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Miles Cavanaugh is moving into “The Den”—a notorious four-flat apartment complex in Chicago with two of his new teammates from the Chicago Grizzlies.

The Den is known for the number of women who come and go, but as the three bachelors start their new season, they get their first inkling that things are starting to change.

Enjoy a sneak peek into Piper Rayne’s upcoming Chicago Grizzlies football romance series.


Published September 12, 2023

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About the author

Piper Rayne

148 books5,214 followers
Piper Rayne is a USA Today Bestselling author duo. Our goal is to bring you romance stories that have "Heartwarming Humor With a Side of Sizzle" (okay...you caught us, that's our tagline). A little about us... We both have kindle’s full of one-clickable books. We're both married to husbands who drive us to drink. We're both chauffeurs to our kids. Most of all, we love hot heroes and quirky heroines that make us laugh, and we hope you do, too.

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Our Books: We do things in 3’s. Three best friends. Three hot heroes. Three HEA’s.

Modern Love:
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Single Dads Club:
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Dirty Truth:
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Bedroom Games:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 196 reviews
Profile Image for Heather Adores Books.
1,145 reviews1,120 followers
January 7, 2024
Genre ~ sports romance
Series ~ Chicago Grizzlies #0.5
Others in the series ~ books #0.5 - 3
Setting ~ Chicago, Illonois
Publication date ~ September 5, 2023
Est page Count ~ 53 (7 chapters)
Audio length ~1 hours 10 minutes
Narrators ~ Stephen Dexter, Stefanie Kay
POV ~ multiple 1st
Featuring ~ no steamage

*This is my 1,000th review*

Nothing groundbreaking, just a simple introduction to the series that will follow:
Miles & Brice ~ enemies to lovers
Damon & Adeline ~ bad boy/good girl
Cooper & Ellery ~ best friends to lovers

Free on ~ Amazon

Series notes:
This is a spin off series of Kingsman Football Stars , where we’ve already met Miles and Brice.

Here are my reviews if you're interested in starting with them.
False Start
You Had Your Chance, Lee Burrows
You Can't Kiss the Nanny, Brady Banks
Over My Brother's Dead Body, Chase Andrews

DUET! narration notes:
Hallelujah! They both did a superb job.

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Profile Image for Cam.
315 reviews5 followers
September 14, 2023
This is just a sneak peek for the stories to come in the Chicago Grizzlies series but it made me very excited for all the couples!
2,608 reviews15 followers
September 29, 2023
Exceptional Prequel!!

Intro to all the characters for “Something Like Hate” by this talented author duo. I’m not a giant fan of sports romance per se, but anything I read from this duo is above grade. An entertaining snippet of where the characters are and their relationship to each other. Making it easy to jump right into the “main event”.

Already have “Something Like Lust” (book #2) on my reading calendar. Great series.

***** I am voluntarily leaving my honest review of this book *****
Profile Image for Koko Casey.
224 reviews374 followers
December 10, 2023
This was so fun! Piper Rayne’s prequels are always top-tier. You get a sneak peek into ALL of the couples of the series!

The narrators did an amazing job differentiating their voices! Duet narration is the way to go ✨ Highly recommend reading before going into the series.
Profile Image for Tracy.
323 reviews
September 16, 2023
I am so excited about this series. This teaser was the absolute best introduction to the characters. Of course, I’m currently I love with Miles & Bryce but the other Den members have my interest peaked!!! Let’s go Grizzles!!!
Profile Image for Cindy thismomreadsbooks.
315 reviews9 followers
September 16, 2023
This prequel leads into the new Chicago Grizzlies series

It was such a fun introduction into Miles and his two new roommates Damon and Cooper. This one definitely teases them all, since we get POVs from everyone.
Especially book 1, Miles and Bryce’s story-which has been on our minds since we met them both during the Kingsmen series. I just know I am going to love those two so much!
Meeting Cooper’s best friend Elle, was great-there is more to that story too! Damon is so much fun, I think he may be more than his reputation.

I love novellas like this and I’m looking forward to diving deeper into all these character and their stories, they all have my interest very peaked!

I am so ready for another football romance!
Profile Image for Jennifer Leigh (jenjenbookfan).
812 reviews24 followers
September 23, 2023
On the Defense is a great prequel to the new Chicago Grizzlies series by the writing duo Piper Rayne, guaranteed to have you excited to read Miles’ upcoming story Something Like Hate, which releases on 9/26/23! We get our first look at some of his new teammates and what the dynamics might be like there. I listened to the audio version through Kobo, narrated by Stephen Dexter and Stephanie Kay, and they both did a great job conveying the humor and the heat. I cannot wait to see where this series takes us!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Debbie Does Books.
431 reviews9 followers
February 23, 2024
I've got to admit, I was a little confused when this one went from character to character to character to character.

Then I figured out that it's actually an introductory novella, so we get to meet the men & women who will be featuring in the Chicago Grizzlies books.

There are little teasers about how this mmc and mfc met, and insights into their personalities.

I'm off to read Something Like Hate now and looking forward to getting the whole story.

It was really nice also to have a short story include the audible as well. That doesn't always happen.
Profile Image for Nikki Barlow.
21 reviews6 followers
March 27, 2024
I think I got this book on stuff your kindle day? Anyway, I didn’t realize it was so short but it definitely got me interested in the other books that are part of this series. Any sports romances, sign me up.
Profile Image for Vivien Parry.
870 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2023
Opening season!

This novella was a great little insight into the guys who play for the Grizzlies and the women in their lives! Can't wait to read their books!
Profile Image for Eva.
81 reviews9 followers
January 21, 2024
Such a fun, quick and easy story to read. I would like to read more from this series, this short book was a good teaser for what’s coming next. For me a 2,5 ⭐️ stars read.
Profile Image for Noëmie.
180 reviews3 followers
September 13, 2023
loved this

We’re introduced with the players of Chicago Grizzlies and what can I say? As usual it’s a pleasure to read another book of Piper Rayne even if it's just a prequel. I was already captivated and now what I want the most is to read Something Like Hate 🥰.

This series sounds so promiscing.
Profile Image for Angelina Smyslov.
32 reviews4 followers
September 19, 2023
4.5 ⭐️Just read this in one sitting. Went to go buy the rest of the series and it’s not out yet fml 😭
Profile Image for B. Milligan.
389 reviews10 followers
September 22, 2023
My least favorite PR book. I love the little short novellas that introduce a new series but I could not keep up with this one. For me, there were way too many point of views and way to many mentions of past characters from other series. Like I said, I usually love them but something was different with this one. I will still continue on with this new series.♥
Profile Image for Maggie | MagReadsBooks.
347 reviews3 followers
November 29, 2023
I started reading the ARC of Something Like Hate when it clicked that I hadn't read a prequel novella yet- then I found this! Set only a couple weeks and into the first week of SLH, I was not in love with the timeline but am ultimately SO EXCITED for these characters. Set up the 3 new stories beautifully, I am so excited to dive into Miles and Bryce now! I am most excited for Cooper and Elle, though.
Profile Image for Sara ✨ Next Book Review Blog ✨.
2,100 reviews5 followers
September 14, 2023

On the Defense by Piper Rayne is an amazing tease for her next series! Listening to this, audiobook I was so excited for the Chicago Grizzlies series to start. I felt like I really got to know the three football players that are living in the den. So Miles is moving in and he is a trade moving from another team so he’s getting to know his new teammates and he’s moving to a new area. He already has a good following of fans. People are excited about him being there. However, one person is not super excited. One of the hockey sports writers, B. or Bridget is not super excited about Miles moving to the area. I am giddy with excitement after listening to this tease, to hear how their story plays out. Plus, we don’t just get a little snippet of their love story coming to us we get to hear about the other two players as well. I am dying to hear how they go from being best friends for ages to more. I’m excited to hear how about our infamous player goes from no-repeated woman to falling head over heels. I cannot wait.

Now, Piper Rayne is an amazing author. I continue to fall for her series every every single time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a sports romance or what kind of romance it is she write some thing that you just can’t help but fall into. And I’m really excited about the Chicago Grizzlies. I think it’s gonna be a great series and I love that we’re gonna get to see other characters here and there from previous books but we’re starting with new characters. I would be amiss if I did not talk about the narrators of this audiobook. Stephen Dexter and Stefanie Kay did a fabulous job at bringing all of these characters to life and really making me so excited to listen to the story. It sometimes can be hard to get into a new series and these guys just made me feel like I was picking up a series that’s already in the middle and I’m already close to everybody and caring. I cannot wait to hear more!
Profile Image for Franjessca.
1,430 reviews92 followers
September 19, 2023
Full Review posted at A Book Lovin' Mama's Blog

On The Defense is a quick novella introducing all the new MCs to Piper Rayne’s Chicago Grizzlies book series. You get a quick POV of the MMCs and FMCs that will get their upcoming books in the new series by the author duo. Yes, they are teasing us readers, but what better way to excite us about what will come?

I have been waiting for Miles and Bryce’s book since the moment the author, Piper Rayne, teased me with these two characters in the Kingsmen Football Stars series. I knew these two hated each other because Bryce always wrote horrible things about Miles as a Kingsmen Football player. It was her job to report when a player wasn’t showing their full potential, but Miles hated that she only wrote the bad things and never anything good about him. Miles has a chance to prove himself on his new team, but unfortunately, he can’t seem to get away from Bryce, who ends up moving to Chicago for her new job with SportsVerse. Their book is bound to be amazing, and I loved getting a sneak peek into what comes with these two in the prequel.

Would I recommend this novella? Yes. I definitely recommend reading this prequel if you want to learn about the new series and its characters.
Profile Image for Canadian Girl Reads.
940 reviews27 followers
September 12, 2023
ON THE DEFENCE by Piper Rayne, a prequel to the Chicago Grizzlies series.

Three football teammates are gearing up for a new season but at the same time are about to find their happily ever afters with their enemy, hook-up and best friend.

A quick read/listen that gives a sneak peek into the new Chicago Grizzlies series coming soon. The series is shaping up to be an interesting ride.

Audio... Stephen Dexter and Stephanie Kay did a great job narrating the book.

4 Maple Leafs

*A copy was kindly provided to Canadian Girl Book Blog*


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Profile Image for Heather.
1,413 reviews25 followers
September 12, 2023
What a fun prequel novella to introduce us to the Chicago Grizzlies series! This definitely has me ready to learn a whole lot more about every one of these new characters that we're going to encounter.

We've got a new pub hangout (with a super cool rooftop!), one character we've already met, Miles Cavanaugh, who is the brother of the heroine from Over My Dead Body, Chase Andrews and several other guys and gals that are going to make this series such fun to read. And, I have absolutely no doubt that Piper Rayne has plenty up their sleeves to surprise us as this series progresses given they've already set up several potential storylines.

This might have been a quick read, but it was really enjoyable and I am even more excited about the first book in the series, Something Like Hate, then I was before!

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Brenda.
328 reviews4 followers
September 23, 2023
Loved this quick novella! This is the introduction to Piper Rayne’s new book Something Like Hate, book one in the Chicago Grizzlies Football Series. Which will be Miles and Brice’s book. We were introduced to Miles and B, or Brice as some know her in the Kingsman’s Football Series. You don’t have to read that series, but I do recommend because it’s really good. If you know these two there is no love lost. They are not friends. Although, we don’t really know their whole backstory just yet. Brice is a sports journalist and has voiced her opinion on Miles a football player who just got traded to Chicago. Hence why they don’t like each other. I can’t wait to truly find out their story in the next book. This is a great introduction on these two. Loved the full background on the secondary characters. I can already tell they will have their own books too. Let’s see if I’m right. Great narration by Stephen Dexter and Stephanie Kay. They kept me engaged and I couldn’t stop listening.
Profile Image for Kelli.
339 reviews12 followers
January 3, 2024
This was a super cute novella, and it definitely got me interested in reading the actual series. The main couples the story focused on are all entertaining in their own ways, and I definitely want to see where they go as the series progresses. I’m relatively new to football romances, and this felt like a really good place to start for me.

I only have one minor thing that annoyed me and it’s a petty one. In the novella, they’re watching a professional baseball game for the majority of it, and the team is the Chicago Colts. I understand the Colts are a Midwestern team in real life and this was probably some sort of homage to them, but the team name was a stupid choice to me. Out of all the cool things you could name a team, you go with “Colts?” Gross, lol. Hopefully they’re not featured in any of the next books. Don’t ask me why it bothered me as much as it did. I’m as puzzled as you lol.
Profile Image for Jackie Wright.
5,058 reviews115 followers
September 11, 2023
5 Star Review On The Defense (Chicago Grizzlies # 0.5)
On the Defense is exactly what you want from a prequel, just enough to get you interested but not too much that you know what’s coming. This is a great introduction to the Chicago Grizzlies and I’m really excited for what’s to come.
Stephen Dexter and Stephanie Kay did a great job bringing the characters to life. Their voices are easy on the ears and they were spot on with the banter.
Miles Cavanaugh has just been traded to the Chicago Grizzlies and it’s his introduction that leads to us meeting the new team that is going to be the new series for Piper Rayne. If this quick read is anything to go by this very talented duo will have yet another hit on their hands.
A fun, entertaining read that has left me wanting more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 196 reviews

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