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Farthingdale Valley #1

The Cowboy and the Rascal

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First, you have to trust. Then comes trust in return. Then comes love.

Gabe’s working hard to save up to buy his own cattle ranch. That dream is years in the future, but he’s a patient man.

For now, he’ll be the first team lead in the valley’s ex-con rehab project. The idea is, put a parolee to work for a summer and he’ll have a leg up on the rest of his life.

Blaze, who’s just been released from prison after serving two years for a crime he did not commit, is among the first group of parolees to enter the program.

Nobody believes he’s innocent, including Gabe.

After all, all ex-cons are just liars, right?

A gay m/m cowboy romance with age gap, hurt/comfort, opposites attract, forced intimacy, emotional scars, lumberjack stuff, fish out of water, trust issues. A little sweet, a little steamy, with a guaranteed HEA.

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 29, 2023

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About the author

Jackie North

42 books341 followers
Jackie North has been writing stories since grade school and spent years absorbing the mainstream romances that she found at her local grocery store. She also wanted to put her English degree to good use and write romance novels, because for years she’s had a never-ending movie of made-up love stories in her head that simply wouldn’t leave her alone.

As fate would have it, she discovered m/m romance and decided that men falling in love with other men was exactly what she wanted to write books about.

She creates characters who are a bit flawed and broken, who find themselves on the edge of society, and maybe a few who are a little bit lost, but who all deserve a happily ever after. (And she makes sure they get it!)

She likes long walks on the beach, the smell of lavender and rainstorms, and enjoys sleeping in on snowy mornings. She is especially fond of pizza and beer and, when time allows, long road trips with soda fountain drinks and rock and roll music. In her heart, there is peace to be found everywhere, but since in the real world this isn’t always true, Jackie writes for love.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews
April 22, 2023
This book follows the Farthindale Ranch formula: one MC is solid and strong, the other broken and in need of guidance.

Gabe is ex-military, works on the outskirts of the ranch, and is in charge of the ranch's parolee program. Blaze is one of the parolees who follows Gabe around like a wounded puppy.

Cue hurt/comfort and sweetness.

The two men eventually give in to their desires. Almost immediately after, everything goes to shit, and then, BAM!, we get a sort of, kind of, not really HEA.

I'm a huge fan of this author's time travel series but eventually stopped reading about Farthingale Ranch because:

- repetitiveness - I can only read about grooming horses and feeding guests so many times.

- predictable plot lines as per above.

- time feels abstract - are all these stories happening at the same time?

In this book, Gabe tells us that Leland saved the ranch last year. Wait. What about all the MCs who followed? Have those stories happened yet or are they happening in parallel?

Jasper is with Ellis, who's weirdly referred to as Jasper's assistant. What about Brody and Quint? Where are their partners?

And does Jamie, Leland's partner, exist? Leland is constantly strutting around like a god, but Jamie is never present or mentioned.

Which brings me to my next point:

- why don't we ever see the previous MCs living their HEA?
Why is sexuality never mentioned, like ever?

Throw in the fact that the author is allergic to epilogues, and there's a shadow of melancholy permeating every book.

Despite the redemption/healing aspect, these are not happy stories. Life is sad enough. I don't want to read stories that drag me down.

Jackie North is a wonderful writer. She knows how to describe a landscape down to the whispers and sighs, but I'm going to take a pass on this series.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,257 reviews429 followers
April 8, 2023
This author has been really hit or miss for me.

And I have to admit this was a miss. I gave up at 66%. I just wasn't interested anymore. :(
1,356 reviews11 followers
March 28, 2023
Well, we are back in Farthingdale, but not on the guest ranch anymore; a little behind the ranch, in the valley that leads down to the river, is where the new parolees program is starting. Inmates gets to spend their parole learning new tasks, in the fresh air, helping to ready the area for a new, less chic and more rustic accommodation for future hosts.
The team lead of the first group of parolees is Gabe, who, with his former army training, is the perfect fit for the job. What he doesn’t expect is to find himself immediately and irrevocably attracted to one pf the parolees in his team, Blaze.
Of course this being a wonderful Jackie North novel, the mutual instant attraction does not lead anywhere for a good long while. To me this author is the Queen of slow burn, and this book further proves my point!
Jackie North has a way with words that makes you “feel” the book deep into your soul.
The characters are so well-rounded and complex and you just feel all of their emotions as if they were your own.
Profile Image for Sandra .
1,837 reviews336 followers
April 10, 2023
This is the first book in the expansion series spinoff from Farthingdale Ranch, and it started off really well.

Leland, the ranch's big boss, is expanding his ex-con parole program by hiring on 4 men fresh off the prison bus to build an offshoot guest ranch experience in a valley on ranch land. One of these 4 men is
Blaze who took the fall for his brother's drug habit and has been in prison for the last two years.

Gabe is the team lead, a good man who believes fully in Leland's vision and is ready to take on a team to clear the area for future guests.

Attraction is pretty instant, but obviously there are obstacles.

I do like this author's writing quite a lot, and was super excited for this spinoff series starter. I was mostly happy with how the story unfolded, though Gabe's waffling drove me a bit batty and ended up being hurtful to Blaze. There is a strong HFN at the end, seeing how this is a romance. I also liked the supporting cast, especially Tom, and it was great visiting with old friends from the previous series.

Please write more!
Profile Image for Ana.
444 reviews
April 13, 2024
This is a super slow burn romance. It's quiet and makes you feel somber.
Both men are perfect for each other, but the journey to get there is a slow and heartbreaking one.
It's beautiful to see how Blaze slowly opens up and learns to trust again.
The slow pace just made it hard to get through for me. Kept falling asleep 😂
Profile Image for Sharing The Book Love.
710 reviews12 followers
March 29, 2023
Blaze and Gabe are a super slow burn read with a little heat

Trust and the story are slow to build and there isnt a heap of drama or angst, just a sweet lovestory.

Blazes trust issues come from his family and this was seemingly skimmed at the end with a quick resolution.

Wondering where the author will take the series, maybe new characters are introduced as part of the parole program.
Profile Image for The Word Nerd Reviews Blog.
866 reviews57 followers
March 31, 2023

Another lovely read from the truly talented Jackie North.

This is the first book in a spin-off series of the Farthingdale Ranch series. While you will get the most enjoyment if you've read the original series, and for this book, especially No. 2 - The Blacksmith and the Ex-Con, there is enough world building and background to read it without prior knowledge. But I highly recommend reading Farthingdale Ranch (or at least Bk 2) before this one for the best experience.

Jackie North has the gift of lyrical prose and she is especially talented in her descriptions, whether of the landscape:

"spotted a long valley, lush and wide and sloped at the sides, with green pine trees, and crisp-leaved cottonwoods leading down to a silky green, grassy valley bottom. He had a glimpse of a slice of shining blue that must be a river and then the trees closed in again, just as he gasped in a breath. Beautiful was the only way to describe it."

or people:

Another layer of Gabe peeled back, revealing a cowboy with a poet’s heart, a child’s sense of wonder.

Apart from descriptions of people and places that allow the reader to instantly see them in the mind's eye, the characters themselves are beautifully developed. Everyday people who you'd just love to know in real life. Good people, flawed, but still good and it is lovely to see the various personalities work together.

The Cowboy and the Rascal is a gorgeous story of second chances in life, and not only for the parolees. I have a sneaking suspicion that as the series progresses all the characters are going to get their second chances (to whatever degree) and the found family that is Farthingdale Ranch will only expand.

This book is quite a slow burn romance (first kiss around 70%), but the feelings are there early on. It's also on the lower end of the heat spectrum, it is more emotionally intimate rather than physical (although there is a bit of steam).

The Cowboy and the Rascal was a lovely beginning to the new series. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Profile Image for KindleMMRomanceReader.
241 reviews25 followers
April 5, 2023
***ARC Review***

This is my honest review for the ARC I received.

This book is the first in Jackie North’s Farthingdale Valley series. The beauty in the valley is the backdrop to this story. North really does a beautiful job describing the setting. She sets up the connections between the characters in a sedate and steady manner.

This is an opposites attract age gap romance with hurt/comfort elements. Blaze (whose real name is Orlando) has recently been released from prison. Gabe is the first team lead for the ranch’s ex-con rehab program. Trust is a big issue/theme in this book. Blaze has been betrayed by his family, accused of a crime he didn’t commit. Gabe is on the outs with his family for choosing a different way of life (military career) than the rest of his family. Gabe gives his trust to Blaze pretty quickly in terms of work related things. Blaze is slow to trust Gabe in both occupational and emotional capacities.

The connection that builds between Gabe and Blaze is a slow burn. Their interactions are wholesome and deliberate. Nothing romantic happens between the pair until the 73% mark. There is mutual respect and admiration between the MCs. Gabe has tender feelings towards Blaze. Blaze truly admires Gabe. There are moments of insecurity that the pair must face, but they overcome them and solidify their union through honest communication.

Found family is another element in this book. There are cameos from North’s Farthingdale Ranch series - Jasper, Leland, and Ellis especially. Stars, stargazing, and long hot showers are noteworthy features as well. This book is sweeping and touching. There’s plenty of sentiments to unpack, but it’s well worth the journey.
Profile Image for Showarst.
621 reviews
March 27, 2023
4.5 stars

When I read Jackie North, I know exactly what to expect: slow burn, beautiful writing, and in most cases exceptional hurt/comfort storylines. I absolutely adore the Farthingdale Ranch series, so I was looking forward to this new spin-off. It definitely was an amazing story.

Blaze was in prison for drug-related offenses for two years. Many prisoners claim innocence, but Blaze was truly innocent of all charges. He was set-up to take the fall for his brother by his parents. It was heartbreaking to read about how Blaze's family did not appreciate who he was and was so willing to let him suffer for something that the did not do. His biggest crime was not wanting to be a scammer like the rest of his family.

Gabe was the cowboy in charge of the prisoners who were spending the summer helping to set up the new fancy camp near Farthingdale Ranch. Gabe dreams of one day owning his own cattle ranch. He knows that by spending his summer overseeing the work of the parolees that he will gain a nice little nest egg.

I loved watching Blaze and Gabe's relationship develop over time. They become friends and then so much more. Jackie knows how to write a slow-burn romance. They don't even kiss until 73% in, but it is so necessary to the relationship. Gabe is too honorable to let anything develop before he is sure that it is serious between the two of them. And Blaze just so desperately wants someone to actually love him for who he is. It was so satisfying to watch the bond between them grow.

My one nitpick would be to see an epilogue in the future for these two. Perhaps a glimpse of Blaze and Gabe running their own cattle ranch.

But this was simply a beautiful love story and I cannot wait for the next one.

I received an ARC for my honest review
Profile Image for Janet.
60 reviews2 followers
March 25, 2023
Gabe Westwell is calm, steady and just the man to work with a group of parolees at Farthingdale Valley’s ex-con rehab project. When Orlando “Blaze” Butterworth arrives at the Valley, and ex-con who served two years for a crime he did not commit, Gabe feels an unexpected pull toward the other man. As they navigate work, trust and eventually love, Blaze realizes who he is and how he wants to live. And Gabe realizes that love, however unexpected, makes life a better place.

This book is a great start to Jackie North’s new Farthingdale Valley series. With cameo appearances by some of my favorite characters from the Farthingdale Ranch series, Leland and Jasper, I was hooked by the first sentence.

I love this author’s amazing writing style. She creates a vivid picture with her words, and the pacing of the story is perfect. Each word is carefully chosen to bring you along with the characters, seeing, hearing, feeling and even smelling what they are experiencing. I feel like I would recognize the Valley the moment I was near, it is a character in the book along with the people who live and work there.

One of the things I love most about this book is that these men just are who they are. They are self-aware, there is no deep dive into their sexuality, just an acceptance that they are attracted to each other and want to find a way to make that attraction something more. The author normalizes their relationship and love by not dwelling on it. It is a celebration of love and life and how people find their forever person, regardless of gender. Jackie North writes truly beautiful romance, and once again, has a 5-star winner with Gabe and Blaze’s story.

*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.*
Profile Image for E.L. Ough.
Author 2 books74 followers
April 17, 2023
This is my first book by this author and it’s book one in the series.

This was a great story about a young man who served 2 years in prison for something he didn’t do, but he served his time and met the requirements to do his parole at a new ranch set up for ex cons. He’s been taught to always look out for himself and trust no one, so when his team lead seems to be treating him with kindness he becomes wary. No one has treated Blaze nicely not even his own family, everyone always wants something in return, except Gabe.

Gabe is ex military and has been tasked with helping ex cons learn some new skills and become a better person while they do their parole at the ranch, he didn’t expect to start have feelings for one of them.

This was a low angst, sweet read, great story but pretty much no spice, I’m used to much more and it’s what I look for in a book! But that said it was a great read and the connection the two men had was great.


Book content
🤠cowboy romance
🤠age gap
🤠opposites attract
🤠forced intimacy
🤠emotional scars
🤠lumberjack stuff
🤠trust issues
Profile Image for Xanthe.
2,174 reviews37 followers
April 1, 2023
It's so good to be back at Farthindale but on a whole new venture. Gabe is team lead on the first group of ex cons that will be seeing out their parole whilst working to help build the new guest retreat. Blaze is happy to be out, especially as he didn't do what he was sent to prison for. Understandably, the guys are extremely wary about what they are being offered and provided with - new clothes, uninterrupted showers, amazing food - all this you couldn't get or came with a cost in prison.
Gabe suits being a team lead really well. He has a calm manner and guides the men clearly but is also firm on what lines not to cross. Blaze is attracted to him straight away but who would want an ex con? Gabe isn't sure on the etiquette when you're interested in a guy on your team who is also on parole but it's a slow build of trust and friendship before anything else. They make a sweet couple and have a moment or two of drama to overcome when it regards other teammates and Blaze's unbelievable family. I have to say he's far better off without them! It's good that we also get to still see some of the guys from the original series. I love how this is connected but also has its own separate place and story arc.
Definitely a recommended read for fans of Farthingdale Ranch and a second chance in life story.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.
Profile Image for Sue Milkovich.
1,399 reviews13 followers
April 2, 2023

FARTHINGDALE VALLEY is going to be another special place to spend many future reading hours. Gabe is a ranch hand with a plan for his future. Given the opportunity to get his dream sooner he has a busy season ahead. Blaze is a man locked up and scared. Having no options he looks into a way to get out of jail and do his parole in a different way. Is he a dangerous felon, No. Did he harm anyone, No. His offense was circumstances beyond his control. This is a great book about second chances and blue skies. Hard work with future rewards. Yes, this is a MAGNIFICENT JACKIE NORTH Book. I'm happy to be back at the Ranch with new dreams ahead. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!
956 reviews9 followers
March 21, 2023
4.5 stars. Really sweet and touching hurt/comfort story where Blaze is treated decently by someone for the first time in his life. Gabe was nice but a lot less detailed, he was there more to be the support for Blaze. It was really similar to The Blacksmith and the Ex-Con in many ways, occasionally maybe too much so, still really excellent reading.
Profile Image for Sabrina Morissette.
197 reviews6 followers
March 29, 2023
Thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is a sweet and gentle story about an innocent ex-con (Blaze) and his parole team leader (Gabe). Both are hard working men eager to start anew. One of them just has a hard time believing that he’s allowed that kind of life. He thinks everything the ranch offers is too good to be true, and he’s constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Gabe is there to reassure him, with kindness and understanding. This is a slow paced story with a love also built slowly between Blaze and Gabe.

Overall, a great first installment for the Farthingdale Valley series, which is a spin-off of the Farthingdale Ranch series. You do not need to have read books from the latter, since the Cowboy and the Rascal stands on its own.
Profile Image for Annie Maus.
372 reviews11 followers
April 9, 2023
If you love a good redemption story, Jackie North’s “The Cowboy and the Rascal” is pure sunshine. Gentle interactions, great scenery and hard work fortify this unlikely romance!

Blaze’s family are carneys and con artists. When he tries to get his GED to exit the lifestyle, they betray him. After a two year prison stint, he expects further abuse on the ranch parole program he is to attend. What will it take to help him recognize a good thing?

Veteran Gabe’s army pal brought him to Farthingdale Ranch, where Gabe is selected as first team lead for a group of parolees. After just two weeks training, he’s expected to train four ex-cons who will develop Farthingdale Valley into a scenic retreat. He loves the ranch's philosophy, that the guys “be treated humanely, comfortably housed, and well fed,” But will these parolees’ best sides emerge? And what should Gabe do with his inconvenient attraction to Blaze?

Ms. North calls herself the “Queen of Slow Burn,” which allows her to highlight those little pre-conditions that can make or break a union. In scene after scene, we learn how Blaze has become too skittish, too unsure of his identity to trust others. Instead, he must live up the trust placed in him, which helps bind his past and develop into the man he’s wanted to become. Each event is inconsequential, but they build, just like real life. The pacing is spot on!

And Gabe (who’s as unseasoned in the new job as Blaze is in respectable society) must trust his gut while faced with an ethical dilemma. He can’t lead Blaze on, let him down, nor set him up for failure. Thus, while Gabe is consistent as a boss, Blaze is left with mixed signals. Their conundrum feels unnervingly true.

I’m impressed when an author can construct tension from simple occurrences, yet Ms. North does it effortlessly. Through Gabe and Blaze, Ms. North captures our cluelessness in life, our confusion about other people and our longing for genuine connection, while showcasing the vulnerability required to establish mature intimacy.

Want authentic people placed in normal but difficult situations, intricately described gorgeous vistas, mentions of drool-worthy meals, and lovely romance, all packaged in an easy, but deceptively insightful read? Ms. North’s “The Cowboy and the Rascal” is a terrific opener to her promising Fathingdale Valley series. As always, I feel like I’ve been on a vacation, just reading the novel. 4.5 starts rounded up!
Profile Image for Emily.
322 reviews6 followers
March 20, 2023
This book's style just worked for me - I really enjoyed it! It was my first book by Jackie North so I had no idea what to expect going in.

This is a spinoff series (so I heard) and this is book 1 of the series. It's Blaze and Gabe's story - both of whom are deeply good people. Gabe is the team lead on a program for parolees to get reacclimated to life in the real world. Blaze is coming off 2 years in prison and is one of the parolees on Gabe's team.

Blaze comes from a life and family of scams - he tried his best to do what his parents wanted but he was never a priority to them. It's heartbreaking to read about his relationship with his parents and brother. They are just awful and have made him feel unworthy his entire life. Then being an ex con doesn't help those feelings go away.

Gabe is steady and kind - something Blaze is incredibly suspicious of for days and weeks upon meeting him. But Gabe is so steadfast and supportive that eventually Blaze's walls start to crack.

Something about the writing of this book just worked for me. The first 2 chapters, I was worried it was going to be too much - too wordy, too tell-y, too detailed - but after those 2 chapters, I forgot I had been concerned about that because I was so engrossed in the story. The details became important, the telling became relevant. I feel like I read the entire second half with a tiny smile on my face! These two were just so full of sweetness it was lovely!

This is mostly a sweet and caring emotional story, but by no means does it skimp on the physical relationship. It's just later in the book and has more emotion behind it once they get there. It's written beautifully - not harshly or brashly - but more tenderly, with the caring sweetness these two have behind their relationship. I just adored it! The biggest thing missing for me was that it ended a tad abruptly for my taste - I would have loved an epilogue for a future glimpse into Gabe and Blaze's relationship. It felt cut off at the end, as if I went to turn the page unknowing that the story was over. I loved them together and would have really enjoyed seeing it play out just a bit more.

I'll definitely be reading more by Jackie North, this turned out to be a 4.5/5 star read for me!
Profile Image for ivanareadsalot.
557 reviews191 followers
June 10, 2023
It's been a while since I've not DNFed and deleted a book off my kindle in frustration. It feels even longer since I've genuinely enjoyed a book without having to convince myself of its merits. Without a doubt the last 10 or so reads have been...a different experience for me.

I need this trend to be over.

Cue JN and her emotionally soothing Farthingdale Valley, where a cowboy pretty much always finds his forever person (in this case an ex-con), as they while away their denim clad time, living and learning and ofc doing normal non-naked stuff together that makes their hearts go all fluttery. It's wholesome as fk and I can't help but swoon bc crushes are dynamite, and so are horses 🐎.

JN allows her narrative to unfold in a gentle, ambling way so her love stories always come off beautiful, soft and sweet. And her rugged cowboys always have a touch of horse whisperer in them -for both equine and human hearts- especially when used on the men who find themselves in the valley, hiding or hurting or trying to heal whatever's broken. Blaze was a sweet soft aching thing, and Gabe was his lantern wielding cowboy. It was pretty precious ngl.

So, thank you again, Jackie North, for creating a place where the MM romance reading community can take a breath and rehydrate...

...before jumping back into the fray of scorching cam boys and step bros, angsty hate sex (mostly sports related), and attractive but murdery (sometimes supernatural but always hate to love you) alphaholes. This book was a much needed respite.

Profile Image for San.
70 reviews15 followers
April 27, 2023
This book started out really strong. You feel an immediate bond with Blaze as you find out how he grew up, was betrayed and ended up in prison. For me Blaze was the best part of this story. After everything he went through Blaze couldn't help but still be hopeful, still let himself believe and trust in someone else. He had a good heart and didn't deserve any of the stuff that happened to him.

I had a harder time connecting with Gabe as very little was revealed about his character other than him being an all around good guy. He seemingly had no flaws at all and we hardly see him be vulnerable, emotional or insecure like Blaze was.

The premise of Gabe, a team leader, and Blaze, the ex-con who works for him, was interesting but I felt like this book missed out on a lot of opportunities to create tension or angst to make things really intriguing. There were even some things I hoped they would connect on like Gabe understanding what it feels like to be cast aside by your family but it just wasn't explored or spoken about after it was mentioned the first time. And I think these two characters needed moments like these to be on equal footing. I'm still not convinced they are truly equals and was actually hoping for an epilogue that would show us how their dynamics had changed after the ranch project was over.

Jackie North excels at writing about nature, landscapes and everything else that goes on on a ranch. I have to admit after a while I skipped over some of the nature/landscape descriptions because there was a lot of it. But I did enjoy the parts about the stars.

Another thing that irked me was the way Jasper's partner, Ellis, was constantly referred to as his assistant while Gabe knew they were together? And Gabe and Jasper talking about Blaze and Ellis like they were spooked, abused horses that men like them 🙄 who had their hearts in the right place needed to fix. It once again created this feeling like they weren't equal partners. This combined with the fact that it took them until the 70% mark to make a move and then for Gabe to still not believe Blaze is innocent until like the last 5% of the book was what made me dock some stars off my rating.
Profile Image for Lena Grey.
1,561 reviews28 followers
September 17, 2023
“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” ~ Ernest Hemingway

Leland, of 'The Cowboy and the Rascal' by Jackie North, is foreman of the Farthingdale Valley Ranch and hired Gabe to run the new Farthingdale Valley New Start program. It is designed to give ex-cons a place to work off their parole in a healthy environment. Gabe wasn't expecting to meet Blaze, one of the parolees, who would make Gabe want to break all the rules.

Blaze isn't expecting much when he gets off the prison bus. He is dubious and jaded, not only by being in prison but because of his toxic family, who unjustly helped put him there. Blaze expects this program to be like what he experienced in jail. But, as time passes, Blaze and the other men realize that Gabe is as fair and as honest as he seems. After living with his family or liars and cheaters whom he could never trust, Blaze doesn't quite know what to do with his growing feelings for Gabe.

Gabebe tries to be fair and not favor any of the men under his care, but there is something about Blaze that he can't quite name. On the one hand, Blaze is tough and defiant, but on the other, Gabe senses a vulnerability and pain he can't ignore. Against his better judgment, Gabe inches closer to this man, wondering what made him so mistrusting, and he itches to discover what it is.

After dancing around each other for a while, they acknowledge their attraction and act on it, leading to some steamy showers and nights by lantern light. Unfortunately, Blaze's belief that he is not good enough for Gabe threatens their future together.

Gabe and Blaze were a great addition to the 'Farthingdale' series. Seemingly, they were opposites, but in their hearts, both wanted the same thing; to be loved and trusted. Thanks, Jackie, for bringing Gabe and Blaze together. I can hardly wait to read the next book in the 'Farthingdale Valley’ series.

ISCLAIMER: Books reviewed on this site were usually provided at no cost by the publisher or author. This book was purchased by the reviewer for the purpose of a review.
Profile Image for Woodatsi.
376 reviews3 followers
March 27, 2023
This was actually my very first read by this author. I really like the ex-con trope and when I read the blurb for this book I was intrigued and wanted to read it.

Blaze is an ex-con, he was convicted for a crime he didn't commit. He took the heat for his brother who was the actual perpetrator and on top of that got shunned by his own family. After two years of prison he gets the chance to work on a ranch, a way to start a new life. He grabs it with both hands and it's there that he meets Gabe.

Gabe is a ranch hand who dreams of one day having his own cattle ranch. He gets a chance to earn a nice bonus by being the team lead for a new project with ex-cons. He has to lead a group of men, teach them the ranch life and prepare them for their new life outside of prison. When he meets Blaze, he immediately feels drawn to him. He does however do his best to keep his feelings hidden but when he discovers Blaze is feeling the same, they - albeit reluctantly - give in and see how things go.

This is a sweet story, I loved how patient Gabe was with Blaze. He never reacted angry, even when Blaze messed up or when he stormed off because he didn't know how to react to some things. He was just this steady presence that ultimately made Blaze see that Gabe was the right person for him. I had a harder time warming up to Blaze however. I don't really know how to explain, but it was as if I didn't really get to know him. Like he was portrayed a bit vague...

Another thing I would've liked is an epilogue. Maybe from a few months into the relationship, but that is just personal preference. All in all this was a nice read and I'll definitely be looking for the next in this spin-off series.

*I kindly received a copy of this book by the author via Bookfunnel and this is my honest review.*
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,129 reviews2 followers
April 1, 2023
It is really great to be back in the Farthingdale Ranch with a new series, one that takes place in the valley near the ranch, with tie-ins to some of the MCs from the previous series. In this stand-alone book, Gabe has been asked to be a team lead to oversee four members of a prisoner parole program who will work with him to prepare the valley to open for guest of the ranch who desire a more rustic, rugged experience. His team's work will include clearing brush, felling trees, building outbuildings, and taking care of rescued horses. Gabe has a dream of owning his own cattle ranch some day, but for now he is enjoying the outdoor work in Farthingdale Valley.

Blaze is one of the four parolees who has accepted placement at the valley. He was born into a criminal family that raised him to fleece people at carnivals and various scams. He tried to make a better life for himself, but was always dragged back down by his family, who favored his brother. One day, his brother brought drugs into the trailer home, the police followed, and his family pointed to him as the culprit. Blaze spent almost two terrifying years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Now, he wants to take advantage of his second chance, but he's hesitant to believe that people can be as good as those he meets in the program.

Soon, Gabe and Blaze feel sparks between them. The question is whether they should act on them since Gabe is Blaze's supervisor and Blaze's time in the program will end in six months. Sparks become flames. This book sensitively handles issues with those being released from prison, unspoken and deep emotions, the power of kindness and compassion, and a beautiful forever love. I plan to read every book in this series as they become available.
Profile Image for Fay MMBookworm.
2,752 reviews40 followers
April 5, 2023
4 stars for a slow cowboy romance.
The Cowboy and The Rascal is the first book in the Farthingdale Valley that includes some Ranch book characters.
Blaze was serving two years for an offence he didn't commit behind bars in prison. A great start to the book and intrigued me about where he would go from there.
Orlando, aka Blaze, was set up when he was trying to better himself by studying for his GED.
Getting an early release to work with the Farthingdale Valley new start program with Leland as his new boss, with Gabe being the ex-con's team leader.
It doesn't take long for the inmates to get accommodated after the shell shock of being out of prison.
Gabe and Blaze start a friendship initially, but there is very little romance until later in the book. Yeah, one character I didn't like in the beginning of this, Kurt had such a bad attitude which gets terrible in a scene, I'm glad it didn't go any further than it did.
A prolonged romance between both characters as they work beside each other with all the other men. At 75%, things heat up between them.
I got the Cowboy part as Gade's role, but with Blaze, I didn't see the rascal in him in the book.
There was a lot of storyline about the setting up of the program and the ranch work, I felt that it took away from the characters getting closer.
Hurt and comfort by Blaze's storyline with his family abandoning and disowning him while in prison. Trust issues from his time with his family and then his jail time. Blaze doesn't do being alone at night well, especially after Tom leaves them.
A fast ending with an HEA that leaves it open for the book series to go further.
378 reviews1 follower
March 23, 2023
3.5* rounded up.

This is a very slow and low heat story of two people who both have their share of difficulties and find together a way forward.

Blaze is an ex-con, framed by his own family, manages to get into a parole system working to prepare the Farthingdale Valley resort.
Gabe, cut off from his family as he doesn't want to follow their way of life, is the team leader.

It is well written, both Blaze and Gabe come over as likeable characters. The way how Blaze learns to trust that a person means well without any ill intent is lovely to read.

Gabe struggles with an attraction due to his position as the leader but is intrigued by Blaze and the more Blaze comes out of his shell and doubt, the more he falls for him.

The book is for 70% about the building of the trust and how especially Blaze learns that there is a future for him. And it's right so, the story has to be first about him for me. But, I feel the rest of the book is then fairly rushed. Hence the star deduction.

I would have loved to see more of Gabe's history, it's mentioned only at the beginning and I think it could have build a bridge to Blaze earlier.
It is a HEA but in a way the future is left open, where ever these two end up, it would have been nice to see more what happens after they are together.
I also miss some interaction with the other Farthingdale ranch staff about their relationship. It is a fine line morally and some acceptance or Gabe talking about it, especially with Jasper and Ellis, would have added something.

Profile Image for Tim.
704 reviews3 followers
May 2, 2023
This was a very slow burn. In some ways, that was good, but in others, not so much.

Blaze is being paroled after two years for a crime he really didn't do. He went to prison for his brother because his family set him up. Apparently he's not the smartest one either, because he spends that two years hoping and waiting for them to visit, or make contact somehow. But they never do. So he agrees to serve his parole on the Farthingdale Ranch, helping to build a new adult glam-camping resort.

Gabe is the cowboy assigned to lead the first crew of four parolees on the ranch. He's dreaming of a future where he has his own small cattle ranch, and not drifting from job to job each each. But then over the weeks with the crew, he slowly connects with Blaze, against his own better judgement.

Most of the first half of this sets up the story, introduces the characters, and has them slowly getting getting used to it. It isn't until about 60% in that Blaze and Gabe finally act on their attraction. It's a very slow burn and very little drama. Interspersed with interior monologues of what they're thinking (or feeling) are passages about getting up, showering, eating, doing.

I wish we had gotten a little more depth in Gabe, there's almost no background on him other than a couple short paragraphs about walking away from his family's coal-mining background and some time in the military. I wasn't even entirely sure how old he is. We get a quite a bit with Blaze, so I felt this was bit lopsided.
Profile Image for Brit_ta_ny.
152 reviews
March 29, 2023
This is the first book in Jackie North’s new Farthingdale Valley series which is connected to her very enjoyable Farthingdale Ranch books.

Right off the bat I was here for the premise, Jasper and Ellis’ story in the other series was one of my favorites, so I had a feeling that I’d like this book a bunch. Plus, we get to see our favorite blacksmith and his klutzy apprentice bit too!

Jackie North generally does a great job with pacing her books and this one is no exception. Gabe’s struggles to deal with his attraction to Blaze aren’t too much and the angst in the book never felt like it was going on too long. I was worried for a minute at the end that there’d be a dramatic misunderstanding (which I can’t stand once we’re 80% into a book), but I worried for naught and some healthy communication happened instead. Yay for talking! 🥳

I liked Blaze a lot, his personality and attitude towards life were in line with his background, and his insecurities were absolutely heartbreaking at times. I felt like Gabe was a good character but didn’t feel quite as developed as Blaze. I would’ve like to know a bit more about him.

This book also wasn’t quite as steamy as I was expecting, which is fine, but I was hoping for a lil more *nudge nudge wink wink* 😏

Overall a 4.5 read and I’m definitely excited to see more books come out of this series!
Profile Image for Heather Duff.
1,162 reviews29 followers
March 29, 2023
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Jackie North writes character studies. Beautifully written and entrancing. The Cowboy and the Rascal is no different. It’s a slow burn set amongst a beautiful valley with a cowboy looking for a chance to make a life for himself outside the service and a man that has spent two years in prison on the heels of hurt and betrayal by his family.

Gabe is the team lead for a group of parolees, who are being given a chance at a different path out of the usual prison system. Building a fancy retreat. It’s an endeavour that requires trust. From everyone.

Blaze has a complicated past with the truth and people. Now, he finds himself facing an opportunity at a different life. Watching him learn to trust Gabe and the program is quite something. A Blaze finding someone who wants to bet on him will make you melt.

They move from boss/parolee to colleagues to friends to lovers slowly. But it’s absolutely crucial to their story, and creates a bond you can tell will last the ages.

Complete with long hot shower, smores, and stargazing, you’ll find a beautiful love story here.
477 reviews9 followers
March 29, 2023
I am so beyond THRILLED that Farthingdale Ranch is once again being revisited through this new series in the “Farthingdale Valley” setting. I was very sad when the “Farthingdale Ranch” series ended. If you had the opportunity to read “The Blacksmith and the Ex-con (the 2nd book in the F.R. Series), you’d understand that this book on the ex-con parole program is expanded in T.C.A.T.R. Story since it was so successful. We also get to visit with several characters which is always a great bonus for me! Jackie North does not disappoint with this new story! I’m looking forward to the continuation of this new series! Definitely more than 5 allocated stars from this huge fan!

The story focuses on Blaze, who was getting out of prison early since he was willing to be in the ex-con parole program. He was in prison because his parents and brother falsely pinned charges on him. He and three other ex-cons were transported to the Farthingdale Valley to help get the program set up.

Gabe, one of the cowboys from the Farthingdale Ranch was selected to oversee the ex-cons. He silently was crushing on Blaze but couldn’t do anything about it. The thing is Blaze was crushing on him as well. Does Gabe risk the program by acting on his desire for Blaze? That’s for you to pick up the book and read to find out what happens.
Profile Image for Anne Barwell.
Author 21 books107 followers
April 27, 2023
I loved the Farthingdale Ranch series so was very happy to read more set in this world. I enjoyed Gabe and Blaze’s sweet story with just the right amount of emotional angst, and loved revisiting the gorgeous scenery. The author’s descriptions are rich and detailed and always make me wish I could spend time there with her characters.

Poor Blaze has a terrible family, and it says a lot that he survived them although not without a lot of emotional scars. I love how Gabe slowly chips away at the armour Blaze has encased himself in, and gives him the strength to stand up to his family. I love the parallels between helping horses who have had a rocky start and the parolees. The scenes with Gabe and Blaze are sweet, and their attraction and growing romance believable. I also thought their wariness about a possible future was realistic.

I love the friendship between Jasper and Gabe, especially as Jasper has his experience with Ellis to enable him to give good advice. I enjoyed seeing Leland and others from the ranch again, and also liked Tom and Wayne, although the latter took a while to grow on me.

I’d recommend reading the bonus epilogue as it adds an extra layer of sweetness to an already satisfying ending. I’m looking forward to reading more about Royce in the next book.
Profile Image for Fran.
971 reviews8 followers
March 24, 2023
Ms. North has a new series starting with this book, Farthingdale
Valley. A good and emotional beginning to this series. Blaze was incarcerated for being the
unloved son of his opportunistic parents who lived by hood wicking unsuspecting elderly people
out of their money. He took the blame for his brother Alex who was the favored son of the Butterworth family. Now he's being released on parole to Farthingdale Valley for readjustment to society outside of prison. Gabe has been given the duty of supervising Blaze and the three parolees Kurt, Tom, and Wayne. Gabe had the training to do the job, but he came with preconceived biased feelings about parolees. His good friend up at Farthingdale Ranch, Jasper, was who he unloaded his misgivings to and Jasper, throughout the whole story, set Gabe straight in his reflections on ex-cons. This is a story of emotions, selfish and abhorrent family connections, loss of subjective innocence, and a realization of dreams to be potentially fulfilled. The lesson is about having a second chance and accomplishing the second chance life is offering. This is a voluntary review of the book offered and I look forward to more stories in this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews

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