Climate change: China calls US ‘selfish’ after Trump seeks to bring back coal

Wow. China is mocking us. China, the Capitol of which, Beijing, has many days where it’s dangerous to go outside due to air pollution, is mocking Trump for taking a huge step backwards towards coal.
Coal doesn’t solve ANY problems. And there’s no such thing as “clean coal”, the cleanest of which is filthy compared with Natural Gas.
Coal, by the way, is a major reason China’s air is so fucked, and why they are rapidly switching to solar and wind powered generation, and leaving us behind.
The good news is, we’ll probably be able to buy cheap, Chinese made solar equipment soon. Really soon, because China doesn’t fuck around once they decide to do something.
The bad news is, our American solar industry is about to get fucked up the ass by cheap Chinese solar, thanks to this timely help from Trump. Give it time…I’m sure he’ll say China is trying to steal American jobs and offer to make solar hardware more expensive with a border tax.
Meanwhile, we could be swimming in new jobs and cheap power, leading the world in alternative energy, spawning job creation and… tax revenue. #ThankTrump #Impeach45