eventually was able to hear all of Midnight's nightmares.

I really loved Harrison! He was passionate about his work and seemed to fix the lives of all the people who surround him. He wasn't looking for love, but Midnight affected him like no one before. Harrison and Midnight were amazing together; she was able to show her softer side and Harrison was all dominate in bed. It was just hard for Midnight to expose her past and the demons that she carried with her.

A.M. Hargrove is an author I've come to love. She writes novels that touch me in some way and leaves my heart aching for more. Midnight's story wasn't easy, however she was strong enough to pull through and was a better person in the end. I did feel that this story was a little rushed, and some threads wrapped up too easily, where other parts of the story dragged out a little too much. It was still a fantastic read that will remain fresh in my mind for a while to come.

Complimentary copy provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for MammieBabbie.
301 reviews13 followers
November 6, 2017
An emotionally charged and crippling  romantic suspense that's gritty, raw and unputdownable...

I'm a little lost for words with this book. I've read a couple of other solo books from A.M. Hargrove and I feel like her stories get better and better, but also the more you read each story the more extraordinary they become. I have to say that of the three books I've read by this author Craving Midnight is my favourite. This book is also interconnected with the two other standalones that I've read— A Special Obsession and Chasing Vivi. The latter was actually the first book I read from Ms Hargrove as a solo effort and once I finished I was completely consumed by this group of friends. Harrington, Prescott and Weston are just delightful heroes and their heroines, Midnight, Vivi and Special, are nothing short of inspirational. What I love about these books is that they are fast paced, dramatic and suspenseful but they also tell haunting and sorrowful stories that completely tear you apart. I wouldn't say that any of these stories classify as dark romance, however they do have some elements that fit into that sub-genre. I definitely think that the topics addressed are of a sensitive nature and depending on the reader could be considered triggers.

Craving Midnight threw me through a loop. I started this book and I instantly fell in love with Midnight. There was this light feel to the story, Ms. Hargrove even had me thinking that this would be a soft billionaire romance featuring an emerging Hollywood starlet for a heroine. Forward to about 6-8 mins into the book and it all changes. It was like being doused by an ice cold bucket of water. Now, the blurb does indicate that certain things happen in this story so I was expecting the poop to hit the fan, just not quite the way it did. To say that I was speechless is putting it mildly. The way in which Anne Hargrove sets the scene and then follows through is phenomenal. She lulled me into a false sense of security and then she abruptly dumped me in hell and left me there to slowly and torturously find my way back to the light through all the twists and turns of this story.  It's not light, it's not humorous, it's not easy reading— this story packs punch. I found my mind and heart scrambling to find appeasement with all the emotions and feelings that bombarded me. There were times where I fought myself on whether to put this book down, and yet I couldn't. I couldn't stop reading it, I couldn't take a break... This book is unputdownable. The plot is suspenseful and startling and has these incredible twists and turns and surprises that you never see coming. It keeps you on your toes from cover to cover and it is unapologetic about it. I am so awestricken by this book that I find myself wanting to re-read it and yet I know that I need to recuperate before I go in. My soul feels like it's been drowned in tears and sorrow. This is one of the best written plots I've come across— it's well balanced and the progression is bang on the money even on the smallest of details. Reading this book has made me realise exactly why I love reading romance. It completely and utterly tears down any assumptions and stereotypes about the adult romance genre. The sophistication and intelligence of this book is on par with the likes of Gone Girl, The Roanoke Girls, I See You and The Girl On The Train.

Craving Midnight is a romance and unlike many other romances where the hero is designed to have you crawling on your hands and knees after them, this book has a heroine that is unusually special and exceptional. I'm not saying that Harrington Kirkland is nothing special, because he is incredible. He's sexy and raw and he is everything that an alpha hero should be. HOWEVER, Midnight Drake is just out of this world. She is the literary embodiment of female empowerment and I only wish that more heroines had her grit, sass and drive. One thing that I really want to point out about the cast of this story is that their character progression is intricately and tightly interwoven with plot development. Personally I found that this took the story to a whole new level of fantastic, but it also means that you see every single layer and grain of these characters through a telescopic lens. You know, the more that happens and the different twists and turns allow you to see each side of Harrington and Midnight in different lights and extremities and for me this played a massive role in my ability to place myself in their shoes. I felt like a part of their story rather than just an outsider looking in. For me it also made the intimacy between the hero and the heroine genuine and especially with some of the elements of the story it made it feasible. I didn't feel like Ms. Hargrove was forcing the element of lust, desire and sexual need into the plot. No, this was something that organically stemmed from their interactions and their connection. With Midnight's backstory being what it is and what happens to her being so shocking and heinous, I was a little apprehensive of how the sex would fit, but it was a needless worry. Every kiss, touch and action is instrumental to opening these characters up and yes, although the chemistry between Midnight and Harrington is off the charts it's never just there to arouse. If that makes sense? You know, it was just so tasteful and so sensitive to the circumstances surrounding them, but at the same time it's fierce and scorching and beautiful. There's just so much depth in every aspect of these characters, their interactions and their involvement with the plot. This is truly some noteworthy and remarkable writing on A. M. Hargrove's part.

This really was one of those reads that gets under your skin and embeds itself in your heart and soul. I was utterly and completely enthralled from beginning to end and I can only hope that we get more from this group of friends. I would especially love to get Helen and Holt's story. I just know that Helen would blow me away.
Profile Image for Liv.
466 reviews44 followers
November 2, 2017
Wow. This story was just wow! Hats off to the author for her inventiveness. I was really impressed with all the incredible stuff she came up with regarding Harrison’s job.

Harrison had a very special team with great individuals. His confidence and no-nonsense attitude were kind of hot. He had people at his beck and call, didn't take shit from nobody and he sure as hell didn’t take no for an answer. As tough as he might seemed to be, Harrison had a soft spot for people who needed help and he sure was one of a kind.

Midnight was a strong character for all she’s been through and I was in awe of her strength and how she handled everything despite its hopelessness and ugliness.

This book was an amazing read and a great example on how a seemingly hopeless situation or painful past doesn’t have to determine your life and that it's in your hands to turn it around.

The Story:
Harrison is a fixer. It started with small things when he was a kid to now owning a company that puts others' lives back together. His childhood couldn't have been better with a family most would wish for.

Midnight on the other hand couldn't be any more different. When her acting career hangs on a thin line because of some sex videos she has no memory of due to being drugged, Harrison is called in to work his magic.
It's a massive understatement to say Midnight's life has not been easy so far but when she thought that luck was finally on her side, her past catches up with her.

Eventually Harrison becomes more than a great help for her especially when Midnight's problems become personal for him too. And who will save him now?

Although I get where Harrison was coming from and that he was just trying to help Midnight as best as he could, he was still an ass to her at the beginning. But I get that he wanted her to survive this mess and to come out on top.
Seriously, I knew it was their job and that Midnight acted like a whiny bitch but having done something so horrific to you just a few hours ago must have taken a toll on her and taken into consideration. This was traumatic for her especially because it also opened up old wounds of her abuse. I was just really flabbergasted how he and his team handled her. So, as you can imagine, I was torn about my feelings for this story at certain parts.

Midnight's story was hard to swallow. There were very sensitive topics taken on in this book but they were handled very well considering the circumstances. Although I personally wouldn't advise on handling the situation the way Midnight did in the beginning, I understood her actions a bit better after I knew everything about her.
For a while I just wasn't into the story for no apparent reason and the horrendous stuff that happened to Midnight didn't really move me until way later on when all of her background story was revealed.

I also never really felt the start of their attraction or any build-up to the characters feelings. It didn't help that I was a bit annoyed how rude Harrison was at first although I know he meant well and had to pull her through.

There’s definitely something wrong with me lately because at some points I was head over heels. I loved the writing, I loved the pace and just how everything was progressing and then suddenly I was torn about my feelings. There were bits and pieces that I just didn’t like and then there were things that I absolutely loved. It drove me crazy.

Conclusion: I liked the story a lot although it felt off a few times. Maybe I wasn’t in the right frame of mind because like I mentioned before, the writing was great as always and the story really amazing.

-- This ARC was kindly provided by Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review. --
November 22, 2017
Craving Midnight is amazing; it had me run the gamut of emotions, from laughing out loud one page and sobbing the next. The book starts off with a huge punch to the gut and doesn’t stop. There’s a warning, in the blurb, and it deals with one of those sensitive subjects that some readers consider a trigger. So beware! Just when I thought I knew where the story was going and what was going to happen next, it veered off in another direction, and knocked the wind out of me. The interaction between Harrison and Midnight is exactly what we crave in a love story and with lots of hot action they’re my new “It” couple. Midnight is one of the best heroines I’ve read in a long time, her strength and resilience had my eyes constantly leaking throughout the story.

Things are finally looking up for Midnight Drake. After a horrible, abusive childhood, part of which was spent in foster care, the former porn star has been cast in a starring role in a Hollywood movie. She’s in New York, with her co-star and producer, to do publicity for the movie, and will start filming soon. When the unthinkable happens to Midnight, in a horrible, frightening crime, her agent calls Harrison Kirkland, owner of The Solution.

Harrison is known in the business as the person to call when there’s a problem that needs to disappear, the cleanup guy, and fixer of problems. He has a team of people who work for him, some he’s rescued, in one way or another, and professionals at what they do. When he gets a call at 3 am he heads out to New York with his team and even he’s shocked by what they find. Midnight refuses to report the crime to the police; it needs to be dealt with in other ways to salvage her budding career. She doesn’t like Harrison’s solution: going into rehab, for a drug problem she doesn’t have, but it’s the only option available to her.

There’s a reason Midnight didn’t want to go to rehab and it had nothing to do with a nonexistent drug habit. It had to do with not wanting to talk to about her childhood. Things that happened to her, so horrible, that she’s never told a living person. And Harrison keeps trying to pry them out of her, one way or another.

“Listen, life isn’t always hearts and flowers. I went through some bumps and there were a lot of rocks thrown in my path, but you know something? I figured out a way around those obstacles. And thanks to you, you pushed me through the last one and helped me navigate that shitstorm. So let’s drop this. I’ll never be permanently fixed. There will always be issues buried inside me. And that’s okay. I’ve learned to live with them. If I can, you can too.”

As Harrison and Midnight grow closer together, he realizes that there are somethings she’s still hiding from him, things she refuses to tell him and he’s unable to fix them.

“No one is unscarred as far as I’m concerned. If they think they are, they haven’t lived.”

This incredible story had me pulling an all-nighter. I loved the cast of characters, especially Helen Reddy, the Harley Quinn wannabe that helps Harrison in New York and he hires on the spot. She finds a kindred spirit in Midnight and the two become fast friends.  What we learn of her story gutted me; these girls were like mythical phoenixes, rising from the ashes. After crying sad tears throughout the story, I’m happy to say, I cried tears of joy at the end!
Profile Image for Luisa Rivas.
1,993 reviews33 followers
November 1, 2017
I loved this book! In the beginning it didn’t grab me and I was sooo disappointed. But I had to review so kept on reading and oh my! It really improved! I liked Harrison but didn’t like Midnight at first. I thought she was a troublesome actress with a lot of hangups. Then as the book progressed I started to admire her. Many women would be broken and difficult after all she’d been through but not Midnight. She forged on with her life, got over her trials, put all her dark thoughts and memories into a mental strongbox and buried it into a dark and deep place in her brain. Then she went on to work and make a good life. As an actress, she’s very talented and was making good strides. Then one day she went into a bar, was having a good time, and the next thing she knows, it’s the morning after and there are three really sleazy videos of her in her phone. Her fuzzy memories of the night were of a horrendous sexual abuse and being drugged out of her brain.
This is where Harrison Kirkland comes in. His company, The Solution, specializes in getting people out of trouble. He cleans up messy situations and fixes the reputation of the person involved. He has an intriguing group of helpers and two very pushy friends. He has a thing about fixing things, mostly people, sort of like bringing wounded strays to his house and fixing them.
When Harrison meets Midnight, he finds her troublesome and uncooperative. As he pushes her, she opens up a little but rejects police intervention into what is very obviously a crime. As he works with Midnight to solve what is a public relations nightmare, he keeps on discovering secrets that Midnight has covered in order to make a living as an actress. So his work continues as more secrets get unveiled and his interaction with Midnight goes from a client to a woman he wants. He starts to admire her for her courage and grit in overcoming what he suspects was a very abusive past.
For Midnight, given her past, she has trouble with intimacy and trust. Little by little she opens up to Harrison, but only up to a point. Harrison is troubled by some events of her past and this causes friction and separation.
Eventually, monsters from her past come up to threaten Midnight, and Harrison has to decide if he can overcome his prejudices and become the man she needs.
This book was very riveting, I liked the interactions between Midnight and Harrison. Midnight was very forthright even when she insisted on keeping things private. But she was open in telling Harrison that she didn’t let the past define her and so why should she be bringing up disagreeable stuff into their conversations? She was logical but also kind and open and feisty. Harrison had some issues about image and sharing.
A surprisingly good read, very entertaining, fast paced, riveting and sexy. A great heroine, brave and sassy and Harrison, who wanted to fix everyone but needed some fixing himself.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews

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