Hanford Disaster: What Happens to Someone Who’s Exposed to Plutonium?

Let’s just suffice to say that nothing good comes from exposure to plutonium. Plutonium is not your friend. Interestingly, but not surprisingly, authorities haven’t determined if anyone has been exposed or if anything is leaking.

Don’t you think that the FIRST thing you would do would be to determine if anything is leaking and anyone has been exposed? Yeah, me too.

So I’m pretty sure shit is leaking and people are exposed, and equally sure that whenever they DO determine what is up, they will downplay it and tell everyone it’s not as bad as it is. Think Fukushima, which is still leaking and still a hazard, as they are trying to convince people it’s safe to move back.
Yeah…I’m pretty fucking sure they’ll downplay and deny, even as people start dying. Because that’s what they do.
