MARCH 9, 2020
06:00 PM

REVISED 1. Call to Order Regular Meeting of the Town of Superior Board of Trustees, the Superior Metropolitan District No. 1 Board of Directors and the Superior McCaslin Interchange Metropolitan District Board of Directors (6:00)

2. Preliminary Matters (6:00)
a. Pledge of Allegiance
b. Roll Call
c. Approval of Agenda
d. Public comment on Consent Agenda, Presentations and Non-Agenda Items (limit 5 min./person) (6:05)
e. Presentations (none)
f. Advisory Committee Reports (none)

3. Consent Agenda (6:15)
a. Approval of the Board of Trustees meeting minutes
Item #3a - Board Draft minutes 2 24 20

b. Meeting notes of the Advisory Committees and Planning Commission minutes
Item #3b - 1ACES Meeting Notes - 02.13.20

Item #3b - 2OSAC Notes 02.12.20

Item #3b - 3PROSTAC Notes 2.19.20

Item #3b - 4Draft PC minutes 2 18 20

c. Proclamation for 2020 Census
Item #3c - Census 2020 - Proclamation

d. Adoption of a Resolution for Superior Metropolitan District No. 1 canceling the May 5, 2020 election * All special districts are required to hold elections in even numbered years but the election may be canceled if the only matter before the electors is the election of persons to office and if there are not more candidates than offices to be filled at the election. Because the officers for the District are the same as the Board of Trustees, no other candidates can hold office.
Item #3d - 1Cover memo SMD#1 election cancellation

Item #3d - 2Resolution Canceling SMD#1 May Election-R021720

e. Adoption of a Resolution for Superior/McCaslin Interchange Metropolitan District canceling the May 5, 2020 election * All special districts are required to hold elections in even numbered years but the election may be canceled if the only matter before the electors is the election of persons to office and if there are not more candidates than offices to be filled at the election. Because the officers for the District are the same as the Board of Trustees, no other candidates can hold office.
Item #3e - 1Cover memo SMID election cancellation

Item #3e - 2Resolution Canceling SMID May Election-R021720

f. Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Loan Agreement for the Wastewater Treatment Plant for Superior Metropolitan District No. 1 * Consideration of a Loan Agreement which identifies the maximum interest rate (3.5%), principal amount ($7,000,000) and term (31 years). The approval is needed to create loan marketing documents and begin discussions with potential purchasers of this debt.
Item #3f - 1Cover memo SMD1 - CWRPDA Loan 3.9

Item #3f - 2State Revolving Fund Loan Program Summary

Item #3f - 3Resolution (2.27.2020)ButlerSnow_51894392v1

g. Approval of the Superior Chamber of Commerce Contribution * Consideration of an increased 2020 contribution amount of $40,000 from the Town to the Superior Chamber of Commerce.
Item #3g - 1Cover memo - Chamber 2020 funding increase - TB 03.09.20

Item #3g - 2Chamber-Trustees-WorkPlan-2020

Item #3g - 3Bud vs Act 123119_final

4. Advisory Committee Work Plan – Cultural Arts and Public Spaces (6:20) * Consideration of proposed annual Work Plan from the Town’s Advisory Committee
Item #4 - 1Cover memo 2020 CAPS Advisory Committee Work Plan 3.9

Item #4 - 2CAPS 2020 Work Plan - Draft

5. Adoption of a Resolution approving a Contract with Goodland Construction Inc. for Phase I of the 88th Street Improvement Project (6:35) * Phase I will consist of installation of potable water line, reuse water line, sanitary sewer and storm sewer replacements and connections along with construction of curb & gutter along the east side of the roadway.
Item #5 - 1Cover memo 88th Street Goodland Construction 3.9

Item #5 - 2Resolution Goodland Construction, Inc. 88th Street Phase I

Item #5 - 3Letter 88th Award Reccommentation Letter - JT

Item #5 - 4Goodland Construction Contract

Item #5 - 5GoodLand Construction Contract Documents

Item #5 - 6-88th_GLC Bid Form Signed

Item #5 - 7JT-88th Street Drawings 3.3.20 (002)

Item #5 - 8-19107 88th St Project Specifications

6. Adoption of a Resolution approving the final design for the 1500 Coalton Building (7:00) * Consideration of the final design prepared by OZ Architecture for the 1500 Coalton Building
Item #6 - 1Cover memo 1500 Coalton Road - Final Concept Design 3.9_

Item #6 - 2Resolution approving Final Design for 1500 Coalton Road

Item #6 - 3Town of Superior Presentation_Plan Updates_SM

Item #6 - 4Copy of Community Feedback of 2.24 Revisions

7. Executive Session to hold a conference with the Town’s special counsel to receive legal advise on specific legal questions, pursuant to C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(b), regarding oil and gas issues (8:30)

8. Adoption of an Ordinance amending Section 16-6-120 and Article 16-34 of the Superior Municipal Code, and Adding a New Article 16-37 to the Superior Municipal Code, Entitled "Oil and Gas Development" (9:40) * Consideration of an Ordinance which would enhance local jurisdictions’ ability to protect public health, safety, and welfare and the environment by clarifying, reinforcing, and establishing local regulatory authority over the surface impacts of oil and gas development.
Item #7 - 1Cover memo Ordinance Oil  Gas Land Use Code Revisions 3.9

Item #7 - 2Draft Ordinance to amend Superior Municipal Code 3-3-20

Item #7 - 3Redline Ordinance oil and gas Code 3-3-20

Item #7 - 4Resolution Superior BMP document 3-3-20

Item #7 - 5Resolution Redline BMP Document 3-3-20

Item #7 - 6Memo to Superior on code revisions

Item #7 - 7Resources - Publications Reviewed

Item #7 - 8Superior presentation 3-09-2020

Item #7 - 9Buffer Map IL and AUR

Item #7 - 10Map 1000’ Residential Buffer

9. Reports, Issues & Questions (10:40)

10. Adjournment (11:00)