9/11: A Day of Tragedy Inspires Service


By Carl Higbie, CNCS Chief of External Affairs

When terrorists attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, our nation was shaken but it was also awakened to a new reality. That day encouraged acts of heroism and bravery unlike any day many of us have ever seen. And it also became a clarion call for millions of Americans to engage in service, including me.

After 9/11, I answered that call through our nation’s military and became a U.S. Navy SEAL to serve on the frontlines of the war on terror. While thousands joined me on this path, others led efforts on the homefront engaging in other avenues of service to support our nation and its citizens.

I am now a member of a different team at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), a federal agency that is leading the charge for service and volunteering across the United States. And one of the most important days on our calendar is the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance.

Carl Higbie joined the military and served as a Navy SEAL after 9/11.
After 9/11, I answered that call through our nation’s military and became a U.S. Navy SEAL to serve on the frontlines of the war on terror.

 September 11th is an annual opportunity to recalibrate our compass and honor the heroes of 9/11 by remembering the spirit of unity and service that infused the nation in the weeks and months after this tragedy. It is a responsibility we cherish.

This day could have easily become one that focused on those who attacked our nation and the American way of life. However, the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 wanted to mark this date by looking forward while recognizing the lives lost and remembering those who rose up in service. 

At our core, Americans understand the challenges that we face as a nation requires citizens to stand tall in times of need, demonstrating the resilience, kindness, and compassion that are defining characteristics of our people.
We have seen this American trait recently in the response to Hurricane Harvey and our actions reaffirm my belief that service to others is at the heart of who we are as Americans.

Patriot Day, as it has come to be called, is an opportunity to join together and serve to honor those who perished on 9/11 and remember the bonds we share that keep the fabric of our nation strong.

As time passes, it is crucial for our nation to ensure that the generations that come after us observe this somber occasion through service to their communities and nation, and never allow them to forget that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

We hope you take this opportunity to commit to making service and volunteering part of your life. It is the best way we can think of to pay tribute to the victims and heroes of September 11th.

From first responders who face danger every day, to people who changed their career paths to pursue military or public service, to the simple acts that everyday Americans integrated into their lives, millions of stories of service emerged from the aftermath of 9/11.

I am proud to count mine among them.

Carl Higbie is a former Navy SEAL and currently serves as the Chief of External Affairs at the Corporation for National and Community Service.

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