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A Nanny/Boss Romance

Hiring the woman who wrecked me to nanny the kid I just found out I have is a dumb idea. Getting naked with her in the back of my truck is even dumber.

But old habits die hard.

Amelia Fox was my high school sweetheart, the girl who broke my heart and nearly ended my football career nine years ago. It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other, much less make a comeback.

But I did come back. And I’m not about to let go of everything I fought for just because my world is imploding again.

When I find out I’m the father of a two-year-old boy, I’m ready to start my final season in the pros. It’s my last chance to nab the championship I promised my dad I’d win before he died.

Enter Amelia: teacher, toddler whisperer, and—oh yeah—my ex-girlfriend. We haven’t spoken in almost a decade, but I’m desperate, and she’s looking for a job.

I need to focus, which means I need help with this kid. Which means I need her.

The arrangement works until one night of bad decisions and great sex threatens to ruin everything.

Can we make it work this time around?

Or is she just another bad habit I need to break before she breaks me?

SOUTHERN PLAYBOY is a full length, standalone novel.

306 pages, Paperback

Published August 27, 2021

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About the author

Jessica Peterson

32 books2,611 followers
Jessica Peterson writes romance with heat, humor, and heart. Heroes with hot accents are her specialty. When she’s not writing, she can be found bellying up to a bar in the south’s best restaurants with her husband Ben, reading books with her adorable daughters Gracie and Madeline, or snuggling up with her 70-pound lap dog, Martha.

A Carolina girl at heart, she fantasizes about splitting her time between Charleston and Asheville, but currently lives in Charlotte, NC.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 226 reviews
Profile Image for READ ME ROMANCE.
585 reviews149 followers
March 27, 2024
I have followed Jessica Peterson’s career from the very beginning and am a big fan of her swoon-worthy heroes and love of small towns. Jessica’s writing is always top notch, and I LOVE the Beauregard family and their life in the beautiful Great Smokey Mountains of North Carolina where they run a high-end resort, Blue Mountain Farm. There are four brothers and one sister in the North Carolina Highlands series, and they each find love. His brothers played professional football and retired from the sport, and now work at the resort in different capacities.

Rhett, our hero in Southern Playboy, is currently in the last year of his NFL contract in Nevada. His father, now deceased, played professional football, and suffered from chronic encephalopathy, a traumatic brain injury often resulting from too many concussions.

Rhett is surprised to learn he has a two-year old son, Liam, and immediately agrees to raise him after the mother of the child he never knew existed, passed away. There is so much I admire about Rhett, and it’s not just his love of family and hot bod! It’s his honesty, character, and integrity; how proud he is of his family's resort and truly enjoys being there, and how committed he is to keeping in shape and in the zone during the off-season. Most importantly, he is devoted to his son and immediately changed his lifestyle to learn all he can to be a great hands-on dad. I adored all the scenes with Liam.

It’s at this point that Amelia Fox, his high school girlfriend and first love, comes back into his life. All of the sparks are still there, and through circumstances which are not her fault, finds herself in need of a job as she was abruptly fired as a pre-school teacher. She agrees to be a short-term nanny for Liam, thus making Rhett her boss, and their relationship strictly professional...until it wasn't.

I have rated all of Jessica's previous books very highly, but unfortunately, Southern Playboy was a miss for me because I didn't care for the heroine. I realize I am going against the majority here, and I am so pleased that so many enjoyed this book and hope you will read and support this gifted author’s work.

Below contains spoilers, so please don't read further if you don’t want any glimpses into the storyline or my opinion.

While I do admire Amelia’s commitment to her career, and feel she does an outstanding job as a teacher and a nanny, that is her greatest attribute in my opinion. I lost all respect for her when she basically gave him an ultimatum–it was either her or football. She did this before, back when they were graduating high school, as their different career goals were the reason they broke up. She could have still followed her dreams while supporting his, and at least complimented him on the tremendous accomplishment of making it to the NFL. A goal that only about 1.5% of all college players get to experience.

Rhett is now 27 years old and is offered a one-year extension on his contract, and pretty much everyone gives him crap about it. I know this isn’t my story to tell, and I adore and respect the author and am a forever fan, but I didn’t like Amelia for Rhett. Not at all. They had a comfort level because they had a relationship as teenagers, but as adults, I didn’t feel they were soulmates or had any chemistry, not like I did with all of the other couples in this series and Southern Heat.

He asked her to go to Las Vegas for his last season and be a nanny to Liam while he worked; couldn’t she even consider doing it two years instead of one? He wouldn’t even be 30 and retired for the rest of his life, and then she could continue being a teacher, open up her own pre-school, etc. It’s not like she’d be living in a shack. He was a millionaire! They would be in NC for holidays and in the off-season. Her grandmom could visit–she even said she loves to travel.

Rhett tried to discuss his dilemma with his brothers and girlfriend, and they shut him down and did not listen. He was literally strong-armed to make the decision they wanted him to make. I felt really sorry for him and felt he deserved better. Amelia didn’t consider his feelings, now or then, had tunnel vision, and was so self-righteous. It was her way or the highway, and she stormed off when she didn’t get her way. I personally wish he would have just let her keep on walking!

I found myself filled with angst and anger, and wished he had someone to talk to with patience and an open mind. He was such a great guy! Sexy Rhett was so sweet and sensitive. He lost his spark for the game, but that was only because he was lonely and confused. He even turned on his agent who was only doing his job. He knew he loved being a dad, but was unsure of his future career-wise after retirement. His siblings all were living their dream careers. Beau was the CEO, Samuel was head chef and his wife the sommelier, Hank oversaw guest relations while Stevie provided beer from her custom blends, and his sister was the event planner. Where would he fit in on the Farm?

There are thousands of careers that take people away from families everyday, and the people who are suppose to love him the most, guilted him into feeling he would be neglecting his son and that he could possibly get injured like his dad, and that it’s not worth the risk. Sure Rhett wanted to watch his son grow up, he had missed so much, but that doesn’t mean he needs to be a full-time dad 24/7.

NFL players only work 17 games a year over an 18-week period, plus a bi-week, the playoffs, and the Superbowl if they qualify. It’s his job! The majority of adults work 48-50 weeks a year, and have to leave their kids while they do. It’s healthy and natural. Liam was already 2 ½, he could have went to pre-school at 3 if Amelia wanted to work, or they could have hired another nanny.

I’d like to imagine him feeling confident with his family's support, plus loved unconditionally with his girl and son by his side, cheering him on, being proud of him, regardless if he accepted the one year extension or not. This doesn’t even have to do with the extra money he would make, which is more than most people make in a lifetime. He was already wealthy, but could have used the additional money to invest back into Blue Mountain Farm, or started a charity of his own. It has to do with unconditionally standing by and encouraging those you love without manipulating them, and making a decision that is best for your family, together as a team.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Vilma.
375 reviews47 followers
August 26, 2021
*3.5 stars

Southern Playboy is the fourth standalone book in the North Carolina Highlands series (apparently nowadays I seem to jump right into series instead of starting from the beginning...) and the story centers around the fourth Beauregard sibling, Rhett.

The tropes of the story are boss/nanny and second chance romance, because Rhett and Amelia were high school sweethearts before they realized they both wanted to go in different directions after graduation. If the old feelings weren't enough messy Rhett hires Amelia as his son Liam's nanny to help him out the first time.

The scenes with Liam? ADORABLE. Throw in some kids in a book and I am a goner for those heartwarming moments were the main characters are soft towards them and them only. I am a sucker for that and it's probably why I enjoyed the book. Because, unfortunately, I did not feel the chemistry between Rhett and Amelia. Which is a shame considering it should have been a lot of tension since their breakup nearly a decade ago and everything, but...nada. Instead I lived more for those scenes with all three of them as a little family and not as much for the romance part.

I have been in a reading slump the last couple weeks and I don't know whether that plays a part into everything, but I just don't seem to connect to the characters as much at the moment. Maybe it's because of the reading slump or because of the books, but the thing is that all the books sound good (that's why I pick them up in the first place, duh) but in the end I end up more disappointed than satisfied.

Anyhow, I might read the next book, Southern Bombshell , which will be about the fifth sibling and the only sister, Milly. The romance plot of her book (her love interest who she was together with not long ago is getting married and Milly is supposed to plan their wedding) sounds sooo good so I might as well read it when it comes out to see if I might like it better.

Thank you to Valentine PR for providing me this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
316 reviews2,828 followers
September 2, 2021
Second chance, single dad, boss/nanny, sports romance alert!

Phew did I cover all the main tropes there? This book is pretty much my ideal type of contemporary romance. Small town feels but big scope. Southern Playboy starts out with our two main characters really going through it. Rhett is an NFL player who discovers he’s a father to a two year old he didn’t know existed until the mother passes away suddenly. And Amelia is a preschool teacher who lost her relationship, her career and her reputation when her car is set on fire by the wife of the man she was seeing (and didn’t know existed). These two stumble into each other’s lives again after a failed relationship when they were younger at the most opportune time. Rhett hires her on to be his nanny and they really make some lemonade out of life’s obstacle-y lemons.

So while I never think that I like kids in my romance books, I always end up falling in love with them. The innocence just really balances out the relationship. Scenes with Liam were just the cutest. I really loved Rhett and seeing him step in to being the man he never though he could be. Amelia wasn’t my favorite heroine but I feel like their relationship worked really well. I just wanted a bit more chemistry between them. They all ready had history but it still felt like it lacked the sparks of either a new relationship or rekindling an old one. Might just be a me problem though. Definitely a fun, quick, wholesome contemporary romance when you need something to read by the pool or on a park bench somewhere.
Profile Image for Veronica Ticker.
901 reviews56 followers
January 17, 2022
The author writes vulnerable men like no other. They are strong guys, they can even be a touch alpha male, but they also have weaknesses that make them more human, and they aren’t afraid to cry. Rhett was like that, and though he could be a douche at times, he was also determined–when in the right state of mind, that is. I liked him. I also liked Amelia and her devotion to her job and her people. Competent and kind, she was a good role model. They weren’t perfect, they had flaws, but it was beautiful to see how they accepted them in each other, while being harder on themselves.

The whole Beauregard family was back, and it was nice to see them again. They made for a lively background for the main couple, meddling a little and being their usual nosy selves.

Rhett’s struggles with his career and his dreams were also a big part of the story, and I think the subject was treated well, as was his need for alcohol when he was lost. I’d have liked to see the same treatment with Amelia’s struggles, since she also was at a turning point in her life, but for her, it looked like her love life took precedence. The subject wasn’t neglected, but it wa less prominent than Rhett’s problems.

Parenthood was the main theme. How to be a parent, what kind of parent to be, how to live without a parent or with the pressure of their expectations, the joy and the pain of having a child… It may have been the best romance book I’ve read on the subject.

Very sexy, but also with real chunks of feelings inside, it’s a book you don’t want to miss.


- Series: North Carolina Highlands #4 (can be read as a standalone)
- Hashtags: #small town romance #second chance romance #sports romance #singe dad #nanny
- Triggers: cheating, alcohol heavy consumption
- Main couple: Amelia Fox & Rhett Beauregard
- Hotness: 4/5
- Romance: 5/5
- + the domesticity was so cute!
- – I felt Rhett’s changes were a bit quick

EDIT: as usual, the audio was fantastic. There's a lot of strong emotions in this one, and both narrators do it perfectly. They made me laugh, but they also brought tears in my eyes. Book is great, audiobook is better.
Profile Image for Quinn's Quippy Quotes.
1,337 reviews138 followers
August 2, 2021
We're chasing the wild, because neither of us knows if-when-the chase is going to end.

Southern Playboy is another spectacular addition to Peterson's North Carolina Highlands series! Rhett and Amelia's unconvential journey from ex teenage flames to nanny/boss to happy ever after is heart warming and swoon worthy.

As always, Peterson puts her trademark stamp but giving us the most delicious descriptions of....FOOD! Yes, food, and you know....the other stuff too :)

Ya'll are going to fall in love with Rhett, Amelia, and Liam, just like I did within the first few pages.

Profile Image for Jodi - JodiReadsnListens.
895 reviews44 followers
November 8, 2021
Southern Playboy by Jessica Peterson was a single dad/ secret baby steamy, swoon-worthy slow burn that I could not get enough of. Seriously, Jessica's entire North Carolina Highlands series gets better and better with every single Beauregard. Did I mention that Rhett is also a hunky football player? Yes please! Rhett and Amelia’s love story made me feel all deliciously gooey inside, and completely stole my heart!

Rhett and Amelia have a history. They were high school sweethearts, and thought they were meant to be. However each of them realized they were on different paths for the future. Fast forward nine years later at Samuel and Emma’s wedding festivities, and they finally cross paths again. Their connection and chemistry is instant and definitely rekindles some longing feelings. As fate would have it Rhett and Amelia are dealt with new challenges in life and turn to each other for support. Can these two keep it professional or will they give in to what they really want…each other.

Jessica Peterson once again shows us how talented she is with her amazing story telling, and does a remarkable job with making you feel all the emotions of her characters. Rhett is a dedicated, loyal, and charismatic dad to his son, Liam, and a sweet and passionate lover to Amelia. I love Amelia’s confidence to speak her mind and her admiration for young kids! Gah..just the best!! Jessica also does a wonderful job catching us up with all the beloved Beauregard family! I just loved this story so much! I've adored every single trip to Blue Mountain Farm, and look forward to visiting one more time!
Profile Image for Karen_Lee_Reads.
1,136 reviews41 followers
August 24, 2021
Southern Playboy
(North Carolina Highlands #4)
Written by: Jessica Peterson

The last thing any man wants to see is the girl who broke his heart in high school. So when Rhett Beauregard saw Amelia Fox across the room at his brother’s engagement party it brought back memories. SO MANY MEMORIES!
They actually “chatted” about how things were going, their discussion short with the odd pun or two. She left to make her way to the ladies room then home; he went to the bar for another whiskey. Not long after that they met again, in the ladies room where Amelia was locked in and Rhett ever the southern gentleman helped her escape, not quite Houdini style but she was out. She was thankful, he was drunk, but one good turn deserved to be repaid so she takes him to his house and puts him to bed and that’s the end of their story! NOT, it’s about to get a little crazy!

It turns out Rhett is a father, yes he was it’s true. He was a football player, what did he know about being a dad to a 2-year-old little boy. He needed help and as fate would have it, Amelia was in need of a job. Is it wrong to offer your ex-girlfriend who happens to teach in the toddler room (and now needs a job) the opportunity to earn money and help him learn how to be a father?

Can Rhett and Amelia be just friends with her helping him learn the ropes of parenthood? Is there anything left there for them to reconnect with each other?

Aren’t two year olds the cutest damn things in the world when they aren’t crying or needing diaper changes and throwing food around?

Jessica Peterson has given readers a wonderful read where the past is definitely going to collide with the present. She gives us humor, growth, loss of a dream, learning how to love and a two people who could so easily become a couple if one would just stop and think about their new life changes and the other who prefers to run when it starts getting tough. The good thing is there is one common connection that keeps these two busy and he is what eventually helps two adults find their way.

Jessica Peterson never lets her readers down, her men are swoon worthy, their ladies and sassy and strong and her stories keep you entranced from beginning to end. Southern Playboy is an excellent summer read.
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
4,957 reviews180 followers
August 30, 2021
5 Star Review Southern Playboy (North Carolina Highlands #4) by Jessica Peterson

Southern Playboy was a great addition to the North Carolina Highlands series. Rhett is shocked to learn that a one night stand resulted in Liam, a two year old little boy who he knew nothing about and probably would never have known, if Liam’s mother didn’t die in an accident.

Ms. Peterson writes strong stories with characters that are often flawed and I admire that she is not afraid to show them in all their glory. She wove a story with characters who you cannot help but fall for.

Rhett isn’t sure he has done the right thing when he hires Amelia to take care of Liam, after all she once broke heart his heart. Their chemistry is as intense as it once was, but will it be enough for a second chance at love?

I fell hard and fast for both Rhett and Amelia and little Liam, what a cutie. Ms. Peterson writes with such depth that I could easily picture Blue Mountain Farm and it’s surrounding areas. It was also great to catch up with the other members of the Beauregard family and their significant others.
Profile Image for Nicole ReadingBetweenTheSheets.
889 reviews38 followers
September 2, 2021
Adorable surprise single daddy romance

Oh, Author Jessica Peterson! You've gone and made my heart all squishy!

❤ secret baby
❤ single dad
❤ nanny
❤ second chance
❤ romance
❤ heartbreak
❤ heat 🔥🔥🔥

This book. These characters. This series. There is nothing I wouldn't strongly recommend. How the author writes such well-flowing and incredible storylines is beyond me. She also touches on some sensitive topics with such finesse.

In this suddenly-single-daddy romance, the youngest Beauregard brother, Rhett, not only finds out he's the dad of a toddler, but also gets a second chance with Amelia Fox, his first love, and first heartbreak.

This book was a definite emotional roller coaster! I literally felt my heart break more than once...for fictional characters!!! I could visualize the real life situations and felt as though I was sitting in the room with them at times. I love the Beauregard family and the resort and want to visit in real life. Plus, Liam was absolutely ADORABLE. Amazing read! 5 stars!
Profile Image for Katia Hatter.
69 reviews4 followers
August 26, 2021
The Beauregards of Blue Mountain just keep getting better.

If you’ve loved the North Carolina Highlands series thus far, you are in for a treat with Southern Playboy, the fourth book in this series. This can be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading the series in order so you’ll be familiar with some of the secondary characters, and you’ll have a bit more background on our hero, Rhett.

Rhett is the youngest Beauregard. He is currently a star in the NFL, and he’s facing a bit of an identity crisis. He feels compelled to push himself to his limits to win an elusive Super Bowl championship, at the cost of everything else in his life. His escape is too much booze and partying.

A result of this hard-partying lifestyle is that Rhett learns that he is the father to a two year old boy named Liam, who’s mother has suddenly died. Thrown into fatherhood, Rhett seeks out help from his ex-girlfriend and preschool teacher extraordinaire, Amelia, who has recently experienced her own series of life changing events. Amelia agrees to work for Rhett as his nanny, temporarily, while he learns the ropes of parenting a two year old. Old feelings arise, and the couple is faced with the reality of what broke them apart years earlier with the future that they could have together, if they are willing to each make concessions and changes.

I really enjoyed this story, and I loved how real Rhett and Amelia were with each other. They were vulnerable and honest, and they worked together to do what was best for Liam. Of course, I also enjoyed all the Beauregards that appeared in this book, and the addition of Amelia’s Grandma Rose was a delight.

I recommend this book if you’re looking to swoon, swear and ultimately sigh. I can’t wait to read Millie’s story, which will hopefully come very soon!
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,364 reviews78 followers
September 3, 2021
Oh my heavens I just love these Beauregard men !! Rhett and Amelia are second chances and so much more!
Rhett Beauregard is the quintessential player. He watches his siblings all falling in love around him and still he is burning the candle at both ends until Liam. When a two year old little boy ends up on his doorstep that he didn't know existed, his world is about to change. Liam didn't know his father and his mother was taken from him tragically. Now he is becoming part of the Beauregard family and they certainly have more than enough love to go around.
Amelia Fox is a teacher extraordinaire, toddler wrangler and oh yes Rhett's ex girlfriend. She has always been the one to tell him what for and she doesn't stop even 10 years later. She unfortunately has just found herself in quite a bit of bad luck. She just found out that her boyfriend is married, she lost her teaching job and she is at a wedding with her ex and just got stuck in a remote bathroom at the venue.
She sends a text and she crosses her fingers that he hasn't changed his number in the last 10 years.
This is the beginning of an unlikely friendship, an unusual job opportunity and two men entering her life that she never saw coming.
This couple is sweet, funny, sexy and full of sass. Now let's add in a wonderful little boy that needs to be cared for and a man that never knew he wanted to be a dad. What a wonderfully fun emotional story that will tug at your heart strings and have you swooning over our playboy Rhett.
~~Michele McMullen ~~
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 11 books41 followers
August 26, 2021
I was graciously provided this GEM of a book as an ARC. All opinions are my own.
"Tweaking your dreams doesn't mean you're giving up on them. Just means you're getting closer to who you really are. What really makes you the happiest."
This book. Y'all. This. Book. My heart MELTED. In an effort not to give a single thing away because that would be soooo easy to do. This book STRUCK HOME for me. It was wonderful, sweet, spicy, and everything nice (see what I did there). I have never read any of J. Peterson's books before but I can promise you this I DEFINITELY WILL BE NOW. Yes, I am screaming because this book was that good. Adulting is hard. So hard, really hard decisions have to be made. I am 26 going on 27 and I am just now learning and tweaking my dreams. This book made my heart swell. It reminded me that I have hope for the future but I need to be very much here in the present. This book reminded me that my timeline is not like everyone elses and that's OK! I know Amelia wanted her timeline to be different, her dreams and such and well they didn't work out that way. I certainly know what that feels like, but, there is always a reason for it. Sometimes we have to make some changes *points to chest* in here before we are ready for the other stuff (cough cough Rhett). If you weren't sure about this book just read it. BECAUSE I LOVED IT.
September 3, 2021
I am here all day every day for a Jessica Peterson book but add in some second chance with a sprinkle of surprise baby and that’s it I’m ALL IN!

Rhett and Amelia from the start you can feel their history! After an awkward run in after years these two find themselves in their own predicaments and find a way to work together! With the history like theirs though feelings boil over and tough decisions have to be made!

I loved how honest and raw Rhett is with himself! I loved for inner monologues and discoveries as he navigated his life and found his new normal! He had a lot of growing up to do and experiencing that with him was just a beautiful thing!

Amelia is just an angel! She had a heart of gold and so resilient! She has had some tough times and she still finds her way! She also has a kick butt grandma who I wish I could pluck from the pages! Amelia is a stubborn one though and I really enjoyed seeing her grow as well and only become stronger!

The angst and heat between these two is definitely off the charts! Another tantalizing must read from Peterson!
Profile Image for Emily  T.
351 reviews15 followers
August 20, 2021
WOW! I was not prepared for Rhett's book. I have anxiously been awaiting his story while reading all about his brothers and he did not disappoint. I absolutely fell in love with this swoony, sexy and broken man. He is so easy to relate to, and gah, my heart just ached for him at times because I knew exactly what he was feeling! I can't get over how much I love him!
And Amelia! She is such a strong character, knowing exactly what she wants and not being ashamed of it. She's smart and sexy and so strong, and I just want to be friends with her!
And don't even get me started on these two, and especially Rhett with Liam...the way he dove all in just made me so happy! Just a beautiful relationship to see unfold on the page!
I read this book in one sitting...started in the morning, ignored anything and everything and finished with the biggest smile on my face!
Jessica is such an amazing writer and she pulls so many emotions out of you as she writes! You feel like you're a part of the Beauregard family! The family dynamic in these books is just so well done that I love it just as much as I love the hero and heroine. Sigh...just perfection! I just don't know what I'm going to do with this series is over!
Profile Image for Leisa Ann.
649 reviews9 followers
September 1, 2021
I loved this book. Rhett’s life changes dramatically and he has choices to make. He struggles and thru his struggles he is able to put his past behind him. Just like so many people Rhett feels the need to make more money and be more successful but soon realizes that money and success don’t define you….the love of family is priceless.
Profile Image for Franci Neill.
2,123 reviews91 followers
September 5, 2021
5 Finding the Happiness He Never Knew He was Missing Stars!!

With each of the previous three books in this series I’ve been looking so forward to Rhett’s book and boy has Ms. Peterson delivered with Rhett and Amelia’s story.

Just when Rhett think’s he’s at the top of his game in almost every aspect of his life, he gets the shock of a lifetime, he gets a call that puts a halt to all his Summer plans with news of his young son, that he never knew about now will be his responsibility. And across town Amelia, his high school girlfriend, has a shock of her own which sets these two on a collision course of being in each other’s lives again.

I loved the progression of this story and how both Rhett and Amelia reconnected and changed throughout the book. Rhett has some inner demons that he’s fighting and watching him struggle broke my heart a little bit. Throw in the most beautiful little boy Liam and Rhett is just not sure what to do… other than hiring Amelia to be his nanny. Well as you can imagine things become very interesting and intense very quickly.

The draw between our H/h is undeniable and holy moly they’re HAF together!! But what I loved the most about this book is how Rhett changed and realized he may just have everything he needs right in front of him. But it’s an emotional journey that challenges and questions so many aspects of their love and friendship.

While this is an emotional read it’s worth every single feeling it brought out in me and I’ve fallen more in love with this family than ever before!
Profile Image for Amy.
1,124 reviews18 followers
August 29, 2021
“What if y’all always wanted the same life, but you’re just realizing it now?”

Southern Playboy is a steamy, slow-burn, second-chance romance featuring a sexy, tortured football player unprepared for fatherhood, a feisty teacher turned nanny, and an adorable little boy. Rhett and Amelia were high school sweethearts who broke up when they realized they wanted different things in life. When Amelia finds herself jobless and Rhett discovers he’s the father of a two year old boy, Amelia agrees to help Rhett until he can find a permanent nanny. In the meantime, will feelings that they both thought were long since buried resurface?

“We’re chasing the wild because neither of us knows if—when—the chase is going to end.”

Both Rhett and Amelia are a little lost and their lives are a mess. Amelia is a strong and independent woman who knows her worth and knows what she wants out of life. When her world implodes, she’s shaken to her core and it forces her to reevaluate what she wants out of life. Rhett has lost his passion for football and is questioning his future. He’s unhappy and can seem to only make it through the day with a drink in his hand. When he finds out he has a son, he begins to realize that there is more to life than winning a championship. Rhett’s struggles were heartbreaking, but Amelia instills a sense of calm in him that allows him to recognize that he needs to change for the sake of his son.

“I’ve waited my whole life for this. The girl. The feeling. The permission to finally, finally let go.”

“Not once did he ever make me feel like I was too much. Too needy or demanding or weird. When I was with him, everything about me felt right-sized.”

I loved watching Rhett and Amelia grow and change throughout the book. They both had to learn to compromise. The chemistry between them was intense and was instantly felt from their first interaction. The slow-burn from exes to reluctant friends to lovers was fun, angsty, and steamy. I loved the interactions with Liam and how Rhett stepped up immediately to be there for his son.

Southern Playboy was a fantastic addition to this series. I absolutely love the Beauregard family and I am super excited for Milly’s book.
Profile Image for Madalina.
322 reviews9 followers
August 30, 2021
Southern Playboy is the fourth book in the North Carolina Highlands and while is a standalone, I recommend to read the whole series. It's a small town romance series, centered around Beauregard children.

This is the story of the youngest son, Rhett Beauregard and Amelia Fox, his high school ex-girlfriend. Rhett is a football player and Amelia is a teacher and they both met again at Samuel's engagement party, where they had a situation, Amelia being locked in a bathroom stall. As funny as it was, their reconnection, wat had happened next was a cold shower for both of them, who had their world turned upside down.

Amelia found herself jobless, even though wasn't entirely her fault, and Rhett found himself a dad, having a son from a previous one night stand. When life throws you lemons, you make a lemonade. That's what Rhett and Amelia did. They both agreed to a completely professional relationship, where Amelia is the nanny for Liam, Rhett's son. But old feelings resurface, and it gets harder and harder for them to ignore.

Rhett had his own demons, having a somewhat dangerous career and he needed to make some choices, hard ones, but driven by his own relationship with his father, he didn't always choose what was best for him. Amelia also had some dreams, which where shattered when she had been fired, and I've got the impression that she got lost in the process and didn't know how to move forward. But Rhett and their relationship helped her and him also, to put things into perspective. They had some hard choices and compromises to do, but in the end everything worked well.

It was a sweet story, where I have seen that family and friends are there for each other. Both Amelia and Rhett have grown as individuals and in their relationship, they took some big steps which helped them to be happy and have a great family of their own. They both completed each other and Rhett is such a romantic guy. I loved Amelia, she knew what she wanted and spoke her mind. I liked that the communication between them was easy and open, not afraid to tell what they wanted.

It was a great story and I can't wait to read Milly's story next.
Profile Image for Jenn  M..
569 reviews12 followers
August 26, 2021
Southern Playboy is the 4th installment of Jessica Peterson's North Carolina Highlands series and while it can certainly be read as a complete stand alone- the Beauregard family is phenomenal and you will not regret reading a single book. This story features a single father with a surprise baby and a second chance romance with his high school sweetheart turned nanny.

Rhett and Amelia's story is fun, sweet, angsty and intense in so many ways. They were each other's first loves but also broke each others hearts when they realized that they wanted different things out of life and neither of them was willing to bend. Years later- Rhett finds himself the sole guardian to a 2 year old boy, Liam, that he had no clue existed while Amelia's dream job and life comes crashing down unexpectedly. And while all signs point to it being a disaster in the making- Rhett and Amelia confide in each other and come to an agreement that they can help each other out and hope that they can keep their hearts out of the equation.

I couldn't possibly adore this story any more than I do. Each book in the NC Highlands series was better than the last and god I have been waiting so long to get to know the baby of the Beauregard family, Rhett. Rhett is such a complex character- on the outside he's that fun guy, focused on his work as a professional football player but he also harbors what he likes to joke as "daddy issues" and just intense loneliness in his life and career. Amelia is such a genuine sweetheart and someone who literally has known what she wanted out of life since she was young- to have a family and be a teacher, continuing her mother's legacy.

I love the vulnerability that Rhett shows throughout the story- from his feelings toward fatherhood to whether he can give up his lifestyle of drinking and putting the game above all. But all the little moments of Rhett with Liam melted my heart. The intense feelings that Rhett and Amelia have for each other is a constant underlying current. The slow burn of their relationship is so good. Amelia has her own hang ups but I love how she coaxed a truly happy person out of Rhett and their happily ever after might be my favorite so far.

I can't wait to go back to Blue Mountain and for the elusive Milly to finally get her happily ever after.
Profile Image for Booklover Judy Lynn.
1,363 reviews21 followers
August 27, 2021
Southern Playboy is book 4 in the North Carolina Highlands series which follows members of the Beauregard family. It is a stand alone and ends with a HEA. Though it can certainly be read on its own, readers will want to read the whole series because this family is amazing. It is written in first person from an alternating dual POV.
At the beginning of this book, Rhett is struggling. He is drinking too much, sleeps around a lot, and is sometimes a jerk. Amelia finally has her life headed in the direction of her dreams, or so she believes. When Rhett’s world is rocked by becoming an instant father to a two-year-old he didn’t know existed and Amelia’s world literally blows up in her face, the high school sweethearts who broke up nine years ago turn to each other.
There is a whole lot of hotness between these two characters. Their chemistry is insane. They have a history, and their friendship to each other is a big factor in them falling back in love at record speed. Big changes are not easy though. Rhett struggles as he changes and matures in his outlook of what makes him happy. Amelia takes big risks, knowing that heartbreak is a possibility. There are some swoon-y moments, some romance, and some heavy emotion as things come together. Rhett’s little boy, Liam, is beyond adorable and I just want to squeeze him. The author does an amazing job capturing the conflicting emotions that accompany new parenthood. The family dynamics are extremely well written. I love Rhett’s family and Amelia’s grandma Rose is who I want to be when I grow up. I loved this book. The author just gets better and better with each release. Don’t miss out on this fabulous read and this amazing series.
I am voluntarily leaving this honest review after receiving an advance reader copy of the book.
Profile Image for Stephanie S.
644 reviews2 followers
August 23, 2021
WHEW these Southern gentleman get hotter each time. I mean Rhett was the playboy and he had his life and already had his plans laid out. Amelia was working her dream job until she wasn't any longer due to a bad decision. These 2 had a history that goes way back but when they reconnect at another Beauregard wedding, these 2 start to remember the good and the bad times.

As I have said it in many a review the communication is key and once these channels are open things will move in the right direction. Sometimes it takes someone on the outside to steer you in the right path that you never thought about. Love and support from those close to you sometimes give you the best advice.

I could not put this one down as I have loved each of these men in a different way. Rhett just hit a bit different way to me. I loved him for the most part but he did have his douche canoe moments that you just want to hit him up beside his head to get it out of his rear. Amelia is not perfect either but she was also trying to protect her already battered heart after another heartbreak and she seemed to almost be at the end of her rope.

Sometime you just got to slow down and smell the roses and enjoy the moments in life. This can be read as a standalone but I would highly suggest reading her other stories.

Profile Image for aly.
244 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2021
I cannot tell you how excited/nervous I was for this book. I hate the surprise baby trope. (You know, woman hides pregnancy and 8 years later they bump into one another with a 7 year old kid - as a mom it just bums me out!)

BUT this was done super differently. It wasn't about the relationship between the mom and dad. It was so much more than that.

Rhett whole world changes when he finds out a one night stand became pregnant and had a baby 2 years ago. Unfortunately, mom had a accident and died. So Rhett, as next of kin would take custody. Rhett is entirely unprepared to be a dad. So he enlists the help of his high school girlfriend who broke his heart and employs her as his nanny.

The chemistry between these two is OBVIOUS. Tension and lust are in the air and it becomes clear their breakup was circumstantial versus lost feelings.

Jessica writes about such relateable feelings and situations. Sure, while we aren't all football stars who had babies dropped in our laps, sometimes it is SO hard to see the joy in parenthood through the fog of sleep-deprivation, endless laundry, dishes and mess. But when Rhett describes the joy of being NEEDED and LOVED by your child. It is honest and real and true.

I loved that their "make up" moment was simple. It was about him admitting his mistakes and making promises. Nothing over the top, just the two of them chasing their "wild" together.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,554 reviews
August 31, 2021
I am loving this series beyond words! And Rhett’s book was worth the wait.

Rhett & Amelia have a past. Question is can they overcome their past to have a future? Read and find out! Enjoy going on their journey like I did. I loved the adorable moments with Liam.

I am not ready to leave these characters & their world behind. I hope there is more to come in this series.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,706 reviews590 followers
September 2, 2021
Southern Playboy is the fourth book in Jessica Peterson’s North Carolina Highlands, but it works perfectly fine as a standalone. Those who have enjoyed the other books in the series – along with other work from the author – will enjoy the references to other characters, along with the appearance of the family members, but it is not necessary to understand this one.

As a long-time fan of Jessica Peterson, I was excited for this one. There were so many elements in this one that ticked my boxes, and I was eager to see them play out. I’ll be honest, however, and say this is my least favourite Jessica Peterson book. That is not to say it was a bad book – it kept me turning the pages – simply that I did not feel the usual magic I experience when reading the author’s work. The reason for this is a simple one: I never felt the connection between the characters. Jessica Peterson is a master at chemistry, and I usually fall deep for her characters, but I never believed the romance between the two of them. It felt like convenience rather than love, which meant I was never quite as invested as I could have been. I think, in part, it’s because their history was never as fleshed out as I would have liked. When it comes to second chance romances, I love all the history. With this one, the backstory between the characters was glossed over somewhat. Thus, I never fell as deeply for them as I had hoped and found their reunion a convenience rather than love.

Although not my favourite book from the author, it is certainly worth reading if you’ve enjoyed the series. I remain eager to see what comes next in the series and cannot wait to jump into the next book.
1,455 reviews19 followers
February 17, 2023
Aw yeah...........Southern Playboy was amazing!!! I absolutely LOVED Rhett and Amelia!!! The vulnerability that Rhett showed throughout the story was such a breath of fresh air. He was definitely a masculine and alpha-type of man, BUT he was not afraid to show his emotions. And Amelia.....oh sweet Amelia. Rhett needed her goodness in his life. Someone to remind him who he was and where he came from - AND what his priorities needed to be. Which his career, yes could be a priority - but now he had sweet Liam to think about. And she didn't sugar coat things when push came to shove - neither did Beau. So thankful Rhett finally realized what everyone was trying to tell him before it was too late.

Seriously, this was just another outstanding story in the North Carolina Highlands series from Jessica Peterson!!! And I cannot wait to get Milly's story in Southern Bombshell!! Will be interesting to see the Beauregard siblings from her point of view.
Profile Image for Sara.
221 reviews9 followers
September 2, 2021
5+ stars

I went into this book, not really expecting much. But I'm here to tell you, that it was 100x better than I expected it to be. Really, such a wonderful, emotional, and at times funny story. I loved everything about this book. Literally everything!

Amelia and Rhett used to be highschool sweethearts, but their relationship ended, because they both wanted different things in life. 9 years later they meet again at Rhett's brother's engagement/wedding party. And to say that the flame hadn't dwindled would be an understatement. There were no plans to get back together, until not long after, Rhett finds out that he has a 2 year old son, and he is his only living family member. Not knowing what to do, he reaches out to Amelia, to help him with his son. She starts working for him as a nanny and all that time they start spending with each other, and with Liam, rekindles the flame that hadn't really dwindled. But Rhett still has to get his priorities straight, before anything definitive can happen.

Usually the hero is my favorite in these types of stories. But Amelia, she was amazing. I loved how she knew what she wanted and what she deserved, and from the very beginning she clearly let that known. Rhett was a great character as well, but Amelia outshone him just a bit (in my opinion).

Rhett has such an amazing and supportive family as well. They were all there for him, when he brought Liam home, and even when he was acting as a douche, they guided him and gave their support as best as they could.
Grandma Rose was such a lovely character as well. All in all, they were all wonderful, and I love them to pieces.

You'll definitely see me reading more of Jessica Peterson. Her writing is *chef's kiss*.

I received an ARC, and am leaving this review voluntarily. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Misty (Reds Romance Reviews).
3,179 reviews6 followers
August 31, 2021
Rhett Beauregard wasn't prepared for the sight of her again, it's been a long time since high school and the havoc Amelia Fox reeked on his life. But all it took was one look across the room to bring it all back, and for those old feelings to start to stir-up. She was once the love of his life, then tragedy struck and he almost lost everything because of his love for her. She is the woman he should avoid at all costs, a distraction he doesn't need right now. Or does he?

Southern Playboy is a story of second chances, forgiveness, healing, and new beginnings. Rhett and Amelia have history, the hurtful kind, and it's taken Rhett a long time to come to terms with the fact that his love for her almost cost him everything. It's a sore subject with him and also the reason he doesn't do relationships of any kind. But one chance meeting at an engagement party changes everything, it brings back old feelings and old hurts and makes him wonder if he made a mistake back then. She doesn't seem to want to hash it out so he lets her walk away again.

But when he discovers that he has a two year old son and realizes he will need a lot of help when his season comes rolling around it's Amelia he calls. She is the perfect person to care for his young son, but convincing her of that fact takes some work. He knows he's playing with fire by playing house with the woman who broke his heart, but he can't see anyone else taking care of his child... it's the perfect fit! It more ways than one...

I loved this first time read, it had an emotionally charged story line, characters that were easy to love, and steamy romance that curled the toes! It's well penned words kept my eyes glued to the pages from the first until the last... it was the perfect late night escape! Highly recommend!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher, and I am voluntarily leaving my honest and unbiased opinion.
156 reviews
August 31, 2021
Southern Playboy, Book 4 in Jessica Peterson's North Carolina series is a five star, deep, emotional rollercoaster, romantic must read.

This book hits hard with reality, romance and all the feels!

On the surface, Rhett and Amelia are so different.  He wants to follow in his famous football player father's footsteps and he moves across the country to make it happen. She wants a future in the same southern town she's lived in her whole life: a husband, a family, a teaching job at the school her late mother founded.

Dreams of finishing their late parents' unfinished business tear them apart.

They're so different...but maybe not.

Never looking back.

Funny thing about dreams, though is that they have a knack of coming true in the most unlikely ways...

Years later, Rhett and Amelia intersect in Asheville and suddenly their worlds collide in the most heartbreaking, beautiful way: little Liam.

Loss changes everything.

Rock bottom.

The friendship,  the ease, the love is still there and the passion sizzles on the page as they put their plans on hold for the sake of the child Rhett never knew about. They tackle the big stuff: parenthood, trust, growing up,  letting go and holding on.

Will they give up their parents' dreams to pursue their own?

How different are they really or deep down do they want the same things after all?

Was what they wanted right there beside them all along?

This book can be read as a standalone. It introduces warm, wonderful and wise Grandma Rose, plus it incorporates characters from the other books in the series and even has a cameo by my favorite chef, so now you're going to WANT to read or reread all the North Carolina Highlands and Southern Heat books!!!
Profile Image for Paulette.
667 reviews19 followers
August 31, 2021
Of all the books in this series this book may be my favorite. It is the realist, truest and hits all the emotional highs, lows and zaps you right in the right.

The opening scene will have you both smiling and grabbing your attention as to finding out what is Rhett and Amelia’s back story. Both have baggage that they’re trying to deal with. Both seem more than a little intractable, especially due to their past. However, enter Liam and everything changes…or does it? Is history doomed to repeat itself? Also, are we destine to repeat out past;do we have to live up to the expectations of other; or do we impose unrealistic expectations on ourselves?

I don’t do spoilers. I don’t think it’s fair to you or the author. Read the book and get the full enjoyment for yourself. However, I will say I don’t know if I could’ve been as noble as Amelia where other circumstances in her life, not concerning Rhett, were concerned. I am not that passive or noble.
Keeping this in mind she was quite the hard nose with Rhett. I’m not giving him a pass in any way. However, youth and immaturity play a major part in everyone’s life. Sometimes you need to make changes in yourself not just circumstantial ones, especially if you expect the other person to change.

The star of this story is Liam. Liam proves we can learn a lot from children if we trust, open our hearts and learn to love unconditionally.

Watching the the evolution as well as the pitfalls of Rhett and Amelia was heartbreaking and lovely. This is a story that will stick with you long after you’ve finished reading it.

Bravo, Jessica, you scored a touchdown with this one. This was a championship read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 226 reviews

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