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If you knew beyond all doubt that one chance encounter would change the course of your future, what would you choose?

There’s nothing like a spring day in Boston to make your heart sing. I’m out with my girls, having drinks in a bar, enjoying the bright pulse of our beautiful city, when I see Caleb. The second my eyes meet his, I know this is the moment when everything will change. All I have to do is choose him.

I meet Whitney on the worst day of my life. I’ve always been an adrenaline junkie, but I never knew how fast things could change. Her soft gaze melts my cynicism, makes me forget the bitter man I was becoming. She makes me want to be the version of myself that I see in her eyes. All she has to do is choose this life.

When We Met takes Whitney and Caleb on the ride of their lives, hitting every note on the scale of beauty and tragedy along the way. USA Today best-selling author Marni Mann will make you question everything you thought you knew about love and fate, and this unforgettable story will leave you certain that destiny always finds a way.

274 pages, Paperback

First published February 9, 2021

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About the author

Marni Mann

57 books5,856 followers
USA Today Bestselling author Marni Mann knew she was going to be a writer since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about teenage pop stars, Marni was fantasizing about penning her first novel. She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotions. A New Englander at heart, she now lives in Sarasota, Florida, with her husband and their Yellow Lab. When she’s not nose deep in her laptop, working on her next novel, she’s scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling, or devouring fabulous books.

Visit her at:
WEBSITE: www.MarniSMann.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/MarniMannAuthor
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/marnimann/
NEWSLETTER: http://marnismann.com/e-mail-signup/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 393 reviews
Profile Image for Drey.
167 reviews1,000 followers
May 4, 2021
5 Stars!

... One of a kind.

Hands down one of my favourite romance books of 2021. Marni Mann was able to write a meaningful, creative, and surprising story that left a lasting impression on me right after I finished it. She has the way of bringing you to wherever it is that she wants to take you. She is an amazing crafter and a mender of utterly broken, relatable, and unforgettable characters. I loved the main characters she created and I adored how she able to build them very well in different circumstances. I wanted more of Caleb and Whitney, but I was greatly satisfied of that ending. There's no way I could ask for more.

Note: This is a contemporary romance.

“You have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations. That’s the only way you’re going to grow. You know that, Whitney; you even taught me that."

I'll make this quick because this is the kind of books that you should go in blind. But I tell y'all, do not expect an easy read. Do not expect a safe journey towards happily ever after. Open your eyes, mind, and heart, and let Marni Mann lead you to a world she had created, and that you might love every moment of it. And maybe, as much more as I did.

“Follow love. Follow happiness. The speed you take to get there doesn’t matter, only the journey does,"

This story showed me that everything comes down to choices. And no matter what this decision brings, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, everything has its "special" reasons that can help you grow from it.

Overall, I absolutely loved the book. If you are a fan of emotionally-charged, angsty, and out of the ordinary romance stories, you need to read this series. I personally suggest you start with When Ashes Fall and then this one.

“When we met, I never expected this moment to happen.”

Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews81.8k followers
March 23, 2021
"They say every tragedy is met with pain. But once you survive, why does it still hurt?"

Friends, Marni Mann knows how to write an emotional read. If you had the privilege of experiencing When Ashes Fall, then you know she likes to weave a bit of suspense into her romance novels. If you think you know what to expect after reading the first Moments of Boston novel, hold your horses and gird your loins, because this one takes a completely different turn that keeps you on your toes from beginning to end!

"I wish you saw yourself the way I do."

These books are so difficult to talk about, because they are a minefield of spoilers, but here is what I can tell you; Caleb and Whitney are positively swoon-worthy, and their journey from beginning to end, and everywhere in-between, was such a pleasure to ride alongside. Caleb is a wealthy financial guy and Whitney is a nurse; if you've read WAF then you probably will guess what sets off this book, but you definitely won't see the end coming. One simple pleasure was the fact that we get to see glimpses of Smith in this book, as he is one of Caleb's good friends, which makes me wonder if the next book might feature another friend? Regardless, I am here for all the Boston journeys, and I cannot recommend this book highly enough! These characters and their tender moments while stay with me for quite some time, even the secondary best friends, because honestly we could all use an Emily in our life. ❤️


*Many thanks to Valentine PR for my review copy.
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,361 reviews9,502 followers
February 2, 2021
2e0pm6g 30547322-SX540-1

'WHEN WE MET' is the second full length, stand-alone romance book in Marni Mann's 'Moments in Boston' series. Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives.'

In the blink of an eye and in just one moment thirty-three year old business man, adrenaline junky Caleb's life is changed forever. Leaving his future up in arms.

Twenty eight year old nurse, Whitney's life is changed when she's offered a job of second chances. Their two lives collided, changing them both forever. Caleb & Whitney will completely capture your heart not just once but many times.


This author always hits where it hurts and this one did exactly that throwing out twists and turns which left me flabbergasted and floundering in there wake, the feels came at me out of nowhere wringing my heart to smithereens. A day later and I'm still reeling from this book.

Marni Mann doesn't hold back as she takes hostage of all her readers hearts in this thought provoking beautifully written love story which will leave you breathless and wanting more, a rollercoaster of an emotional story which this author delivers time and time again, this is where she excels.

All us readers ask of authors is that they bring us unique reads and there is no doubt that this is exactly what we were seeking.

* Teaser used is off the authors facebook page *

Profile Image for Jessica.
330 reviews526 followers
February 9, 2021
When We Met is an emotional rollercoaster. Mann draws the reader to the characters from the very beginning. Whitney and Caleb have a great romance. Then, Mann confuses everyone with an unexpected turn. There is no way to explain it without ruining it but the reader falls in love with the characters all over again. There was one point when I was wondering what was going on, but the end revealed everything about this beautifully tragic story. There are a lot of sad moments but also great food descriptions and a lot of cookies. The characters struggle with what they want to do with their life and breaking away from what is expected. Whitney and Caleb are great characters that work through love and loss. When we met is emotional, and all of the characters struggle with hardships and grief. When We Met focuses on how everything can change in a moment. This book is very unique.

Thank you Valentine PR and Marni Mann for When We Met.

Full Review: https://justreadingjess.wordpress.com...
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,368 reviews1,328 followers
February 13, 2021
"I'm not ever going to stop."

When We Met is a contemporary romance by Marni Mann full of love and loss, joy and pain, romance and passion, and everything in between. Whitney is a nurse who lives for her job. She is always willing to serve others and do whatever she can to make a difference in the lives of others. Caleb is a wealthy businessman who has lived his life to its fullest. Always achieving everything he puts his mind to, Whitney becomes an unexpected surprise in his life. When Whitney and Caleb meet, both of them are at a crossroads. Although both long to be together, only fate can decide where their journey begins and ends.

"...life can be tragically unpredictable, and at any moment, it can lift us as high as the clouds or blow our asses up."
Told in Caleb's POV, When We Met is told in three parts. With a very unique writing style, Ms. Mann has composed a lyrical romance full of passion and heart. The relationships that are explored are intricate and are a true mirror of life and love and friendship. Marni Mann is a gifted storyteller who never fails to surprise me with her beautiful characters and the complex relationships she explores.
"Follow love. Follow happiness."
Overall, When We Met will appeal to readers who are looking for something touching and romantic that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire read. With multiple twists and turns, I had no idea where this journey would end. I can only say that this is one read you need to go in blind and commit your full heart. You will be so glad that you took the time to meet Whitney and Caleb! Another stand out creation by Ms. Mann! I look forward to more greatness to come.

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Profile Image for warhawke.
1,408 reviews2,129 followers
February 1, 2021
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone book 2 from Moments in Boston series
POV: First Person - Male

Note: To fully appreciate the story, I suggest going into this book blind. With that said, my review is free from plot spoilers.

Caleb Hunt and Whitney Scott met in an unconventional situation. Despite their shaky beginning, they found a connection that bound them together. But a single decision could blow apart the promise of their future.

I liked both Caleb and Whitney. They balanced each other out with their personality and view of life. However, in the first half of the book, I felt their relationship pacing a little off. I prefer their story so much better in the second half of the book.

“Don’t mourn that man; he’s not gone, nor is he a stranger. He’s just going to be a little different now.”

I loved the concept of this book especially with how the beginning and the end were set up. A certain part of the book might confuse readers, but you’ll understand the point by the time you hit the ending.

When We Met is a story of love, life, and its possibilities. It would appeal to readers who enjoy a reflecting Contemporary Romance.

Complete standalone books in the series:
When Ashes Fall (Moments in Boston, #1) by Marni Mann When We Met (Moments in Boston, #2) by Marni Mann

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,144 reviews13.2k followers
February 7, 2021
Even though there was only silence in the room, words were being shared between us, ones that I’d never felt so loudly before.

How have I not read this author since Seductive Shadows. Seriously. Like what on earth is wrong with me? Because after reading this book, I went and one-clicked on pretty much her entire backlist. My GOD. I'm seriously kicking my own @ss right now. But I digress.

This book is told in three parts and I can some them up for you in the following emotions:
1. Part I: I am emotion

2. Part II: I am confusion

3. Part III: I will cut you if you interrupt my reading

Having said that, that is the entirety that you'll be getting out of me about the plot. My advise is that you go in absolutely blind. Trust me on this. Whitney and Caleb's story is full of pain and heartbreak and was one of the most unique plots I've read in a while. It was unlike anything else I've read lately, and I love a book that can take me there like this one did. I devoured this in one day because I simply couldn't wait to turn the next page and understand everything.

A major part of the timeline happens during the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and while I rarely get emotional in books, there's a part where I was weeping like a baby. I won't tell you where or when and I won't tell you how it all ties together, but just prepare yourself for this story to wring emotion and tug on heartstrings you didn't even know you had.

I devoured the first part, and then Part II was a tad bit slower. I found myself skimming some parts though I was still 100% invested in the story. The first part was a solid 5 stars and the second part was along the lines of a 4. I really wanted a bit more at the end to really bring it all together, though. I really felt like I needed more than the chapter at the end to really close this out. Don't get me wrong, it was still highly satisfying. It was an incredibly story about fate, choices, and timing. If you're looking for something different, gripping and full of emotion, definitely give this a read.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
992 reviews1,149 followers
February 12, 2021

When We Met made us think about the what ifs. what if for one moment you choose differently? what if for just a few seconds, you decide to turn left instead of right? we all have our one moment that unbeknownst to us at that time, will cement our future.

Even though there was only silence in the room, words were being shared between us, ones that I’d never felt so loudly before.

This story has three parts and if I’m being honest, I wasn't sure if i was going to get through it. my emotions were raw during the first half, I was highly confused during the second half and by the time we made it through the end, I didn't know WHAT to feel!!


Told in two pov’s, this story takes you on whirlwind journey on life, fate, love, sacrifice and tragedy. It still amazes me how this author can weave a story that is a little complex due to the setting and make us feel all these kinds of emotions and have our heart bruised but in tact. This book will have you questioning things about life, destiny, and if our paths are really set in stone. It will make you think, fall in love, and appreciate this thing called life.


Profile Image for Syndi.
3,180 reviews930 followers
March 11, 2021
What if....?

That is the theme of When We Met. What if Whitney took another decision? Or took different path? What will happened to Whitney and Caleb.

Miss Mann knows how to write something that is just.... different than any other romance authors out there. Her stort, her moral messages are so rich in this book. I can not write more about the plot since it will reveal too much of the story.

All I can say, When We Met will blown your mind.

5 stars
Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,612 reviews873 followers
February 9, 2021
If you're looking for a soul shattering, subsuming story that will leave You Breathless, look no further.

NEVER have I read a story where it's all going hearts & flowers towards a rosy HEA and the writer says" Hold my beer" , I want to show you what couldn't happen?

NEVER have I ever read a story which follows a designated path and right at halfway point, crosses into divider and takes a u turn to show what the other side looks like.

NEVER have I ever had my FAITH questioned as I did in this book.

NEVER have I ever dreaded more the heartfelt desire to utter the words," if I could do it again, I'd do differently"!!
Be careful what you wish for because that may not be a better outcome you imagine it to be like!!

Pick up this book and start questioning your own life choices, your dandelion wishes, your Penny in the fountain prayers.
Engrossing Story about Choices & consequences ranging from trivial to life altering. They divert the direction and trajectory of life subconsciously, as we know it. Marni takes the age old dilemma of retrospection - "What would've happened had I made a different choice back then?" and flips the story back and over to show what could've, would've, should've been. the result may or may not be pretty, the destination may be unintended and tragedies encountered maybe unwanted and that's EXACTLY THE point Marni makes.
"Everything happens for a reason"
Every book, every story, every new venture matures Marni's writing like fine wine. A true versatile Genius author, she pulls from real life tragedy and pain to pen some of the most memorable stories I've ever read.


B.R.I.L.L.I.A.N.T. story that tries to see both sides of the time line. A violent see-saw of emotions surges like waves and manages to sweep the readers away like driftwood.
We get to revisit Boston, the tragic day of April 15, 2013, when world ended for some and irrevocably changed the lives of all in the vicinity.
“I let nothing get in the way, and I let no one in.”
“You were just as lost as me.”

In this series Moments in Boston , she uses the horrendous event of Boston Marathon tragedy and spins different vantage stories around it. Book 2 showcases the impact of the attack on Caleb Hunt, an adrenaline junkie, full of life and vigor. The gist of his life is one adventure after the other, in search of new thrills, New accomplishments, New places to visit. He tragically meets Nurse Whitney and she teaches him to slow down, notice and smell the roses, and for herself, she finds new calling in her life
“That’s how you have to treat life. Book that trip; take that adventure. Reach for that kiss—”


To say that this book is soaked in tears is an understatement. I guarantee your heart will weep for them. Painful love which struggles to find respite in the maelstrom of responsibilities and duties. It's like a forever match of wrong place and wrong time.
"We were in two different places in our lives, fighting the wind and current, aiming for that beautiful horizon."
I could never ever in my wildest dreams imagine the direction marni takes the story to, or culmination in the way it does.
What an #EmotionGasm, what a #RollercoasterRide, what an #AngstaBonanza
Get your wine and tissues ready and sit in a Quiet corner to sip every word and taste them. It's a feast of sentiments served Marni-style.
5 stars for Trips & Adventures
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Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
February 7, 2021
4-4,5 STARS

“When you can’t rely on someone else to steer you, a confidence builds from within, and you learn to use your senses more. That’s when you really find yourself.”

This was such an emotional read, it hooked me from the beginning.Get prepared for this journey because it will leave you breathless.It's amazing how Marni's writing can captivate you.

Caleb and Whitney's love was powerful, full of emotions. They make me laugh , swoon and cry at moments.They have a strong bond.

Overall, it was such an amazing read, I find the plot brilliant and enjoyed it .


Profile Image for JAN.
1,185 reviews902 followers
February 12, 2021
I really fancied the first part, the realistic pain from Caleb, how gifted Whitney was as a nurse and how they were brought together.

But dear lawd! the story totally lost me when the second part started. Don't take me wrong, it was a nice and clever twist, but it bored me to death and I struggled to reach the end.

4 stars to the 1st part
1 star to the 2nd version.
Profile Image for Corinne [semi-hiatus].
530 reviews105 followers
March 22, 2021
I don't honestly know how to explain this book without spoiling it. I have never read a similar story until now.
Going into this book, whatever direction you expect the story to go into, I'm telling you right now, you're wrong.
I guess it all boils down to decisions, how they influence our life and how the people that are meant to be in our life will be in our life, one way or another regardless.
And I know I am being vague but I really don't want to spoil this book for you.
When We Met follows the story of Caleb, a billionaire financial advisor and Whitney, a ortho/neuro nurse. They meet on April 15th, 2013, the day of the Boston marathon tragedy. The book is split in 3 parts, the first from Caleb's POV, the second from Whitney's POV and the third from Whitney's friend POV. After reading part 1, I was ready to give this book 3 stars. I felt something was missing and the twist at the end left me unsatisfied and wandering how this story as going to move forward. I felt everything that needed to be said had been already said.
But then came part 2. And it took me by surprise in a way I hadn't expected. I loved part 2 so much more and the end left me crying hard. This is the part that will stay with me for a long time.
The third part sheds light on the meaning behind this story and it is beautiful.

TW: death of a lover one

***ARC generously provided by author in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Sarah/DragonflyReads.
745 reviews175 followers
February 27, 2021

“It all came down to choices. And none of them were going to be simple.”

When We Met is about choices. Moments in time. One moment can change the course of your life. This is a love story between Whitney, a nurse, and Caleb, a financial planner. Their love is fast and beautiful and inspired.

In signature Marni Mann fashion, she takes us on an emotional journey that will leave you breathless and filled with so much love. This book, ya'll. It takes my breath away. Marni Mann has such a way with words and story building that is so unique it's hard to describe. A 2021 favorite, When We Met is not to be missed!
Profile Image for The Book Bee.
567 reviews276 followers
February 9, 2021

"Nothing is unattainable - you're going to learn that very soon."

I'm just gonna be one of those crazy, cheerleading, screaming-because-you-loved-it kind of reviews. This is also one of those ones that I'm afraid I just won't do it justice based on the effect it had on me alone ....and how I want to convey that to you. Because, ONCE AGAIN, Marni Mann has taken my easy thinking world and turned it upside down. She caused me to think deeper than I imagined I would have to just by reading a book. This was the BIGGEST CASE of WHAT-IF. A coulda-shoulda-woulda kind of read. This was a rough one and I was pretty sure I was going to be mean-messaging Marni at 1:30 am, but alas - I calmed myself down. Self negotiating skills in full effect.

I CAN’T STOPPING THINKING ABOUT THIS BOOK. This story. These characters. I really can't...

I think Mann invites real discussion with her vision and her words and the way in which she lays out and tells her stories. She’s not very up front and transparent with the journey in the beginning because I feel like she’s allowing my mind to wander, but she’s very well versed in providing a visual before she reins me in and gives me a clearer picture. And I think that is brilliant. To allow my mind to ponder and go into overdrive thinking about the possibilities with the storyline, only to pull me back and center me with her truth. Oh my gosh. I can't!! I just can't! I loved this book so much...

I love reads that make me think. Or feel. But mostly think. Because my perspective is fluid on many things, steadfast on others - but there’s always that in between on things you just don’t quite think about enough. Dare I say, things we all take for granted. This one had me tearing up. Quite a bit actually...but she gave me perspective. She gave me understanding. She gave me hope. And she gave me a love to savor. Caleb and Whitney showed me two halves of a whole, and they didn’t quite fit together, but they melded well. Her personality and his were polar opposites, and that’s what I loved about them. Without giving too much away, broody and driven, those two moved mountains.

The gravity of the situation these characters were dealing with, you’d think it wouldn’t lend time for laughs and giggles and winks - but between Whitney’s personality, Caleb's finesse, and Marni’s writing, I couldn’t help myself. I want to read books with this much depth all. the. time. Is that too much to ask? I am so in love and still thinking about them. {{love}}

I LOVE writing a review while I'm still hopped up on my emotions. I feel like it allows me to share my words with a little more oomph and depth - a real truth behind my feelings about just how much the book affected me. With this one, I wrote it while I read it. I met every turn with a comment, with a gasp, with serious confusion but immense amounts of love. I honestly wish I could have read this one with someone sitting right next to me because the discussions would have been EPIC. This was a heart gripping, pain-intensifying, mind-boggling read. Mann conjures up a sense of gratitude, a sense of thankfulness that I always feel like I have....but then she puts into perspective something so real and visceral that it draws the emotion out of me. It was real, all encompassing. It was real world drama with so much truth to back it up. It afforded me a massive book hangover, that's for sure. It was literally life unfolding before my eyes and so well written. My gosh, so well written.

This book was the type of read that once you’re done, you want to go back and immediately read it again just to see how many clues you can pick up on and see what you missed. I *wish* I could re-read books because that is exactly what I would do with this one. This one, my gosh, this one.... {{sigh}} I would love to sit down and say 'come here', pat the couch and watch you while you read it just so I can react to your reactions. #StalkerBee

Fate. Serendipity. That’s what this was. Once again, Marni Mann provided a lesson in fate and why I’ve always loved its charm. It's definitely a book about fate; the kind of book that once I finished it, I could have stared at the wall and replayed in my head all that happened and pondered. Wondered. Daydreamed about. It's just going to sit there on repeat because the ramifications of one decision can have life altering effects...and Marni Mann put that into words with an emotional and moving outcome. I loved this book so very much and I am pretty sure I will not ever forget this feeling I'm feeling right now.

This book will have emotional repercussions for a while to come. Thank you, Marni. Thank you for the journey. Thank you for the eye opening reality. Thank you for the love. Thank you. I'll never make another decision without thinking about....what if?

"They say that every tragedy is met with pain. But once you survive, why does it still hurt?"

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Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,731 reviews530 followers
February 19, 2021

Caleb and Whitney’s stunning story challenges one's beliefs, attitudes, and perspective. Both emotional and devastating at times, it shook my emotions and kept me enthralled.

Well-crafted and unpredictably plotted, it is gripping from start to finish. Marni Mann wows with this amazing read!
Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.7k followers
February 10, 2021
Marni Mann is the queen of epic twists and thought-provoking stories. When We Met was utterly addictive and had ALL the FEELS. Definitely a book I couldn't put down.
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,460 reviews282 followers
February 9, 2021
It’s 12:30 am I have to get up in 4 hours and I loved this fn book. I’ll try to write a semi worthy review tomorrow. Marni Mann with the slay y’all!!

Okay the next day, I am still processing and basking in all the FEELS this book evoked. Marni Mann is the ultimate at capturing your heart, twisting your emotions and playing tug of war with your heart and you want to hug her at the end. This story is special, it is unique, it takes the reader on a journey that completely owns you, captivating every emotion and highlighting ones you aren't sure you should be feeling. It makes me write run on sentences...because I can't find and articulate the words to properly evoke how much I FELT and DEVOURED this journey.

Choices made. Fate found. Hearts break. Love eternal. I am speechless. In awe of the storytelling that we are so lucky to receive from Ms. Mann time after time. This story is everything. READ THIS BOOK. xo
Profile Image for talon smith.
710 reviews132 followers
January 29, 2021
WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SO DAMN CONFUSED UNTIL IT FINALLY HIT ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS. LOLLLLL. Ugh. I was convinced this book was not for me until the pieces started to fall together. Seriously. When the point of this story finally hit me-- I felt SO RAW. I had this uneasy feeling fall all over me and envelop me on how we just do not ever know what destiny and fate has in store for us and that is a scary and fun thing to experience.

What an emotional damn journey. I did not see any part of this story coming but now that I sit here and think more and more about it-- I AM OBSESSED. I am obsessed with not only Marni and her writing but her way of making us think through an entire story.

I have never before read a book that took fate into it's own hands like this. And I have never in my life wanted so bad to immediately go back and re-read a book more than When We Met (which I will probably 100% do). If you're picking this one up for the first time, take your time. Savor it and pick it apart. Let it confuse you. Absorb it all in. I think the way Marni make us see the fate of relationships is a beautiful thing.
Profile Image for Jen (jensdreamylittlereads).
876 reviews104 followers
February 4, 2021
I am no stranger to Marni Mann. And I am no stranger to the visceral feelings that she can evoke in her stories. But I was in NO WAY expecting this. I was in no way expecting to be left breathless when I finished When We Met. But here I am. Stunned and captivated. I wasn’t able to put this one down. The story grabs you from the very beginning and doesn’t let you go even after the very last words. 

The beauty of reading a book by Marni Mann is that you never know what you are going to get. I seriously had numerous theories in my head while reading and all of them were wrong and quite honestly, none of them can compare to the shocking twist when you figure out what you are reading. This is truly one of the most heartbreaking and beautiful stories I have ever read. This story really was so genius.

When We Met is a riveting and remarkable masterpiece that will fracture your heart and piece it back together at the same time. As you may have gathered, I felt that this book was breathtaking. This was a hard review to write, because I want you to have the opportunity to experience this spoiler free. It deserves to be read and it deserves that experience to be spoiler free. 
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,548 reviews162 followers
February 2, 2021
OMG what an ending!!!

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Wow i don't know where to start with this book. Marni is the queen of twists and turns and this book is no different. Im alway on the edge of my seat with her books. Its hard to put down cause I alway need to know whats goin to happen. Whitney and Caleb's book is no different. Its very hard to do a long review for this book cause you cant have the story spoilt. It would just ruin the story and the story is amazing. Just get your tissues and maybe grab some oreo cookies.

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Whitney is a brilliant, sweet, caring woman. There is nothing she wouldn't do for the people she luvd. Her friends were like family and she luvd hard. Her job takes a lot out of her but its means so much to her to. Having time to herself is precious so she tries to make the most of it. So a luv life wasnt really on the cards until the gorgeous Caleb came into her life.

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Caleb is gorgeous, a workaholic and luvs crazy sports. Anything to get his adrenaline running. He likes visiting exotic places with his friends. But overall work was what took up most of his time. Luv was never really on his radar. Woman either want his money or he couldn't give them the time they wanted. He just never met the right woman until Whitney.

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I would highly recommend this book.  Everything about it was just amazing the story, the characters, the writing just everything. I really liked how it was written. It just kept me interested all the way through it really get your emotions goin my heart was broken in parts but then mended again. The story just shows that one simple thing can change everything. This book is definitely the best book ive read so far this year. Well played Marni.

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Profile Image for Ana Manjić.
601 reviews51 followers
January 28, 2021

Full-length standalone romance novel spoke from two prospective.
You don't have to read book1 (When Ashes Fall) to understand this story but I do recommend it because it was straight 5star for me and it will forever be woven into my heart and my soul.

Everything can change in just one moment – when a single act changes your life. A moment when you know you will never be the same and changes the way you think about everything. This is what this story is about.

Here we have two stories in one book and each is told from one point of view, his story, and her story.
One ends tragically, the other ends with a happy ending.
And it all starts with one phone call.

Depicting a very real and very hard story with glimmers of hope throughout.

Love it!
Profile Image for ReadingTilTheBreakOfDawn.
1,556 reviews75 followers
February 2, 2021
4.5 stars. And I may just go strangle Marni Mann while I’m at it. 🤣
Trust me. It's a good strangle because she messed with my little emotional heart and head. I like when a story is original and keeps me on my toes. Just when you think you're going to get one story, you get another. I really enjoyed the way this book and the story unfolded, it's just kind of broke me but also made me smile and then broke me again. Hence, wanting to strangle Ms Mann.

This is a story about choices. Have you ever thought about what would happen IF.....? If you waited 5 minutes longer? If you called in sick? If you ignored a call? This is the story that unfolds between Caleb and Whitney and it was done beautifully. I don't want to give ANYTHING away, but I'll say this...There are 3 parts. The first part is the most in depth told from Caleb's POV. The second part, told for Whitney's POV seemed to go by quicker than expected. The third part concludes this epic journey. There is one couple. There are some important supporting characters. Expect your heart to break. Expect some understanding.

We were in two different places in our lives, fighting the wind and the current, aiming for that beautiful horizon. And somehow, we had found each other...

Whitney is a character that lives for work. She is a nurse and she is GOOD at her job. Like beyond good. She is exceptional. She cares for her patients, but she works and works and misses out on life around her. Luckily, she has always had a good bff in her roommate, Emily. I loved their friendship and the way they supported each other throughout the book. Their friendship was golden. Meanwhile, Caleb is married to his work. He puts in 80 hour work weeks and is also GOOD at his job. He is a man that works for his family, but he has put in his time. He's worked for everything he has and he likes to travel and live on the edge. We see that in him, but when he is forced to slow down and show Whitney who he really is, that's when the magic happens.

Marni created a world in Boston that was something special. Just when you think you're going to get one story, you get something a bit unexpected and I commend Ms Mann for taking that route. I loved it, even if it confused me for a split second. I liked seeing it all. I like the love that grew between Caleb and Whitney and seeing how they both grew with and because of one another. I liked how it was all brought together at the end and how all the characters pushed the story forward. I still wanna hug and strangle you, Marni, but for this story it's worth it. ;)

The choices you make today will affect the choices you are given tomorrow. What will you choose?
Profile Image for Melissa  ❤️ bookaddict_fanatic .
1,009 reviews91 followers
May 29, 2021
This is not your average love story and absolutely one that will have you questioning E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! It took me days after reading to grasp what I read, to get my emotions under control and to understand the why of it all..... can't give you more than that without ruining the book and this is one that NEEDS to be read. This is one heart-wrenching, emotional read that is without a doubt UNPUTDOWNABLE! This is a journey where we learn about fate and the choices we make that can ultimately change our lives. This book will consume you with the powerful message, the journey these characters take and the unique story woven within the pages of this Top Read for 2021!
Profile Image for Kindle Crack Book Reviews Cheri .
1,264 reviews1,068 followers
February 2, 2021
Marni Mann, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HEART? I should send you ugly cry pictures.  Luckily you made my heart whole again. This book is five star feels!!! I knew it was going to be incredible— but you knocked it out of Fenway Park.  When We Met (Moments in Boston #2) is unputdownable binge-worthy Kindle Crack. I can’t believe I already reread it. IT WAS THAT GOOD!  When We Met is on my Best of 2021 list. This is a standalone in the Moments in Boston series.

Profile Image for Laura Lee.
955 reviews170 followers
February 8, 2021
Whoa!!!! What a freaking story.

Just closed the kindle on this one. Need a minute to get my heart back to beating normally.

My goodness, When We Met is one heck of an emotional journey. Making you think while devouring the story.... the little things in life, the paths we chose to take, how one decision can make or break you. What if, you picked the other option? Would you like that route better?

Will say this much...Marni Mann nailed it once again! There isn't a book written by this author that I wouldn't HIGHLY recommend. Her talent shines with each and ever book she brings to us!
Profile Image for  Linathebookaddict  .
1,462 reviews391 followers
February 9, 2021
This was a poignant book. It's about choices and how they can impact our lives. The choices we make have ripple effects that can either bring us to happiness or lead us to devastation.
While I enjoyed the premise, I had some difficulty connecting with the characters. Especially during the second part. At some point I lost interest there. It's probably a case of 'it's not you it's me' , but the book didn’t shake me as I expected it to.
Still this was an interesting read about the power of love!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 393 reviews

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