SmartCash joins Crowdholding

2 min readFeb 1, 2018

We are delighted to announce that SmartCash has joined forces with Crowdholding and will be on our platform from today.

SmartCash was a project born out of the desire to create a viable, fungible, fast, merchant oriented, user friendly and community driven cryptocurrency with a decentralized governance system. They aim to create the most nimble and fast growing cryptocurrency by aggressively prioritizing block rewards to growing their community, hiring developers, gaining merchant acceptance and via grassroots community outreach efforts and established marketing methods.

SmartCash is a cryptocurrency forked from the zcoin project and is growing a cryptocurrency blockchain / mining and wallet economy through a community. This project has a lot of very interesting innovative ideas, one of those is Smart Hive.

With Smart Hive, anyone holding coins may vote on suggestions submitted by the neighborhood with every SmartCash Token being valued at 1 vote. Furthermore, it will allow anybody to get involved and submit proposals and therefore helping to generate organic growth at a grassroots level and thus developing a bottom-up management arrangement.

If you wish to find out more about SmartCash’s platform, their token and what they are creating you can find all their information here.

You can keep up to date with what is happening at Crowdholding by following us at Facebook, or chatting with us on telegram.



Crowdholding connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.