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A straight guy gives gay hookup tips to a virgin. What could go wrong?

When I first met Whit, I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. He’s a hockey player, and I hate everything to do with the sport that once broke my heart.

But I can’t help feeling sorry for the guy. He’s newly out and desperate to meet someone, but his eagerness seems to scare potential hook-ups away.

Agreeing to be his wingman should’ve been simple. Watching him flirt with other guys made things complicated.

Whit challenges me in every aspect of my life, from my hatred of hockey to the new questions I’m asking myself. Like why a straight man suddenly can’t stop thinking about kissing another guy.

I think the answer lies somewhere on Whit’s lips...

252 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 22, 2021

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About the author

Eden Finley

56 books6,191 followers
Eden Finley is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are mostly full of snark and light-hearted fluff.

She lives to create an escape from real life for herself and her readers.

She's also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don't make sense to anyone else.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 821 reviews
October 20, 2021

I loved so many things about this book:

- Two buff hockey players (one former, one current) getting it on (muscles and stamina, baby!)

- Great chemistry, smoldering sexy times, plus virgin alert! (Rainn's first time with a man and Whit's first time period. It's not that Whit is saving himself; his runaway mouth just gets the best of him sometimes.)

- A slow(ish) burn (Rainn isn't sure where he fits on the LGBQT spectrum but wants to explore with Whit and is never ashamed of having a boyfriend.)

- Fake wingman situation (Let's face it; Rainn always wanted Whit for himself.)

- Well-sketched secondary characters (I loved Whit's close-knit, supportive family.)

- No melodrama (The men do have a fairly major argument toward the end, but it was a necessary one, I think, and they both handled it like adults.)

- HEA (read the bonus epilogue!)

- Cow named Sidney (because Rainn is not farmer material)

- Humor, banter, and all the feels (regret, anger, acceptance, love)

Highly recommended; can be read as a standalone outside the Vino & Veritas series.
Profile Image for Snjez.
854 reviews745 followers
September 3, 2021
1.5 stars

I'm sorry to say that I didn't enjoy this and the audiobook didn't help, either.

The problem I had with this story is that I didn't buy any of it – Whit's crush on Rainn, Rainn's being straight and then falling for Whit, the way their relationship develops throughout the story, their HEA.

To be honest, I found the story boring for the most part. There was one moment early on in the book when Whit literally made me laugh out loud, so the half star goes to him.

I wasn't fond of Rainn. His way of thinking and his actions annoyed me and one particular situation towards the end made me so angry that I couldn't help feeling that Whit deserved someone better.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,977 reviews6,107 followers
September 7, 2021
This gave me ALL the squishy feels. My favorite in the series so far.

We get:
A sexuality discovery story, an injured MC, coming out, bisexuality, hockey players, a slow-burn romance.... I could go on and on.

I read this all night long. During these crazy times, it takes a LOT to keep me reading, and I didn't want to put this one down.

Eden Finley knocked this out of the park.

Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,389 reviews1,534 followers
November 13, 2021

Since this story wasn't officially a part of Eden's "CU Hockey" series, although it was in the same universe, I somehow missed reading it until later than I normally would have.

In this book, Whit had come out publicly somewhat recently and decided that it was time to dip his toes into the gay dating scene, in hopes of getting rid of his dreaded V-card before his 22nd birthday.

And after an NHL career-ending injury three years prior, straight, ex-hockey player Rainn had resigned himself to paying the bills by working at a combination book store and (gay'ish) bar, Vino & Veritas.

I liked how this story started out with Whit idolizing Rainn, who eventually decided to play wingman in hopes of getting Whit laid, which then turned into a whole lot more. Even considering the fact that Rainn had previously been "straight".

I also really enjoyed how there were never any huge gay freak-outs, as Rainn first started feeling a possessiveness and attraction toward Whit, contemplated acting on them, and finally more-than-willingly hopped into bed with the other young man.

One thing that really sealed the deal for me was how understanding both MC's were toward the other's situation and life challenges, showing patience in the face of potential frustrations, giving one another time to work through their own crap.

The level of steam here was high, but the angst and drama were kept to acceptable levels, with a few "Oh God, no, please don't go there" cliched moments being mostly avoided entirely, for which I was grateful.

There were also a few crossover moments with a couple of the "CU Hockey" characters; however, those were mostly just described, instead of pulling characters, like my beloved Beck, fully in with both hands and a rope for any sort of extended stay.

This was a solid book and I'd rate it at around 4 stars, so if you're a fan of Eden's hockey stories, I'd definitely recommend reading this one as well. 😁


This book is *FREE* with Kindle Unlimited membership.

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Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,356 reviews489 followers
December 31, 2021
4 Stars

My first Finley was a total success!

The premise is simple. Newly out and proud hockey player is determined to not be a virgin by his 22nd birthday. He somehow gets a straight former hockey player to help him out, become his friend, and by his totally wholesome winsome charm works his hoodoo voodoo on him and they fall in love.

Admittedly, not very plausible at all but this is fiction and one must go with the flow right? Whit is seriously the most guileless guy, all eager puppy with very little finesse and knows he’s a complete idiot to fall for Rainn. He just can’t help it. Rainn on the other hand feels just a tad bit sorry for Whit and gradually, he can’t help but be won over by Whit’s kind genuine nature…. among other things. Though Rainn’s supposed to help Whit with his “goals”, deep down he really doesn't want Whit accomplishing any of them unless it’s with him.

So ensue some snarky funny banter - the real boon of this book is the dialogue in my opinion. There’s a bit of angsty self examination in coming out and figuring out what to do in life but plenty of smexy to whet most appetites.

A really fun, mostly easy romance that will make me strongly consider Finley’s other works when I need that occasional contemporary detour!
Profile Image for Papie.
764 reviews163 followers
June 9, 2021
4.5 stars. I loved loved loved this book! Whit and Rainn are adorable, sexy, sweet and just perfect! Cute couple, fun banter, great secondary characters. And hot too! The sex was steamy yet super romantic and had me swooning.

The ending dragged a little. I usually like my happy endings quick and dirty 🤷‍♀️ so I would have wrapped this up three chapters earlier. But we got a little cameo from a different Eden Finley series that made it worth it.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
677 reviews1,393 followers
August 26, 2021
i really adored this! i loved the friendship and romance between Whit and Rainn, their banters were so cute and fun. i also liked how Rainn wanted to explore with Whit and the way he slowly came to realize he’s falling for him, i thought the realization was so sweet once he finally came to terms with his feelings. i wouldn’t say the story was anything new, but this was such an enjoyable read regardless. 🤍

omfg i loved the cameo of my bbs Beck and Jacobs 😭🤍 they’re my favs from the CU Hockey series so seeing them here was a lovely surprise. 🥰
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
558 reviews531 followers
March 9, 2021
*** I received an eArc in exchange for an honest review.***

This was my favorite story in this series!!! I loved both main characters, their relationship to one another, their personalities, and the journey they both experience throughout this story. The premise was interesting and had my interest immediately. Normally the GFY trope is overused and a bit unrealistic, but this story did not disappoint with its honest approach with a mutual discovery of intense feelings between both main characters that felt honest, realistic, and natural.

Alongside the amazing relationship development of the main characters, this story also depicts difficult subject matter in regards to devastating life events that upend one of the main characters' entire life goals, passion, and identity.

This story was addicting from the very first chapter and I loved the banter and instant connection between both main characters. As a reader you understand their immediate bond and why their relationship is inevitable. I loved this installment and eagerly anticipate the next one in this fun series.
Profile Image for Rosabel.
723 reviews233 followers
March 24, 2021
I liked this and I'm surprised. 😐😐

It wasn't a perfect story, when I was starting it I felt like Eden was gonna do a story that she had already done, but I was wrong! This had the little town feel that the series has, two really charismatic main characters, I loved both of them even if Whit was my favorite, and it was fun as hell to read, I mean look at this gems:

“We, uh, do have those books, but, umm, do you know what MM means?”
When I started working here, I had no clue.
She whispers, “It’s about the gays.”

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣... Also:

"What does it say about me that an interested-in-me dude with a cheesy smile and a nice ass did nothing for me, but the hardened features of one ex-hockey player will make my body buzz and my cock pay attention? Maybe I have an anger kink. That could be helpful to know" Whit


Whitaker reminded me of Zane from Pisces hooks Taurus wich it's one of my favorite characters in that series, so I think I'm a little biased about him, I loved everything he did and wanted to keep him in my pocket. I still liked Rainn, since I read Heartscape I had my eyes on him and he didn't disappoint, he made a good partner to Whit, their banter and their chemistry was on fire from the get-go. And they gave me phrases like:

"Well, technically, this isn’t really a surprise for you. It’s just something I’m proud of.” Whit
“It’s your dick, isn’t it" Rainn

I enjoyed it, the middle dragged I know that, but still this book made me smile, made me warm inside and made me laugh, wasn't perfect but it was lovely anyways. ❤🥰

And I saw a little bit of Jacob and Beck, it was nice that the two worlds collided for a bit. 🥰🥰🥰
Profile Image for Rain.
1,971 reviews28 followers
May 7, 2023
DNF, can’t take it anymore. Are you born gay or lesbian? Could that possibly change if you meet the right person? Is this where the magic penis or vagina comes into play? It feels extremely problematic to write a gay romance with a straighter than straight male character.

Not to mention the fact that the main character says he reads MM romance novels so he doesn’t slip and say anything offensive to anyone queer while working V&V. Are you really getting life advice from romance novels?

Besides all of that, I liked both of these characters as friends, the grumpy/sunshine trope worked well here. I’m not exactly sure what the “wingman” aspect comes into affect, because it never seems to materialize. Underdeveloped characters and a relationship that evolves because of what? Why do these men like each other? What am I missing?
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,684 reviews371 followers
February 25, 2021
Another hit in the Vino and Veritas line from the expanded World of True North.

I really loved this, it's essentially the grumpy one falling for the sunshine one with a sports romance twist coupled with a bisexual awakening narrative and it absolutely worked for me.

Rainn was set to be an NHL superstar until a second injury proved career ending shortly after leaving college. Now, a few years later, he's working at V&V and has pushed all thoughts of his future into the deepest corners of his mind.

That is until he finds himself getting tangled up in a friendship with newly out baby gay virgin college student Whit, who's studying hard so he can graduate and help with diversification at his family farm while playing ice hockey on the side.

Reading this book was a delight, it's funny, has moments of introspection but also lots of celebration too and I felt wholly committed to seeing Rainn go through a dawning awareness that he was attracted to Whit.

The way their relationship's physical development was tackled too really made sense to me, they explored together, there wasn't any straight on into full blown penetrative sex, it was a slow build up of intimacy and experimentation. This made it all the more emotionally connected and very charged!

Tensions also arose organically too, there isn't a dramady moment just chucked in to give them a falling out crisis. What occurs makes perfect sense and, thankfully, there's no sulking, just a very quick realisation they need to talk and sort things out.

Everything about it just worked for me and the Epilogue and Bonus Chapter (which you can get once the book is live via an email sign up) were fabulous!

#ARC kindly received from the publishers Hearts Eyes Press in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Diana.
584 reviews18 followers
May 28, 2021
Strong 4.5 stars

When I sat down to start his book, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Since the first two books in the series were only “meh” for me, I was expecting the same thing. Plus, I never read Eden Finley before, so that just added to my worry. Obviously, I ended up loving this sweet, heartwarming, GFY story.

Rainn and Whit are very likeable characters, and their banter is hysterical. Whit is immediately drawn to the former hot shot college hockey player, but he knows Rainn is straight. Rainn can’t stop thinking about the fun loving Whit, and he is at first confused. Once Rainn figures out his true feelings, he doesn’t look back.

There isn’t a lot of drama, ex’s or angst, just a couple figuring out what they want.

Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 21 books545 followers
July 13, 2022

This was a good one, so good. One of the cutest, funniest, steamiest reads I’ve had in a while.

Rainn’s straight but he’s up to date on his lgbtq etiquette thanks to his job as a bartender/bookseller at Vinos and Veritas, an all inclusive bar/bookstore.

Whit is a gay virgin hockey player who has no game. He strikes out so many times in front of Rainn that the guy finally takes mercy on him and agrees to be his wingman.

Yet no matter how many times Rainn tries to steer him in the right direction, Whit finds fault with the guy in question. Little does Rainn know that’s because Whit’s heart is set on him.

One night Whit decides to throw caution to the wind and kisses Rainn. It didn’t go according to plan but it didn’t not go according to plan either. Long story short, Rainn decides he wants to try with Whit.

And from there? Well it just gets naughty and steamy and yeah … yum!

Rainn’s character growth, from grumpy to less grumpy was freaking adorable. At the other end of the spectrum, Whit was all unicorns and rainbows. I loved that he never let anything bring him down. He’s the most sure 21 year old on the planet.

I laughed out loud several times, I swooned, I teared up a little. It wasn’t as emotional as I tend to like but that didn’t take away from my enjoyment at all.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,323 reviews519 followers
March 24, 2021
Lovely story from Eden Finley, set in the CU universe - we even see Beck and Jacobs for a hot second near the end.

I don't know when I'll be able to get to write a review of this, but hopefully soon.

Full RTC....


I really enjoyed this one.

Rainn is a 26 year old who, 4 years prior, had all his dreams taken away from him because of injury. He was a hockey star and NHL bound, but not one, but two tears to his ACL made teams to weary of signing him, and that was that.

For the apst 4 years Rainn has been heartbroken over it, and angry and bitter. In present day he works at Vino & Veritas, a bookstore with a queer friendly bar next door, owned by the same guy.

When he meets Whit, it's in the bookstore, and there's something between them right away, although for Rainn he doesn't think much of it because he believes he's straight. And when he learns that Whit is on the local university hockey team, he doesn't want to see him again because he has such an aversion to all things hockey now.

But soon he can't help but strike up a friendship with Whit when he comes to the V & V bar and Whit is hopelessly trying to find someone to have his first time with, after having come out somewhat recently as gay, and is failing over and over again.

Eventually they strike up a "deal" of sorts in which Rainn will be Whit's straight wingman to help him get laid for the first time.

But the more time that goes by, the more they just end up spending time together and hanging out every weekend, and Whit realizes that he isn't built for casual and also may have a totally big crush on Rainn.

And eventually Rainn starts to have feelings too.

I liked their chemistry and their romance progressed in a believable and interesting way. By the time they got to being together as more than friends, I felt the connection, the romance, the feelings between them. The problems that they later faced also felt natural and believable as well. These two complimented each other well. Whit's light and happiness to Rainn's surliness but grounded nature.

Definitely a win for me, and also can definitely be read as a standalone. I haven't read the first two books in this series and I didn't miss one thing. The previous couples/MC's barely even showed up in this one.

So if you're interesting in just reading this one, like I was, then definitely go for it. I definitely recommend this, two thumbs up from me!
Profile Image for Leslie.
1,132 reviews290 followers
April 7, 2021
DNF. Time of death:65% I think it might be me and my mood, not the book. Or a mixture of both. I don’t know. But I’m calling it because I haven’t touched it in two days and have no real urge to come back to it. Something is happening and I find myself struggling with the last few Eden books. I’m not ready to quit her yet. In fact I’ll maybe try her newest one very soon. But her and I aren’t connecting. I can’t quite pin it down but I just overall felt very meh about this one. I wanted a little bit of angst and some push and pull. It all felt formulaic. Sad times. Also don’t listen to this crabby Patty because there are a bunch of great reviews from people I agree with on lots of books. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Meags.
2,282 reviews573 followers
May 9, 2023
4 Stars

Fun, sweet, sexy and heartfelt, this friends-to-lovers story hit all my buttons.

The premise was GFY 101: Straight guy helps out new gay friend with dating tips, but they fall-in-love in the process.

The MCs, Whit and Rainn, were a delightful pair.

Whit is the happy-go-lucky, sees-the-best-in-life, college hockey player, who has recently come out as gay and wants nothing more than to find his person and get rid of his pesky virginity in the process.

Rainn is the straight bartender, living in a rut after his own hockey dreams were shattered years earlier. He’s a bit of a grump, but takes an instant shine to Whit and his positive vibe.

The two become friends, but it’s not long before Rainn starts questioning his own sexuality, when every attempt Whit makes to meet a guy sends Rainn into an unexpected and unnerving state of jealously and possessiveness.

Their connection was lovely. A good solid friendship formed first, making the “feelings” and attraction come naturally once they acknowledged it.

Yes, Rainn’s sexuality takes a fast turn, but I wasn’t jarred in the process. His feelings for Whit seemed genuine and their chemistry was undeniable.

I’m a sucker for a good gay-for-you/bi-awakening story, and although this one moved pretty quickly from friends, to new, exploratory lovers, to forever partners, I still loved the journey.

In truth, I’m finding it hard not to enjoy myself with each new Eden Finley book I try, which is a wonderful feeling.

And, as for the Vino & Veritas world, I still adore being in Vermont with these characters and this bookstore/wine bar setting. I can’t wait to read on!
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,671 reviews2,303 followers
March 22, 2021
Amazon US * Amazon UK

I'm a big fan of Eden Finley but I think Rainn and Whit are officially the cutest couple that she's written. They were so adorable together, both trying to figure out their feelings and what they wanted and I loved it. I really enjoyed how Whit was the out proud gay hockey player and yet it was Rainn the straight, never before thought of a guy, bartender that made Whit more comfortable with himself and his sexuality.

It was a fun twist I thought and it had me loving the characters even harder. Especially at some very hot teachable moments that they had together. There was a good mix of the cute moments with the heated ones and they all had me captivated and made this a super fun read. I can't wait to read more of the Vino & Veritas series now and discover some new-to-me authors.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Anna [Bran. San. Stan].
337 reviews208 followers
April 2, 2021
4.25 stars. What a cute and heart-warming MM love story! I love Finley’s Fake Boyfriend series and Bowen’s True North series is also fun so I was really excited for this one. It did not disappoint. For one thing, I found it refreshing that coming out was not a relationship obstacle here: Whit has recently come out and is comfortable with it. I cannot speak as to how realistic it is for someone (Rainn) in his late twenties realizing he his bi and I don’t really care (sorry?). Whit and Rainn were just two adorable characters and I loved reading about their story that thankfully did not include any unnecessary drama.

I’m left to wonder if the author gave Leighton Whitaker his nickname Whit solely for the purpose of making a joke: in the throes of passion, Rainn calls out “Fuck, Whit!” and it had me and Whit himself cracking up.

A definite recommendation!

Note: You do not have to read any of the True North books; Headstrong can absolutely be read as a standalone.
Profile Image for Starla.
264 reviews121 followers
July 14, 2021
Squee! This is great. When I first started reading it my brain wasn't cooperating, because I'm mostly a mood reader, and I wasn't in the mood for a story like this. But I put it aside for a while because I could tell I'll probably like it, and I ended up loving it.

Whit is a wonderful, and well-adjusted young man who can be surprisingly childish and adorable in some ways. Meanwhile Rainn is just very grumpy and petulant, but he is very kind and understanding deep down. There isn't a huge age gap between them, but since Whit is so all over the place at times, and Rainn is so jaded, it almost felt like there was, which they acknowledge. But then again, Whit was definitely more mature in certain ways than Rainn, so they complemented each other nicely.

This ticked a lot of my boxes. I love a realistic gfy/bi-awakening, a grumpy/sunshine story, exploration, and hot hockey players😍. I loved their friendship, their chemistry, their banter. I loved Whit's unfortunate straight guy crush. I loved seeing Rain being all jealous and possessive and confused about it. It was just a bunch of mutual pining that made the build up delicious.

I loved how they were both exploring, Rainn since it's his first time with a man, and Whit since it's his first everything. I loved how hot they were together, but also that it felt so organic and light. They had a bit of anxiety around it, but they were also very unburdened by it. They could go from really hot and heavy to laughing to being even hotter within a couple of paragraphs and it felt so natural. I loved how Rainn was trying to wrap his head around his bi-awakening but he wasn't freaking out, and in fact, a lot of the time he's the one pushing the relationship forward. And just as a whole, the bi-awakening is so well written and gradual.

The pacing was great, and so was the writing. I was invested, none of it felt contrived or shallow, and I was never bored. The conflict was realistic. I had mixed feelings about the way Whit's brother kind of meddled for a moment, but I loved that it didn't turn out to be the whole thing, and it didn't instantly solve the conflict, so these two did the heavy lifting themselves. I liked that they ended up truly learning to compromise, instead of just dropping everything for the other person.

The ending was wonderful, almost idyllic, and it was satisfying but I wanted more because they're so damn great to read about.

Also, Beck and Jacobs piqued my interest so into the CU Hockey I go.
Profile Image for Jess .
1,046 reviews150 followers
May 12, 2021
Eden Finley came in heavy with the sass & snark in Headstrong and I am not sad about it!!

“Mrs. Embry flips through the book, pausing to read a few paragraphs. “What’s a boy button?”

I've always said that sports romances aren't my thing, but I think that might not be the case anymore, especially with hockey because DAMN! Both Whit and Rainn had me wanting to go to the next hockey game I could find just to see all the tall and delicious players suited up.

From the very start of this book, I had a soft spot for Rainn. He was a total ass at times don't get me wrong but everything he ever wanted was ripped away from him and he felt like he would never get a life close to the one he thought he would have. Heartbroken working at a queer friendly bookstore/wine bar was not exactly what Rainn had in mind for his future, but he likes his job and the tips from the bar don't hurt. He was finally starting to accept that this would be his life when Whit comes in and shatters everything, he thought his new future looked like.

Whit was such a sweetheart!! All he wanted was to finally lose his V card and maybe meet a nice boy that he could take home or rather someone to take him home. When he stumbles into Rainn, he is floored at meeting one of his favorite hockey stars, but Rainn is no longer the free-spirited guy he idolized. Before he knows it, he has put his foot in his mouth countless times and somehow enlisted Rainn to be his wing man. His VERY straight wing man. That is until one night after too many drinks they share their first kiss and Whit is even more confused on his feelings.

Sexuality is a spectrum and Rainn thought he was straight until Whit made him re-think everything about his life. He just sees Whit as the person he is starting to fall for, but Whit doesn't want to wake up next to Rainn one day and see regret and shame on his face because he wasn't sure what he was getting into. As Whit explores his first real relationship and Rainn explores his sexuality these two will make you fall for their sharp tongues and banter. A HEA like only Eden Finley can give you Headstrong book three in the Vino & Veritas series will have you laughing until you cry and crying until you laugh.
Profile Image for Dani.
813 reviews91 followers
November 16, 2023

Love Rainn and Whit (and Sidney 🐮) and the Beck and Jacobs cameo always makes me smile!
Profile Image for MarianR.
229 reviews68 followers
March 26, 2021
I can see why so many people loved it, the book is fun and has sweet moments.
The first half I had little trouble connecting with the characters, the story was fine, and the wingman was destined to fail from the start haha.
But I like the second half better and no, I'm not talking about the sex scenes, I'm talking about when they talk and they have those funny and charming moments.
I liked Whit's family and the ending.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,215 reviews257 followers
March 1, 2021

⚫ Bisexual awakening
⚫ First times
⚫ Friends to lovers
⚫ Hurt/Comfort/Healing
⚫ Opposites attract
⚫ Chemistry
⚫ Wonderful epilogue

Headstrong by Eden Finley was precisely what I was in the mood for; a heartwarming love story. Whit's loveable awkward personality and Rainn's gruff demeanor pulled me in from the first page.

Highly recommend it.

5 Stars
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,221 reviews1,298 followers
March 22, 2021

Rainn + Whit
26 year old Rainn used to be a famous college Hockey player here in Burlington. But after one too many surgeries no NHL team wanted anything to do with him. His dream died. And his life kinda did too. He’s now working at Vino & Veritas in both the bookstore and the bar.

Enter Whit. He’s four years younger and currently the star on the local Hockey team. But it's not his dream to be a hockey pro. He can't wait to be done with college to go work on the family farm with his brother.
He's very new in the gay world and ready to get laid for the first time.
And he's also very attracted to straight Rainn.
Who appoints himself as his wingman, so that the poor boy can finally lose his V-card.

It doesn’t take long for the straight guy to have some weird feelings for the gay guy. LOL!





So funny and cute and colleg-y and hockey-y and farm-y.
I loved reading this.
Poor Whit is trying so hard to start his best gay life. And Rain is trying to help. But of course we know it’s all in vain, because we know they’ll fall for each other. Just adorable. I loved watching them trying to not be attracted to each other. So funny and cute and ugh… I just adored those two. Of course it’s not all cute and sparky and sexy. They both – but especially Rainn – have a lot of stuff to figure out still. Future. Job. Dreams. Hopes. Love.
Adorable Romance! Great supporting cast too - the family, friends et cetera.

Like I always say when it comes to books in the Ture North Wolrd: I could read these kinds of books every day for the rest of eternity!
And I also wouldn't mind seeing this whole world on Netflix one day!

Can't wait to get more Vermont soon!

HEADSTRONG was such an adorable + funny hockey-y + farm-y + bar-y M/M romance!!! I loved reading it! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Whit & Rainn- they'll be sold out in no time!

💜 💜

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Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,542 reviews183 followers
March 22, 2021
MM romance isn’t a genre I actively seek out, I tend to just read the ones by authors I know who write a one off or when it’s a part of a series, which is kind of crazy since I really enjoy them when I read them. So, when this Vino & Veritas series was initially mentioned I figured I would sign up for the promo but not read them. Then we met Rainn in one of the first Moo U books and I had to know what his story was. And then I read the blurb for this and I had to read it immediately.

And here we are.

So, I read this one for Rainn but I loved it for Whit. Honestly, I really wasn’t sure what to expect from this book. I was intrigued by Rainn and I wanted more of his story and obviously I knew he was straight so I was expecting some push and pull and a whole lot of confusion and denial.

Once I got to know Whit I wanted Rainn to be sweet and gentle with him because he was such a sweetheart. I swear I read half of the book holding my breath waiting for the freak out or the drama. And when it came it wasn’t even close to what I expected it to be and I loved the way both characters dealt with it.

Through the whole book both characters felt very mature and sincere, and I loved everything about them. Individually they were genuinely great people and together they were hot as hell. I’m so glad I was nosy enough to check this out and I can’t wait to read more of the Vino and Veritas series cause now I need more.
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572 reviews299 followers
August 18, 2023
DNF @ 56% - Really nothing wrong with it. Cute stuff. I think I’m just bored with contemporary right now.
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