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Plumping Mask

$ 52.00

Clarifying Face Mask

$ 52.00

Soothing Spirulina Face Mask

$ 48.00

Facial Mask Sample Sizes

$ 4.00

Mask Trio

$ 112.00

Activated Charcoal: What It Is + Why Your Skin Needs It (Plus A DIY Deep Cleansing Mask)

Charcoal is so much more than just a beauty trend. While you can hardly skim a beauty blogger’s post, scroll Pinterest DIYs or shop for skincare online without seeing this black beauty product pop up on your screen, charcoal has actually been used for centuries in skincare, cleansing, beauty rituals and even in modern medicine. Because this is a word that’s being used across the beauty world and world wide web, we want to help break down what is activated charcoal and why you need to add it to your skincare routine and medicine cabinet. First things first, activated charcoal is vastly different from charcoal you use to grill out in your backyard on Sunday afternoon. BBQ charcoal is loaded with chemicals and should never be consumed – or made into a facial mask. The charcoal we’re using in our health + beauty regimes is naturally sourced from coconut husks and helps to soothe a myriad of body issues and skin conditions. This black substance is most popular for its properties as a natural toxin remover and can be used both internally and externally to detoxify. Activated charcoal is a powerhouse when it comes to purifying the skin from blackheads + buildup and even the body from poisonous or harmful materials. What makes charcoal activated? When oxygen is added to charcoal that’s naturally derived (from bamboo, wood, coconut shells or other natural sources), it increases the charcoal’s porosity and surface area – making it even more pure, potent and effective. AC is made up of millions of tiny pores that attract, trap and bind toxins. While it may seem like charcoal absorbs bad things so our body doesn’t have to, it actually adsorbs. Activated charcoal uses a process called adsorption to bind harmful chemicals – attracting and attaching toxins to its pores. Essentially, bacteria (and blackheads!) is transferred from our pores to charcoal’s pores – and we’re oh so thankful for it. From clearing up breakouts + blemishes in the skin and whitening + brightening teeth to improving overall health and soaking up poisonous substances (i.e. from food or alcohol) in the body, there are countless uses for this natural detoxifying remedy inside and out. As our toxic load contributes to acne and premature aging, activated charcoal binds with environmental toxins, chemicals and bacteria – helping to keep skin clear, smooth and youthful. It makes the perfect purifying mask or spot treatment to minimize the appearance of pores and diminish breakouts. Here’s a simple, deep cleansing mask you can make at home: 1 capsule (1/2 teaspoon) activated charcoal 8 drops purified water optional: 1 drop essential oil (try tea tree or lavender for added antibacterial + calming benefits) (Care for your skin with this purifying mask once a week. Let sit for 10 minutes and be sure to use an old washcloth to remove it as pure charcoal will leave a black trail on your towel – or apply before showering! Finish with a few sprays of Complexion Mist to replenish skin.) Charcoal can be found in powder form or capsules, and can be incorporated into endless products such as soap, tooth products and even deodorant. Its powerful detoxifying and deodorizing properties powerfully reduce (a.k.a. adsorb!) odor-causing bacteria and purify your pits. Are you convinced to add activated coconut charcoal into your lifestyle? From treating BO, detoxifying your whole body, calming acne, helping to heal intestinal issues and soothing irritations from bites and rashes, we think AC is a must for your medicine cabinet and skincare routine. Want to read more about how our founder, Bethany, has used activated charcoal in her own health journey? Check out her story here!  Pin your fav blog post below:
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Do Facial Masks Actually Make A Difference? (Our Holistic Esthetician Explains)

PSA: Masks aren’t just for slumber parties or spa days anymore. They aren’t just fluffy time fillers in facial treatments or for those occasional “treat yo’ self” moments. The right mask really does make a significant difference in the state of your skin – visibly improving the texture, clarity, hydration and overall health of your complexion. Don’t believe us? Keep reading because we’re spilling why you want to make masks a part of your regular skincare routine. CLARIFY + DETOXIFY Where are our oil-rich, acne-prone complexions at? While clogged pores, blackheads and oil blotting sheets may have become your norm, instead of exfoliating the skin into a state of panic and overproduction of oil with harsh scrubs – facial masks gently exfoliate, refine texture, and help to naturally nudge the cell rejuvenation process along. Incorporating a clay-based, clarifying mask can work wonders in sweeping away dead/dull skin cells, drawing out impurities, and purifying pores. Although you can thank your genetics for the size of your pores, masks can help make them appear smaller and less visible by keeping them clear of congestion. The mineral-rich clays in these clarifying mask formulas also promote detoxification and absorb + balance excess oil production to reduce buildup and breakouts. Plus, regularly (and gently!) stimulating cell turnover with natural clays + exfoliants (we also really love raw honey) found in non-toxic facial masks, reveals a brighter, more even skin tone. Mask Tip: Our favorite clarifying + detoxifying clays are white kaolin, pink kaolin (our pick for more dry skin states), french green and fuller’s earth (also known to brighten + even skin tone). We recommend applying after showering when the warmth/steam has softened skin and already starting the purifying process! NOURISH + NATURALLY PLUMP Dry, dehydrated and more mature complexions will benefit just as much with mineral-rich clays – but when blended with other active plant-based ingredients and nourishing skin-loving oils, desert-looking skin states will feel a world of difference. By deeply nourishing from the outside-in and infusing the skin with moisture, facial masks help to soften the look of the fine lines + signs of aging and promote a naturally plump appearance. While rebuilding hydration can be the main focus for facial masks, they still also contain exfoliation benefits to refine skin texture, boost circulation and create a tightening/firming effect for the skin. Plus, nourishing facial masks often offer an immediate dose of skin-loving vitamins (like A and C) to promote collagen production and stimulate cell renewal to reveal a more vibrant, youthful complexion. Whether you’re traveling, living in a colder climate, focusing on minimizing fine lines or just more prone to dry patches, regular use of masks in your skincare routine help to protect the skin’s moisture barrier and actually boost the absorption your skin-specific serum and beauty cream. Who knew masks can actually make your other skincare products even more effective,too. 😉 Mask Tip: Our go-to ingredients for nourishing + naturally plumping the skin are raw honey (this superfood protects hydration in the skin), hibiscus (known as nature’s botox!), astaxanthin, and marshmallow root (works in the same way as hyaluronic acid to hydrate + plump). We suggest applying in the evening and finishing with your full skincare routine to replenish even more moisture as you sleep. SOOTHE + RESTORE BALANCE For our sensitive, reactive and stressed-out-skin friends, masks are a must. And we suggest opting for a more restorative facial mask for creating a protective covering and providing immediate relief for inflammatory skin conditions. Deeply nourish delicate skin and deliver concentrated soothing herbs straight to the skin to help expedite the skin’s healing process. Pure botanical extracts and anti-inflammatory herbs offer multiple benefits for reducing redness, calming inflammation and rebuilding hydration. And because skin sensitivities and irritations can often occur due to a nutrient deficiency or imbalance, the addition of deeply nourishing + vitamin-rich oils in facial mask formulations help to strengthen damaged skin, restore the delicate moisture barrier and infuse some seriously soothing properties. Mask Tip: The most supportive botanicals for sensitive skin states are spirulina + chlorella (both algaes combat inflammation), aloe vera, and gotu kola (an ancient skin-healing herb!). We recommend applying this mask to provide relief + some serious skin TLC as often as needed! CALM MIND + SELF CARE Okay fine, facial masks can provide some pretty powerful self-care benefits, too. 🙂 Simply taking 15 minutes (or more if you can!) and pressing pause to slow down, focus on your self and feel like you’re doing something to support your well-being really can create a positive ripple effect for every area of life. Mask Tip: Our only tip for this is no multi-tasking while masking – no laundry, no cleaning, no emails. Once you apply a mask, this time is yours! Try practicing deep breathing, taking a bath, reading a book, writing in your gratitude journal, or simply sitting in solitude. Just enjoy a few quiet minutes to yourself to care for your skin and your self. Have these facial mask benefits made you a believer yet? From an expertly formulated non-toxic mask to a simple DIY recipe, you really can target specific skin needs in real-time. Apply, relax, and reveal healthy, hydrated, clarified skin – and a calmer mind!  
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Multi-Masking: The Beauty Trend You Need Try

We have a new beauty trend you need to try! And here’s why. Skin is always evolving and ever-changing (even on the same complexion), combination skin is more common than you may think and having a couple different conditions you want to focus on is completely normal. Skin is beautiful and diverse and really does require individual care, which is why we always say we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all philosophy when it comes to skincare – and why we’ve become obsessed with this beauty trend: MULTI-MASKING. Sure you can use one mask for the entire face (we do it all the time!) but this fresh approach to applying masks can actually make a big difference in bringing balance back to your complexion. Customized skincare is where transformation and healing can really happen – and multi-masking is the best way to begin. WHY MULTI-MASK Are you prone to hormonal acne along the jawline but feeling tight/dry on your cheeks? Experiencing blackheads and congestion around the nose and chin but want to soften fine lines on your forehead? Wanting to calm redness and sensitive skin while still promoting a youthful glow? Girl, us too. While it’s important to pinpoint your skin’s natural tendencies to help you pick the most effective facial mask (prone to dry patches or to producing oil or to pigmentation), the reality is: skin is always changing – and categorizing your skin as a certain type can sometimes be limiting and even misleading. Your skin state can shift based on a variety of different external + internal factors such as climate, nutrition, stress, sleep, hormonal imbalances, genetics, medications, etc. While we do our best to bring balance to our wellness within, this approach to masking helps to bring balance back to the surface. Multi-masking is a powerful way to help support the diverse, ever-evolving nature of your skin. By applying different masks to different areas of the skin, you’re able to specifically support unique skin needs – all at the same time. HOW-TO MULTI-MASK When it comes to masking, one and done isn’t always the answer. Depending on the day, the season, your monthly cycle or the special occasion, let your skin guide you in choosing the most supportive masks for your current skin state. Here’s how to do it. After cleansing, look closely at what you’re observing on the surface of your skin and start to reflect on what you’re seeing: Larger, more visible pores? Red, inflamed areas? Specific spots of hyperpigmentation? Healthy glow? Smile lines? Worry lines? Based on what you’re observing, you can opt for a clarifying mask, calming mask or hydrating mask! Below are even more tips for pinpointing your skin state and picking the most supportive masks: Oil-rich/Acne-prone: Your skin is more prone to breakouts + inflammation, tends to produce excess oil and pore size is visibly larger on forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Applying a clay-based, clarifying mask to these areas helps to sweep away dead/dull skin cells, draw out impurities, and purify pores. The mineral-rich clays in clarifying mask formulas also promote detoxification and absorb + balance excess oil production to reduce buildup and breakouts.   Sensitive/Damaged: Your skin tends to feel reactive, dry, sensitive or appear red + inflamed along with visible pore size varying across the face. Applying a more restorative facial mask creates a protective covering and provides immediate relief for inflammatory skin conditions. Soothing masks deeply nourish delicate skin and deliver concentrated calming herbs straight to the skin to help expedite the skin’s healing process.   Dry/Mature: Your skin tends to feel more tight, dry, sensitive or with signs of aging such as fine lines + hyperpigmentation along with less visible pores all over the face. Applying a nourishing facial mask can offer an immediate dose of skin-loving vitamins (like A and C) to promote collagen production and stimulate cell renewal to reveal a more vibrant, youthful complexion. Deeply hydrating ingredients infuse the skin with moisture, help to soften the look of the fine lines + signs of aging and promote a naturally plump appearance.   Apply a light layer of each specific mask to each specific area then sit back, relax and multi-mask!  
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Soothing Collection

$ 112.00

Balanced Regimen: The Works

$ 184.00 $ 218.00

Plumping Collection

$ 124.00

Clarifying Collection

$ 124.00

The Best Products To Repair Dry, Sun-Drenched Skin: Summer Skin Series Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of our 3-part Summer Skin Series! This series is here to help you soak up all this season has to offer – without any harmful side effects. Check out Part 1 (how to protect your skin + prevent sun damage) and Part 2 (common summer skin woes + what to do about them) for even more summer skin tips. Soaked up a little too much sun? Feeling inflamed, sensitive or seriously dehydrated? When your skin barrier is compromised, the last thing you want to do is apply products with harsh chemicals that can be even more irritating or stripping for delicate skin. Repairing your skin and bringing it back to balance is possible (sans chemicals!) with just a few simple natural skincare swaps – and some you can even make in your kitchen! Keep scrolling below for the best product picks + easy DIY recipes you’re going to need to nourish dry, sun-drenched skin. MIST Rather than using harsh astringents + harmful alcohols as a toner, switch to natural hydrosols + botanicals to help hydrate and replenish the skin’s protective barrier. The point of applying a toner is actually to replenish the skin after cleansing and to prep the skin to soak in moisturizer (a much-needed remedy for dry, damaged skin)! Everything Spray: Spritz onto skin or apply with an organic cotton round after a day in the sun to replenish nutrients and moisture. Whether you’re sun-kissed or sunburned, Everything Spray is a powerful skin soother that calms redness, infuses skin with hydration and stimulates healing with lavender, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, magnesium oil and more. Shop Everything Spray here! Lavender Complexion Mist: Mist your skin multiple times throughout the day for a boost of hydrating humectants and healing benefits to strengthen + support the skin. Aloe vera juice regenerates damaged and inflamed skin while organic lavender hydrosol and lavender essential oil deeply soothe and relieve redness. (Keep your complexion mist in the fridge for some serious cooling + calming skincare benefits!) Shop Lavender Complexion Mist here! DIY: You can care for your sun-drenched skin with the clear gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf to replenish lost nutrients and moisture. You can typically find a little aloe plant at your local health food store or plant shop! (By the way, steer clear of the green-colored, chemical-filled aloe gel you find at drugstores.) You can also mist equal parts rosewater + witch hazel along with several drops of essential oils – try lavender to boost skin healing! Blend together in a glass bottle and shake before each use. MASK For delicate, dehydrated skin, masks are a must because they deliver a potent dose of soothing herbs straight to the skin to help expedite the skin’s healing process. Opt for a more restorative facial mask to create a protective covering and provide immediate relief for inflammatory skin conditions. Pure botanical extracts and soothing herbs offer multiple benefits for reducing redness, calming inflammation and rebuilding hydration. Soothing Mask +CBD: Some of the *best* ingredients for sensitive skin states are spirulina + chlorella (algaes that combat inflammation), marshmallow root, and gotu kola (an ancient skin-healing herb!). Apply this mask as often as needed to provide relief + offer some serious skin TLC! Plus with the addition of organic, full-spectrum CBD Oil, your skin is going to get a potent dose of anti-inflammatory properties to visibly bring balance back to your complexion. Shop the Soothing Mask +CBD here! DIY: Spirulina, raw honey, and oats are simple, effective ingredients known to calm and hydrate skin – and are all ingredients you may at home already (or can easily pick up from the grocery store!). Spirulina is packed with restorative nutrients, oats are a common calming ingredient and raw honey is a natural humectant that helps to rebuild hydration. Simply blend together and apply your freshly made mask a few times a week after cleansing and let it soak into the skin for as long as possible – trust us, your skin’s going to LOVE it! P.S. Put your pure clay masks on hold as your skin is in repair-mode, as they can tend to dry out and strip the skin when they tighten + harden on your complexion. Stick to the honey-based masks for maximum replenishment! FACIAL OILS Natural oils are SO powerful in their ability to restore and heal the skin, which is why we love using potent and pure skin-loving oils for facial serums. They are naturally rich in antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids and provide a wide range of benefits to help deeply nourish the skin at a cellular level. You can alternate + even layer these oils in your skincare routine based on your specific skin needs to support a calm, balanced complexion daily. Clarifying Serum: Packed with anti-inflammatory oils, this serum helps to repair the skin and prevent further damage to delicate skin. Green tea (with EGCG), turmeric and colloidal silver are powerhouses when it comes to calming skin conditions, soothing inflammation and regenerating skin cells. Plus this serum just smells like summer (and is potent in healing Vitamin C) with citrus oils such as sweet orange, neroli and grapefruit. Simply put, this is Summer in a serum! Shop the Clarifying Serum here! Soothing Serum +CBD: CBD is a skin superfood and dream ingredient for delicate, dry and inflamed skin conditions. No matter what skin issues you may be experiencing this season, CBD is about to become your new best friend. With restorative minerals, multiple amino acids, and the perfect ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3, it powerfully strengthens skin, creates a more resilient complexion and rebuilds the delicate skin barrier. Plus, it’s blended with other skin-loving oils and botanicals that boast an impressive profile of skin-soothing nutrients that will help restore your skin – and dare we say, almost overnight. 🙂 Shop the Soothing Serum +CBD here! DIY: You can create your own facial serum as simply or as intricately as you’d like! You can blend 2 to 10 (or more!) organic oils to treat your specific skin needs. Here are a few oils we absolutely love to blend to help repair sun-drenched skin: jojoba oil, argan oil, lavender essential oil, frankincense essential oil, and helichrysum essential oil. Store in a small glass dropper bottle and apply morning and night after cleansing + toning! BODY OILS Hydrate and heal from head to toe. After spritzing Everything Spray, layer on a nourishing, non-toxic body oil to help heal sun damage + restore skin. Sadly, several lotions and creams on the market contain ingredient lists that are almost entirely made up of artificial + irritating ingredients. So it’s essential to swap out skin-suffocating and potentially harmful moisturizers for natural alternatives that actually improve your skin’s health and ability to repair itself. Blue Tansy Body Oil: One of the most potent sources of anti-inflammatory properties, Blue Tansy’s high levels of azulene (the naturally occurring component that gives this oil its deep blue hue) makes it rich in antioxidants + skin-soothing properties. Perfect for sensitive skin, damaged skin and healing inflammation, your skin is left feeling nourished, strengthened, and hydrated. (Beauty tip: this body oil also doubles as a natural moisturizing hair mask. The perfect solution for thirsty locks!) Shop Blue Tansy Body Oil here! DIY: Organic oils such as jojoba oil and extra virgin olive oil (which you most likely already have stocked in your kitchen!) can regenerate and supply the skin with nutrients + essential fats. Blend with essential oils for aromatherapy properties and add in dried herbs – we love infusing oils with lavender buds, chamomile flowers or calendula blossoms for added calming benefits. Plus, they just look so pretty! While you’ve taken steps to protect your skin, prevent sun damage and support common summer skincare woes, we know there may be times where you leave your sun hat behind or find yourself without your safe sunscreen and we hope these product picks + easy DIYs will help nurture your dry, sun-drenched skin back to full health! What products or DIYs are your go-to this summer? Spill your secrets below, we’d love to know! XO  
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Our Holistic Esthetician Shares Her Secrets For An At-Home Facial

First of all, let me just say: facials are far from fluffy. It’s not just about slapping on a sheet mask or focusing on superficial results. And in times when you’re feeling a bit off, stressed out or stuck at home, doing an at-home facial may be just the thing you need. No matter what the day has held or what uncertainties lie ahead, creating space to reconnect with your skin + self through an at-home facial has a powerful ripple effect that impacts your soul and spirit as well – and I think we may need that now more than ever. We have the privilege of providing facial treatments to our community at our very own holistic spa, The Spa at Primally Pure, and have seen firsthand the power that these experiences hold. Our guest’s demeanor drastically changes from when they first arrive (often feeling flustered or stressed) to when they leave – feeling heaviness + tension soften and returning to their day-to-day with a fresh sense of hope and healing. See, facials are powerful stuff. 🙂 Alright, sweet friends, grab something nourishing to sip on and get cozy because I’m spilling all of my secrets to help you create a skin sanctuary in your very own home. Facial Note: I’ve listed *a lot* of facial secrets below! But you can always simplify these steps if you’re tight on time – so to start, just try picking out at least 2 or 3 steps to follow for your at-home facial! This time is for you. With that said, I do want to encourage you to try to implement as many of these tips as possible to promote overall skin health and optimal wellness from within. Here we go! Create the mood The very first step in cultivating a spa sanctuary at home is creating the mood. Aromatherapy is key – diffuse either uplifting or calming essential oils (whatever you’re needing to feel in the moment, support your mind + mood with the appropriate aroma!). Try blue tansy, vetiver or lavender to relax your nervous system or lemongrass, bergamot or jasmine to lift your spirits. You can also burn a candle made with essential oils (remember to alwayssss avoid artificial fragrances) or light palo santo to clear your space and set the tone for a restorative at-home skin treatment.   You want to support all of your senses so pick a playlist that you can unwind to. For some people that may be rap (like our Founder, Bethany!), but for most of us, it may be something more soft and soothing. You can easily search your favorite music app for spa-like playlists or nature sounds to create the most relaxing atmosphere possible. I’m a big fan of nature sounds (I find mine from this app!), especially if you live in a city or are stuck indoors. 🙂   And of course, if we’re talking all things sensory and setting the tone, we can’t forget taste! Pour yourself a tall glass of water and infuse it with some fresh organic herbs, fruit or veg for the ultimate spa experience. Some of our favorite blends we use at The Spa at Primally Pure are: Orange + Rosemary, Lime + Mint, Strawberry + Basil, or Cucumber + Lemon. You can also brew a hot cup of herbal tea – for promoting serious skin health (sans caffeine, of course), try hibiscus + rose, roasted dandelion or peppermint. Plus the aroma + warmth of the tea helps you slow down and start to unwind. Foot Soak Okay, you might be wondering, a foot soak? In an at-home facial? I told you, I’m spilling all my facial secrets! And a facial is intended to support so. much. more. than just your face. If you’ve received a facial with us at The Spa, you know that to be true. 🙂 We start every treatment with a warm, soothing foot soak to begin the relaxation process and optimize not only your skin health, but your overall sense of wellness. This unexpected (and welcomed!) step is such a supportive way to relax and relieve tension you may have not even realized you were carrying. If you have a bathtub at home, fill it up just enough to cover your feet or if you aren’t #blessed with a tub (sadly, that’s me!), you can find a smaller basin to soak your feet. Fill it with hot water, sprinkle in some Sea Soak and let your stress start to melt away. As you soothe tired toes and focus a few minutes on slow meditative breaths, trust me, your entire body and mind will feel the benefits too. And we all know, a calm mind + healthy body = happy skin! Once you’ve set the tone for your facial and have soaked your feet, tie your hair back, take in 3 deep diaphragmatic breaths (inhale for 3, hold for 3, exhale for 6), and let’s begin! Cleanse + Tone While we always say cleansing is the *most crucial* step in any skincare routine, it can also be the most relaxing. Especially when you’re oil cleansing! This isn’t just a quick splash-and-rinse-kind-of-cleanse – for this first step of your facial you really want to allow more time + intention to: soften tight facial muscles and feed your skin through circulation from the massage component of oil cleansing allow your mind to unwind and let go of any stressors or anxiety from the day (or week or month) with the warm washcloth removal begin breathing in the aroma from the organic essential oils to recenter + ground your sense of wellness and of course, to break up makeup, dissolve buildup and deeply cleanse the skin, too! For my full Oil Cleansing tutorial, click here! Want to take your cleansing to the next level? You’ll want to watch this tutorial on Double Cleansing next. (I start all of my Holistic Skin Treatments with this 2-step cleansing technique!) Next step: Toning. Which, in my humble (*ahem* and professional) opinion, is the glue that holds your skincare routine together. This. Step. Is. A. Must. You may think this simple spritz doesn’t do a whole lot for your skin, but let me tell you, without it, you’re missing out on a whole slew of nourishing ingredients that your skin craves and needs to be resilient, replenished, and balanced. Generously misting toner (trust me, you can never be too generous!) after your cleansing routine properly rebalances and provides a boost of hydration that’s essential for optimal skin health. Plus while your skin is still damp, the products you apply afterward are able to absorb more deeply and be received more readily by the skin. And the pure plant essential oils + hydrosols have powerful aromatherapy properties. I’d call that a skin win-win! Toning Tip: Anytime you remove a product, tone! And sometimes, I’ll even sandwich my serum or cream with a final mist to seal in all the skin-loving goodness. Like I said, you can never be too generous with your toner. 😉 But beware of toners with more harsh ingredients such as alcohol (yes, even my oil-rich/acne-prone friends) – we want to rebuild the skin, not strip it. Steam This is one of my favorite secrets for an at-home facial: steam. I incorporate steaming into most of my facial treatments and you can re-create the same skin-softening, pore-opening, circulation-boosting effect at home. An aromatherapy steam facial is such a therapeutic way to boost beauty, immunity and well-being during times of stress and much-needed self-care. Not only does the warmth of the steam help to purify pores and give your skin a healthy glow, by adding organic essential oils or slices of fresh fruit or herbs helps to clear sinuses, relieve congestion and provide some serious aromatherapy benefits for your mood and mind. (And if you don’t have space in your schedule to follow every step of this at-home facial, just taking 10 minutes to be still + steam will be a game-changer on dreary days!) Here’s how to create a steam facial at home: Bring a pot of pure water to a boil and while the water is warming up, this is when you can take a few minutes to cleanse + tone your skin (see the step above!). Transfer boiling water to a large bowl and add several drops of your favorite essential oil or fresh fruit slices. Try: orange slices for a mental pick-me-up, lemon slices to refresh your spirit or eucalyptus essential oil to soothe your senses. Find a comfortable place where you can sit with your face over the steam. Drape a towel over your head to hold in the heat and deeply relax. If at any point the steam feels too hot, be sure to pull your face back a bit! Take several deep breaths, allow the aromas + warmth to do its healing work, and let the music you’re playing + the mood you’ve created help support wellness from within. After about 10-15 minutes, spritz skin with Complexion Mist and your skin is prepped + ready for masking! Multi-mask When it comes to masking, one and done isn’t always the answer. Multi-masking is a powerful way to help support the diverse, ever-evolving nature of your skin. While we do our best to bring balance to our wellness within, this approach to masking helps to bring balance back to the surface. By applying different masks to different areas of the skin, you’re able to specifically support unique skin needs – all at the same time. Depending on the day, the climate, your monthly cycle or a stressful season in life, let your skin guide you in choosing the most supportive masks for your current skin state. After cleansing, toning and steaming, look closely at what you’re observing on the surface of your skin and start to reflect on what you’re seeing: Larger, more visible pores? Red, inflamed areas? Specific spots of hyperpigmentation? Healthy glow? Smile lines? Worry lines? Based on what you’re observing, you can opt for a clarifying mask, calming mask or hydrating mask! Want a little more support to discover your skin state? Click here to learn more! Mask Tip: One of the benefits of masking in an at-home facial is that you can pair it with another self-care practice you love! While I’m all about multi-masking, my only tip for this part of your facial is no multi-tasking – no laundry, no cleaning, no emails. Once you apply a mask, this time is yours! Refill your water and try practicing deep breathing, taking a bath, reading a book, writing in your gratitude journal, or simply sitting in solitude. Just enjoy a few quiet minutes to yourself to care for your skin and your self in even more holistic ways. Gua Sha It’s not an at-home facial with my favorite facial tool ever of all time: Gua Sha. After removing your mask, spritz your skin (generously!) with your toner and apply a light layer of the best skin-specific serum for your skin state. Apply about 5-8 drops of your serum – keeping in mind that you don’t want to apply too much oil so that the stone slips right off the skin. We do want a little pulling/tugging action to happen! Think of Gua Sha like yoga for the face! It’s through movement that the skin is fed and the muscles are strengthened – creating a more toned, lifted, and sculpted appearance. Each part of the tool has a unique purpose in rejuvenating the skin by: promoting lymphatic drainage decreasing discoloration from sun damage, hormonal changes and acne scarring detoxifying/depuffing (say goodbye to undereye bags + dark circles!) clearing blockages + buildup of toxins and excess fluid calming the nervous systems + minimizing effects of stress Plus with its rhythmic, repetitive massage movements, Gua Sha powerfully supports stress levels by sedating the sympathetic nervous system (our fight/flight/freeze response – which is active all too often in our society right now) and tapping into the parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest/repair) to allow the body and mind to enter a state of relaxation, focusing on reparative functions + restoring overall health. Because one of the biggest causes of premature aging is chronic stress, a consistent Gua Sha practice helps to not only address stress-induced skin conditions, it creates a calm, quiet mind. Here are a few resources to get you started with your personal Gua Sha practice: If you’re still unsure about this stone’s skin-transforming power, you’ve got to read this post. Don’t have a Gua Sha stone at home? Get one here! Now that you’re on board with this beauty technique and you’ve got your stone, click here for our step-by-step tutorial to follow along at home! By finishing off your at-home facial with a full Gua Sha routine, you’ll be ready to face anything that comes your way – or maybe you might just be ready to climb into bed! 😉 Facial Tool Tip: Rolling with our Ridged Facial Rollers is a bit more simple than Gua Sha, but still provides similar benefits (and a much-needed boost!) for your skin health. Since facial rolling doesn’t require tons of time or expertise, this is the perfect tool if you’re tight on time, need a quick morning pick-me-up, or are a mama who’s got her hands full. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate If you’ve made it this far, well done, friends! By now I hope you’re already feeling a major shift in how your skin is looking and feeling – and more importantly, that YOU are feeling more balanced, grounded and glowing from the inside out. That’s what all this is about anyway. The last step is a simple one. Simply tone (you could have guessed that one by now!) to dampen your skin, take a deep breath – in and out – and seal it all in with a final layer of Beauty Cream. Finish the rest of your fruit-infused spa water and smile at your sweet self in the mirror – and always remember: you are beautiful, you are strong, and you are not alone. I hope by taking intentional time to create your own skin sanctuary at-home and care for yourself holistically, no matter what you’re going through, you will discover a deeper sense of beauty, hope + healing within. XO  
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Dry Regimen: The Works

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