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Con Riley's Christmas Collection #1

His Last Christmas in London

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Falling for his final client won’t make leaving London easy…

Ian ~ A talented, young photographer desperate to stay in London.

Guy ~ An older, fierce food critic, determined to keep him in his city.

Ian shouldn’t be attracted to a scathing food critic like Guy Parsons, not after the last time he fell for someone older, arrogant, and gorgeous. He knows better than to let dramatic good looks sway him since his last heartbreak. Besides, he’s accepted a new job at the far end of the country and won’t be staying.

Having one month left in the city doesn’t seem enough now Ian’s fallen in love with London. Working as Guy’s photographer for December might help him afford to stay for longer, even if he hates Guy’s brand of restaurant reviewing. When Guy turns out to be worlds away from the last man Ian fell for, shared meals soon result in shared secrets and feelings.

More than attraction sparks between them as Christmas approaches. Intimate moments lead to intense passion, but is being well matched in the bedroom enough to stop the clock counting down to Ian leaving London, and Guy, for good?

♥ Steamy, snarky, and sweet, His Last Christmas in London is an utterly British, low-angst, age-gap, workplace gay romance set in London and Cornwall. ♥

Celebrate the holidays with a lovely long novella full of heartfelt hurt/comfort and second chances from Con Riley, author of the much adored Charles: Learning to Love.

200 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 17, 2022

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Con Riley

25 books724 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 239 reviews
December 16, 2022
4.5***** stars

“Shall we?”
We’re chest to chest again in a mansion-block bedroom, slow dancing without music, and it’s the best thing I’ve done in London.

* :•☆ *:・゚

It's snowing right now and freaking freezing outside ❄️ so what better than to indulge in a warm and romantic Christmas read?!

And this was not only an absolutely wonderful holiday-romance, it was also somehow a love-letter to the city of London. The writing was fantastic, I could almost hear the Christmas music, feel the chill from the snow and see all decorative lights - it was so vividly described.

Highly recommended, I totally loved every moment of Ian's and Guy's journey through December in London. ☆

What really was a nice and sweet surprise was the epilogue from Guy's POV - the first time we get it.

I swear to God I’ll spend the rest of my life letting him know that I’m lucky to have him. Lucky that I had a good role model as well. One who showed me how to have Ian’s back while not fighting his battles for him.


* :•☆ *:・゚

side note: there is a little bonus available when you sign up to the author's NL. It's a very sweet addition. And I'm now looking forward to next year's holiday romance by Con Riley as it features Ian's flatmates Seb & Patrick who I already adored in this one!
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,414 reviews182 followers
November 22, 2022
Can someone steal your heart after you’ve given it away? Ian ponders this puzzle during his final few weeks in London. You see, his first love was London itself. Its vibrant culture, breathtaking beauty, and dramatic past put stars in his eyes and jelly in his knees. But according to Ian, even though he loved London, London did not love him back. He had hoped for opportunities to come knocking but only found locked doors and dead-end streets. He admits financial defeat and with a broken heart, makes plans to return to his hometown after the holidays. He has few regrets, but falling under Lito’s spell is at the top of the list. He naively thought his boss cared for him and his career when in fact, the weasel was using him the entire time. Breaking up with London is going to be hard, but leaving his roommates and best friends, Seb and Patrick, might be the final blow. Ian has always loved the holidays and what they bring, but this year appears to have nothing but sorrow. He’s like a flipped turtle, stuck and miserable. Until his last job rattles his axis and flips his world back upright again. Does the monstrous food critic actually have a heart? And can Ian’s battered chest take any more? If you know Con, you already know the answer but let me tell you, my heart grew three times finding out!

It’s interesting how we grow with stories over the years. I used to shy away from May-December romances and now, I can’t fathom why. When Guy comes into the picture, I could see him clearly. I can envision his smile lines and confident demeanor. I can feel his knowing gaze and appreciate his seasoned palate. He carries his own battle scars on his chest but his soul has faded too. And I never, not for one second, questioned his place by Ian’s side. There could have been only two years or the two decades they are that separate them and I would still think they are perfectly suited for one another. Funny how years ago, I might have questioned that.

Guy has always been full of fire. After he lost Duncan, his flames nearly burned out. Then a sassy photographer appears like a breath of fresh air. Ian blasts the simmering coals and reignites Guys’ spark. Riley does what she does best, and brings two paths together and seamlessly merges them into one. One might be longer and have more cracks in the pavement, but they join with ease. As always, I adored getting to know the main characters and was quickly smitten with the rest of the cast. I’m sure I’m not alone in my hopes that Ian’s roommates get their own story, they are too cute! And if you’re familiar with Con’s bookshelf, you will recognize several faces. Spotting old friends is one of my many favorite things about her stories. But if this is your first, you won’t be confused, I promise! Just tuck them away, as you are guaranteed to see them again sometime in another book.

I could prattle on and on, but honestly, I’d rather you go and unwrap this gift yourself. So I’ll make this quick! There’s good food, good friends, and good times. There are dark hours and promised sunrises. There are false assumptions and inaccurate impressions. There’s plenty of steam and loads of sass. The balance was on point! Ian discovers the missing key, which wasn’t for a door after all…but for his own self-worth. Guy savors the heat from burning love…he thought he’d never feel again. His Last Christmas in London is a beautiful and passionate story that shows even when all hope is lost, chance may prove otherwise.

Beware of: ALL the emotions…Con brings them. Shattered dreams and hearts are mended. And if you’ve never longed to visit the hustling-bustling city of London…make room on your bucket list, I have a sneaking suspicion you’ll want to go.

This book is for: If you’re looking to start your holiday reading, there’s no better place than this glorious romance. *sigh* Enjoy…I know you will!

Book UNfunk
November 24, 2022

This is a beautiful story about Guy, a misunderstood food critic/chef, and Ian, the much younger photographer sent to take pictures during Guy's review of a new restaurant

Ian has been beaten down by London and his bastard of an ex, who used him and stole his work. He's jaded and prepared to dislike Guy on sight, since Guy has a reputation for destroying restaurants with his "worst meal of the week" reviews.

Guy isn't the monster Ian assumes he is. Grieving his late husband, giving back to the community, Guy is one of the good guys (pun not intended; I'm American, y'all).

Highlights: age gap, slow dancing in silence, vivid imagery, unlikely love letters, sensual sex, best flatmates (are Seb and Patrick getting a story?), and a gorgeous HEA for Christmas and long after.

Close to perfect if not for: singular POV (I missed Guy's voice, which we only get in the epilogue) and immediate consummation of attraction (Guy's on his knees within ten minutes of meeting Ian; I prefer a slower burn).

Those are personal preferences though. This book is a gift.
408 reviews22 followers
November 18, 2022
My first Christmas book this year and I doubt anything can top this one.
Emotional, real, hopeful. Lovable MCs. A chance meeting that changes everything for two men. There is a 21 years age gap between them, they are at totally different stages of their lives. And yet they connect and fit together. And even if it starts as something temporary with an end date in sight, they find hope and strength to not let each other go.
Plus, great secondary characters (I need Seb and Patrick story) and a satisfying epilogue.
The story doesn't have miracles or fairy tale characters, it's magic of real life at its best

Update: just read a bonus scene offered via newsletter and loved it too 😀 there is also a note that Seb and Patrick will get a story next Christmas - I'll be so looking forward to it!
Profile Image for Melanie THEE Reader.
332 reviews45 followers
November 22, 2023
*deep sigh* I really wanted to like this! It’s an age-gap holiday romance between a photographer (Ian) and a famous food critic (Guy) who has a reputation of being a bit of a bastard (think Gordon Ramsey) This should’ve been an immediate 5 star read. Unfortunately, the execution was not great. It was wordy and the dialogue was incredibly clunky.

Profile Image for Meags.
2,282 reviews573 followers
January 13, 2024
4 Stars

Firstly, His Last Christmas in London easily wins “favourite cover” for a holiday romance this year. Just stunning!

Secondly, and perhaps shockingly, this was my very first ever experience reading a Con Riley story.

Thirdly, I was bowled over by the weight of delicious emotions this story dredged up within me. The portrayal of these characters and their time-limited relationship was simply beautiful.

I appreciated that age was but a number here as young photographer Ian and older food critic Guy hit it off in a way that felt weighted in “meant-to-be” vibes.

The prose was also stunning, and the scenery and emotions were immersive to the point I’m still thinking about this story days after finishing, which is the highest praise I can give a story.

This may have been my first time reading a Con Riley book, but I know better now and will be rectifying that with more reads in the new year.


Con Riley’s Christmas Collection

Book 1 - His Last Christmas in London (4 Stars)
Book 2 - We Only Kiss at Christmas (4.5 Stars)
Book 3 - His Until Christmas (pending…)
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,684 reviews370 followers
November 17, 2022
A swoony festive romance with loads of heart and heat

This is one of the swooniest, most romantic festive romances I've read.
It just melted all my heartstrings and gave me the loveliest warm feeling.

When Ian meets Guy it's not the best of times for him, he's facing the thought of having to go back home to Cornwall having 'failed' at his photography career in London.

Of course, there's way more to it than that, including a machiavellian former agency boss who stole Ian's work while screwing him over in other multiple ways, as well as a tale of lost love in Guy's past which means these two are both bruised and aching when they meet.

With guest appearances from characters in one of Con's other wonderful series' - see if you spot the link, I'm not spoiling it! - there's a real sense of a wider world outside the streets of the capital city and a hope that maybe there's more in the future for this pair.

As Ian and Guy stumble their way firstly into a lustful encounter, all the while thinking this could only be a short-lived fling, it's obvious that feelings are growing deeply between them.

With Ian's wonderful flatmates Patrick & Seb (yes Con I NEED their book please) doing their best to keep him in London, the days flash by in a whirlwind of dates, restaurant meet-ups for Guy's job as a critic, and an unfolding of his past with his late husband which goes a long way to explaining his closed off and seemingly cold exterior.

Of course, Ian soon learns that's all a front for one of the most kind-hearted, but vulnerable and desperately lonely men he's ever known.

Guy's nothing like the monster he's been portrayed as, but is the age gap between them too great, as well as the pending separation?

Well, you'll have to read and find out won't you, let's just say, if the ending of this book doesn't give you the biggest smile, you've got a dead zone at your centre 😉😋

I loved this book beyond words, it's just the most perfect restorative tonic for the festive season and I love seeing how it so effortlessly gives background to a scene Con's readers might just have seen in a previous book elsewhere in her back catalogue!
Profile Image for Drache.... (Angelika) .
1,161 reviews88 followers
November 5, 2023
4,25 stars.
I was pleasantly surprised by this lovely holiday romance, since I hadn't liked the author's book Charles (dnf at 45%).

Sweet characters, lots of chemistry, beautiful writing.

This is going to be a every-year-christmas - reread for sure.

Can't wait for the sequel coming out in a week!
Profile Image for ~Nicole~.
837 reviews323 followers
November 19, 2022
This was absolutely beautiful!!!! I almost forgot how good this author’s writing is . So many feelings packed in a novella gaaaah 🥹😍❤️ I loved Guy and I loved Ian and I loved Guy and Ian together. And everything about this book. I don’t think another Christmassy read will beat Con Riley’s book this year.
Profile Image for Vanna (on partial-hiatus).
697 reviews82 followers
December 23, 2022
5 Loved it Stars!! ❤️ ❤️😍 Another Christmas story that completely blew me away!! 🎄🤩 It had everything I love in a story; MCs with personality, tragic past for one and emotional baggage for the other, an almost 20 year age-gap between the two, add to that an incendiary chemistry between them and some holiday sentiment; this was a perfect holiday romance. Told from Ian's POV through-out the story, except for the epilogue; the writing was captivating with Christmas mostly in the backdrop for Ian's race against time. 💔

Play it cool with him? Fuck that. Time’s short, the clock still ticking, and I… I wish I met him so much sooner.

I haven't read any books by this author recently but really enjoyed the writing and the character development 💖 Highly recommended as one of my favs for this year's holiday books 👍👍
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,522 reviews1 follower
November 12, 2022
Oh, my goodness, that was a precious, super intense, emotional story.

Guy Parsons is a forty-five-year-old rich, famous food critic, known for his sharp reviews. When photographer Ian has to take his pics during Guy’s work, Ian is not amused or impressed on forehand.
Getting to know Guy knocked him off his feet. What a wonderful man this is. And Guy wants Ian near him. He doesn’t want him to leave London after Christmas. So he takes him with him on all his jobs, Ian is fully booked for December. They eat, and talk, take pictures, have fun, have some sexy time, and share feelings, hugely emotional, precious, so precious.

Guy stole my heart, if anyone hurt that man I will personally remove them from the earth.
Ian is much younger, broke and is everything Guy needs.
Together they are *hearts in eyes*

Breathtakingly written, super romantic story, so beautifully portrayed I got deeply emotional.
The two men and their food and photography are the best combination.
Some precious friends support these lovely guys.

Beautiful story, absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Be still my heart!!
Profile Image for Meep.
2,145 reviews212 followers
November 22, 2022
For reference I'm the original Curmudgeonly one! I balance the glitter strewn, tinsel wrapped reviews with a lacklustre show of stars. Not a grinch, I love Christmas and cosy, but Hallmark seasonal offerings often leave me feeling jaded.


The whole book is a love affair; Snowflakes, a dusting of sugar, bustle, quiet, food, friendship and a hooked nose. A romance woven around that, snuck in via bold flirting and stealth dates.

Because the love is for London, the goal and dream of life there. Ian is a photographer and captures moments, the feel of the place. I'm no city soul but felt the love.

The romance, works. There's no excessive sentiment. Guy has loved and lost, Ian had been used and brought down. But that just shapes who they are, it's not played for angst. There's snark, bold flirting, tentative looks. Honest. Looking beyond the image, hunger beyond the physical.
A simple story yet there's a depth of feels.

There's great friends, the type you want to get to know. I'll definitely grab for their book when released. And come on 'bang a bastard' should be cover script!

Christmas is the backdrop, not overplayed so Hallmark fans may wish for more.
But there's family and the requisit big gestures and I was happy.

Dromedary for all 🐪
Profile Image for Agla.
680 reviews57 followers
November 25, 2022
1.5 rounded up. I'm in the minority and it's probably me not the book but I really didn't like it. I really liked the premice but the execution, not so much. Their first meeting felt off to me, as if things were happening out of order or are just awkward. They are in a restaurant, one MC is here to review the restaurant and the other to take pictures so why on earth is the reviewer joking to the waitress that they need to go buy lube. At that point they really don't know each other and it was just cringy, inappropriate to me. Then, during their 3rd date (I think) one of my pet peeves reared its ugly head: one of the MC learns very personal information about the other MC from a third party. Then to make it worse the second MC seems to know the 1st one got the information. They also have sex twice before having major conversations (the second time before discussing the big backstory element the MC got from someone else). Finally, the relationship felt creepy. There is a huge age-gap (21years) which is not my favorite and at first the fact that they were both unbothered by it surprised and kind of annoyed me but then we learn . I just think that this author is not for me and it would have worked better if it had been a slow burn but it wasn't. Also, several reviewers lauded one MC's roommates but they also rubbed me the wrong way: they were way too much in the MC's business and the joke was that they should be a couple already which was really not it to me. What a bummer, anyway onto the next.
Profile Image for BevS.
2,794 reviews2 followers
November 23, 2022
If you only read one Xmas tale this year, make it this one!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ all the way for this delightful Christmassy read ❄️🎄🇬🇧❄️🎄🇬🇧 from Con. Set against a backdrop of London with snow [as opposed to slush 😉] in the run up to Christmas Day, it was a heartwarming tale with 2 made-for-each-other leads, a catch-up with my fave character from His Haven and a very well deserved HEA 🤞 for Ian and Guy. This is the 3rd story Con Riley has on my Best of 2022 bookshelf. Many thanks Con and Merry Xmas!!
Profile Image for Claudie ☾.
547 reviews167 followers
December 11, 2022
Yes, I’ve read a Christmas novella. No, I haven’t been abducted by aliens. 🙈

It was ok — teeth-achingly sweet and wholesome, true, but not bad — and it also made me remember why I don’t read holiday-themed stories as a rule. So let’s just call this an anomaly and move on, ok?
Profile Image for TrippyBooks.
871 reviews349 followers
December 10, 2022
The romance was a sweet & swoony age gap but it just kinda seemed a bit dry to me. It was super short though so it didnt drag but im not sure if the writing style just wasnt for me.

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️
Profile Image for Rin (hiatus).
573 reviews28 followers
November 19, 2022
This little book is absolutely beautiful. I’ve always loved Con’s writing, but having the ability to pack so much beauty and emotion into one little book takes real talent. Her writing just stands above most, and I am glad for it. These characters were SO vivid and the descriptions of everything in this, from the people to the food to the photos and all of the emotions surrounding all of it… were so intense and lovely. This book checked all the boxes yet remains outside of a trope because frankly, it’s too good for tropes. This is adult writing. This is someone who puts real thought into what they’re putting on page and I absolutely adored every single word. This will be a re-read and if I can get it in paperback, I will.
Profile Image for Trio.
3,287 reviews182 followers
January 8, 2023
What a sweet story! Guy is such an intriguing character, and getting to know him only through Ian's observations, well, Con Riley does an absolutely beautiful job with His Last Christmas in London.

I love how all those photography descriptions are blended into the storyline, clever and really nicely written.
Profile Image for Caz.
2,910 reviews1,093 followers
December 12, 2022
I've given this an A- at AAR, 4.5 stars rounded up.

Romance novellas are very often hit-and-miss for me. Truth be told, the majority of them ‘miss’, usually because the characters and relationship are underdeveloped, so I generally approach with caution. But every so often, a novella or ‘shorter novel’ comes along that defies my expectations – and I’m pleased to say that Con Riley’s His Last Christmas in London did exactly that. It’s a lovely, poignant and sensual age-gap romance that hit me right in the feels and left me sighing happily when I finished it.

Twenty-four-year-old Ian Fisher has decided it’s time to give up on his dream of making a living as a freelance photographer in London and take a secure short-term job back home in Cornwall. It’s going to be a massive wrench; he loves the city and he loves his two flatmates, Seb and Patrick, but he’s making next to nothing thanks to his arsehole of a former boss – and former lover – who is holding out on giving him a reference after Ian realised the guy had been gaslighting him for ages and passing Ian’s work off as his own, and left both his employ and his bed. His confidence in his abilities has been severely shaken, and without the reference, it’s proving next to impossible for Ian to get any work, so he’s resorted to selling off some of his equipment just so he can afford his rent, even though Seb and Patrick have said they’ll spot him until he starts earning again. But Ian doesn’t want to be a drain on them, and decides it’s time to face facts, suck it up and take the six-month teaching contract he’s been offered while he works out what his next move should be.

Doing a favour for his ex is the last thing Ian wants to do, so when Lito Dixon – who is clearly partying – calls and asks Ian to “go and take some food shots” for a high-profile client, Ian’s first instinct is to say no. But realising Lito is desperate, Ian demands both his reference and three times his usual fee – it’ll keep him afloat for a little while longer – and when Lito begrudingly agrees, Ian takes the job.

Guy Parsons is a well-known restaurant critic whose reviews have often been labelled as “career-ending” and “business crushing”. Still smarting from just having to deal with one utter bastard, Ian is in little mood to deal with another, and arrives at the restaurant predisposed to dislike Parsons on sight. When he arrives, he can’t help noticing how very striking the man is – with his flow of dark hair and warm, dark eyes – and is even thrown by the hostess’ description of him as “lovely”, which Ian decides must be just a front he maintains before going in for the kill. He wastes no time in making his opinion of Guy perfectly clear when he arrives at the table, but the wind is taken out of his sails when Guy calmly (and somewhat mischievously) plays up to the hostess’ assumption that they’re a couple. Confused and surprised at the powerful attraction he’s feeling for the other man, Ian slowly lets go of his preconceptions as Guy proves himself to be funny, charming and insightful – anything but a bastard, in fact – insisting Ian joins him for dinner, giving helpful advice to the new proprietors of the restaurant, and showing genuine concern for Ian and a real appreciation for his talent.

The chemistry between Ian and Guy simply leaps off the page, the intense current of attraction running between them from the moment Ian sits down growing even stronger through the meal. It’s as though this… thing… between them has taken on a life of its own, neither of them quite believing they’re about to do what they’re about to do as they race back to Guy’s flat. For ‘dessert’.

Lito calls the next morning, angry that Guy has requested Ian for the remainder of his pre-Christmas photo shoots, but Guy is a prestigious client and Lito has to go along with it. This affords Ian a short reprieve before he has to leave London, and he determines to make the most of it – hopefully, with Guy. Ian told Guy he would be leaving London soon, so whatever is happening between them comes with an expiry date, but at least they both know where they stand. Over the assignments and the days and weeks that follow, Ian gets to know the real Guy, the Guy who knows his way around a kitchen and is free with his help and advice, the Guy who is an excellent listener, the Guy who is kind, funny, thoughtful, and possessed of a true generosity of spirit – the Guy who is just emerging from the stark grief of losing of his husband three years earlier. This Guy is a man Ian can’t help wanting to know more of, to spend more time with – a man he could even love… but that expiry date is looming.

This is a poignant and gorgeously romantic story about finding true love in the most unexpected of places, about second chances and about finding what, who and where you’re meant to be. I was so glad to know that Guy’s marriage was a very happy one (so often in romances the previous partner was a shit) and I loved the parallels the author draws between that relationship – Guy’s husband was a lot older than him when they first met – and Guy’s relationship with Ian, with Guy now the older man offering support and understanding, knowing that what Ian needs is someone to have his back, but not to fight his battles for him. The imbalances that come with a twenty year age gap (the established career and economic security are all on one side) are not ignored, but they truly don’t matter as much as what these two men have to offer each other or what they come to mean to one another, with Guy helping Ian to re-kindle his confidence and belief in his abilities and Ian reminding Guy what it’s like to feel truly valued and bringing love and light back into his life.

His Last Christmas in London bowled me over in much the same way Ian and Guy bowl each other over. Their romance is beautifully written and utterly swoonworthy, and the strong, passionate emotional connection that develops between them is superbly drawn. They’re likeable, engaging characters with plenty of depth snd real, rounded personalities, and the London setting is perfectly and vividly described through Ian’s photographer’s eye. The handful of secondary characters – especially Seb and Patrick – are strongly realised, and I loved the little ‘Easter Egg’ throwbacks to His Haven. Warm, touching, funny and sexy, it’ll make you smile, will bring a tear to the eye in the best of ways, and is the perfect book to cuddle up with on a grey winter’s afternoon.
Profile Image for Ana  Nimity.
1,113 reviews63 followers
November 2, 2022
I'm so in love with the way Con Riley writes. Just gorgeous prose, with wit and heart and heat.

This novella felt like a full read to me. It was just the right length, though certainly I wouldn't mind seeing this lovely couple again. Ian and Guy just fit together so well, despite all their differences. I love that Con didn't take the easy way out - no spoilers, you'll see when you get there - to manufacture a premature HEA.

My favorite line in the book, though, has nothing to do with the romance. Ian's a photographer, and gets asked about his Nikon camera. When he gets back to Guy, there's this gem:

"'Canon fans.' I shrug. 'They're the Jehovah's Witnesses of the camera world. Always looking for new converts.'"

As a Nikon aficionado, I found that endlessly amusing. Non-camera buffs may not get as much of a kick out of it as I did.

There's also this lovely bit, "Real life's messy and difficult, but it goes on, even if it's in a different direction than you expected." I almost never include quotes in my reviews, but at this time of the year, it just hits that way.

You don't have to have read anything by Con before, but if you have, you may recognize some of the side characters. London is also a character in the story, and it made my heart ache to see the city at Christmastime, snow or no snow.

If you're looking for a short read that packs a lot of nuance and emotion between its pages, I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for julia.
946 reviews151 followers
December 1, 2022
“Real life’s messy and difficult but it goes on, even if it’s in a different direction than you expected.”

his last christmas gave me all the holiday feels i was looking for 🥹
Profile Image for Aimee Nicole Walker.
Author 63 books1,893 followers
November 26, 2023
I absolutely adored this book! Con Riley has a magical way with words, painting each scene and character with vivid strokes. Ian and Guy are the best kind of odd couple, bringing out the best in one another. Their story was deeply emotional without being overly anxious. It was a joy to devour. I loved Ian’s flatmates and was so excited to learn that Patrick and Seb get their story next! I downloaded it immediately!
Profile Image for Zaza.
1,730 reviews36 followers
December 21, 2022
C'est la honte, je n'ai jamais écrit d'avis pour ce livre, sachant qu'habituellement je suis du genre à écrire dès le livre terminé. J'aurais voulu écrire sous le coup de l'émotion, c'est donc complètement raté, mais je me résous à enfin jeter quelques mots sur ce livre que j'ai tant aimé.
Pourquoi ai-je aimé ?
J'ai aimé la plume si particulière, si ciselée de Con Riley. Ce n'est assurément pas une autrice faite pour tout le monde, mais moi, je fais partie de celles et ceux qui sont amoureuses de cette plume poétique, exigeante et tellement riche.
J'ai aimé cette rencontre entre ces deux hommes, le développement de leur relation, avec cette épée de Damoclès au-dessus de leur tête, cette attirance incroyable qui naît puis grandit entre eux. C'est beau, fragile, émouvant.
J'ai aimé cette présence si forte de la cuisine et de la photo, cette alliance des passions respectives des deux personnages, ça ancre le récit dans le réel, j'ai adoré ça.
J'ai aimé aussi les personnages secondaires, que ce soit l'entourage de Guy ou les merveilleux amis de Ian ...

J'ai tout aimé dans ce livre, Con Riley a écrit un vrai bijou, aussi fragile que précieux, le genre de roman qui marque mon parcours de lectrice et qui conservera une place toute particulière dans mon coeur.
Profile Image for KaylaMarie.
128 reviews7 followers
November 20, 2023
✰4.25 stars✰

Okay, all the heart eyes coming from me here.

Ian was feeling so incredibly down on his luck and like London wasn’t the right place for him and I can completely relate to that. Living in a city you want to love but just can’t because it doesn’t feel like it loves you back? That freaking blows, ya’ll.

Ian meets Guy and suddenly things in London aren’t so bad and when he starts to see the beauty of the city and how it doesn’t have to chew you up and spit you out, I fell in love with that feeling. It was like one giant love letter to the holidays, the city of London, falling in love, photography, and food.

The dancing in the bedroom, the backdrop of snow and city lights, the ‘non-date dates’ that are totally Guy trying to do things Ian loves… it’s all just lovely.

This book makes you feel good and want to spend the holidays with the people you love. Definitely recommend. And if you live somewhere where you can read it while it’s snowing—do it!
Profile Image for Marthea.
872 reviews7 followers
November 26, 2022
Piękna, dojrzała, przemyślana, świąteczna historia.

Ian - 24-letni fotograf, przyjechał do Londynu dwa lata wcześniej. Zachwycony, zachłyśnięty, pełen nadziei. Kocha to miasto, ale okazało się, że ono nie kocha jego. Przeżuło go i wypluło. Został wykorzystany tyle razy przez swojego byłego szefa/nie-chłopaka - został okradziony przez niego z niejednej pracy, podkopana została jego pewność siebie, wiara w swój talent. Stracił zaufanie do ludzi i w swój własny osąd. Tylko dawał. Ale ileż można dawać, nie otrzymując nic w zamian? Po dwóch latach powiedział dość - bez grosza przy duszy, bez pracy, bez żadnej już nadziei, zdecydował się na powrót do rodzinnej Kornwalii. Zostało mu tylko ostatnie zlecenie od byłego szefa/nie-chłopaka...

Guy - 45-letni krytyk kulinarny. Znany, ceniony i budzący trwogę, choć zawsze szczery w swoim osądzie. Od trzech lat - odkąd stracił swojego dużo starszego męża - żyjący rutyną, usiłujący przeżyć po prostu dzień po dniu. Jego recenzje straciły swoją unikalność - od trzech lat właściwie tylko krytykuje jedzenie, nie zwraca uwagi na ludzi, na otoczenie - co zawsze było jego mocną stroną i sprawiało, że jego recenzje były jedyne w swoim rodzaju. Stara się dorównać reputacji potwora, który wyłania się z nich. To łatwiejsze, niż pokazać ludziom swój ból, swoją bezbronność, swoją dobroć. Ale na swojej drodze spotyka Iana - i cud świąteczny się zdarza...

Jasne - mamy tutaj insta love/lust - w końcu to świąteczna opowieść, a w nich rzadko jest inaczej, ale jednocześnie spokojnie można określić tę książkę jako slow-burn. Nietypowe połączenie, ale świetnie zgrane w tej historii. Jest złe nastawienie i osądzenie nawet przed pierwszym spotkaniem - ale jest również bicie się w piersi po tym, jak okazuje się, że pod mocno siedzącą maską jest zupełnie inny człowiek. Wart poznania. Jest stopniowe przywracanie wiary w ludzi. Jest pomoc w odnalezieniu radości i celowości życia. Jest druga szansa - na prawdziwą miłość i miłość do tego, co się robi. Czasami tylko trzeba zrobić krok wstecz, który wydaje się porażką, a który tak naprawdę pcha Cię tylko do przodu.

Jedyne co na minus, to brakowało mi POV Guya - dostajemy go tylko w epilogu, a ja bym chciała więcej 😉 I nie mogę się doczekać historii współlokatorów Iana - Seba i Patricka, bo skradli moje serducho już tutaj 😁

Podobało mi się, naprawdę 💙
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,295 reviews386 followers
November 7, 2022
If you're familiar with Con Riley's writing, even though this one was meant to be a holiday story, His Last Christmas in London is full of depth. Ian and Guy met when Ian about to leave London, reluctantly doing his last gig for his ungrateful boss.
Ian's first impression of Guy didn't really full of flowers and glitter.
Guy is the man Ian should avoid in a first place.
Or he thought so.

Until he gets to know Guy. The 'real' Guy Parsons, who's actually and angel.
Guy reminds me of Hugo, a main character from Charles. He's quiet, and thoghtful.
Ian can't help himself but slowly falling for him.

His Last Christmasin London, was a beautiful story about finding your true love, a second chance of love and the meaning of your purpose in life.
I read this in one sitting and loved the moment I was finishing this low angst, romantic story last night.
Profile Image for ML.
1,365 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2022
Ian has hit a rough patch. Can he afford to stay in London for Christmas? He gets one last assignment that changes his life forever.

Guy is a food critic that is a bit misunderstood. This story is told mainly from Ian’s POV but you really feel Guy’s personality coming through for the whole story ARC. There are Easter eggs buried that fans of Con Riley’s previous books will love.

The end was super gratifying and I love their Christmas love story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 239 reviews

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