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Ruthless MC #1-2

Waylon: Angel and the Ruthless Reaper

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Since aging out of the foster care system and becoming a nurse, all I dreamed of was marrying a nice doctor and moving to a two-story house in the suburbs.

So how did a dangerous biker gang criminal end up handcuffed to my bed? And why did I agree to let that animal teach me how to...ahem...do things. Wicked things. In the very same bed he's been handcuffed to in order to keep me safe?

Long story.

And it didn't end well.

Now it's time to marry my doctor fiancé and make all my former foster kid dreams come true. But who do I spot at the back of the church after I walk down the aisle to join with my perfect groom in marriage?

That dangerous MC. His ice-cold eyes are blazing with rage. And this time he's totally unchained.

Gulp. It's not such a nice day for a white wedding after all.

I'm not even one-percent sure I'm going to get out of this one with my heart--or my soul--intact.

Kindle Edition

First published December 16, 2021

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Theodora Taylor

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Theodora Taylor writes hot books with heart. When not reading, reviewing or writing, she enjoys spending time with her amazing family, going on dating nights with her wonderful husband, and attending parties thrown by others.

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Theodora Taylor schreibt feurige Bücher mit Herz. Wenn sie nicht gerade selbst liest, schreibt oder Deutsch lernt, verbringt sie am liebsten Zeit mit ihrer Familie oder geht mit ihrem wundervollen Mann aus.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews
Profile Image for s&#x1f31f;.
210 reviews17 followers
January 14, 2022
I adore almost all of TT books something about her writing style is so unique! I had mix feelings about this one though, something about this book felt off. Some of the relationship dynamics that the heroine established were really weird at times. Looking forward to the next instalment and seeing if that works better for me.
Profile Image for Kay.
220 reviews2 followers
December 16, 2021
TT does it again…always. There was so much in this story it’s hard to unpack. Waylon and Amira’s backstory is key to understanding their life choices and why they are perfect for each other. Waylon’s total possession of Amira isn’t as off putting as it sounds and I love that Amira didn’t just get lust colored glasses and fall in line. I loved that she had fight in her. That she didn’t forget her promise once she got her ending. And in true TT fashion, she sets you up for the next story, leaving you always wanting more.
Profile Image for Sudasha.
448 reviews13 followers
August 13, 2022
This was a quick read, with a crazy alpha MC and his obsession with the FMC, who btw, is black. I love BWWM novels, so this made it all the better for me!

Not sure if I'm going to read all the other books in this series, but we'll see how it goes.
Profile Image for Peace.
725 reviews9 followers
December 24, 2021
This story hooked me right from the start.

Waylon is a sexy, scary, alpha male who is co-president of a vicious MC. Amira is a naive pushover going through life pretending to be happy with her boyfriend, brother, and herself.

I felt the instant lust, the uncontrollable animalistic attraction, and the insane obsession but I didn’t feel the love. Even though they’ve professed their love for each other, it still feels odd because Amira is basically a prisoner. 3.5 Stars.
77 reviews1 follower
December 19, 2021
I actually liked the book but...

There were some meh... spots like why did she repeat the same thing from 1 page to another? It made me feel like she was feeling in space and after reading her (re-hash) of writing the book I feel like my thoughts are correct. But what got the 1 star is the fact that she has an epilogue that you have to pay for again!!! I pre-ordered this book, why do I need to pay for the epilogue, that should be included?
963 reviews14 followers
December 17, 2021

Too much was spent on Amira’s delusions and not enough on the love story. Her lack of accountability and her hollier than thou attitude really bugged me. She kept blaming Waylon for burning her life to the ground, however she never acknowledged that she did that on her own when she said no to Jonathan in a church full of people. What was her plan? Apologize to an abusive fiancé and go back to the hospital where they both worked after the wedding fiasco?
I understand that the situation with Stephanie was grating but for her, without knowing the back story to judge Hades and declare Stephanie innocent was really frustrating. For all she knew Stephanie was an undercover cop who tried to trap them all. Basically she’s ok to live with a criminal but draws the line at a woman being kept against her will, which is ironic given her own situation.
I also find it interesting how she was prepared to drop Ant like a bad habit for her house in the suburbs but dares judge Waylon for his loyalty to his brother. The ending was unrealistic to me. Whichever way you look at it, she betrayed him and lied to him. If she loved him so much, she would have tried to persuade him before the great escape and only went ahead behind his back after that discussion. The whole, telling him i love you and unprotected sex came across as manipulative to me. Someone with deeply rooted trusts issues wouldn’t have just said “it’s ok let’s get married”.
One of my biggest disappointment with the book is how she wasn’t described at all beyond black with 4C hair, while everyone else was described.
We didn’t get an exact understanding of what the MC did, nor any background information on Waylon beyond foster care from time to time and the army.
Lastly they were a lot of unfinished business such as her appartement and belongings being basically abandoned.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Maria.
643 reviews14 followers
January 1, 2022
Hell yes!

I have a new favorite MC. Lord, but the Reapers are shaping up to be hot and brutal AF and I'm here for it. There are a couple of triggers with this one so tread lightly. Other than that, you're in for one hell of a ride.
Profile Image for Ashley Carr, LSoR.
4,640 reviews61 followers
December 16, 2021
This is a new author to me and I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to read a book by her! Her characters are well developed and the storyline is intriguing, suspenseful, exciting and drama filled. Waylon and Amira’s backstory is the key to what’s happening in the present. He is over the top possessive about her. They are completely opposite of each other but they just work together. I can’t wait to read the next book of the series!!
379 reviews2 followers
December 24, 2021
Exciting read!

I enjoyed every minute of this book. The characters were complicated, but loveable and the story line immediately captured my attention. The story was sometimes sad, intriguing and complex. An enjoyable read. Looking forward to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Pamelon.
814 reviews14 followers
December 20, 2021

WAYLON: Angel and then Ruthless Reaper ( Ruthless MC Book 1) What a introduction to the Ruthless MC series!! It's the freaking fire. Theodora Taylor killed it with Angel and Waylon! Can hardly wait for Griffin and Red!!!😍😍❤
Profile Image for Zenobia.
82 reviews4 followers
February 11, 2022
Great Story

As always, Taylor serves up an unusual tale of romance between weirdly quirky and likeable characters. I dropped a star because there are so many grammatical errors. I was underwhelmed by the abrupt ending. I'm hoping the next installment is just as good and better. I expect excellence from Taylor because she has never given less.
Profile Image for Cherryl.
1,867 reviews1 follower
February 25, 2023
She kissed the tiger once and became his

"What are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing?" was the question she constantly asked herself. She was an orphaned girl who barely finished high school but managed to become a nurse practitioner in the ER. She was close to seeing her dream come true in getting the yellow house and children by marrying Jonathan Kershaw, a neuro resident whom the other nurses called Dr. America because of his chiseled good looks, but her loyalty to her criminal foster brother Antonio put the kibosh on that. Jonathan's snooty opinion on societal appearances didn't help.

Waylon Fairgood knew that Amira was the Angel who saved his life was meant for him and he was not going to let her go. When he forced her hand and saved her in return, her whole life was turned upside down. She was hot as fish grease but everyone in Angle Pond kept telling her " You don't cross Waylon." When he gives an order you obey. He was her teacher who meted out her punishment for disobeying him. They found out that they were more alike in their upbringing than not. He loved his Angel and wanted to give her the world. He wore her down. She loved him too. Call her crazy for loving the president of the Ruthless Reapers but that man named a town after her and built her yellow house.

I enjoyed reading this story. Waylon came back to rescue Amira just in time. He was truly bordering on obsessive with her but he would not give her up. Amira was the woman who became a nurse to help others and that giving personality was what attracted Waylon to her. She enjoyed being the town nurse even more than being an ER nurse. I just wish the ending would have ended a little differently and I resent the author holding the bonus epilogue hostage to follow her on Patreon. That site cost money and in this day and age of the pandemic, every cent counts in my budget.
48 reviews
December 27, 2021
Hmmm, very interesting

This book took me by surprise. Loved every second of it. Couldn't put it down at all. Didn't want to miss anything. Just wish I could have slowed down, lol. I do this every time with her books. Can't get enough of them. I like how she connects different books together. You guys are going to love this one. Can't wait for the next one even though I'm biting at the bit for Hades and Stephanie (Persy). I'll wait, lol.
11 reviews
December 18, 2021
Here goes everything

T.T. Became one of my favorite writers after reading just one book. This book was no exception. I am beginning to wonder has her writing become stagnant or have I just outgrown her writing style. I read her books because it is nice to see AA women being loved on and appreciated. The issue I am having as I continue to read her stories are that the women do not represent the array of AA women. She consistently writes the women as more on the caramel color of the spectrum, multiracial or they have to long or curly hair. These are her stories and she is free to write them as she sees; but as a reader I would just like to see more of an inclusion of the average AA female next door. I do like how she ties in her stories, but I feel that we have reached a point that it is overly utilized and it detracts from the authenticity of the story. I mean we have almost six degrees of separation for every major character. I would recommend this book for entertainment purposes. My hope is that when she writes her next book she will take things like this into consideration.
Profile Image for Jessica.
421 reviews2 followers
January 8, 2022
Them Fairgood boys are Yummy. Love Waylon book

Them Fairgood boys certainly don't play about their woman. They just hit you a different type of way.

Waylon like all of the other Fairgood boys is one that would leave you aching for more. He is fierce, loyal, and deadly when you step in their way.
And I for one just love all the energy he is bringing to the table.

Amira is a fighter, but in the very beginning she wasn't showing this. In the very beginning of the book she pissed me off. She showed she has no backbone and let her fiancee ( boyfriend at the time that I'm discussing) to run over her. To try to change her so she was fit for his parents and those he wanted to introduce her too. It pissed me off greatly.

But meeting Waylon brought back that backbone she very much needed. Even though there was moments when Waylon was a huge A$$hole his number one focus is Amira.

One story I am earning to read about is Waylon cousin Hades. I have a feeling there's a juicy story there that I cannot wait to get my hands on.

Overall I really enjoy this book and found myself reading over and over before I wrote this review. Truly a good read.
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
17.5k reviews213 followers
December 16, 2021
This is the first in a new series and is Waylon and Amira’s story. Amira grew up in the foster system and she has her dreams of marrying a doctor, with the perfect little house. When Amira is called to help her brother deal with an injured man, she meets Waylon. Waylon is part of the Ruthless MC, and healing from his injuries he is attracted to Amira, and he becomes possessive about her. These two are total opposites, but are kindred spirits, and they complement each other perfectly, and the chemistry between them is combustible and undeniable. What will Waylon do when Amira is set to walk down the aisle and marry her doctor fiancé’? This is a well written story which is filled with insecurities, romance, passion, emotions, intrigue, and love, which leads to an entertaining and unconventional love story, which has me completely enthralled throughout this riveting and addictive page turner. I look forward to reading more from this talented author whose work I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Fern.
633 reviews10 followers
December 27, 2021
This was pretty good! Now, the female lead (Amira aka "Angel") frustrated me a bit. I could not believe that she was still going to marry that egotistical doctor who pushed her down the stairs! I forgot his name because of how arrogant he was! I am glad that Waylon showed up at her wedding and one look from him made her change her mind when the minister asked her if she would marry that arrogant doctor! It was clear from the beginning that Waylon was all man and good for her despite how she felt about his background as a MC man! Normally I do not care for motorcycle club romances but this one was an exception! Theodora Taylor is a great writer and I cannot wait for the next books in this series especially the one with Stephanie and Waylon's brother/cousin Hades! Also, she has included characters from her other books that I have read that were good. I will be on the lookout for the next books in this series!
10 reviews2 followers
December 19, 2021
One of her best...

This is a dark romance with heart. A lot of Theodora's romances leave me feeling conflicted and not convinced that forgiveness and trust had been earned. But, at least for me, this one had better balance. Waylon wasn't so awful that it felt unforgivable and he did listen to Amira and try to give her what she wanted to feel safe. I don't want to give away the ending, but I really liked that Waylon and Amira had to prove themselves to each other. It really added to the balance. It's not a complicated climax to the story but it was hugely satisfying in a way that some of the author's other books were not. Oh, and she didn't do that thing where the story stops and jumps ahead to just remembering what happened. (I hate that.)
299 reviews5 followers
December 26, 2021
Good start

I was not sure if I was going to like this book. I kept looking at it and looking at it before I said, "what the heck" and made the purchase. I can honestly say it was dark and trippy ANF twisty. It was a TT book and I liked seeing some of the old characters I have read about. I love the Fairgood boys. Anywho, this was a good start and I hope future books improve and build upon what was created in this book. I loved the crazy of this book. The coming to terms with realizing that crazy and giving 2 bleeps about anyone else's opinion. I loved overcoming trauma and discovering oneself. I loved how Waylon loved Amira and how Mimi slowly faded away. I highly recommend this book. Now, on to the next.
Profile Image for Victoria Ziglor-smith.
502 reviews2 followers
December 28, 2021
Loved It

This is why you are my number 1 author, I wish I didn’t have to wait so lone for Stephanie story. But I will enjoy the other stories before hers. I’m looking for me a Waylon, take charge, beening married to someone that only wanted to be in charge when they felt like they weren’t getting their way is petty. Half the time it was
over something stupid, I had to take care of the bills, find us a place to live, so having a man like Waylon is a dream. Amira was a fighter and I loved that about her.
This was a therapeutic scented soak in a tub with candles lite around it type of read. Or a read that you and that special someone can share together, that way the good parts, you can indulge with and don’t feel left out. I’ve already preorder all of them.

247 reviews
December 23, 2021
OMG good!

When I saw these upcoming books on Amazon, I immediately pre-ordered them. One of the reasons being, Ms. Taylor never disappoints with her books and Waylon and Amira's love story was just that! A love story from beginning to end! At the beginning of the story, Amira really worked my nerves with her blindness for Jonathon! Things quickly escalated with the story line for Waylon and I could not put this book down until I had read the whole book in one sitting! Good thing I was off today! LOL! This was such a good book, and I can't wait to read the next three books! Please buy this book, I guarantee you won't be disappointed!
529 reviews4 followers
January 1, 2022
A Very Good Interracial MC Romance

WAYLON: Angel.and the Ruthless Reaper (Ruthless .C Book 1) is a very good interracial MC Romance that earned a rating of five stars. I enjoyed reading about Waylon and Amira's love story. Waylon is the president of the Ruthless MC, who was shot in the abdomen and Amira is a nurse practitioner who treated him for her foster brother. They both have a lot of obstacles to get over before they found their love for each other. The book is exciting and thrilling and I would recommend it to everyone who enjoys reading good romance novels.
Profile Image for LaTanya Wright.
613 reviews
December 17, 2021
Mello Yellow

This isn't a Prince charming/Cinderella story. The heroine is a traumatized woman who grew up with abandonment, sexual and trust issues. So much that she's willing to put up with anything just to get what she deams a "picture perfect life". It took a rough criminal biker to bring out the true person Amira /Angel was and that's someone who needs and wants to be taken care of. This first book sets up the MC world that's likely going to send us on one heck of a ride and I can't wait!
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,912 reviews16 followers
December 19, 2021
WAYLON by Theodora Taylor is the First book in the Ruthless MC Series. This is the story of Amira and Waylon. Amira who pretty much grew up in foster care has now in the present day become a Nurse Practitioner. In addition to that dream she is close to fulfilling another one of marrying a doctor and settling into a nice house. But when her brother who she is close to calls asking for help she goes to do so which puts her in the site of Waylon the President of the MC. I enjoyed this book and hope to read more from this author/series.

Profile Image for Zsa Zsa.
1,037 reviews1 follower
December 20, 2021
Amira and Waylon are damaged individuals drawn to one another almost from the moment they meet. Amira has endeavoured with intellect and determination to transform her life from the bleak beginnings of her youth. With a career she loves and the attentions of a doctor, the future she craves seems within reach. Waylon is the antithesis of what she pictures in a man. However he is bound and determined to claim the woman who has captivated his soul. Waylon is a paradox of violence and grand gestures, in a story that exists in the grey areas.
128 reviews1 follower
December 26, 2021

Another great story by Ms. Taylor! This time around we have Ruthless Reaper Waylon and Nurse Practitioner Amira. A fiery combo with alpha-off-the-chain Waylon doing everything in his power to have Amira belong to him, while she fought his possession.

Explosive chemistry, but the drawbacks are that we don't get to see Waylon's point of view, no resolution to Amira's former life that Waylon virtually blew up, and the abrupt ending. However, I'm looking forward to the other works in the series.
Profile Image for Jamelle.
16 reviews
December 20, 2021
My Favorite Theodora Taylor book!!

Oh my where do I start?! This has to be my favorite book by Ms. Taylor. Waylon came in kicking down doors (literally) and he never stopped. He is definitely an alpha male who will stop at nothing for the woman he loves. I cannot wait for book 2 of this series, I'm hoping and praying Hades pushes himself to the top of the list because maybe..just maybe he might take Waylon's spot lol.
384 reviews4 followers
December 21, 2021
More please

I was not expecting this book to go like this but I am so glad it did. It's definitely not your typical sappy love story. Amira meets Waylon when he is hurt and she has to help him. She looks at him ad a criminal and he does nothing to change her mind. I love that he doesn't change who he is not matter what she says. Amiras back story pulled it all together though. How she grew up made everything make sense. Can't wait to read more about this MC club!
Profile Image for Kolby.
172 reviews4 followers
December 22, 2021
Theodora knocks it out of the park per usual! This takes me back to the Fairgood days, but grittier. Waylon loves his woman hard and I love how she doesn’t fall to his feet immediately. Such a wonderful story about two people building trust and happily ever foundation of love. As with most of her books, Taylor has me yearning to learn more about the men of this MC! Bernice should be next and I have been waiting for her story for years!!!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
38 reviews5 followers
February 3, 2022
Loved the book

I truly loved this book.
There IS something I have to write about it though, cause it was killing me.
PRONE - Is laying face down, stomach down
You use it wrong for a few chapters
All of a sudden use it correctly in one of the chapters near the end?
Supine - is the laying on your back one.
In Nursing school I remembered it by thing (I'm laying on my back looking up at the PINE trees)
Just had to grow that out there.
Awesome story though!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews

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