Trump Claiming Oil Fields Draws Criticism: Looting Syria’s Natural Resources a ‘War Crime’


President Donald Trump is drawing sharp criticism for comments made about Syrian oil fields during an address to the nation Sunday morning in which he announced the capture and killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

“Where Lindsey and I totally agree is the oil,” the commander in chief said, adding “the oil is, you know, so valuable for many reasons.” He followed by listing the reasons why, noting that primarily, the Syrian oil “fueled ISIS,” and secondly, “it helps the Kurds.”

But it was his third reason that raised eyebrows when Trump said “it can help us.”

“We should be able to take some also, and what I intend to do perhaps is make a deal with an Exxon Mobil or one of our great companies to go in there and do it properly,” Trump noted about how he intends to take Syrian oil for the benefit of the United States and its companies.

As many noted, however, this appears to be out of alignment with the Geneva Conventions and US law. And some even go so far as to call it a “war crime”:

Watch above via CBS News.

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Colby Hall is the Founding Editor of He is also a Peabody Award-winning television producer of non-fiction narrative programming as well as a terrific dancer and preparer of grilled meats.