Manya Group
Manya Group
Comprehensive Immigration Reforms Planned

U.S. Government, basis the new reforms is planning to increase the total number of high-skilled visas, including the H-1B, and eliminating the limit on employment-based visas by country, both steps are expected to benefit tens of thousands of aspiring Indian professionals.

As per the new policy document – “High skilled temporary visas should not be used to disincentivise recruiting workers already in the US for in-demand occupations. An immigration system that crowds out high-skilled workers in favour of only entry-level wages and skills threatens American innovation and competitiveness,”

The document further mentions that it is believed that foreign graduates of a US doctoral programme should be given a green card with their degree and that losing these highly trained workers to foreign economies is a disservice to our own economic competitiveness,”

The new administration plans to create a new visa category allowing cities and counties to petition for higher levels of immigrants to support their economic growth. The holders of these visas would be required to work and reside in the city or county that petitioned for them, and would be subject to the same certification protections as other employment-based immigrants.

“Others simply struggle to attract a productive workforce and innovative entrepreneurs. The new Government will support a programme to allow any county or municipal executive of a large or midsize county or city to petition for additional immigrant visas to support the region’s economic development strategy, provided employers in those regions certify there are available jobs, and that there are no workers to fill them,” the document said.

All these are part of a comprehensive immigration reform that the new administration plans to work on, either in one go or in separate pieces.

Certainly, this means that the American dream is alive for deserving Indian students & professionals.

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Session Highlights
  • Expanding the Number of High-Skilled Visas
  • Eliminating the Limits on Employment-based Visas by Country
  • Remove Cap on recent Graduates of PhD Programmes in STEM
  • New Visa Category to allow Cities & Counties to Petition for Higher Levels of Immigrants
  • Work Permits to the Spouses of H-1B Visas
  • Other Relevant Reforms.
Our Esteemed Speakers
Sudhanshu Kaushik
Executive Director
North American Association of Indian Students (NAAIS)
New York
Ms. Aradhana Mahna
Managing Director
Manya Education
Who Should Attend?
  • Students Aspiring to go to US for Higher Studies (UG, PG & PhD.)
  • Working Professionals Aspiring to go to US for Higher Studies
  • Parents of Students who are Aspiring to send their Children to US for Higher Studies.
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  • The largest global partner with The Princeton Review (TPR), USA.
  • A leading service provider offering education related services encompassing test preparation, admissions consulting services and language & communication training.
  • End-to-end services portfolio includes career counselling, profiling, short-listing of colleges & universities, standardised test preparation, development of competitive applications, financial & scholarship counselling, interview preparation, visa counselling, and pre-departure orientation.
  • Institutional partners include Cambridge University Press (CUP), British Council, IDP, Credila, Avanse, to name a few.
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