Task 1
Answer the questions.

1 Do you think a man and a woman can be just friends?
2 Can your boyfriend / girlfriend be your best friend or you need somebody else to be friends with?

Task 2
Look at the title of the article and the picture next to it. What do you think the article is about? Read to check.
The Friend Zone

There's this person who you like. You're really attracted to them. Your immensely deep attraction
for this person means that it's sometimes painful to spend time with them. However, because you care
for them so much, you can't seem to
stay away from them either. The only trouble is, this person
doesn't let you get close to them. Now you're not sure if you can
ask them out because you're not
sure if they like you back. After all, you spend a lot of time together, but the two of you never seem
to find that magical moment when you feel the spark of romance.

It might not be your fault. This kind of thing happens all the time.
Your crush, the person who you want to kiss
so badly, might be shoving you into something called,
“The Friend Zone”. The friend zone is a cold place where
romance cannot blossom like you want it to. How do you know you're in the friend zone?

Below is a list of the top five signs that you're being put in the friend zone by your crush.
1 The person you
have a crush on always talks about other people he or she is dating.
2 The person who you're attracted to won't stop checking out other people when the two of you are together.
3 Your crush constantly calls you about relationship advice.
4 Your crush usually avoids giving you hugs, kisses, or any type of physical affection.
5 He or she frequently finds excuses to invite other people to events that you tried to make exclusive.

If these items above are true for you, then you now know you're in the friend zone. The better question is whether
or not there is any hope of clawing your way out of that horrible place.

The simple answer is yes. Yes, of course there is a chance that you'll dig your way out of the dreaded friend zone.
Nothing is forever, and romance can happen at any moment! You might be in the friend zone now, but there's no
reason why you have to stay there forever.

1 Be there for your crush when she needs you the most. Be the good friend that got you close to them in the first
place. Don't punish them for putting you in the friend zone.
2 Kindly ask your infatuation to stop telling you about their dating experiences. If it
hurts your feelings or if it
bothers you then ask them to pick a new conversation topic.
3 Don't come on too strongly. Yes, you want to win their heart. No, you don't want to make them feel
uncomfortable around you. Be patient, and don't be
overly affectionate.
4 Never give up. Perseverance is the key to winning!
5 Be honest with your love. You must like them for a reason, right? If they are the right person for you, then they will
respect your feelings. Get out there and tell them how you feel!

Whether you're in the friend zone already or you're afraid you're heading in that direction, there is always a way
to avoid it. Watch the signs and do your best to respectfully guide your crush in a direction aimed at you!

Task 3
Read the text again and anwer the questions.
  1. What is special about this 'Friend Zone'? What exactly is it?
  2. What advice does the author give to get out of 'The Friend Zone'?

Task 4
Look at the text again. Match the words in bold with their definitions.
  • 1. to be attracted to
  • 2. to stay away from
  • 3. to ask somebody out
  • 4. your crush
  • 5. “The Friend Zone"
  • 6. to have a crush on
  • 7. to date
  • 8. to hurt one's feelings
  • 9. overly affectionate
  • a. to invite someone on a date
  • b. the person you love
  • c. to have a romantic relationship
  • d. somebody who is too emotional and expresses his/her love in a too emotional way
  • e. to avoid meeting someone or dealing with something
  • f. feeling a pleasing, positive, or exciting influence from someone or something
  • g. to love somebody
  • h. to cause emotional pain
  • i. a situation when a person develops romantic feelings for someone,
    but the other person only sees the relationship as just being friends

Task 5
Match the words / phrases with their pictures.
to dump
fiancé / fiancée
Mr Right
to split up / break up
to get engaged

Task 6
The words or phrases in bold are used in wrong sentences.
Switch them in a way that the sentences make sense.
  1. — Lida, why are you so sad? Is everything OK?
    — No, it’s not OK. Mykola split up me yesterday in front of our friends. It was so embarrassing.
  2. Do you know why Jack and Sarah dumped. They were such a nice couple.
  3. I would like to introduce my crush. His name is Bobby and we’re getting married in July.
  4. I’m thinking of splitting up with Dilan. He’s attracted to, always hugging, kissing and saying stupid lovey dovey stuff.
  5. I am overly affectionate Oksana. She is so beautiful, charming, intelligent. I always think about her.
    Can you see us together?
  6. I’m sorry, I didn’t want stay away from my daughter. You are not dumb, that’s not what I meant.
    Believe me, please.
  7. You must to hurt your feelings. You don’t deserve her, she’s way out of your league.
  8. I do feel nostalgic when I think about my school fiancé. Our relationship was so romantic.