Gandhinagar Gupshup

Ahmedabad | Jun 10, 2024 | 24 min read

Gandhinagar Gupshup

Will KK retire after 11 extensions?  The Sachivalaya is abuzz with speculations these days about K. Kailashnathan’s retirement. Popularly known as KK, he is currently serving as Chief Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister. A retired officer, KK was granted an extension for the 11th time in December last year. While his previous extensions were for one year each, the last one was for only six months. He retired in 2013 and is known to be a close confidant of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Insiders suggest that he might not receive another extension this time. Though he has asked to be relieved, it is speculated that he will now fully focus on the Prime Minister’s dream project of redeveloping the Sabarmati Ashram. Given KK’s acumen, the project is expected to be completed on time and smoothly. However, if he is relieved, there will be a significant vacuum at the top, as KK is involved in all major decisions of the state. Modi 3.0: Centre-Gujarat dynamics set to change The power shift at the Centre is likely to impact Gujarat. Many bureaucrats feel that major projects will now be divided among different states. Gujarat’s success in attracting significant projects like semiconductor chip manufacturing and automobile companies has sparked envy among political leaders and officers in other states. With stronger alliances, there is a possibility that these projects may be redirected to other states. A senior official remarked that Gujarat already has numerous projects and it would be fair to give other states opportunities. “Leaders in other states used this issue in their election campaigns, claiming that the Prime Minister favored his home state excessively,” the official said. CM’s anger surprises all Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel losing his temper is newsworthy. Known for his soft-spoken nature and perpetual smile, Patel usually listens calmly to everyone. However, he recently got miffed when a senior party leader requested an official residence for his deputy. The CM informed them that there were no vacant houses available. The leader insisted, suggesting that while officially there might be none, unofficially, one could secure any house of choice. “Bein number ma badhuj thay chhe,” he told the CM. This remark made the CM furious. He scolded the leader, saying, “There is nothing like this and you should not defame my government.” The leader, taken aback by the CM’s reaction, politely explained that he was only bringing irregularities to his notice. Congress comes to life ​​​​​​​The recent election results have revitalised the Congress party. Once deserted, the Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee office in Paldi bustles with activity and enthusiasm. Party workers are seen animatedly discussing the election results. When Congress leader Rahul Gandhi addressed a live press conference the other day, workers were glued to their TVs and mobile phones, excitement palpable on their faces. A visitor to the office, who was looking for someone, was an eyewitness to this. We say persistence always pays. BJP leaders go on introspection drive BJP members are currently on a ‘shodh yatra,’ trying to uncover the reasons behind the Lok Sabha election results. Questions of “why” and “how” are being hotly debated among party workers in air-conditioned chambers. “Overconfidence” is a common theme. Disappointment among middle-class voters is another frequently cited reason. One party office bearer expressed frustration: “The poor were given free rations for more than three years, in such large quantities that they couldn’t consume it all. Meanwhile, we middle-class people received only promises.” Those who had campaigned in other states murmured, “There was no wave this time. We had a tough time with the locals. Leaders kept their eyes closed.” Hard lessons indeed!  IAS Ramya Mohan’s Meta account impersonated Even if you have a verified Meta account (earlier FaceBook) with a blue badge, hackers can still infiltrate your account. They can seize control of your pages, put them up for sale, steal personal data from your followers or solicit funds from your contacts under false pretenses. About a year ago, more than 100 FB accounts belonging to IAS and IPS officers, doctors, and other professionals were hacked or impersonated. Now, IAS officer Ramya Mohan, who has around 16,000 followers, has posted an alert on her account, warning her friends and contacts that her FB account has been impersonated. Police officials have reported that fraudsters have demanded paltry amounts ranging from Rs 500 to Rs 2000 in the name of emergency from impersonated accounts of senior IAS and IPS officials. Some victims have even lodged complaints. Srinivasan, Thara likely to return to Gujarat With the state bureaucracy facing shortage of senior officials and more to retire this year, three officials from the Centre are expected to return to state. They are Additional Secretary (Defence Production)  T Natrajan, Secretary (Minority Affairs) K Srinivasan and Additional Secretary (Housing Affairs) D Thara. The state government has already written to the Centre for repatriation of Natrajan. He is likely to join soon. The request for the other two will be sent soon. “We need more officers now and people like Srinivasan would be more useful here rather than the minorities department at the Centre,” said a senior Gujarat government official.

Residents see red  over loss of green

Ahmedabad | Jun 10, 2024 | 10 min read

Residents see red over loss of green

When two full-grown trees were cut down on the IIM-Panjrapole stretch on Saturday night, their inhabitants – several birds and animals – also died, though residents tried their best to rescue them. It’s then that the residents came to know of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) plan to fell down nearly 100 more trees which are 50-70 years old. Protesting the callousness, a resident has filed a complaint with the Gujarat University police against the contractors and the AMC. The incident took place next to Shivalik Plaza on the IIM Road. The two trees which were cut down were about 50-year-old. Dharini Shah, a resident who lives in the vicinity, told Mirror, “My husband Manish and I had gone for a walk when we saw these AMC-sent contractors cutting the trees. We warned them of the law and not to disturb the scheduled birds staying on these trees.” “But, they didn’t listen, saying they have been asked to cut all the trees on this stretch as the AMC is planning to construct a flyover here,” she said. Interestingly, the IIM Road already has a flyover, with full-grown trees surrounding the footpath. What changes a few meters away that the AMC had to cut these trees and disturb the environment, questioned environment lovers living in the area. Dharini had also called the AMC’s Parks and Garden department on Saturday night. The department official told her that their department had passed the order to remove these trees. “On one hand, the AMC is trying to create oxygen parks in the city and on the other, it is destroying these age-old trees -- a natural habitat to a lot of species. Moreover, it’s disturbing the ecosystem of the area and environmental heritage of the city,” said Dharini. Anuradha Singhvi, a social worker, told Mirror: “When I got to know about the incident, I too reached the spot and saw that the contractors have marked around 100 full-grown trees which they are going to cut as per the AMC’s order.” “These trees house scheduled birds like kites among others that are needed to be protected as per a Central government’s norm. Then how can these contractors simply come at night and start cutting trees,” she questioned. ​​​​​​​ The residents, who are witnesses to the incident, said that the number of birds and animals died in the incident are in the double digit. As protest grew, the contractors who cut down the trees took them along.

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