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~**~ ARC Review: Truly, Madly, Whiskey by Melissa Foster ~**~

***5 “We Don’t Own - We Are One” Stars***

How can you not want to dive into a book with that cover, a main male charrie by the name of Bear and whiskey in the title only to find out that the main male charrie’s last name is Whiskey? Not this girl and I’m so happy I let those three facts make the choice for me because this was such a great read! It’s a sweet, smexy, swoon worthy, funny story filled with heart and great characters that I want to hang out with and get to know better.

Bear is all kinds of determined, over protective, smexy as hell alpha male, but with a heart that is so golden it was hard to not fall in love with him. He had his moments where I was like “Taper it back just a little” but even then his aggressive side was more sexy and endearing than overbearing and annoying. I loved his no nonsense way he looked at life and how much he cared about those he called his own.

Crystal is one strong woman. Her past was definitely not a white picket fence world and she’s had her fair share of dark times, but she’s found a way to pull herself up and continue to move forward with her life. She’s sassy, snarky but also kind and compassionate and I loved how she could be all of that at the same time.

I thoroughly enjoyed Bear and Crystal’s road to their HEA. It was sweet, fun and so swoon worthy that it had me all kinds of twitterpated. I loved their bantering and once they got over a certain hurdle, how open and honest they were with each other. The smexy was scorching hot and sweet all at the same time. They actually acted and communicated like adults and gave the other the knowledge that they’d always have their backs no matter what. I really liked that though their road wasn’t entirely pothole free, there was no over the top drama or angst and really liked where they were at when the book came to an end.

This was simply a fun read. The writing was engaging, the pacing was at a good clip and I enjoyed the 3rd person dual POV’s. While there were things going on in the background for both Bear and Crystal, this was very much a character driven story with a lot of heart. And though this is a standalone, according to the author’s website, it does have connections to other books the author has written and I’m crossing my toes that the rest of the Whiskey siblings will be getting their own books down the road because they were all so well written that I want to spend more time with all of them!

~ Copy provided by Tasty Book Tours ~

A new, emotionally riveting, sexy standalone romance by New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster.

Watch mysteriously sexy Bear Whiskey claw his way to his happily ever after with sassy, rebellious Crystal Moon.


Eight months is a long damn time to have the hots for a woman who keeps a guy at arm's length. But Crystal Moon is no ordinary woman. She's a sinfully sexy, sass-mouthed badass, and the subject of Bear Whiskey's midnight fantasies. She's also one of his closest friends.

Just when Crystal thinks she has her life under control, scorching-hot, possessive, aggressive, and fiercely loyal Bear pushes all her sexual buttons, relentless in his pursuit to make her his.

The more Bear pushes, the hotter their passion burns, unearthing memories for Crystal that are best kept buried. But there's no stopping the collision of her past and present, catapulting the two lovers down an emotional and sexually charged road that has them questioning all they thought they knew about themselves.

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance and new adult romance with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa’s emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented–perfect beach reads for contemporary romance lovers who enjoy reading about wealthy heroes and smart, sassy heroines.
