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The book is by JOHN NAISBITT and it is an older work of his entitled MEGATRENDS. The significance of the book is not in its particular positions, but its ...
For more information about Modern Futurism see The Future File (1978) by Paul Dickson and an excellent older book by Alvin Toffler called The Futurists (1972).
Apr 12, 2020 · 1. Analytic Futurism: What will very possibly happen in the future? This kind of prediction is like what John Naisbitt did in his masterpiece ...
The early modern futurists, such as Ossip K. Flechtheim and Bertrand De Jouvenel who in the years after World War II advocated going beyond capitalism and ...
The dominant theoretical framework of the Iranian intellectual thought during the post-WWII period has been the Marxist perspective. But still the Iranian ...
The main work of WFS was Analytic Futurism, which is actually the work of sociologists and forecasters in modern science and Megatrends, a book by John Naisbitt ...
By Michael Marien. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 23 No. 1, Winter 1983 7-15. Association for Humanistic Psychology [http://www.ahpweb.org]
Sep 3, 2012 · Authors such as Alvin Toffler and John Naisbitt followed Bell's model. Toffler called post-industrial society a 'third wave' that followed ...
In Modern times, most democratic societies adopted representational democracy, which simply put, means that people elect their representatives, ...
In other words, parliament in the Modern times has been almost equivalent to the legislative branch of government. Only a few occasions like referenda of France ...