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The G.D. Taylors #5

Friends with Benefactors

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A hot, wealthy playboy. His sexy, down-to-earth best friend. What could possibly go wrong if they kiss?

Having grown up the baby sister to four brothers and with a dude for a best friend, I know how to read men like the back of my hand.
But when I have a sexy make-out session with Beckham, my best friend, all my intuition about men goes out the window.
We never thought we would cross that line, but omg those lips, his scent, his taste—it’s all I can think about … seriously, he could bend me like Beckham, and I would so let him.
So when he offers a solution to my sexual drought with S-E-X, I have to consider it.

Penelope has always been every guy’s fantasy—sexy, witty, and smart as hell. Let me also mention she’s my best friend, and because of that, I vowed to never, EVER go there with her ... meaning I will keep my hands and lips and other body parts to myself at all times when it comes to Penelope Layne Taylor.
But lines become blurred when we kiss and it's the best thing I've ever experienced.
And now all I want is Penelope to be more than my best friend.
She’s unsure we can do this, be friends with benefits...but I am here to prove her wrong.
Game on, Penelope Taylor.

**This is book 5 in the G.D. Taylors series. Each one features a different sibling and can be read as a complete standalone. A HEA is guaranteed!**

The G.D. Taylors
Wanted Wed or Alive
The bold and the Bullheaded
Another Motherfaker
Don't Cry over Spilled MILF
Friends with Benefactors

306 pages, Paperback

Published February 1, 2022

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About the author

Willow Aster

42 books3,471 followers
Willow Aster is a USA Today Bestselling Author of emotional, angsty love stories with a side of quirk. She is co-writer of The End of Men series with Tarryn Fisher and co-writer of the G.D. Taylors series with Laura Pavlov.

Website: http://www.willowaster.com/

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Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,278 followers
February 3, 2022
4.5 G.D. Loving These Taylors Stars
* * * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
I have loved from the start this series. The combination of Willow Astor's and Laura Pavlov's creativity, humor, and epic sexy times make these books winners from the start. With this latest entry, all the life lessons learned are tested, stretched, and figured out.

This has the normal best friend, hot for each other BUT don't want to venture there because the friendship will disappear theme. It starts with the kiss that shall remain unmentioned, our fella scared and running, and our G.D. Sister pissed. She has cut off her best friend, she was hurt by his running like he always does, and has decided to cut him off from any attention or contact.

This is HUGE.
They had been tied at the hip since kindergarten practically. So after many, many months, our fella decides he cannot take it anymore and comes back to focus on saving the friendship and maybe more. Because he cannot stop thinking about her, her lips, the taste of her, anything about her. And he really misses his best friend. She does too, so after much groveling she relents and the friendship is back on track.

Now the hook of this is how they start to be "Friends w/Benefits". He is determined to show his friend that she hasn't had "relations" that matter, she has been missing out. He also decides that even though he wants so much more like a forever time but hasn't figured that out yet, he starts to give her all sorts of swoony times.

The fun part of all of this is that Everyone knows these two need to be together, together...not just best friends. We get all the fun, hiccups, and happy endings.

Yum, Yum.

Wanted Wed or Alive by Willow Aster Wanted Wed or Alive (The G.D. Taylors, #1)
These Are Just My "Nancy Drew" Guess They Are Part Of The G.D. Taylors!
The Bold and the Bullheaded by Willow Aster The Bold and the Bullheaded (The G.D. Taylors, #2)
Another Motherfaker by Willow Aster Another Motherfaker (The G.D. Taylors, #3)
Don't Cry Over Spilled MILF (The G.D. Taylors, #4) by Willow Aster Don't Cry Over Spilled MILF (The G.D. Taylors, #4)
Friends with Benefactors by Willow Aster Friends with Benefactors (The G.D. Taylors, #5)

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
December 21, 2021
When You Have Four Brothers...
You Should Be Considered An Expert...
On The Way, Men Think And Act...

This Has Served Me Well Over The Years...
I Even Have A Guy As A Best Friend...
That's How Well I Get How They Think...

That Was Until...
I Made A Little, Itty, Biddy Mistake...
Yeah, Kissing My Male Bestie...
Wasn't Smartest Thing I Had Ever Done...

Because Now, His Lips...
The Taste Of Him, The Scent Of Him...
That Is All I Can Think About...

We Had Always Never Crossed That Line...
But Now That Line Seems To Have Disappeared...
He Thinks We Could Now Be Something New...
People Who Are More...
A New Thing He Is Calling...

Friends with Benefactors (The G.D. Taylors, #5)-February 2022

December 16, 2021
O.M.F.G Look At This Cover...
And This Story Is Coming
January 27, 2022!!!
Cannot Wait

April 28, 2021
Willow Aster & Laura Pavlov...
Each Brings All The Goods...
Excited To Have The Fun...

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Profile Image for M.
650 reviews270 followers
January 27, 2022
I have been looking forward to this book after reading the first book in this series. Now that I have, it's so bittersweet and I don't want it to end. These Taylors are the real OGs. I've loved every single minute spent with them and this one did not disappoint in the least.

Penelope and Beckham have been friends for like everrrrrr. Literally. They have been inseparable. All the big milestones and little memories have the other one in it. It only took one moment, one time of giving in - to show them that maybe what was right in front of them just might be the very best thing in their world. That just maybe there's more to this friendship that stood the test of time.
Crossing the line never felt so good ... then why was there ghosting after.

This wasn't an easy road to venture down. There were lots of roadblocks and bumps along the way for these two. Thankfully, Pen had her trusty brothers (and their lovely ladies) to help steer her and Beck when it was needed... and it was pretty often. Once he got it in his head and heart that she was always his girl, caution was thrown to the wind and he was determined to make her see just how right that one wrongly timed moment really was. Even if this girl was trying to set him up with every other female within a 5 mile radius at every turn. He has to tread carefully and show her just how permanent he can be in her life.

Gah, I am so sad to see this series come to an end. It truly has been something else reading and getting to know this hilarious family. They will not be easily forgotten that's for sure. I think Gussy stole the show over his brothers in this one. Although Spence's reaction to a very candid question made me giggle!

Kudos to these two brilliant writers. They have brought to life some of the most endearing characters I've had the pleasure of meeting... ever!

Profile Image for Alexandraa XX.
674 reviews523 followers
March 7, 2022
For me, i immediately delete the book when I read something I know for sure that this couple is more like a chaos in a bad wrong way and shouldn't even be a couple in the first place. I didn't finished it because I know it would be annoying for me to read, so I'm sorry if my opinion is different than yours especially if you like the book.

So basically the heroine and hero are cute best friends since kindergarten. Fcking kindergarten. Go to the same school, they basically do everything together. Up until now they are 22 years old, suddenly one night they kissed each other. Just for few seconds like almost a minute then they stopped, and afterwards the hero didn't even contact the heroine for 8 months.

Eight fcking months of him disappear on her, didn't contact her at all and even acted like nothing happened. ALL BECAUSE HE SAID HE WAS SCARED. SERIOUSLY HERO THAT IS YOUR REASON? WHAT A STUPID BOY YOU ARE.

AND IN THAT EIGHT MONTHS, HE HOOKED UP WITH SOME WOMAN. HE DIDN'T SAY MANY BUT SOME WHICH MEANS HE DID IT ANYWAY.... The heroine try to contact him after the kissed but he disappear on her and decided to talk to her on her brother's wedding day and also even acted like everything is okay. He even say to her that he can't fall in love and can't be in a monogamous relationship, she didn't even fcking ask that but he just say it. Seriously???!

Throughout their entire friendship, the heroine and hero both dated many people and especially the hero is manwhor3. The hero always super jealous and always comments very detailed on the heroine's dates or boyfriend, but she can't do that to him. When I say detailed, yes he even remembers the heroine's old boyfriend's balls looks like. Seriously???! How this dude even know something like that is beyond me. It's like she can't be with anyone else and he can. Kanye and kim much?! Argh. The fcking double standards in this book is super annoying. This is why it's hard to read best friend love story because it start with so much annoying scenes that made my stubborn ass don't even want to continue this book.

Both of this stupid characters know they're in love but too slow and too stupid to make the first move. Especially the hero, he always blames his parents being too toxic that he doesn't even want to have a monogamous relationship with anyone and don't want to ever fall in love. Seriously?! That's your only reason??? Hey helloooo... Be better! So for me to read characters that are like this, still confused and too scared about their feelings is not for me. I like to read novels that when the couple meet or when the hero see the heroine for the first time. He will chase her and started to have a serious relationship with. Not like this one right here🥵 I don't have time for unnecessary drama....

I manly read this book cause I want to see GUS AND SUZANNAH AND OLIVE. Other than that, the main couple here is sucks and really not worth my time to read their confusing stupid love story.

👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽Thank you so much for reading my review❤️❤️ For you who loves my review and follow it, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I did not get paid or be told to do a review on a book. I’m here just to write review about a book so i can remember it. Its my honest opinion😚 I didn’t know at first people will find me and follow me and trust me to be honest, I was surprised myself to look at the notifications from people who reach out to me😆 So everything i write down here on a review is based on my personal opinion and based on my true writing. I DID NOT COPY SOMEONE’S REVIEW OR WRITING SKILL because at first when i was using this app for one year i didn’t know how to scroll down on a book and see the reviews from others😂😅🤣 I know, silly me but hey I finally learned my lesson 😛😛😛 Thats why when people assume i copy someone’s review i was like what? Because at first i didn’t know how to use this app properly and i didn’t know how to open someone’s review because for a year i never follow someone or add friends or someone😂😂😂🤣 (I’m laughing so hard) 🤪 AND I NEVER COPY SOMEONE’S REVIEW EVER. IF I WRITE SOMETHING WRONG OR DOESN’T MAKE SENSE PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND BE NICE OKAY. 👈🏽👈🏽👈🏽✋🏽✋🏽

I have a disclaimer down bellow if you have negative thoughts about my review😙😙😙

🌐🌐🌐➡️↘️⬇️➡️This is my own personal thoughts and opinion about the book so if thats not sit right with you or you feel I’m not being fair blablabla, please know that everybody in this world have their own different things that they like and don’t like. It may not be the same thing with you but thats okay because i am my own person and you cannot control me or tell me what to do. For example; i put ketchup (tomato sauce) on my fried chicken. You think that’s disgusting? For me its not and i’ve been eating it like that for many many years. You tell me to put another sauce and see if i like that better? I already did many many times in years but i still like the way i like it. It’s called differences between me and you and billions people in this world😊 be open minded😙 I respect people’s opinions about my opinions but in the end of the day if i say I don’t like it or i do like it, its up to me and its on me. And in the end of the day i always liked and show my respect to books and people’s opinions on books whenever that book is good or not good in my opinion 😊 Respect people’s opinions guys😙😙 I don’t want to write this down because its not really my thing to do it. To like address something like this when obviously i know the people who’s been reading my reviews many times and all the time, they are smart enough to understand and respect other people’s opinions no matter what their opinions on book or their point of view 😙😙 am i right? 💕 also there are people even though i already write “this book is different because i have my own taste of book” those people still comment my taste is this and that when HELLO… everybody have their own thoughts on books and what they want to read… why i read it then? I read it and give it a review because i have to read a book to give it a review… why not read the description book to understand before I’m going to read it? Hello just in case you haven’t notice, description books can be tricky because they write this amazing things about a book but turns out the story is so toxic. Maybe for me its toxic but not for you? YES HELLO THATS WHY US HUMAN BEING HAVE OUR DIFFERENCES, WHAT I LIKE IT DOESN’T MEAN YOU WILL LIKE IT AND EITHER WAY TOO. why i still write the review then if i just don’t like a book? Because I CAN and i want to, you cannot tell me what to do and not what to do🤪 if you still wants to be negative and be karens about my review on book after all of what i just write, i will never acknowledge you and simply ignore you because its not that hard🙏 I won’t respond to negativity comments🙏🏼🙏🏼 DON’T ASK ME AGAIN ABOUT WHY NOT RESPONDING TO YOUR NEGATIVE COMMENTS BECAUSE I ALREADY SAY IT HERE AND I WON’T BE EXPLAINING AGAIN BECAUSE WE’RE NOT CHILDREN SO ITS NOT HARD FOR YOU AN ADULT TO UNDERSTAND😌😌 YES MY REVIEW IS LONG BUT YOU READ IT ANYWAY AND ITS FINE ACTUALLY I CAN WRITE AS LONG AS I LIKE😎 YES MY GRAMMAR IS BAD SOMETIMES AND MAYBE ALL THE TIME BUT LUCKILY MANY PEOPLE CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M SAYING🤪 ⬅️↖️↕️⬅️↩️⤴️
Profile Image for PP's Bookshelf.
2,386 reviews372 followers
January 29, 2022
Willow Aster and Laura Pavlov stole my heart in Friends with Benefactors. The swoon effect of this friends to lovers romance is so high that my heart just cannot handle it! It's witty and sexy and full of G.D.Taylor magic. I love Penelope and Beck's adorable, emotional and spicy love story so much.

Penelope Taylor and Beckham Ellinsworth have been best friends since kindergarten. Now they are almost twenty three years but their friendship is strong. At least that's what Penelope thought. But one sudden kiss and Beck ghosted her. After eight months, Beck can no longer stay away and he is back to New York begging for forgiveness. He can feel his feelings for Pen is less than friendly. And this friends with benefits plan they start is not the best idea. How will Penelope convince her heart to not fall for her best friend who doesn't believe in marriage and monogamy?
Of course Penelope will be full of sunshine and sass. She is one of the colourful Taylors who love with everything. Beckham has a complicated and loveless family and the Taylors kind of adopted him. Penelope can see what an amazing, protective, kind hearted and hardworking person he is. But Beckham is stuck in a dark place in her mind where he cannot think himself more than a messed up man with ridiculous amount of money and rich celebrity toxic parents. His adoration for Penelope..oh my heart. These two are just perfect together. Beck will make you swoon and burn. He is charming and drop dead gorgeous and so delicious. They were playing this game where none of them wanted to admit their feelings in fear of losing or getting hurt. It was sometimes hilarious. It was sometimes heartaching and deep. They hurt each other but their connection was more important than any emotional baggage.And the full Taylor family was there as support. I love the energy of this beautiful family and I will miss them so much.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily
Profile Image for Jenn Amy.
895 reviews80 followers
February 7, 2022
The friends to lovers trope is one of my favourites to read and Willow Aster and Laura Pavlov have delivered one incredible story in Friends with Benefactors. The swoon, the laughter, the feels! I loved it all.

Penelope and Beckham have been best friends since kindergarten. Now at twenty-three the dynamic of their relationship has changed after the two share an unexpected kiss but Penelope is devastated when Beckham disappears for eight months afterwards. All she wants is her best friend back. When he does come back to own up to his feelings he proposes a friend with benefits situation but their hearts are already involved so it won’t be as simple as that. I have loved all the women the Taylor brothers have gotten their happily ever after with but Penelope is one hundred percent my favourite of the women in this series. She is a Taylor so she is sassy, smart, and has a sunny personality. She is strong, tenacious and fun. I loved her connection with her brothers the entire Taylor family.

Beckham, oh my heart. He is the perfect man for Penelope if he could just allow himself to give into his more then friendly feelings for her. I adored him but my heart hurt for him as well, for feeling unworthy of Pen’s love. He has issues with commitment due to his upbringing. Beck is honest, sweet and caring. The way he loves Pen was just so beautiful and raw. I loved his dynamic with the Taylor brothers. They all know that Pen and Beck belong together so in their usual fashion of hilarious shenanigans they are routing for their baby sister and Beck!

I can hardly believe this is the end of the series. I have love every moment with the GD Taylor’s and this fictional family will stay with me for a long time to come! If you haven’t picked up this book or series do it now! The banter, the swoon, the laugh out loud moments are endless and I highly recommend it!

*ARC Review
Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
1,979 reviews904 followers
February 5, 2022
I'm not ready to say goodbye to these gosh darn fun and sexy GD Taylor characters! Friends with Benefactors is the perfect finale, chock full of the swoon, the family antics, the sincerity, and the belly laughs I’ve come to expect from this series. While this is a bittersweet farewell, my heart is SO FULL.

This finale gives us the story of Beck and his childhood bestie Penelope- the last standing GD Taylor- and as expected, their story is simply adorable. After years of friendship, one that started as far bac as kindergarten, a single kiss has put their entire relationship on edge. Beck ghosted, Pen was devastated and and confused, and now Beck has returned home to make amends and face these more than-friends feelings he has for Pen. But friends with benefits might not work for these two- they have a lot more than a physical attraction between them…only Beck isn’t really the commitment kind of guy.

This couple is one of my favorite in the series. I have long since been waiting to get Pen’s story, and she’s every bit as lovable as I expected. Sweet, sassy, fun, and so relatable. And like always, Willow and Laura give us a deliciously swoony leading man. Beck has some family baggage, but he’s a nice, loyal, protective and endearing guy. He just can’t see past some of his internalized issues and family drama to recognize he’s capable of the happiness with the perfect girl for him-Pen. I just melted for his love for Pen- this guy has the swoon factor, all the charm, and he can be fire too. This story so brilliantly captures the friends with benefits dynamic, the perfect combo of heart, heat, and humor. What a perfect ending to this beloved series!
Profile Image for Lina.
522 reviews25 followers
February 4, 2022
This was a really nice and fun romance. It is very rarely when I read friends to lovers trope, but this one was like a fresh air for me.

Beckham and Penelope are the perfect best friends, until that kiss that changed it all.

It was really fun watching the banter between those two and I was surprised that not one of them felt that they are in love with each other.

When Beck offered his services to Pen (in a sexual way) we have the best sexy times. Well, Willow Aster and Laura Pavlov done a very good job at giving us sexy playboy who knows what he is doing in the bedroom and his perfect other half who appreciated 😉.

Penelope's brothers were so much fun. Every time she was with them I laugh out loud wondering how men can think and do things that way 🤣.

And let me say about the Epilogue. I loved the time jump. I had the chance to see how they lives went after the HEA.

I will definately recommend this book.

***ARC was received by the author's and Valentine PR for my honest opinion.***
Profile Image for Caroline O'Sullivan.
715 reviews32 followers
February 3, 2022
Firstly I just can’t believe this amazing series is over!!! That makes me so blooming sad. It’s been an absolute joy getting to spend time with the G.D Taylors, and I have loved every single second of it.

Secondly HELLOOOO Beckham, you are just the sweetest thing! Oh my goodness I don’t think I could love him more than I did, but I do. It was so lovely seeing more of him than we had and really seeing how this guy ticks. Sweet Penelope is just an absolute delight, I always though she came across as stand offish but seeing her in her own story shows us just how vulnerable she is.

This pair have the best friendship ever, it’s seriously beautiful and a friendship like this is so rare between a male and female, especially one that’s lasted as long as this one. Adding in some benefits is definitely the icing on an already sweet cake.

I absolutely adored getting to spend time with the brothers and their wives so much, it’s always a pleasure to see how their lives are going. Loved seeing sweet little Olive grow up and become the big sister/cousin. Love this family and all of its dynamics so much and will miss them a lot.

I can’t wait to binge this series back to back one day.
Thanks for the ride ladies, as always it’s been a pleasure ❤️
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,418 reviews204 followers
February 3, 2022

Amazon Worldwide

Beck's had enough of life without his best friend, Pen, so he's back to get her back. As a friend at least. He still knows he's not good enough for her, so anything more is out of the question. What he didn't expect was for Pen to make it so difficult to get back in her good graces. He knows he hurt her when he ghosted her, and he now realizes he's got his work cut out for him to get his best friend back. Will she forgive him?

Pen never thought there would come a day when she and Beck wouldn't be attached at the hip. They'd been best friends since kindergarten, and she'd loved him every day since. But when he ghosted her he broke her heart and she's not been the same since. Now he's back acting as if he deserves forgiveness and for them to just pick up where they left off - as best friends, as if nothing had ever happened beyond that. She doesn't want to forgive him but her heart can't resist this version of her friend and soon they're involved in ways they never were before. She knows heartbreak is coming but she can't seem to care. She'll deal with it later, much later, for now she's got Beck back, even if in a different way.

Pen and Beck's story is sweet and sexy friends to lovers, and I am going to sorely miss them and the rest of the G.D. Taylors and their circle of loved ones.

ARC provided by Valentine PR for an honest review.

Review / Release Blitz: Live Through Books Blog.

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Profile Image for Elsa Gomes (BookishAurora).
2,173 reviews298 followers
January 30, 2022
Rate: 4,5 / 5 stars

Another series I adore ending... cries. I have wanted this book since the first one obvs. I swear as soon as friends to lovers is promised, that's the book I'll crave the most. I'm a complete sucker for this trope.

These two. We didn't get much of them throughout the series, so I loved getting to know them for real and seeing their dynamics. Beckham was in trouble and he was willing to do everything to get their friendship back to where it was before he screwed things up, even if he had to move states and work closely with his narcissistic father. He was willing to do it all to get Penelope back in his life.

I loved these two's friendship. Penelope, and her family, were Beckham's true family because his own parents were both ridiculous and non-loving human beings. I hate them both so much and how crazy they were, and everything they did affected Beckham so much and his view of love, relationships, and his own worth. It hurt my heart seeing him question everything with Pen, especially since he's been in love with her all his life. He had a lot to work through, and I'm glad Pen made him see that and that there were people in his life that finally showed him that he should seek counseling, that it could change his life.

Beckham was a guy with a plan, to get his friendship back to where it was and then to show Penelope what amazing sex was like. Boy, was that plot fun. These two had incredible chemistry and their connection only grew stronger once they took things between the sheets. I loved watching them both bloom and be happy. Beckham showed Pen just how romantic he could be and their dates and trips had me swooning. I loved their story so much. It was angsty, it was fun, steamy and so swoony. I loved watching them get their HEA.

I'm gonna miss this family so much.

➳ARC kindly provided by the author, in exchange for an honest review.

➳ Order at: Amazon US

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Profile Image for Jenn the Readaholic.
1,856 reviews54 followers
January 22, 2022
I must admit, this book makes me feel a tad bittersweet. I love that Penelope and Beckham finally got it right, but I’m sad that this makes the series complete. Don’t get me wrong. I still laughed so hard I lost my breath and Gus still brought all of his hilarious dramatic flair (and Estella totally got him again!), but this was still the final book. It’s a darn good thing Penelope and Beck gave us an excellent epilogue and all the love this family has to give because we’ve come to expect the best of this series.

Penelope and Beck each had their own fears about where they were headed and those worries almost meant they were over before they began. And when Beck screws up in the communication department while sorting through how to make their future into what he so desperately wants, I worried for a minute. But then I remembered that the Taylor brothers wouldn’t just let Pen and Beck fall apart. Especially not when there’s a chance for a night of unexpected luxury for a few of them! So this family did what they do best. They brought the hilarity that makes them seem so real along with a dash of tough love that reminds us just how much everyone needs someone in their corner. Once Beck washes the egg off his face (of his own doing) and listens to everyone else about what he and Penelope so clearly are, he sets about making it right, at the same time Penelope tries to do the same. And you know I’m a sucker for communication, so this made them both winners to me!

This entire series has made me laugh, it’s made me think of my own family with the sibling interactions, and it’s reminded me that we don’t need OTT drama to get a great story. Trust me, this series has those great stories in a BIG way!
Profile Image for Haley Cook.
Author 5 books37 followers
January 25, 2022
My Review 💜💜💜💜💜

Once again Laura & Willow have hit it out of the park with Beck & Pen.

When your best friend is a guy its hard to date let alone think of having a casual hookup with anyone. Pen is starting to find that out quickly, yet little does she know its because her best friend is seeing her a complete different way. Beck doesn't even realize that he's been doing it on purpose. Yet when a kiss 8 months ago sent there friendship into a tail spin and Beck running from his feelings its gonna take a lot to make it up to Pen and show her that he may just be what she needs.

Pen has always looked for the perfect other half and even when she told others what she wanted out of a partner they all came back to being Beck. The kiss may have been the damn breaking for these two because the minute they give into the feelings that's all she wrote.

Seeing Beck so close to this family was so nice considering that his parents only cared about themselves and made sure that they had just thrown money instead of love at him his whole life so of course he would be scared to death of falling in love. One of my favorite parts of the whole book was getting to see how "The Brothers" as they are called talked to him and showed him how family is.

I loved this last book in the G.D. Taylor Series, it wrapped everything up perfect and gave us the conclusion so great.

Of course this is going on the MUST READ LIST!
Profile Image for Jackie Wright.
5,069 reviews117 followers
February 3, 2022
5 Star Review for Friends with Benefactors.
After reading a couple of books in this series I’m really appreciating what a wonderful writing duo Willow Aster and Laura Pavlov have become. I love their individual stories but they become a very special duo when they team up to give us The G. D. Taylor Series.
Beckham and Penelope’s story is the last book n the series and I was sad about that but this series will be read again and again because I believe each read will give you something more, something you didn’t experience the last time around.
Penelope and Beckham have been best buddies since they were 5 years old but one kiss is going to tear these friends apart. Beckham wants more from Pen and that has him running as far away as possible which in turn leaves the woman he cares about hurt. Will separation make this couple admit their true feelings and will absence make the heart grow fonder or will distance tear them apart for ever…..
This book ticked all my boxes, I fell hard and fast for Beckham and I adored Pen, I giggled at the witty banter and I swooned a lot durning this read but it was watching this friendship turning into love that made this book very special. Perfect book to end the series on.
Profile Image for bookspaced.
734 reviews15 followers
January 25, 2022
ooooh I seriously loved Beckham and Penelope!
Those two were so sweet together and they‘re just perfect for eachother.
Best friends to (small)enemies to lovers is a trope I enjoy so much!

Beckham has had everything he wanted in life except for parents who loved him unconditionally. So when he met Penelope as a young boy he found his bonus family in the Taylor‘s. Due to his absent parents he‘s always been more of a playboy and always thought he‘s never fall in love.

Penelope is the youngest in the Taylor family and the only girl so she‘s always been protected by her family and best friend Beckham but they can‘t protect her from her own feelings for her best friend.

Laura and Willow really need to make another series as amazing as this one! Maybe the next generation? 🥰

Profile Image for Hey Lin.
621 reviews
February 5, 2022
I should have went with my gut and Dnfed this book but I had a hard time picking even this and I was determined to finish ittttt!!!!!

They've known each other since kindergarten and it's the typical f2l trope. I loved how he would say shiet about all her past bfs and try to stop her from dating. Loved the jealousy when she's trying to find the one and she thinks that Beckham can't give her that since he's A playboy and man hohoho!

What I didn't like was.....fudge on a stick! Just talk to each other and say what you feel!!!!!!!! This is what cool hand Luke calls a failure to communicate!!!!! I mean, fudge me really hard up the bung hole, this could have been resolved in two pages if they just listened to Madonna and expressed themselves hey heyyyyy. 😂😂😭😭😂😂😭😭😬 now I have that song in my head.....

And ANOTHER THING. He ditched/ghosted her and left for 8 months over a kis$. Hmm. Wow. Ok.

And that scene where his mom wanted a foursome with her son. What daaaaaa forkie fork 😂😂😂😂😂🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😐😂😂😂😂😂😂😬😂😂😂😂😂😂😒😐

Its a safe book.


And she laughs. A lot. She laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs. And he laughs. And then she laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs. Oh my god. Does she laugh.....
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katie.
468 reviews122 followers
January 26, 2022
4.5 ⭐️ I loved everything about this book. It was sweet, emotional, hilarious and genuine. Pen and Beck are a perfect couple and best friends. I don’t want this series to end, but this book was written beautifully by Willow and Laura and it showed us so much!
Some times I just wanted to tell Beck to wake up and then give him a huge hug! He was so sweet and caring. I loved having the brothers along and being there for Pen!
Arc provided for honest review
Profile Image for Marika.
4,606 reviews95 followers
February 14, 2022
I love Penelope and Beckham! These two have been best friends forever, and tho there has been a little bit of a break, let's call it that, they are great together...but is that all they can be???
I adore them as friends and as more..Once the sparks can fly, they do and oh boy..it's the best feeling!
Great story! Plenty of feels and plenty of laughters too!
Profile Image for Romance Recs.
877 reviews177 followers
August 17, 2022
After reading all of the Taylor brothers find their true love’s it’s finally their younger sister Penelope’s turn to find her HEA.

Friends with Benefactors is the 5th and final book in The G.D. Taylors Series that featured the Taylor family’s romance journeys. It’s been fun reading each of the romcom novels, which were each unique and gives the character’s their own voice. I’m still partial to Emma and Spence, however Penelope and Beckham come in hot with their sizzling chemistry.

Right off the bat you know how this friends to lovers romance will turn out, however the journey getting there is the best part. After an argument, Beckham hasn’t spoken to his best friend Penelope in what seems like ages. They’re always together and Penelope is hurt by his ghosting.
She doesn’t forgive him easily and makes him grovel as she should. Beckham at first, seemed like he wanted things both ways by being jealous of Penelope’s dates as well as not wanting to cross the friendship line with her.

Penelope puts her foot down stating Beckham can no longer get away with his behavior. Beckham can’t stop thinking about his best friend. He begins secretly pining for her and once the two embark on a friend’s with benefits agreement, all bets are off. Beckham doesn’t feel he’s good enough for Pen.
The angst was definitely present in this read. We also get scenes and updates from the family members who’s books we have already read.

Overall, I did expect more from Beck. He wasn’t particularly swoon worthy to me as I’m not so into the whole “I love you but I can’t be with you hero” blah sorry not my thing. Regardless of what your childhood issues are, we all need a relationship in life. This whole I’m going to be a bachelor forever thing gets so old after all of these romance novels because I’ve literally never met a person like this in my life. People have girlfriend and boyfriend’s all of the time. It doesn’t mean they want to get married. He did say that she wanted the whole white picket fence thing but still.

I do enjoy the series a lot. It’s very cute and I do recommend that you read the series in order to get the best affect.

• Romcom
• Friends to Lovers
• Friends with Benefits
• Childhood Best Friends
• Interconnected Family Series

Profile Image for Persephone-L17.
316 reviews34 followers
February 10, 2022
I must confess that I have a soft spot for any book that contains best friends-to-lovers. Penelope Taylor is a character that captured my curiosity from her first mention and with her first appearance, she won my heart. She and Beck have been friends most part of their lives. Their friendship is very special but a kiss changes everything. The book caught my attention from the beginning, so I devoured it and became fascinated with their story. I've loved every book in the series and Spencer is my favorite, but Pen is one of a kind, with a bubbly personality, and I was able to empathize with her from the very first pages. With Beck… he completely conquered me! Points in his favor: his love for The Beatles, his tendency to care for and protect Pen above everything, and his persistence. Ahhh, and he’s quite attractive! Not just physically, but because of his personality and his treatment toward Pen. He is a man who grew up in a dysfunctional family but thanks to his friendship with Pen, he was able to experience family love through the Taylors.

I am more than satisfied with this book and especially with the epilogues 🥺🤧. I have a bittersweet feeling because I loved “Friends with Benefactors” madly, but I can't get over the fact that the series is over 😭😭😭. If you have not started these books, I invite you to do so, they really are books that are totally worth it!

***𝐀𝐑𝐂 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰***
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,637 reviews59 followers
February 3, 2022
Loved this! And reading the last book in a series is not usually the best way to start, but I loved this one and can’t wait to read all the previous books.

Penelope and Beckham are best friends who are estranged because of a kiss that happened before the book starts. Beckham ran away to put distance between him and his feelings for Pen, which are obviously more than just friendship.

Beckham has everything money can buy, but no real family to speak of. He was raised by nannies and narcissists. Pen’s family is the only true family that he has and turning out like his parents and repeating their mistakes scares him. So he avoids all romantic entanglements.

Penelope has always loved Beckham and has settled for friendship because she understands his limitations. When he offers a physical relationship to teach her a thing or two she agrees, knowing she is risking her heart.

It is so wonderful following the romantic journey of these two knowing full well they’ve been in love with each other for years. And when Beckham can finally open his heart, in it is a love worthy of Penelope.

The angst is low in this one, and Penelope’s brothers and the various partners of Beckham’s parents provide a lot of comic relief.

Totally recommend this one as I will be starting this series from the beginning soon!

I received an advance copy of this book from Valentine PR and these are my honest opinions.
February 3, 2022
4.25 Stars!

Having read the first three installments in this series i couldn't wait to read more! The second this one was announced i bumped it up on my TBR list and started looking forward to it right away! I dived back into the The G.D. Taylors world as soon as i could. I really enjoyed this fifth installment!

Penelope and Beckham's journey pulled me in from the start! After these two are reunited after their memorable kiss, i couldn't wait to see how things would play out for them! From their friendship to their chemistry, i couldn't get enough of these two! I loved how both characters had me feeling so much throughout! I was glad that i got to dig deeper with them as well!

I so enjoyed what the other characters brought to the story, especially the brothers!

With Friends With Benefactors, Ms.Aster and Ms.Pavlov have created a great and entertaining read that'll make you feel so much! This duo is awesome! I am definitely going to go back and pick up the fourth installment, Don't Cry Over Spilled MILF so i can stay in this world a bit longer! I've really enjoyed this series so much!

*I volunteered to read and review a copy of this book from the authors*
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.7k reviews312 followers
February 4, 2022
Penelope and Beckham . . .

Penelope and Beckham have been inseparable best friends for as long as they can remember. But when the two of them kiss, they are both deeply affected by it. For Beckham, he is ready to run. Penelope can’t stop thinking about the kiss and how amazing it was for her. But that crazy idea about ruining the friendship somehow has invaded their minds and made them cautious. When he ghosts her in a panic, they are both miserable apart. Being separated like that will never work. Will Beckham’s new plan, to offer his sexy services, win her back? Or will she give him a very hard time so that he sees the error of his ways?

It’s frustrating when friends can’t see the reality of their relationship when it moves beyond friendship. They cling so tightly to the friend part, never considering that it’s a part of the love which has just deepened into something more. Will the two of them catch on to that fact? Will Pen forgive him? Will the two of them finally embrace their HEA?
1,662 reviews8 followers
January 25, 2022
This is the first book I've read in this series and I believe the writing duo as a whole- I received an early copy of the book. I loved it. I laughed out loud so many times, from the humorous banter to the family dynamics and the banter between family members to the totally inappropriate and wacky way Beckham's father and mother were, this book was chock full of humor.

But beyond the humor is the emotion. As the last book in the series, this book, following Penelope, the sole sister and Beckham, her best friend from, well, forever ago, is beautifully written and an emotional journey. My favorite trope is the friends to lovers book and this book delivered that. I have to say that I wish that Beckham, who was a bit psychologically damaged due to his parents, reached his conclusion about how much he wanted to be with Penelope earlier and I wished that Penelope did the same (she didn't think Beckham could commit). But I loved the dynamics between all the characters in the book and the Taylor family drew me in like an old friend. I must go read the other books in the series because I loved every character so much!
Profile Image for Come_read_with_me_.
785 reviews23 followers
February 2, 2022
4.5 stars
Once I picked up this book, I couldn't put it down. Penelope and Beckham are best friends. I mean serious best friends since they were five years old. I loved their relationship so much. However that all changed when they kiss. Not knowing where each other stood, Beckham lost and confused about his feelings, whilst Penelope is so hurt that Beckham could leave! When they finally accept what their feelings are, these two become more inseparable than before and I am living for it.
Beckham is so sweet and Penelope is amazing. Did I mention Penelope's brothers! Swoon! I loved their family dynamic.

This book has a dual POV and it is part of a series. I will admit I have not read the previous books within this series but in saying that, I was not lost at all.

Overall I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to the authors and Valentine pr for a copy of this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chanel Johnson.
355 reviews15 followers
February 8, 2022
First of all, the banter between Pen and her brothers and Beck was hilarious! I laughed out loud many times!

This is a sweet and emotional best friends to lovers story between 2 people from different social standings.

Beck and Penelope have been friends since they were 5 years old. Beck had been accepted into Pen’s family. One day Beck decides to kiss Penelope, scaring himself with the electricity that he feels for her. He decides to ghost her, his biggest regret!!

Pen can’t believe her ex best friend Beck is back in town and wants to make amends. The audacity of this man, she thinks. They have always been there for each other. Why stop now?

Beck starts off as petty, immature, and superficial. But we realize he is overprotective of Pen and he’s dealing with his own insecurities.

I think my only drawback is that Penelope forgave Beck way tooo quickly. Girl, he needs to grovel at your feet.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/ 5
🌶🌶🌶/ 5
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,912 reviews16 followers
February 4, 2022
Friends with Benefactors by Willow Aster & Laura Pavlov is book 6 in The G.D. Taylors Series. This is the story of Penelope Taylor and Beckham Ellinsworth. I have read the previous books which did add to my enjoyment of this one. But, I did think you could make it a standalone book if you wish to do so.
Pen and Beck have been best friends since they where little. Now they are nearing to be in their yearly/mid twenties and are still friends until they share a kiss. Beck ends up making a run for it trying to get his feelings under control. When he knows he can't stay away from her anymore he comes back but the damage may already been done. Pen thought she had her feelings under control but then a kiss was shared between the two. Then Beck ended up 'Ghosting' her. Now her feelings are everywhere. This was such a good/ sweet best friend romance. Loved it.

Profile Image for Paulalovesherbooks.
368 reviews4 followers
January 23, 2022
I'm so happy to have read the GD Taylors series. The journey I took with these five siblings ends with this last book, but I already know I'm going to reread them .
Penelope is a dear character to me, the little sister of four overprotective brothers, she was a constant in the previous books and I was looking forward to her happily ever after. Beckham was an elusive character up until now. I finally got to meet the man that was such an important part of the Taylor family.
Friends to lovers is a trope I won't pick up, except if it's from an author I absolutely love, and this duo didn't disappoint me. What you need to know about the book ? Prepare for the same laugh until you cry sentences, but also feeling like your heart is squized. Their turmoil about loving each other for so many years, not wanting to lose the friendship, but also not being able to stay away from each other , is so exceedingly well written.
A wonderful book to end the perfect series.
Profile Image for Rekha O'Sullivan.
1,181 reviews11 followers
January 24, 2022
I got an ARC of this book from ValentinePR and am leaving this review voluntarily.

It looks like I picked the last book of a series to start reading books by these authors, so now I am keen to go back and read from the start.

I love a good friends to lovers trope and this books does it well. Pen and Beck, BFFs, haven't seen each other for 8 months since Beck kissed Pen and then skipped town. Beck has a lot of work to do to get back into Pen's good graces, and he misses their friendship. But though they become close again, since the kiss, things are not the same. Stuff starts getting real and heated.

The youngest of 5 and the only girl, Pen gets her own story to close out the series. There was plenty of emphasis on family and friendship in this book. It's a heartwarming and, at times, pretty funny read.
Profile Image for Sandy Gutting.
608 reviews6 followers
January 22, 2022
I Loved this book so much!!! The story was well written and the main characters were amazing. I enjoyed this series so much, everyone of the characters were so realistic and enjoyable. I sad so sad so see this is the end of the series, but they saved the best characters for last!! I was honored to receive a ARC and to review this book!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 175 reviews

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