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Captive #1

Sweet Captivity

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No man has ever touched me, but when I'm captured by scarred criminal kingpin Andrés Moreno, everything changes.

I'm a hacker with the FBI, a shy geek. When I'm hiding behind my screen, I'm a safe distance from everyone; isolated, powerful.

Until Andrés captures me and changes everything.

His scars go deeper than the wicked furrows carved into his flesh, his pain reflected in the dark demands he imposes upon me.

His obsession is twisted and wrong, but maybe I'm twisted, too.

Do I want to be rescued from him? Or is he the one who truly needs saving?

One-click this dark romance for a possessive antihero, a nerdy hacker FBI agent, kidnapping, enemies-to-lovers vibes, and deliciously deviant steamy scenes!

368 pages

First published September 12, 2017

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About the author

Julia Sykes

135 books1,748 followers
Julia Sykes is a USA Today bestselling author of edgy, emotional romance. When she's not writing, she's usually reading.

Other than reading, her obsessions include iced coffee, unicorns, charcuterie, aged Manchego cheese (or any cheese, really), and fancy dresses.

An American expat, Julia now lives in her adopted, beloved home of York, England. Most days, you can find her wandering the cobbled streets and daydreaming about her next novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 497 reviews
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,640 reviews2,800 followers
September 4, 2017


descriptionGreat cover on this one. Good representation of the hero (heroine has orange hair). Great composition and fabulous title work.description

descriptionI have to be honest I was a little nervous going into this book. I wasn't a huge fan of the previous one, but Sam intrigued me, and I do so very much LOVE a good anti hero. So I took a chance, and I am thrilled that I did because I ended up loving this one a lot. I found it well written and well paced. The plot was interesting and kept me turning the pages. No OW/OM drama. I wouldn't even say it was particularly angsty or dark. There were some smokin' sex scenes. A little bit of action. It wasn't a book heavy on secondary characters, but the few that show up added some good extra layers to the story.


Both main characters were extremely likable. I ADORED Andrés. A kinky anti hero with a heart of gold. He was hard. He was hot. He was alpha. But he was also sweet and tender when Sam needed him to be. I adored Sam just slightly less, and my main issue was her continued creepy (IMO) infatuation with Dex. For me it made her look desperate and a bit pathetic. Thankfully, it isn't in our face a lot or for very long, but the bit we do see lowered my rating a tad.

Finally, it was wrapped up in an OK finishing chapter. Since it looks like the overall arc featuring Division 9-C is going to continue into (at least) the next book, I am hoping this wasn't the last we will see of this couple. So ya, not much left to say. I enjoyed it, and it gets two thumbs up from yours truly.description


Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews14.9k followers
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September 17, 2017

Cruel Colombian hero?! Sorry I think I might have passed out!!

I don’t like to be touched. I’m the hacker-geek-goddess of the FBI. When I’m hiding behind my screen, I’m a safe distance from everyone; isolated, powerful. No man has ever touched me, but when I’m captured by Colombian drug lord Andrés Moreno, I no longer have the right to refuse. He’s scarred and scary, and his cruel brother Cristian has tasked him with breaking me. I try to fight, but I can’t escape his strong arms and harsh discipline. He demands that I accept his touch, and my virgin body can’t help but respond to his masterful manipulations.
The longer I remain trapped with him, the more I come to suspect that I’m not the only captive in his brother’s home. Andrés’ scars go deeper than the wicked furrows carved into his flesh, his pain reflected in the dark demands he imposes upon me. His obsession is twisted and wrong, but maybe I’m twisted, too.
Do I want to be rescued from him? Or is he the one who truly needs saving?

Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,483 reviews477 followers
September 22, 2017
Andres was a man caught in a difficult life. Sam was the hacker FBI agent caught in his web. They are forced together by circumstances but bond despite them.

Andres has some depth and complexity that show he was fleshed out well. Sam was more generic to me. Other than her profession, nothing of her personality really resonated for me. Together, however, their dynamic worked. The intimacy was sexy and progressed in line with the premise that was set up.

I've got to say that believability within the plot was a stretch for me. Yet, I still enjoyed it at execution. The pacing was done well and the flow was good through most of the book. The prose and grammar were solid.

Complimentary copy received and voluntarily reviewed.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,255 reviews693 followers
September 14, 2017

my first book by Julia Sykes...

and, I have no references other than just the fact that the blurb sounded so fuckin gooooood...

BUT this ended up being a disappointing read😒

Ah...annoying as fuck heroine and totally non-credible to start with (she's a FBI agent/tech nerd/hacker that asked to be transferred to a field agent position without a proper training 😒

I mean, really?!

And than she's on a turf as a field operative following the update on a Chicago's drug lord and his operation of putting a new drug into the streets😒 and than she gets kidnapped by one of their minions and brought to the drug lord himself.


And then the drug lord's bro takes her to be properly trained...but for what exactly?!

They want her to spill the truth of whom she works for, and after she tells them the truth for the billionth time...the bro still needs to "break" her by taming her into a submissive...😟😫 so she can work for them...as a tech hacker...

After that, it s all mushy crap...

The supposed Master is a kind soul, a nice man under the scarred front...

Dear God...😦

He hurts them but he doesnt harm them, and the slaves he broke all love him...but she's special, fuckin duh?!


Yeah, well you can guess what happens next...yada, yada, yada...she heals him, he sets her free, they fall in love...and voila HEA

I m giving it a 2 stars rating only cause there's a visible effort to make this story complex and deep by fulfilling it with a background story of the heroine's abuse as a child but unfortunately, since there were more than enough illogical segments in the plot that were just done in a sloppy manner, I just can't give more significant thought or word to make it more valid...

My bad...

Profile Image for Madia M.
425 reviews12 followers
October 30, 2017
I don't know how or why I ended up 'reading' this (if you can call it that considering I just skimmed to the end). I saw the rating, saw FBI geek and thought yep sounds good 👍🏽. Was not expecting a BDSM twist. Like did I just miss the signs?

This was just twisted, warped, screwed and wrong, wrong, wrong!
She's a tech wizard super smart FBI agent (who clearly lost the plot here) and he's a drug lord involved in trafficking and date rape drugs. He was her 'Master' who 'disciplined' her by violating and humiliating her and she falls in love with him. When he sets her free (because he can no longer 'protect her' ((like dude if she needed protecting from anyone it was you)) she runs back to 'save' him (baring in mind this guy has ruthlessly and efficiently killed people by just snapping their necks with his bare hands, yh he really needs saving). They run off into the sunset with the millions he's earned to live happily ever after. (Obviously they donated some to charity to atone for all he's done, geez guys give the guy some credit, he has a heart of gold.)

Kudos to the author for actually trying to sell this relationship and attempting to salvage the guys character whilst trying to prove the female lead is sane. (She clearly needs therapy and is suffering from Stockholm syndrome.)

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sonia.
1,061 reviews1,419 followers
September 7, 2020
Why did it take me so long to read this?!?!

I’ve had this on my kindle for years! I hate when I leave a good book gathering dusk in my kindle (okay I know that can’t REALLY happen; I’m being metaphorical here).

Samantha is a geeky hacker and works for the FBI. She gets kidnapped by drug lord Cristian Moreno and is being ordered to help clean his tracks and record so he can continue doing his illegal businesses and selling a drug called Bliss- which makes women crave sex to the point of pain and is what he needs to maintain his women in his sex trafficking ring. But he decides he’s not gonna force her to do what he wants; he’ll have his scarred sadistic brother Andres do it for him. He wants Andres to break her and mold her so that she does whatever is needed of her. And Andres is more than happy to make it happen. Man, were those scenes a lot more sensual than I’d imagine!!!

Andres is not as bad as he seems to be on the outside. He can kill; he can torture; he can force submission but he wants Samantha to do it all willingly. Samantha has a strong personality. She doesn’t want to bend; she doesn’t want to be his plaything or his property and she fights him whenever she can. Let me say- I was here for it all! I love dark romance, but I love it even more when the h fights back. Whatever Samantha was thinking, I was thinking as well. I love that she was questioning the way she was reacting, even how she was rationalizing her actions and possible outcomes when she had to submit. The fight or flight response is very real and she went through it many times. And their sexy times were 🔥🔥🔥

I actually loved Andres. He doesn’t agree with his brother’s businesses, especially the drug Bliss. He abhors it and tries to protect Samantha whenever he can. The fact that she’s a virgin and he doesn’t forcefully take her or claim her virginity says a lot about him. He tells her he will wait for her to BEG for it. Yes, I know it seems messed up considering that she shouldn’t be in this situation at all, but when certain cards are dealt and you’re forced to do questionable things, you have to try to make the best of it and Pray that any damage done can be repaired. Andres is an anti-hero and Samantha is all about being a heroine as well.

I loooooved this book! I can’t wait to to reread this. How this is my first Julia Sykes book is beyond me. It makes me wanna slap myself. I can’t wait to read other books from this series.
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,394 reviews110 followers
April 29, 2020
Samantha, dea della tecnologia, neo promossa a detective operativa, sta indagando insieme al suo superiore sui Moreno, sulle tracce della misteriosa Divisione 9-C, un ramo di un’organizzazione clandestina di cui si sa  poco.

Viene fatta rapire dal potente e temuto capo della cosca criminale che, per assoggettarla alla sua volontà e farla parlare, la "dona" a suo fratello, uomo dai gusti particolari e con una certa predisposizione al bondage. Questi, fra manette, collare, manipolazioni psicologiche e costrizioni, riuscirà a sottometterla, ma ne rimarrà lui per primo soggiogato.

Nonostante l'apparenza però,  Andrés non è un uomo malvagio come  suo fratello e non la costringerà a far nulla che lei stessa non desideri. E inizia per Sam una dolce prigionia.
Scritto bene, in modo lineare e scorrevole.
Profile Image for Chalice.
3,109 reviews98 followers
June 7, 2021
The couple: Andres and Samantha

Romance genre: abduction; cartel
Part of a series: Yes (Captive)
Length: 368 pages

Plot: Samantha (Sam) is a genius FBI tech wizard who has recently become a field agent (although it seems she would be better used as an analyst). She's in love with her best friend (who has a girlfriend), and even though she's a virgin, she hacked into her best friend's computer and watches the porn the he also watches, which teaches her something about bdsm. And then she is kidnapped by Andres' vicious brother Cristian. He wants her to work for him, and he gives her to his brother Andres to soften up. Andres is pretty hardcore bdsm and trains Sam, who eventually falls in love with him, enough so that even when he lets her go, she comes back to save him.

Character development: I feel like there was a lot more bdsm than there was a relationship, and I know some people would say they are the same thing. Obviously, there is a level of trust in a relationship, no matter how fleeting, to engage in that sort of play, but let's be frank: there was no trust in this relationship (until the very end, I guess) because Andres was her captor who was purposefully conditioning her on the orders of his brother. He wasn't engaged in a long relationship with her. So that aside, I felt like there were only a few moments of genuine relationship (such as him being there for her when she remembers her trauma or him telling her the story of his sister and of his scar) and the rest was all sex, and sex that was way beyond what Sam was ready for (which didn't matter, since it wasn't a relationship). I don't know. Normally, that doesn't bother me in an abduction story. It didn't bother me in Twist Me at all, but here, it did. I didn't connect to their relationship at all. It felt very lopsided. So I didn't really feel like I got to know the characters until almost the very end.

Next book in the series: Stealing Beauty
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,461 reviews533 followers
June 25, 2018
"Sweet Captivity" is the story of Samantha and Andres.
When Samantha, the computer geek from FBI opts to be a field agent, she never expects to be kidnapped by Christian, the man she's investigating, or be thrust onto his brother Andres to be tamed.
Extremely reluctant, she soon finds herself addicted to his sweet brand of torture as he coerces her to be his docile submissive. However, she refuses to give in, until a firm approach is taken to tame her wildness.
A sweet but dark hero who is a dom, an innocent but kink loving heroine, loads of BDSM play, some dark past stories, a lot of evil surrounding them and a HEA.
I loved the first half, second half was average. Good d/s play in this one.
Profile Image for Bon Tom.
856 reviews50 followers
May 1, 2020
Nothing too original about this. But it's hot and that's it. Which means, actually, that it's quite convincing in making you feel there.

FBI agent gets to taste kind of her own medicine in the form of "good brother - bad brother" game. She's also the convincing one, giving you that "feel there" feeling. Her captors? Meh, not so much. But I read this kind of books for the ladies anyway.

This lady, I don't know. She sometimes says things, and in such manner, that it makes me think it's testimonial of the real thing. Like, human being would really say this in that situation.

Mind you, that human being would also need to have pre-existing submissive tendencies. If such being happened to exist and also have good (or bad) luck to be captured by duo ready to give her exactly what she needs and more, this book convinced me things would develop as they did.

So this is exactly what you could expect from the blurb, unless you're one of those attentionally challenged ones or hopelessly unintuitive or something even worse so you somehow get mislead into thinking you read Anna Karenina.

I mean, sorry to fluff my review by citing the blurb, but it needs to be done. So here it goes:

" No man has ever touched me, but when I’m captured by Colombian drug lord Andrés Moreno, I no longer have the right to refuse. He’s scarred and scary, and his cruel brother Cristian has tasked him with breaking me. I try to fight, but I can’t escape his strong arms and harsh discipline. "

Now. If this doesn't warn you about very probable (read: guaranteed) BDSM elements in the book.... really, something's wrong under your hood.
Profile Image for Kate V.
1,483 reviews197 followers
January 3, 2021
DNF at 52%

The writing is good. Unfortunately I didn't realize this was a BDSM heavy book and it's just not my cuppa tea. Also, I was expecting a tougher heroine (being FBI and all that). So I'm going to call this one.
Profile Image for Intel Chicky Reads Romance (Kara Merideth).
1,898 reviews1,165 followers
February 10, 2022

Story: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Trope: captive
Angst: 😱😱
Smexy: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Just wow! What a super intense and dark ride! Super nerdy, virgin FBI agent with a fascination of BDSM gets kidnapped and given to cartel kingpin's brother who's sexual proclivities just so happen run that way. Both with deep seated issues stemming from trauma. Beautiful story, but it takes a long time for them to get there and the journey had tons of ups and downs and detours on the way. I loved how both of them grew in s believable way with the help of the other. Will definitely be following this author and reading her other books!
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,381 reviews1,835 followers
October 30, 2017

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Let's be honest. After reading the synopsis, you kind of already know what to expect from Sweet Captivity by Julia Sykes. You're going to probably get a story that features a heroine who may experience Stockholm syndrome and because this is a romance, you'll probably expect an implausible ending that will make you feel unsettled. 

Sweet Captivity was something along the lines of what I just described. Julia made it very clear that our heroine, Sam was fighting every inch of the way and making her self realize if she's actually falling for Andres because of stockholm syndrome or simply because their two souls meant to be together. And just a BIG FYI, there is ONLY consensual intercourse so friends, worry not. 

And the ending. Well, let's just say. It's plausible and obviously, not ideal and kind of I don't believe it but since it's fiction, I'm okay with. 

Overall, this book was mediocre and I feel like you can find a more interesting read. 


If you like darker romances, this one will be right up your alley. 
Profile Image for Sybil Mallory.
39 reviews3 followers
March 15, 2024
Holy fucking hell! When I say I LOVE this book, truly an understatement. I don’t even think there’s a word invented yet for how much I loved this book.

Not only did I enjoy the plot and the characters, by Julia helped me with my writing. She helped me discover what it was that I liked/wanted in a book after so long without it. It’s very safe to say that I’ll be picking up another one of her books very very soon.

Andrés can get it. Samantha can get it. I can’t quite put my finger on what it was that I loved about their relationship. Yes it wasn’t ideal, but most things aren’t. The way he spoke to her had me blushing and giggling like a damn school girl. Samantha kept her wits about her and it was so refreshing. She surrendered her body, maybe even a small part of her mind that wanted to give her submission, but not her mind. I admired that.

Favorite Quote: The man standing behind me was no hero. He was my own personal villain.

April 11, 2024
Sam has a recurring memory in this book that perhaps should carry a trigger-warning (although there it is always remembered words rather than actions). However given the entire nature of the book a warning may be a little superfluous!

Whilst I love author's work, I have occasionally struggle with some of her hero's. This has either been them ignoring the thoughts and feelings of the heroine because 'they know what is best for her' or giving 'punishments' because she doesn't behave in every day life how they want her too. In Sweet Captivity Andres actually listened to Sam's feelings, despite the fact that he was holding her in captivity, and modified his behaviour accordingly. And when he did unfairly punish her I felt Sam's reaction and subsequent thoughts and feelings were much more real than I've read in other books.

Whilst Sam's awkwardness with other people was mentioned, and actually became part of the reason she bonded with Andres, I still felt it was only brought into play when it behoved the plot, rather than being an ongoing characteristic. That said I loved her and the fact that she never gave up, and whilst there was some Stockholm Syndrome involved, it always felt like she was totally in control of her choices. She may have made choices she wasn't comfortable or happy with, for the sake of her sanity or safety, but she ultimately made her own decisions.

Andres was definitely an anti-hero you grew to love. He quickly grew to care for Sam and despite some of his actions he only wanted to care for her and protect her. When he saw how his anger was scaring Sam and he released her from the 'room' he stole my heart.

The book had me gripped, and because the majority involved just Andres and Sam it was very easy to buy into their chemistry and growing relationship. That said there is still plenty of action, lots of sizzing hot scenes and plenty of danger and angst.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, probably more so than most of the Impossible series, and can't wait to continue with the series.
Profile Image for Angela.
179 reviews9 followers
February 23, 2020
Sweet Captivity opens with a dark, nail bitting scene, so I was all on board and then somewhere between the prologue and the end, it missed the mark for me.

Samantha is a computer analyst turned FBI field agent in Chicago. She’s done months of training, but behind the computer screen is where she’s always been the most comfortable. It’s obvious that she’s not cut out to be an agent and only ended up in this new position in order to gain the attention of her best friend/ long time crush. Her official assignment has been hunting the notorious drug lord Cristian Moreno, and finds herself drugged and kidnapped by the Colombian one night. After confessing her identity, rather quickly I might add (again, not cut out to be an agent), Cristian hands Sam off to his younger brother Andreas. He is manipulative, twisted and the deep scar on his face is downright scary. Andreas looks and treats Sam in a way she’s never experienced before and although she has to submit to him at first, after a while, she’s left wondering whether she’s the only captive.

Again, I was intrigued with this story at the beginning, but it’s just not my kind of book. I can’t fault the author for the writing as it was good, but it dragged on for me. I don’t think I really read the synopsis in full and this was a story all about BDSM. I was expecting a kick-ass female FBI agent, but instead, I got a repetitive story of the heroine stuck in a room, staring at a ceiling all day, until her captor returned to have sex with her. Unfortunately, I won’t be continuing with the sequels.
Profile Image for Soo.
2,780 reviews333 followers
March 16, 2018

So, don't go into this audio thinking you're going to get two readers because it's just Lucy Rivers. I liked the story because of the interplay between Andres and Sam. Sam is a moron and just try to forget she's an agent because I did my best to do that. If I was reading the story in print, I would definitely have skim read a good portion of it and skipped right to the sexy bits. None of the sexy bits are all that graphic but it was interesting to see how the author cobbled together a tragic past with the present.

My adventures into trying out romance stories that are "dark", "about musicians" and unconventional situations end up with me laughing, mentally snorting and eye rolling a lot. It's nice when I come away from the story feeling a bit of the sweet heartwarming fuzzies. This story is dorky as all heck and not at all believable in my opinion but the love between the main characters was sweet.
Profile Image for Livros A Go-Go ~Joyci ~.
455 reviews25 followers
September 15, 2017
Apesar de ter uma passagem de tempo pequena e do jeito que não gosto, por tornar tudo um pouco fora da realidade, gostei da história. A autora soube criar algo envolvente e agradável de ler.
4 reviews
December 31, 2017
Not my type of bdsm novel

I felt bad for this character. She craved something in a consensual bdsm relationship and got the opposite and I had to quit by chapter 10.
Profile Image for mia.
572 reviews263 followers
January 16, 2023
I thought this book would be interesting because I read FBI hacker and I thought it would be Penelope Garcia but it's just a lame book.
Profile Image for Jaime.
1,741 reviews305 followers
August 21, 2022
A dark erotic romance with a perfect antihero. Lots of kink. A romance between captor and his victim. 🔥❤️‍🔥😍
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,706 reviews590 followers
November 12, 2019
My introduction to Julia Sykes came through Dark Lessons, which was left with Sam’s story hanging. Before diving into Sweet Captivity, however, I went back and read the Impossible series to fill in some blanks. I’m glad I did, as it had me extra eager for Sam’s story.

As always, Julia Sykes gave a story that hooked me from the very first page. I was pulled right into the events and was happy to power through the story. I could not get enough of it and was constantly eager to see what would come next.

Not only was this a great standalone story, it also added plenty to the universe Julia Sykes has created. It left me super eager to see more of the characters and to find out what comes next, as I’m positive there is plenty of action in store.

All in all, another winner from Julia Sykes.
Profile Image for TheBookPlatypus.
1,027 reviews207 followers
March 22, 2020
Sex, sex, violence, lots of sex!

“Suddenly, he cracked the crop hard against my upper thigh, a harsh, punitive stroke. I cried out at the rush of pain, but I didn’t try to move away. I welcomed it, craving the absolution he offered.”

It’s a really quick and fast paced book. I read it in a few hours myself. It kept me wanting to turn the page and was a 4 star book. It didn’t get my blood rushing or anything but it has a cute HEA.
Profile Image for Cheril Olmsted.
314 reviews10 followers
October 17, 2017
I usually love books by Julia Sykes but this one was a definite no. DNF after 40 percent.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 497 reviews

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