Fund Details
REEESNe Administrator/Faculty Conference Grant
Competition Type

Brief Description:

Small grants for administrators and faculty leaders to attend REEES-related conferences in order to gain expertise and insights that can help them to develop their programs.


The REEESNe small grant for staff/faculty enables program administrators or faculty leaders to travel to a conference to participate in a panel or other formal event at which they present or otherwise discuss program-development opportunities (presumably this would be at ASEEES in the fall cycle, or, with the spring application cycle, NESEEES or AATSEEL - in all instances, REEESNe favors attendance at conferences where the proximity and vehicular means of travel minimize carbon emissions). 
This funding, which is typically in the range of $500-$1,000, cannot be used for conference travel whose primary purpose is to present or listen to scholarly research, unless that research directly relates to program development or related areas such as language pedagogy. Applicants should preview the conference program and,  in their proposal documents, discuss specific panels/components that will be useful for work on their own programs. Example 1: A program administrator at a northeast university wishes to propose a panel on undergraduate engagement in Russian cultural activities and language learning for the upcoming ASEEES conference, but the administrator’s university provides only enough conference travel support to cover 50% of the costs; the REEESNe small grants program provides the additional funding necessary to make this travel possible. Example 2: The faculty coordinator of language courses in a language/literature department would benefit from attending AATSEEL panels on expanding and supporting the study of less commonly taught languages but has exhausted all professional development funds for the year; REEESNe awards a grant to cover transportation and two nights at the conference. Whenever possible, we encourage you to pursue travel by train or bus in order to reduce the costs and carbon footprint of the trip.

For more information, and for any questions about the grant, please contact

Application Information:

REEESNe has other grants available, e.g. one for students to take unpaid/underpaid internships and research projects in REEES fields. If you do not qualify as an applicant for this grant, we encourage you to learn more about our other opportunities by searching Yale's grants database or REEESNe's competitions page.

Restrictions to Use of Award:

Students are not eligible for this grant. The grant is primarily intended to increase opportunities for professional development for specialists in administrative roles; we also make the opportunity available to faculty who manage/coordinate departments, centers, or programs, but it is not intended for regular faculty members who are not currently fulfilling administrative duties on top of teaching and research. Staff and faculty in REEES fields who already have access to sufficient funding for conference travel (e.g. through their departments or contracted professional development funds) should not apply for the REEESNe grant so that our funding can remain for those who would otherwise not be able to attend (or who would otherwise burden themselves financially in order to do so).

Begin Accepting Applications Date:
Deadline Date (EST Time Zone) :
1/16/2024 1:00 PM