“DESIGN TRUST: Critically Homemade” Prototype Exhibition at Soho House Hong Kong 「信言設計大使: 因時『製』宜」」原型展覽在Soho House Hong Kong
Exhibition Period Monday 21 September - Sunday 4 October 2020
展覽日期:2020年9月21日(星期一)至10 月4日(星期日)
Opening Hours: Daily 12 noon - 7pm
開放時間:每日中午12時至 7時
Location:  House Studio, Soho House Hong Kong, 33 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan
地點:上環德輔道西33號Soho House Hong Kong, House Studio

For more details please see: https://designtrust.hk/design-trust-critically-homemade/
Enquiries: studiolab@designtrust.hk/ +852 2739 6889
查詢:studiolab@designtrust.hk/ +852 2739 6889

*Our exhibition will be open with capacity restrictions aligned to the current statutory operating requirements. We would also ensure that our visitors are not gathered in groups of more than 4 people and social distance is adhered. *為了配合當前法定要求,我們展覽開放將安排有人數限制,確保訪客人數不會超越4人以上,並遵守社交距離規定。

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Design Trust (an initiative of the Hong Kong Ambassadors of Design) respects the privacy of the information provided by our users and will endeavor to ensure that proper protection is given to such information. We pledge to meet, and where possible exceed, internationally recognised standards of data privacy protection, in complying with the law of confidence and/or the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, whichever is applicable. In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. 信言設計大使尊重提供以上資料的隱私,並將努力確保對此類信息給予適當的保護。我們承諾在遵守法律下的保密條例及/或《個人數據(隱私)條例》(以適用者為準)的前提下,盡可能達到國際公認的隱私保護標準。因此,我們亦確保我們的員工遵守最嚴格的安全和保密標準。 *
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