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The Least Amount of Awful

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Colbie Jones has worked hard to design a pain-free life. So when she catches her boyfriend cheating, it doesn’t hurt that much. But when Colbie receives a call that her estranged father, Emmett, has been badly injured, she realizes it’s time to pack her bags and finally face him — and that’s going to hurt.

Colbie’s arrival sends shock waves through the small town, but it affects Jake Whittier most of all. Single-dad and foreman of Jones Construction, Jake sees Emmett as the father he no longer has, and that makes him an opponent of all things Colbie Jones.

Jake’s obvious animosity doesn’t bother Colbie, because she’s leaving in three days, tops. But then her dad asks her to stay and take over his business while he recovers, and Colbie hears herself agreeing before she has fully considered the proposal. Never mind that she has no idea how to build a house.

Jake will just have to deal with having her around.

But the more time Colbie spends with Jake, the more she sees why the rest of the town likes him. And once Colbie meets Jake’s son, it’s all downhill from there.

Colbie thought the most challenging part of this arrangement would be having to work with Jake.

But falling for him?

That would be awful.

400 pages, Paperback

Published March 2, 2023

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About the author

Jennifer Millikin

24 books1,489 followers
Jennifer Millikin is a two-time recipient of the Readers Favorite award. She writes contemporary fiction with elements of romance, emotion, and hard-learned lessons. Her characters are flawed and authentic, and some parts of her stories are more fact than fiction.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews
Profile Image for Caroline | BooktokEnthusiast.
365 reviews104 followers
September 28, 2023
If you liked The Simple Wild, I think you might like this. This is a very sweet (and spicy) contemporary romance with tropes including:
Small Town
Hate to Love
Father/Daughter second-chance family

I really really enjoyed this! It was really sweet. I liked the main characters, Colbie and Jake, a lot. I found Colbie relatable in a lot of ways in the way she's emotionally closed off. I also respected her attitude when she became the boss and went out of her way to learn things about the job. Jake's teasing was also really fun to read.

I reaaaally loved Colbie's relationship with Jake's son, Robbie. However, my favorite part of the book was probably Colbie repairing her relationship with her sick father and finding her relationship with her step-mom and half-sister for the first time. The book did get a little slow around the 70% part, but the first half of the book was amazing. The ending was bittersweet; I was a little mad at Erin given that Jake gave her an inch even getting to meet Robbie, and she tried to take a mile, but it made sense. I kind of understood Colbie's stance on it, and I respected her a lot as a partner of a co-parent.

It was a really fun contemporary romance, and I don't always love contemporary romance books. To be completely honest, the premise is a bit similar to The Simple Wild (as mentioned above), but I LOVE The Simple Wild, so I was really OK with it. While this story was similar, it was different enough and it was well done. I really recommend this book!

Thank you Valentine PR for sending me a copy of this book in the mail. I loved it!!!
Profile Image for PP's Bookshelf.
2,388 reviews371 followers
February 3, 2024
Let’s talk about the signs those will tell you how epically amazing The Least Amount of Awful by Jennifer Millikin was. Once I started, I never wanted to stop and I was tempted to skip my real life works. Once I finished, I immediately wanted to read all her blacklist books as she is a new to me author for me and I have been missing out big time. And finally, I cannot stop thinking about Jake and Colbie. Their witty banter and sweet enemies to lovers journey. Their complex past and a bit broken hearts and how they found love with each other. The adorable town of Green Haven with all the warm cozy small town feels. The beautiful combination of swoony and spicy and souldeep. And I never want to leave this story behind.

Colbie always held a lot of hurt and sense of betrayal for her father who she loved dearly and who left her behind and started a new family. She cannot stay away when she gets the news of her father being seriously ill. What she expected to be a small trip turn into something semi permanent when her father unexpectedly gives her the charge of their construction business. The second in command Jake didn't exactly behave friendly. But once they started spending more time at work they realise they were acting on a lot of assumption. Colbie realises that there are a lot her mother hide from her and Jake realises she is nothing like the heartless princess.

Colbie is my girl crush. She is so witty and sweet and at the same time fierce and strong. Her father's absence has left a deep sense of inadequacy and insecurity in her. And no matter how successful she is as a business woman..it still hurts. Her stay in the adorable small town started as awkward and uncomfortable. The new family she kept a distance with. A job she knows nothing about. A grumpy brooding foreman. But she is determined and open minded and slowly she wins everyone over. Even the grumpy foreman. Jake has his son to be worried about as his son's mother is nonexistent and her parents are cruel. He didn’t have time for love once he left his sports scholarship in college to take care of the baby. But Colbie invades his heart. I laughed at their sharp banter. The slow burn was torture. The chemistry was out of this world. The emotions were crazy. It was a kaleidoscope of sadness, heartbreak, healing, hope, redemption and new beginnings. The story flows so smoothly that I don't even know where the time go. The writing is absolutely incredible.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily
5 reviews
February 19, 2023
I don't think I have the proper words to describe how much I loved this book. I originally signed up for the ARC because the synopsis read like a hallmark movie and the main character's name (Colbie) was so close to mine (Kobey). It shocked me how similar my life was to Colbie's....the estranged construction worker father and the uncomfortable relationship with her mother. Jennifer Millikin captured so many raw feelings that I've felt and never been able to explain to anyone and I'm still in awe. I fell so hard for Jake and little Robbie and my heart is so happy this book exists and so sad that its over. This is officially my number one pick for best book of 2023.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,639 reviews59 followers
March 2, 2023
This was my first Jennifer Millikan book and I am hooked! This small town, single dad romance brought out all the feels! Colby is estranged from her dad and comes back to run his business to a less than warm welcome from Jake, foreman of that business. I love that she is willing to put in the work to learn the business, but does it in her own warm hearted way.

The journey to healing with her dad was wonderful and loved that she was open minded to all the cues she may have missed or misinterpreted along the way. And learns that neither of her parents is perfect, something she an definitely appreciate more as an adult.

Just the right amount of angst and certainly spicy enough as they work around having to work around a little interrupter!

Terrific story!!
Profile Image for Shelly H.
166 reviews15 followers
February 27, 2023
4-star review!!!

This is my first single parent trope book and I didn’t realise how much I would love that trope. It made the book emotional in all the right ways. I loved Colbie and Jake together and especially loved how Colbie loved Robbie from the beginning too. It took me a while to get into the book though because I did not like the way Jake treated Colbie at first with his prejudice. Otherwise, a great read!
Profile Image for Lauren Brooke.
267 reviews29 followers
March 2, 2023
5/5 Stars 2.5/5 Spice

Single Dad
Small Town
Enemies to Lovers Vibes
Family Trauma
Forced Proximity

eARC review

This story was so engaging I basically pulled an all nighter to finish it & it was worth all of tomorrows suffering bc it was so damn good. Jake & Colbie went through so much to get their HEA. It was both beautiful & heartbreaking.

I absolutely adored Jake. He was such a good dad && Robbie, his son, was just precious. You will absolutely fall in love with this duo. && our girl Colbie overcomes so much family trauma to come out the other side for her boys. Sigh. It was just such a good story. Definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Sarah~ Book Obsession Confessions.
1,111 reviews77 followers
March 3, 2023
This is such a beautifully written, emotional story that explores the complexity of parents & children’s relationships. 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞 are central themes.
Of course I loved the 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, too and it’s a huge part of the story.
Colbie and Jake start off disliking each other, they trade barbs and banter constantly in the beginning. I’m such a sucker for 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 and enemies to lovers, I adored their dynamic.
There’s obvious chemistry despite the heated banter.
When their relationship changes, I loved their interactions and how incredibly kind they both are.
It is refreshing that despite some fairly big events that caused a lot of emotions and stress how maturely they handled the issues.
Jake’s son is a big part of the story, he has raised him on his own. They have a great relationship and it made Jake so attractive. Colbie has a great relationship with Robbie as well, it was a really heartwarming and fun aspect of the story. Single dad trope done like this is fantastic for me.
I am struggling to properly explain why this book is so great. It’s my first by this author and definitely not my last. The story flowed so well, the secondary characters were so charming. This book made me feel happy. I think the characters are immensely lovable and I adored the banter, the humor and the steam was so good.
The big emotions and misunderstandings were handled in a manner that again was mature and really hit my emotions.
The story, characters and writing is simply superb. It’s not overly dramatic despite very serious issues for the characters. I loved the tone of the story so much. It was an immensely enjoyable and entertaining read with depth. I have found a new author with a style that I didn’t know I was craving. I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for rachel george.
58 reviews17 followers
March 7, 2023
UGH I LOVE SMALL TOWN ROMANCE. i literally stayed up until 4am reading this even though i had to wake up at 6am for work. it was so worth it.
Profile Image for Court.
128 reviews
February 20, 2023
ARC Review**

Small town, single dad, enemies to lovers

I’m having so many thoughts here so this might be jumbled!

Everything about this was beautiful. As someone who grew up a child of divorce with one parent who refused to ever say anything negative to me about the other and one parent who refused to ever say anything kind, this was written perfectly. For me, Colbie’s pain felt so, so tangible. Emmett’s pain felt tangible. Greers pain in the beginning even resonated so deeply for me. The entirety of Colbie’s pain is summed up perfectly in this quote from the book: “In my experience, a parents failure hurts twice: the first time it happens, and then a second time when you’re an adult and you’re finally sorting through the aftermath of the damage they caused.” And then later on when Jake said “Some people see how their parents behave and choose to go in a different direction.”

Colbie and Jake were so perfect for each other. They acknowledged each others strengths and weaknesses. They talked about how to work through things. They gave up their wants to make sure the others successes were forefront. 🥹 There is minimal spice but, what spice there is was excellent. And Robbie is the perfect cherry on top of their whole relationship. Honestly, there’s not anything bad about this book!! (except for Erin’s parents😝). I felt so many emotions in the best way possible and I can’t wait to come back to this world later this year to read about Georgia and Rhodes!!
Profile Image for jo &#x1f3f9;.
167 reviews254 followers
March 9, 2023
My first read from Jennifer and it mostly definitely won’t be my last.

I’d like to start off by saying that I love reading about flawed characters. It allows me to relate, understand, and even learn from them. TLAOA is a beautiful story about love, sacrifice, forgiveness, and growth.

When Colbie sets out to see her estranged father after he had an accident she never expects to to meet grumpy single dad Jake Whittier. Much less fall in love with him.

Jake is the foreman + Colbie is his boss. At first Jake isn’t NOT having it with Colbie. He holds Emmett “Colbie’s dad” up on a pedestal but as he gets to know her he realizes there’s more to her story with her father. Jake + Colbie’s complimented each other so well! Always helping the other grow and keeping each other accountable My favorite thing about the two of them was watching C realize that living a pain free life was no life at all.

I loved getting to see Colbie explore that relationship with her dad. Slowly peeling away layers of hurt. Talking about the things that would hurt. It was heartbreaking, but necessary.

Robbie was the cutest kid ever! I adored him. j + c prioritizing him above all else regardless of how hurtful that could be to each of them, made me love them even more! Truly such a beautiful story!
Profile Image for Brielle | bookswithbrielle.
164 reviews102 followers
March 8, 2023
The Least Amount of Awful is my first Jennifer Millikin & I can't wait to pick up more. This was a solidly done small town, single dad trope & I am so excited to read the story two other characters of this book. The book started out as very typical single dad/she's my boss trope, but about halfway through there was true depth to the story & it caught me by surprise. I teared up, TWICE! I enjoyed both Jake and Colbie & yes even the side characters. Jake was a hot but loving dad to Robbie. Colbie, despite some family trauma, is a bad ass bitch running companies and figuring ish out.

what to expect
- small town
- single dad
- she's his boss
- emotional moments
- complex family issues

FINAL THOUGHTS: The Least Amount Of Awful really covered a wide range of family issues while executing the small town/single dad trope so well. I enjoyed all the characters in this book as well. The book isn't too dramatic and low on the angst, but it has some emotional moments that will likely cause you to tear up. Overall, the dynamic between Jake, Colbie & adorable Robbie made this book a solid story!
Profile Image for Andrea.
666 reviews
March 6, 2023
Single dad romance. Family dynamics. Angst. Small town. Drama. Steamy. What more could you want in a book?!

I fell in love with the first half of the book. I enjoyed the back-and-forth banter between Jake and Colbie. The heat, the sexual tension, and the repertoire these two shared when they were enemies was something that kept me turning the page again and again. I did lose a little bit of interest once they got together because it seemed almost too sweet, but still filled with those sexy times. It became too Hallmark for me towards the end, however, it didn’t make me dislike the book. I still was invested in these characters, the storylines, and the overall happiness of the characters.

Jennifer did a good job at making the reader feel how Colbie did when it came to parents failing them. As someone who had a very loving and present father in my life, it was something I couldn’t relate to. I could feel her hurt. I was mad at both her father and mother. Her mother was a huge disappointment in this book. I still don’t feel like we get closure on that drama by the end of the book.

Jake and Robbie. Is there anything hotter than a single dad who puts their kid first?! Yummy! I was all in for that. I don’t know why but I wanted more angst and drama when it came to Colbie and Jake. That is just me though. I am all about that angst lol

It was a sweet and sexy read. You get the sugar and spice with The Least Amount of Awful!

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Profile Image for Julie Booklover.
1,443 reviews73 followers
March 3, 2023
4.5 stars

Another great book by Jennifer Millikin! I loved everything about this story, the characters, the feels, and Colby. She is one tough woman, intelligent, successful, and strong. But on the inside, she is working through some tough stuff. She needs to work things out with her dad, but before she can do that, she gets word of his accident.

Jake is a single dad who owes every success to Emmett Jones. He is aware of his first daughter, but that is all until she comes to town. Colby does surprise Jake with her moxy as she adds her father’s business to her plate. Together they will work through prior pains and forgiveness to keep her father’s construction business going.

We get mentions of Sierra Grande and the Hayden family; nice to see those names again.

Thank you to the Author for the advanced copy; this is my voluntary review.
Profile Image for Irma *Irma The Book Whisperer*.
1,605 reviews131 followers
February 21, 2023
I adored this book! I have become a huge fan of this author. She writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page.

The Least Amount Of Awful was pretty emotional, intense, tender, heartbreaking, slow burn kinda story with the cutest kid.

The lead female Colbie was an absolute joy. She was smart, capable and altruistic! I don't think I have ever read a book about a woman like her. I adored her tenacity, optimism and selfesness.
Jake was so much more than he let people see and I loved being able to watch him open up.

Their chemistry was perfection and it took all I had in order to put the book down at any given point. I didn't want the story to end, and I just know this is something I would reread often.

My heart leaped on board the minute it met our soft-hearted heroine, protective hero and a sweet kid, and it stayed fully engaged for the rollercoaster ride that ensued.

Another stunning, incredible read by Jennifer Millikin!
Profile Image for Lyn.
18 reviews
June 16, 2023
This book has me in all kinds of feels. This book was about giving 2nd chances and letting people you love go for what is right for themselves and their family.

Colbie and Jakes love story is so sweet. The instantly connected even after the bickeering they had with each other in the beginning before admitting their love for one another. The fact that Colbie was able to step up to her mom and visit her dad Emmett and stay and help with the company was brave of her. Always put yourself first and try. The way Robbie accepts Colbie and vice versa. The strength that Jake had to deal with Erin coming back. Everything came together so perfectly and they lived happily ever after with a baby on the way.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
February 27, 2023
This has definitely become one of my favorite books. I love the tropes, that's why I requested an arc, and it was amazing. I really enjoyed it 💖

The story follows Colbie and Jake. Colby has a difficult relationship with her father but ends up going to the small town where he lives to help him with his company for a while, and there she meets Jake, who works for Colbie's father.

I'm a sucker for small town romance, so I really enjoyed that part of the book. And he's a single dad... who doesn't like a single dad 😌

I loved their relationship so much, I really enjoyed their banter at the beginning, and they were so so cute! I liked how they communicate with each other, I feel like it was a very healthy relationship.

I feel like nothing was missing. I really enjoyed everything about this book. I laughed while reading it, and I cry too. It felt like an emotional rom-com with a bit of spice 😌

And Jake's sister is getting a book too (releasing October 5th)! I'm so excited I can't wait 😭

🦩 small town romance
🚲 single dad
🦩 dislike to love
🚲 boss x employee (she's the boss)
🦩 family issues
🚲 rom-com vibes

* Thank you so much Jennifer Millikin and Valentine PR for sending me this arc!
Profile Image for autwenreads.
307 reviews20 followers
March 1, 2023

My first Jennifer Millikan novel, and now I'm a fan! The Least Amount Of Awful was a slow-burning tale with the cutest kid that was incredibly emotional, passionate, warm, and heartbreaking.

Within the first few chapters, I was hooked. Their story was heartfelt and beautifully written. Some of my favorite tropes are in this book, and they were all executed really well. Although I've read stories like this before, this felt refreshing and was really enjoyable. All of the individuals were wonderful.

Colbie and Jake were a perfect match because they talked openly about how to solve problems, recognized each other's strengths and weaknesses, and sacrificed their own desires to put each other's accomplishments first. Robbie was the perfect final touch to their relationship.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book, , and I really hope this turns into a series of interconnected standalone books. Can't wait for Georgia and Rhodes book!

Thank you Jennifer Millikin and Valentine PR for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for ♡︎ 97_BookBlog ♡︎.
707 reviews37 followers
March 2, 2023
卂᥅ᥴ 尺ꫀꪜﺃꫀ᭙
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 - Jack
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐞 - Colbie
4.5 𝒞ℴ𝓃𝓈𝓉𝓇𝓊𝒸𝓉𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑂𝑓 𝐴𝑤𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝐵𝑦 𝐽𝑒𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑖𝑛

This was my first read by this author and it was just amazing.

Colbie and her dad were always close until her parents got a divorce, decisions were made and the one person affected the most was Colbie.

Years later she still doesn't have an easy relationship with him, or his new family.

But when she gets news that her dad isn't well, she leaves to go to his hometown, and she ends up running his construction company(her dad gets her to do it so she can stay in town), and she not only gets answers for everything that happened years ago but she also meets Jack.

Jack, hasn't had it easy, dropping everything to take care of his son. For years his worked for Colbie's dad and, has seen the pain that his gone through with his daughter never coming to visit, and when colbie rocks up to see her dad, he isn't happy. But his feelings change but just when he thinks everything is just the way it should be his past comes knocking on his door.

Colbie's pain for the things she went through, her mother's way of turning stories, the support of her best friend and her relationship with Jack and his son was just beautiful.
Definitely a page turner.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
h best friend was supportive.

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 🏗️🏗️🏗️🏗️🏗️
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐞 💋💋💋💋💋
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 🔥🔥🔥
𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 🥵🌶️
𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭 📚📚📚📚📚
𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 💧
Profile Image for Kristen.
64 reviews
May 3, 2023
I really enjoyed this book- a bit more “cheesy” romance (if even that’s the right word for it) than I usually go for, but I found myself not wanting to put it down. A story that involves family issues and healing always gets me.

Also I feel like the main characters for the next book were introduced perfectly enough for me to definitely want to read the next book.
Profile Image for readingromantasy.
29 reviews14 followers
February 23, 2023
4.5🌟 One of my favorite tropes is single guardian, so it’s no surprise I loved this book. It made me feel warm and fuzzy, cry, then made me feel warm and fuzzy again. Jake’s son was written really well and not just like a device to further the plot. The hate to love was done in a believable way, and the moments of healing past family trauma were heartwarming.

This is a romance, but it is also deals heavily with past family trauma and feelings of abandonment.

The Least Amount of Awful Includes:

🔨Small town
🔨Single Dad
🔨Hate to Love
Profile Image for Lady M..
1,143 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2023
Another well written story by Jennifer Millikin. Great characters with depth and history, interactions that felt realistic. Not only was it a romance between Colbie and Jake, but the relationships with her parents and Jake's issues with his ex. I enjoyed there not being a shake your fist and yell at the characters moment. Colbie grew so much, and although parts of her were frustrating, it was just reaction to disfunction. It made sense once everything unfolded.
Profile Image for Libby Ellman.
224 reviews2 followers
March 5, 2023
We love an enemies to lovers where the love interest is a secret marshmallow and single dad. A cute and easy read that was surprisingly heartfelt and not overly smutty which is a rarity for Kindle Unlimited. 4.5 rounded up to a 5
Profile Image for Damariz.
22 reviews
June 2, 2024
Such a cute story. Definitely had me tearing up a few times. Ending felt rushed but I still enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
458 reviews17 followers
February 19, 2023
This book was so much more than I anticipated. I love the single parent trope but this book took it to a different level than I've ever read before. To the extremes that can happen, the highs and the low and what can possibly happen. It definitely wasn't what I expected, but in the best ways possible!!
Profile Image for Nath✨.
186 reviews8 followers
March 11, 2023
Gracias Valentin PR y Jennifer Millikin por el ARC.
Dejando de lado el romance esta es una historia que explora la complejidad de las relaciones entre padres e hijos. Trata temas como el sacrificio , el amor y el perdon hacia otros y hacia uno mismo. La historia de Colbie y Jake es mega linda , como iniciaron odiandose por asi decirlo por ciertas reservas que tenia cada uno sobre el otro, a como sus historias terminaron siendo tan distintas y un poco similares a la vez.
Me gusto mucho la relacion de Colbie con Robbie y como era su dinamica la cual se fue construyendo completamente aparte de la relacion de Colbie con Jake. Tambien puedo destacar el crecimiento personal de Colbie a lo largo del libro , siendo capaz de sanar su niña interior al lograr construir una relacion con su padre ; y como gracias a eso Jake pudo perdonar a personas de su pasado y dejarlas ser parte de la vida de su hijo.

En fin , si les gustan esta clase de libros , con personajes complejos y con un gran desarrollo , les mega recomiendo The Least Amount of Awful que ya se encuentra disponible.

¨You said I was worth the work. I say you’re worth the risk.¨
¨Doing something painful for the right reasons doesn’t make it any less painful.¨

TROPES: single dad, small town, enemies-to-lovers vibe.
Profile Image for Stacie Christensen.
669 reviews17 followers
March 10, 2023
Colbie Jones has worked hard to design a pain-free life. So when she catches her boyfriend cheating, it doesn’t hurt that much. But when Colbie receives a call that her estranged father, Emmett, has been badly injured, she realizes it’s time to pack her bags and finally face him — and that’s going to hurt.

Colbie’s arrival sends shock waves through the small town, but it affects Jake Whittier most of all. Single-dad and foreman of Jones Construction, Jake sees Emmett as the father he no longer has, and that makes him an opponent of all things Colbie Jones.

Jake’s obvious animosity doesn’t bother Colbie, because she’s leaving in three days, tops. But then her dad asks her to stay and take over his business while he recovers, and Colbie hears herself agreeing before she has fully considered the proposal. Never mind that she has no idea how to build a house.

Jake will just have to deal with having her around.

But the more time Colbie spends with Jake, the more she sees why the rest of the town likes him. And once Colbie meets Jake’s son, it’s all downhill from there.

Colbie thought the most challenging part of this arrangement would be having to work with Jake.

But falling for him?

That would be awful.

Loved Colbie and Jake's story. I was hooked within the first few pages. Their story was beautifully written and heartfelt. Their journey wasn't an easy one but was so worth the read. Highly recommend.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews

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