Sanofi beefs up can­cer drug pipeline, pay­ing cash hun­gry Im­muno­Gen $30M for full rights to on­col­o­gy port­fo­lio

Sanofi $SNY is once again re­jig­ging its part­ner­ship with Im­muno­Gen $IMGN. But two years af­ter punt­ing a can­cer drug as the phar­ma gi­ant over­hauled its can­cer drug pipeline, Sanofi is pay­ing $30 mil­lion in cash to grab added com­mer­cial­iza­tion rights for a string of on­col­o­gy as­sets — in­clud­ing a late-stage drug — as Im­muno­Gen builds up its cache of cash for its lead pro­gram.

At the top of the list is isat­ux­imab (SAR650984), an an­ti-CD38 an­ti­body in Phase III for mul­ti­ple myelo­ma. Then there’s SAR566658, an an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate tar­get­ing CA6 in Phase II de­vel­op­ment for triple neg­a­tive breast can­cer; SAR408701, an an­ti-CEA­CAM5 ADC stud­ied for the treat­ment of sol­id tu­mors; “and an ad­di­tion­al ADC di­rect­ed to an undis­closed tar­get.”

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