New Smartphone App Accurately Measures Blood Pressure from Fingertip

Sep 11, 2018 by News Staff

A team of researchers at Michigan State University has developed an iPhone X app that measures blood pressure via the ‘oscillometric finger pressing method.’

Chandrasekhar et al invented a proof-of-concept blood pressure app that can give accurate readings using an iPhone. Image credit: Michigan State University.

Chandrasekhar et al invented a proof-of-concept blood pressure app that can give accurate readings using an iPhone. Image credit: Michigan State University.

“By leveraging optical and force sensors already in smartphones for taking selfies and employing ‘peek and pop,’ we’ve invented a practical tool to keep tabs on blood pressure,” said Michigan State University’s Professor Ramakrishna Mukkamala.

“Such ubiquitous blood pressure monitoring may improve hypertension awareness and control rates, and thereby help reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality.”

In a paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine earlier this year, Professor Mukkamala and colleagues had proposed the concept with the invention of a blood pressure app and hardware.

With the combination of a smartphone and add-on optical and force sensors, they produced a device that rivaled arm-cuff readings, the standard in most medical settings.

With advances in smartphones, the add-on optical and force sensors may no longer be needed.

Peek and pop, available to users looking to open functions and apps with a simple push of their finger, is now standard on many iPhones and included in some Android models.

“If things keep moving along at the current pace, an app could be available in late 2019,” Professor Mukkamala said.

“Like our original device, the application still needs to be validated in a standard regulatory test.”

“But because no additional hardware is needed, we believe that the app could reach society faster.”

Internationally, this app could be a game-changer. While high blood pressure is treatable with lifestyle changes and medication, only around 20% of people with hypertension have their condition under control.

“This invention gives patients a convenient option and keeping a log of daily measurements would produce an accurate average,” Professor Mukkamala said.

The new app is described in a paper in the journal Scientific Reports.


Anand Chandrasekhar et al. 2018. An iPhone Application for Blood Pressure Monitoring via the Oscillometric Finger Pressing Method. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 13136; doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31632-x

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