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Why Traditional Media Should Be A Part Of Your Marketing Plan

Forbes Coaches Council
Monica Davis

Many business owners are not aware of the power of the media and how it can catapult their company to a higher level.

The turning point for me was an interview I did for a local talk show many years ago, after I published my first book. I was able to use that first interview to get featured on more well-known shows with a bigger audience and larger following. It wasn’t an overnight success by any means, but one opportunity led to another.

Soon, I was invited to speak at conferences and asked to present seminars. My television show, "Extraordinary Everyday People," followed. Being able to reach over 5 million households every week skyrocketed my credibility.

Here are three lessons I learned about working with traditional media that you can use to increase your visibility too.

Focus On Reaching The Right Audience

It’s not always about how many shows you do or whether they are top shows. It’s more about reaching the right audience for your niche and crafting the right message to share. Having more listeners doesn’t always equate to getting great results or better ROI. You’ll get better results by reaching a smaller targeted audience who is interested in what you have to say and can benefit from your expertise rather than reaching a large audience that is not aligned with what you have to offer.

At the time of my first media interview, I had no idea where my next sale was going to come from. All I knew was that I had to get publicity any way I could. Getting featured on a talk show, regardless of how small it was, seemed like one way to get my message in front of people -- and it worked because it was the right audience for me.

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Connect Wherever You Can

The key to success is consistency. Start connecting with your local news and local talk shows and let them know how you can help their audience. The more interviews you do, the more you are seen as an expert in your field. Consistently offering the media with great advice and insights can often lead to getting a regular guest spot.

Securing media interviews is about building relationships. There’s nothing worse than someone contacting you purely because they want something. Reporters and media personalities are no different, and taking some time to get to know them and forming a relationship goes a long way.

Remember, there’s a huge difference between advertising and publicity. Publicity works because it's free, people pay more attention to it, and you can reach a much larger audience.

Do Your Research 

Anyone can buy an ad and say, “I have the best product on the market.” But sharing your story and expertise has more credibility. Plus, the media needs experts -- and business owners need publicity. If you are accessible, professional, and reliable, you are a valuable asset to them.

Research radio shows, blogs and media outlets that are aligned with what you do in your business. Listen to shows to learn about the topics show hosts focus on and share with them how you can help their audience. Always prepare for interviews by developing key talking points.

In addition, you can connect with reporters and bloggers on social media. Visit their social media pages and respond to their comments or posts. Read their blogs and write a positive comment or add your insights to the conversation to start building a relationship with them.

If you’re not using traditional media to help grow your business, I encourage you to find a way to incorporate it into your business marketing plan, whether through a PR firm or by learning how to connect with the media on your own. Developing a relationship with the media is one of the best things you can do.