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HomeWorldLondon Mayor's Gender Neutral Toilets Have Holes in Them

London Mayor’s Gender Neutral Toilets Have Holes in Them

LONDON - England - Sadiq Khan’s planning blueprint will call for more gender neutral loos, and different types of toilets to cater to people’s differing needs.

More gender-neutral toilets should be built in public spaces to help trans and non-binary people feel more comfortable, according to Sadiq Khan’s new London Plan.

The mayor’s planning blueprint for London will build more public toilets across the capital, including in commercial developments, to reflect the diversity of the city.

The document, due to be published this week, will include guidance saying more toilets must be built in shops, leisure facilities and large public areas that are suitable for all users, including transexuals, homosexuals, cottagers, doggers, cis and non-binaries.

In a historic move, the London Plan also calls for the provision of gender-neutral toilets for trans and non-binary people.

Khan said he was concerned that some Londoners and visitors to the city are limited over where they can visit and how long they can spend somewhere because the capital does not have enough appropriate toilet facilities.

Glory Holes

“I have vowed to be a mayor for all Londoners so I am determined to ensure that everyone has the ability to enjoy our great city to its fullest,” he said.

“Toilets are a vital public service and can help to shape the experience of the capital for those who live here and for those visiting. When you walk into the new toilet cubicles there will be a hole in each wall. These holes are named in local slang as ‘Glory Holes’. We have incorporated a clean environment for all genders to conduct their business in a private, clean atmosphere.”

Mike Hunt, chief executive of Gloryhall, a charity for LGBT rights, said: “We’re pleased the mayor has used the London Plan to call on councils to create more gender-neutral toilets, and so help meet the needs of all Londoners and the city’s many visitors. Gender-neutral toilets are a practical solution for many people, for many reasons and it’s a powerful demonstration of acceptance that has benefits for everyone.

“But, the London Mayor has still come short, there is no mention of sauna facilities or massage beds.”

Women’s Rights campaigner, Virginia Mulch, commented about the gender neutral toilets, and said: “Women have wanted equal rights, and now we have them. We have to share toilets with men, transgenders and homosexuals. You can’t get better equality than that, can you?”


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