Hi!  We just wanted to let you guys know about TYEF’s new Tumblr!  

The Trans Youth Equality Foundation is a national 501c3 foundation that advocates for transgender youth, ages 2-18.  We strive to provide our followers - transgender youth, allies and parents - with education, advocacy and support.  Spread the word!

hello hello again beautiful demigender followers! so. I posted a while ago about peacing out because I’m agender and I have a hard time answering a lot of the asks we get. I haven’t left yet because we still get so many more asks than we can handle and I’d like to see the blog a little more stable if I’m going to step down as a mod. that being so:

I’m officially closing the ask box for the next couple of days so that we can manage what we’ve already got (which is 475 asks!) during this time I’m going to do my darndest to

  • answer all non-anon asks
  • consolidate asks regarding definitions
  • do an overhaul on our glossary
  • contact listed mods to see who’s active
  • and pretty much leave the blog in the best condition I can

I don’t want to delete asks without answering, but I may have to consolidate similar anons into large master responses in order to manage the inbox. if anyone has suggestions for how to make this a better blog/resource please let me know! since the inbox will be closed, you can leave a reply, or just send something over to me at lexical-lace. I’m going to do my best darlings!


If i am afab can i identify as a demiboy?

Yes you can


hey all. i’ve (finally) finished school so i’m trying to answer some asks. it’ll take time, but they’re getting answered!


can I identify as Demifluid if the constant part is demigirl and the fluid part goes between demiboy/demiagender??? i just never really feel entirely like a gender, and even when I identify as a boy it's a demiboy and there's always a demigirl part

yes, you can.


If I've recently started to identify as demi (demiguy), then should I 'come out' as demiguy or just not tell anyone aside from a few close friends? I don't know what I should do!

do whatever you want to do/feel comfortable/safe doing.


Hi, I am DMAB, and I recently came out as being a transgirl. However, even though I prefer being viewed as a female, and hate the pronoun "he", part of me still embraces my masculine side. Sometimes I feel most comfortable when I present as androgynous, or gender ambiguous. Does this make me some kind of bi-gender, or two-spirit gender person? I sometimes go by "she", sometimes as "they"?

hi. two-spirit is a native american term, so unless that’s part of your identity you are not two-spirit.

presentation and expression are not always related to gender, and pronouns are not set to one specific gender. you can use whatever pronouns feel comfortable and dress how you like/what makes you feel safe, none of that necessarily changes your gender. embracing your masculine side does not mean that you are a man, it could just mean that that’s a part of you that you are in touch with, even if you don’t identify with it in a gender way. (i hope that made sense).


this might be confusing, but is it possible to be genderfluid and switch between demiboy and demigirl? would it be contradictory since the binary parts of the demi identities are supposed to stay constant? or is it like switching between boy and girl? because those would be considered constant too. when I feel like a girl I don't think I feel fully like a girl, same goes for when I feel like a boy. but demienby doesn't feel like me. sorry for rambling. just trying to figure things out

that sounds totally possible!


hey, thanks so much for being a positive place. sometimes I stumble across blogs that are meant for support but actually focus a lot on addressing transphobia. and sometimes I can't handle seeing all that and I just want to think of gender in a positive light. I'm so happy the mods of this blog work to keep it a place that feels safe for people. thank you, from the bottom of my heart. please never stop posting. what you all are doing is very worth while <3


i'm a dfab demigirl who goes between female and agender but lately i've been kinda feeling masculine (if that makes sense!). it didn't start that long ago and it doesn't really happen that much. i'm just wondering if there's a term for it.

i’m not sure, because i’m not really sure about your gender and how you’re experiencing that. you could be trigender, if one part is stable you could be demifluid. there may not be a specific term for it how you’re experiencing it, either!
