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Goodyear Launches Solar Power to Reduce Carbon Footprint at Malaysia Production Site

Goodyear Solar Power

6,680 solar panels were installed by Goodyear Malaysia to power and reduce carbon footprint in its corporate office and production plant in Shah Alam.

Goodyear Strives to Reduce Environmental Impact

The Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change, Yeo Bee Yin, recently officiated the launch of Goodyear Malaysia’s one of the biggest sustainability initiatives, the installation of 6,680 solar panels to power and reduce carbon footprint in its corporate office and production plant in Shah Alam. Goodyear says this is in line with its global mission to drive sustainability and reduce environmental impact.

Ramon Le, Director of Manufacturing Operations for Goodyear Asia Pacific, said: “For more than 120 years, Goodyear has helped people connect with the ones they love, the places they dream about and a world of possibilities. As a leading tyre manufacturer globally, we are aware of the potential impact from our business operations on our environment, which is why we are embarking multiple initiatives to protect our people, consumers and the planet.

To drive more sustainability efforts, we started a programme called ‘Better Future’ at the corporate level several years ago. Through this programme, we identified more than 600 energy efficiency projects that focus on environmental protection. For Malaysia alone, we invested nearly US$5.7 million into the plant as part of our energy and environmental sustainability efforts since 2015. Through this effort, we eliminated almost 17 per cent carbon emissions by end 2018,” Ramon added.

The solar panel system is capable of producing 2.5 megawatts of power daily and connected to six Low Voltage (LV) substations located within the plant. These panels are responsible for powering the manufacturing plant as well as the office and warehouse buildings.

The structure includes solar modules, inverters, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), alternating current and direct current cable works, allowing for greater fluidity and control over the accumulated power. With this technology in place, Goodyear looks set to reduce its spending on electricity while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Each panel is made of 375W Bifacial Monocrystalline Perc Double Glass Solar Modules, capable of reducing electricity costs. The panels are estimated to reduce 1,980,433.37 kilogrammes of carbon emissions per year across 25 years.

“The solar panels allow us to significantly reduce the amount of electricity that we use. Currently, we are still purchasing electricity from Tenaga Nasional but once this system is fully optimised, we expect that we would have excess electricity that would be channelled back to the grid,” concluded Le.



马来西亚能源、科学、科技、环境及气候变化部长杨美盈近日为马来西亚固特异的其中一项最大的可持续性措施主持发布会,固特异在其工厂屋顶安装上6,680 个太阳能发电系统,以降低其沙亚南公司和厂房的碳足迹。

固特异亚太区制造营运总监乐毅(Ramon Le)表示:“120多年以来,固特异一直在协助人们与他们所爱的人、梦想的地方及充满可能性的世界产生联系。作为全球的轮胎制造业领袖,我们意识到公司的业务营运对环境带来的潜在冲击,而这正是我们采取多项举措来保护人们、消费者及地球的原因。”

“为了推动更多的可持续性努力,我们在几年前开始了一个称为‘更好未来’的项目。透过该项目,我们确定了超过600个高效节能的计划来保护地球。自2015年以来,单单马来西亚工厂,我们就投资了570万美元,作为我们可持续性能源及环保努力的一部分。 通过这个努力,我们在2018年年底消除了约17%的碳排放。”他补充说。



每一个电板是由375瓦太阳能电池片双层玻璃太阳能组件(Bifacial Monocrystalline Perc Double Glass Solar Modules)制成,可降低电力成本。该太阳能电板在25年里能够每年减少1,980,433.37 公斤的碳排放。


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