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Turkey receives over 35 million foreign tourists a year. Compared with other actors in the region, she has also enjoyed a degree of political stability and economic growth. Nevertheless, we cannot deny that Turkey has been a target of terrorism since the founding of the Republic. This paper examines the goals, ideology, cases, and international connections of terrorist organizations in Turkey. For the sake of simplicity, following the classification by Andrew Mango (2005), it divides terrorist organizations into three groups: left-wing radical groups, separatist terrorist groups represented by PKK, and Islamic fundamental groups following jihadist principles. To analyze the activities of terrorist organizations, it also introduces an empirical study of Turkish terrorists' target selection by Dr. Bahadir Sahin and Dr. Niyazi Ekici (2011). In 2012, Korea and Turkey upgraded their relations to a strategic partnership. To deeply understand the plight of Turkey caused by terrorism will bring Koreans into closer friendship with the Turkish people.