Lewandowski: ‘Drain the Swamp is Probably Somewhere Down the Bottom’ of Trump’s Priority List


On Thursday morning, former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski seemed to essentially confirm what Newt Gingrich said Wednesday: “Drain the swamp” is no longer really in the Trump lexicon.

During an appearance on Fox & Friends, Lewandowski admitted that swamp-draining isn’t high on the President-elect’s agenda.

“Look, I think if you had to put them into chronological order, drain the swamp is probably somewhere down the bottom,” Lewandowski said — citing tax reform, jobs for the middle class, and renegotiating trade deals as being higher on the priority list.

“I think at the end of the day, it’s about the economy,” Lewandowski said. “It’s about creating jobs, fixing the bad trade deals. So draining the swamp is a larger narrative, but what it’s really about is putting people back to work.”

Lewandowski also got in a quick shot at the media during his Fox & Friends appearance. Anchor Steve Doocy mentioned “mainstream media” critcism Lewandowski has received for his plans to open up a consulting firm in Washington. Lewandowski’s response?

“You know, I love the mainstream media. They’ve been so good to me this election cycle. So why would they want to get it right for the first time?”

Watch above, via Fox News.

UPDATE – 11:45 p.m. ET: Trump responded to Gingrich’s original comments, saying he’s still on board with draining the swamp.

[featured image via screengrab]

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Joe DePaolo is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Email him here: joed@mediaite.com Follow him on Twitter: @joe_depaolo