Thursday, February 4, 2021

January 2021 Kraftin' Kimmie Penpal Swap- Snow

The theme for the January 2021 Kraftin' Kimmie Penpal Swap was Snow! I used the Jolly Happy Snowmen stamp set for my card. These snowmen make me smile!!

For my layout I used a sketch from Freshly Made Sketches #369!

I really like how this turned out!

I hope that my penpal likes my card! I really enjoy these monthly penpal swaps! So much fun!! If you're interested in joining in the fun, stop by the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Krafty Friends Facebook Group!

Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Jolly Happy Snowmen Stamp Set, Memento Tuxedo Black Ink, Copics, Echo Park Very Merry Christmas 6x6 Paper Pad, MFT Stitched Mini Scallop Rectangle STAX, MFT A2 Stitched Rectangle STAX set 1, SU Stitched Shapes Framelits, SU Cherry Cobbler Cardstock and Ink, 
**Some links that I share are affiliate links. I link them up for your convenience and may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I hope you will consider using the links if you decide to purchase the products I share.**


dolcreations said...

I love your card Danni! I love what paper you chose for the background!

Call Me Crafty Al said...

Wonderful card!! Especially like the little peek at how you decorated the inside. TFS :)