Vitamin K2 is necessary for bone health

Experts and many ordinary people know the association of calcium with bone health. Nevertheless, few know the significance of Vitamin K. It is among the essential nutrients for osteocalcin production. This protein hormone helps bind calcium to bones. It’s indigenous to the bone’s organic ECM. New bone assembly is impossible with no appropriate scaffolding framework. Why? It won't have the proper form or strength.

Fat-soluble Vitamin K is naturally present in two forms, namely K1 and K2. 

Vitamin K1

Another name for Vitamin K1 is phylloquinone. It is present in green leafy vegetables. How about examples? They are broccoli, spinach, and kale. It is also present in fruits. Examples? Kiwi and avocado. Another source of this vitamin is vegetable oils. Examples are olive oil, soybean, and canola.

Vitamin K2 

According to the side chains present, several subtypes of Vitamin K2 exist. MK4 and MK7 are the most prominent among them. 

Some human body tissues, like the pancreas, artery walls, and testes, can create MK4 from vitamin K1. 

However, some bacteria species in the gut are essential to creating MK7 from vitamin K1.

MK4 has no plant sources, and MK7 cannot be called nature vitamins as its sole plant-based source is natto beans. 

The contribution of Vitamin K2 to bone health

The medical world is still discovering the definite function or functions of MK7. However, studies indicate that it can change proteins in bone structure.

Studies indicate that MK4 considerably lessens the possibility of fractures. 

Studies show that Vitamin K2 stops Osteoporosis and fractures in certain conditions. Examples are anorexia nervosa, PMO and people who take corticosteroids.

Osteoporosis is a low bone mass condition caused by a progressive loss of bone mineral density. The result of loss of bone mineral density is fragile bones and more possibility of incapacitating fractures. An example is a hip fracture. 

Some studies revealed that ladies consuming more vitamin K had significantly less possibility of hip fracture.

According to studies, Vitamin K2 is the only form of Vitamin K that helps bone health in the above conditions. 

It is also essential for dental health

As we have discussed, vitamin K2 is crucial for calcium metabolism. Thus, health specialists consider it an indispensable nutrient for good dental health.

Besides bones and teeth health, Vitamin K2 has several health benefits.

Vitamin K2 deficiency

Vitamin K2 is necessary for the general of everyone. But, some people have more need for it than others. For one, vitamin K2 deficiency is likely in people who have been on broad-spectrum antibiotics for an extended time. This practice can destroy good gut bacteria and ultimately cause vitamin K2 deficiency. Another example is people consuming Statin medicine or antacids for quite long. Who are the people prone to vitamin K deficiency? They include people with certain Small Intestine conditions, fat malabsorption, and cholestatic liver disease.

An excellent Vitamin supplement for bone health

Vitamin K2 + D3 + A from Natural factors is a great vitamin supplement for bone and teeth health. These vitamins work synergistically. 

This health supplement has MK-7 sourced from natto beans Cholecalciferol for vitamin D3 Palmitate for vitamin A. It

  • Promotes the growth of bones and teeth and helps maintain healthy bones and teeth

  • Facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus for bodily use

  • Promotes eye health

  • Prevents vitamin D deficiency

Several natural factors vitamins are available in natural health stores like


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