Dementia and cancer deaths to rocket by 2040, study finds

A study predicts a fourfold increase in dementia deaths and a sharp rise in cancer deaths - and calls for better end-of-life care.

An ageing population is piling pressure on the social care system
Image: An ageing population is piling pressure on the social care system
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Dementia and cancer deaths in England and Wales are set to soar by 2040, a study has found.

The researchers estimated that the number of people dying from dementia will almost quadruple: from 59,199 in 2014 to 219,409 in 2040.

The number of deaths from cancer will increase from 143,638 to 208,636 in 23 years, according to the study, published in the journal BMC Medicine.

Overall, the annual number of deaths in England and Wales is expected to rise by 25.4% to 628,659.

The estimated figures add to the pressures on end-of-life care across England and Wales.

Researchers from the Cicely Saunders Institute at King's College London calculated that palliative care needs will rise by 42.4% by 2040 - equal to an additional 160,000 people.

While about three quarters of people are estimated to require some level of palliative care, the figure will rise to 85%.

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The study's co-author, professor Irene Higginson, said: "There is an urgent need to act now to transform health, social and palliative care services to meet the projected growth in palliative care need."

Experts said the study was alarming and should lead to a rethink end-of-life care.

Dr Matthew Norton, of Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "We can prevent this becoming the reality if we invest now in pioneering research."

Simon Jones, from the charity Marie Curie, which provides care and support for people with terminal illnesses, said: "We need to radically rethink how we care for people at the end of their lives, to ensure everyone with a terminal illness gets the range of support they need, when they need it.

"We need to start that process now, before we reach crisis point."