• Michelle Keegan is Women's Health's February cover star
  • The actress has opened up on the differences between how men and women are scrutinised differently, in a celebrity couple
  • She also got clear on why she 'very rarely' posts photos of herself and husband Mark Wright on social media, together

Michelle Keegan is taking her second spin as a Women's Health cover star. And, in a candid interview, the actress has revealed the true reason why she refrains from posting much about her relationship with her husband, TV presenter Mark Wright, on social media – as well as on how men and women in celebrity couples are scrutinised somewhat differently.

'I very rarely post [pictures and videos] of me and Mark together, so it’s not there for everyone to comment on, like, "Oooh, look at their body language",' the Brassic and Our Girl star said. 'And that’s why on social media I stepped back – I don’t want to feed [the stories] any more. I’ve become more confident in my thirties and I’m just not doing it.'

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As to how she and Mark are treated differently, as part of a famous pairing? 'I do think it’s different for a woman. It shouldn’t be, but it is. I get asked about children whereas Mark wouldn’t, for example. Why haven’t I had a child? When am I going to have a child? I don’t know what they want me to say. I don’t know what the right or wrong answer is,' remarked the 33-year-old.

She also gets real on the subject of imposter syndrome, detailing how she felt on her first day on set for BBC One drama, Our Girl.

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'I didn’t think I’d be able to do that job. First day, I was like: "how am I going to pull this off?" There was so much training, the military were involved, it was overwhelming.

'Then I got taken away from my home comforts to film in a foreign country and had to fend for myself. But, over four years, that job made me stronger-minded, independent and a lot more confident.'

When it comes to confidence, Michelle also feels better in herself now than she did on her last WH shoot, three years ago. 'I feel happier now in myself than I did then. I’d just got back from filming in Malaysia... my energy had taken a hit by one million per cent. The last time, I wasn’t quite there. Whereas this shoot, I absolutely loved it, I felt really confident – really good.'

Read the full Michelle Keegan interview in the February issue of Women’s Health UK (also available as a digital edition) on sale from 29th December 2020. Subscribe to Women's Health today - and save up to 39% Subscribe now