
Garage doors have come a long way since their humble, manual beginnings. Modern technology means overhead garage door openers offer greater convenience, boosted security, and more perks than ever. If you plan to purchase a new garage door opener, the professionals from MP Garage Doors in Dothan, AL, have the insider expertise you need to make the right decision.

Garage Door Opener Must-Haves

1. Remote Controls

The ability to drive up to the door and open it at the click of a button cannot be overlooked. However, older garage door remote control models are often plagued with problems. When you select a garage door opener, make sure the remote control is reliable.

2. Security

Garage door openers allow your family to enter your property with ease. However, without adequate security, they may also invite meddling intruders. To protect your property, invest in a garage door system with rolling-code technology, which makes it more difficult for burglars to cheat.

3. Backup Battery

garage door opener Electronic garage doors are more convenient than manual models until the power stops working. To avoid an unwelcome malfunction down the road, simply invest in a system with backup battery power.

4. Touchpad Entry

Touchpad entry allows you to enter the garage with a keypad system, in addition to the remote control. For an additional, reliable way to enter your space, pair your garage door opener with a touchpad system.

5. Quiet

In the afternoon or evening, you probably don’t notice how much noise your garage door makes. However, when it’s late at night, or the baby’s sleeping, you may understandably wish for a quieter system. If you don’t want to wake up the neighborhood, choose an advanced, direct-drive or belt-driven system.

For the quality garage door openers and accessories you need, look no further than MP Garage Doors. If you have any questions, call a helpful professional at (334) 793-2089. For more information about the services available, visit the website
