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5 People Share Their Remote Worker 'Coming Out' Stories With Friends And Family

Updated Nov 28, 2016, 08:10pm EST
This article is more than 7 years old.

The option to work remotely is an increasingly attractive option for young people. It’s a viable solution if you are frustrated with a stagnating or saturated local job market. Your local job market might not have jobs that match your skills; certain jobs might require lengthy commutes; or wages might be flat given your high skillset. Remote work can open up new opportunities and match talented individuals with global companies hungry for talent. It also gives young people a chance to become location independent and work from practically anywhere.  

Although some young people are tuning into the possibilities, it’s still a difficult concept to explain to family, friends, and even existing employers. Parents in particular might feel that freelance, distributed work, or joining a startup virtually may not be as secure as a 9-to-5 office job in a local region with a good established company. The dynamic nature of virtual work also raises questions about career stability, good incentives, and access to worker benefits. More importantly, is the working style secure enough to ensure that individuals are saving regularly, especially for retirement?

So how do you explain to family and friends that remote work isn’t such a risky move? How do you kickstart a conversation that will mean quitting your current job for an entirely new way of working? How do you convince people that working for a startup that hires remotely will be just as a successful as going to work at a prestigious brand name? How do you tell your loved ones that you will be hopping around the country in pursuit of more meaningful work?

Thankfully, some of us are already having those tense conversations.

I spoke to five remote workers--who are currently traveling and working at the same time--about their “coming out” conversations with family, friends, and employers. These are people who have taken the bold leap, and felt the sting of skepticism by choosing a new way of working.

You may not desire to work and travel at the same time, but the main lesson here is that having the tough conversations about different ways of working are important. The more willing you are to have them, the more willing your circle will be to understanding your lifestyle choice.

Pete Rojwongsuriya - Bucketlistly

I remember the first time I told my friends and family what I was going to do I was met with mostly puzzling concerns. They were worried about my cashflow, how I will use my time and that I'll blow away my savings to chase this illusive dream. What they did not do was interfere, which I am extremely grateful for because back then I was also doubting myself.

The whole thing went over my family’s' heads but they were happy for me. From then on, instead of preparing a better argument and trying to explain what I do, I decided to show them that it is possible and sustainable to continuing to travel the world, one country at a time.

What they do not know is that the global workforce is moving toward this direction, and the types of skills required to work remotely has expanded in recent years. I have a few friends who are considering making their work remote. In fact, my friend’s mother is trying to automate her business selling chemical compounds so that she can ride around Germany with her bike. It is truly inspiring to see people adapting their work so that they can pursue their life goals in a way that couldn’t have been possible before.

Amy Truong - Up & Explore

My parents were supportive. My mother has early onset Alzheimer's, so she was both happy and scared to hear I was traveling constantly, but often forgets where I’m living anyway. My father is adventurous and loves to travel just like me, so when I announced that I was going to start traveling and working as a way of life, he wasn't surprised.

I got a mixed reaction from my friends. I had some friends that understood my passion for travel so they supported me and wished me well. On the other hand, I had some friends that didn't seem too happy for me or understand why I wanted to do this. I had one particular friend who kept telling me that it was really cool but kept trying to tell me that I was running away from something and I needed to find out what it was. I couldn't tell if it was just jealousy or envy but he tried to act like he knew me better than I knew myself. He also told me nobody would want to date me seriously because of my lifestyle. I also had someone tell me that it's not a life that's sustainable.

It was really difficult to bring up the notion of leaving my old job in northern Virgina. I was at (a technology consulting company) and it was hard to leave because of the classic "golden handcuffs." I had everything I needed: a great salary, great time off & health benefits, but it wasn't enough at the time. It was a hard and difficult conversation to bring up to my manager because the job was awesome and there wasn't a "real" reason to leave other than wanting to try something new. After I gave my notice, it turned out okay. My managers and team thought it was an awesome idea and if they were young, they'd do it too.

Lydia Lee - Screw The Cubicle

When I quit my high paying corporate job to pursue entrepreneurship, the people around me thought I was entering into a mid-life crisis earlier than usual. When I decided to leave my home in Vancouver to work remotely in Southeast Asia, most people assumed I was simply going on holiday and returning soon. Three-and-a-half years later, my friends and family are starting to realize this is a lifestyle choice I am making.

When I told my mother that I was going to experiment with living and working abroad, her reaction came with warnings of what may happen to single and solo female travellers. She even went so far as to send me articles on rapes and murders that can happen to couchsurfers and women travellers. I remembered getting very angry at her on my first month in Cambodia and saying, "Why do you want to stomp on my dreams and rain on my parade?"

Friends and colleagues expressed that it may be difficult to maintain clients on the road with distractions and unfamiliar working environments. And in a way, those were my fears also. In the beginning I didn't know much about coworking spaces and coliving opportunities abroad with other entrepreneurs. I guess in a way I was using myself as a guinea pig case study to bring that information back to my community in Canada. People felt that travel and career could not go together. It seemed irresponsible to have both. And perhaps it would've been years ago, but I believe that technology has allowed us to create a bridge between the two.

Jenny Smith (with husband Lewis Smith) - Grub and Graffiti, Itinerant Dev

We were total cowards about coming out! While the holy grail of remote working was on the cards, we simply told ourselves and others that we were taking a 9-month sabbatical to travel the world and it was likely that we’d be back at our desks some time the following year. We even bought round the world tickets and had a pretty punishing itinerary planned, so I’m not sure if we’d really come out to ourselves at that point! The plan was to negotiate to keep our positions open so we had a safety net if it didn’t work out.

I was so nervous pitching the idea to my boss. It really seemed like such a reckless idea at the time and I was desperate to keep my job on standby as a crutch. But then I remembered that I was going whether I was allowed to keep my job or not. I went in, pitched it right and even floated the idea of being able to pick up some freelance work for them if they needed remote support. By the following Monday morning I had the green light.

Telling my parents was the worst. I chose a really awkward time to break the news too--we were out at a joint birthday dinner for my parents, so way to make it all about me! Cue a million confused questions. At the time, we were two 31-year-olds doing relatively well in our corporate lives, getting regular promotions and pay raises. It must have sounded like we'd lost our minds to go it alone. But they’re totally fine about it now--in fact, I think they’re a bit bemused as to why we visit home so often.

Aline Dahmen - Nomad Soulmates

I was at dinner telling my family about my idea to create a community and dating app for location independent people. I also wanted to work remotely. This was followed by a short break of no one saying anything, which then turned into a wild conversation with arguing that ‘this can wait until my apprenticeship is over’. I left the conversation banging the door behind me and not sleeping much.

A few days later I created a Facebook group and about 400 people joined in the very first week. I proudly showed my parents the success I had with the Facebook group--proof that there is demand. This intrigued my parents but not enough to convince them. It just turned into never ending discussions.

The days went on. I learned a lot online about marketing, starting a business and was reading a lot of books about it. Secretly I was looking for online jobs and opportunities to go to Asia. I was looking up flights just to tease myself. My nomad friends from Berlin went on an incredible digital nomad cruise while I was feeling stuck in my apprenticeship.

I found myself again applying for university in Holland which I thought was a great idea, but still had four months to kills before school started. I was sitting in front of the phone not knowing how to tell my parents. I think my parents had seen it coming and they understood that I had to take care of my health first but they were also worrying a lot about my future. For me it was only the start of too many tears, fights and facing a lot of doubts from loved ones.

So I booked a one way ticket to Asia and kicked off a speed dating event one week later for a big digital nomad conference. The response: I saw people getting super excited about my project.

Are you transforming the Future of Work? Add yourself to my Future of Work list here.

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