
Arushi Bindlish- Girl who created her own fortune

I was diagnosed with chickenpox a month before my exams. Doctors said that I was in no condition to sit for the exams. But with my strong belief and confidence, I went on to give my exams.

Q1. Few months before exams are the most crucial ones and you had to go through so much pain during period.  So, did the thought of quitting ever occurred to you?
Ans- Quitting was never an option. My parents have taught me to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. It was clear in my mind that I had to give my exams no matter what. I gave my 100% not caring what the results would be.
Q2. As you said, you had a cool attitude, as in you chilled with your friends, had a social life etc. So, Did that any point of time become a distraction for you in your studies?
Ans- It was never a distraction. With me its very different. If I go out and chill, I feel guilty and tend to study more and if I don’t go out and just sit at home then I am not able to study. According to me, there should be a balance.
Q3. You are currently pursuing CA, CS & CFA. Managing all 3 of them together must be one hell of a task. Have you made for yourself any particular strategy which you follow?
Ans- There is no strategy as such. All the three courses have many concepts in common so I am hoping it won’t be that difficult. For now my main focus is my CA Final which is due in May 2018.
Q4. What role, according to you, does positive attitude play in a student’s life?
Ans- According to me positive attitude plays a very important role in our lives. With posting attitude you can achieve anything, hard work also going hand in hand. As I said earlier, if you are positive about something you’ll make it happen and if you’re negative it becomes an uphill task.
Q5. Everyone has a role model or a source of inspiration & motivation. Who is yours?
Ans- My dad is my role model.
He’s a self made man. He has seen a lot of ups and downs in his life. And the way he kept going all his life and became such a successful person has motivated me a lot.
I get the positive attitude and thirst for success from my dad.
“Mera na bahut chill raha hai. I just give my exams, enjoy my life, meet my friends and it’s never like OMG exams hain and stuff. Call it luck or hard work; I feel everything has turned out fairly good for me.”
I genuinely wanted to get into a good law college owing to which I started preparing for CLAT. Down on luck, I could not make to one of the NLUs and dropped the idea of pursuing law or at least I realized law was not my thing. Thereafter, I got admission into Shaheed Bhagat Singh College. Later, owing to good marks I migrated to Venkateshwara College at the beginning of my second year and decided to give a shot to CPT. Consequently I realized, “Maybe yes, CA is my thing.”
Appearing for IPCC wasn’t cushy. I was diagnosed with conjunctivitis just few months before my exam. I slowly recovered and as if this wasn’t enough I was diagnosed with chickenpox a month before my exams. Doctors said that I was in no condition to sit for the exams. But with my strong belief and confidence, I went on to give my exams. Despite not being fully recovered and in an inadequate condition to appear in the exams, I gave my best and the ball did land in my court, I cleared both groups of IPCC.
I am currently doing my articleship from Grant Thornton and I have cleared CS Executive and CFA Level 1 during my articleship, both of which I’d like to pursue in future. “I simply don’t like to sit idle.”
I have developed this strong belief that, “Jesa hum sochte hai wesa hi hota hai. If we tend to remain positive in life, positive things will happen to us.”
~Arushi Bindlish
CA, CS and CFA aspirant

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