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I met my dream girl.
That’s right. She’s stunning and the worst bartender I’ve ever seen.
I should have gone home and gone to sleep—dream girl or not. I had an early morning and the season was starting soon. But when she threatened me with boy band karaoke I couldn't help myself. I went. The stars aligned.
I have never felt more alive or wanted anyone more than I want her.
When it’s time for me to head on my annual pre-season boys trip, I barely let her go.
It’s been a week and I can’t stop thinking about her.
Except there she is. Right here at the Wildcat’s kickoff party.
And as luck would have it, my dream girl is the coach’s youngest daughter.
But everyone knows the coach’s daughter is off limits. Right?

Wildcat is a full-length sports romance with a hot-as-puck hero, the coach’s daughter, and an unfortunate case of mistaken identity.

388 pages, ebook

Published December 14, 2021

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About the author

Rebecca Jenshak

54 books4,158 followers
Rebecca Jenshak is a new adult romance author.
Sign up for her newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/rebecca...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,107 reviews
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,323 reviews2,039 followers
December 21, 2021

A quick, safe, sweet read.

Leo was such a great guy. I want a Leo too.
The heroine was a bit too wishy washy with the whole - I want you but I don’t/can’t - eventually I warmed up to her though. I liked her being portrayed as someone who is still figuring it out professionally. It’s not realistic that all 21 year olds know what they want and achieve success in 6 months.
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,790 reviews371 followers
December 14, 2021
Everything else feels insignificant without this. Without her.

What an awesome start to another sports romance series from Ms. Jenshak. Is it too soon to say that I’m obsessed with every single player on the Wildcats and every single side character that was in this book? 😅 Probably, but I’m doing it anyway. *orders wildcats jersey*

So if you’ve read Wild Love, then you’ve probably met some of the characters in this story. If you haven’t, you’re good because this book FULLY stands alone and there really is no catching up necessary, you can dive right in.

I fell in love with the hero in this story so quickly. He’s so sweet, but still hot and possessive of his heroine. The heroine was amazing too. She was so incredibly relatable for so many reasons. She’s still figuring her life out and how she’s going to do what she wants to do. She just recently got out of a long term relationship, but when she meets the hero something undeniable just sparks between them. Yes, there’s a bit of angst. Some because she’s the coaches daughter and he’s a player, but there’s a bit more that gets in the way of their love blossoming. These two definitely make some mistakes along the way, but their love is so worth every bump in the road.

All that said, this book is a super sweet sports romance. The Wildcats team is already such an awesome found family and it’s only book one. I can’t wait to read more in this world and follow the rest of the players as they get their HEAs!

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Profile Image for literaryelise.
405 reviews124 followers
January 25, 2023
had approximately as much tension as the decades old hair band sitting in the drawer of your bathroom vanity
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,400 reviews1,470 followers
December 15, 2021
5 Stars!
(ARC provided by Valentine PR)


Leo Lohan is a professional hockey player in the NHL and the star forward for the Minnesota Wildcats. He lives and breathes hockey without much free time since he went pro. The new season is about to kick off, and that means it’s time for their yearly team party. He’s shocked when he is introduced to his coach’s youngest daughter, and it’s the one girl he hasn’t been able to quit thinking about. He spent an evening with her that was unforgettable. His dream girl was fun and sexy, and now she’s also complicated.

Scarlett is twenty one and still trying to figure out her life. She’s unemployed, lives with her parents, and is supposed to be in her sophomore year of college. Nothing is going as planned, even the new guy that makes her smile just thinking about him. She banned dating athletes, but there is more to her hot Leo than she knows. When she learns he should be off limits to her will she be able to stay away and keep her distance?


-The way Leo looks at me always sets me on fire.

-His kisses are all-consuming and the only thought in my head is more.


Wildcats (Wildcats Hockey #1) by Rebecca Jenshak is a sexy, coach’s daughter, mistaken identity, forbidden sports romance full of humor, drama and a sweet super swoony hockey player. I absolutely adored everything about Leo Lohan! He completely stole my heart! <333 I devoured this story and can’t wait for more books in this fantastic series!


Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
1,980 reviews903 followers
December 14, 2021
Swoony and sexy, heartfelt and fun- Wildcat is so delightfully adorable! What a fantastic beginning to the Wildcat Hockey world- I am simply obsessed with this couple!

Our namesake character, our Wildcat heroine is hands down my favorite RJ heroine EVER. I’m seriously madly in love with her- she’s just so special, so unique, so relatable and so fun. She’s an unapologetic “mess”- and like, same girl. We’ve all been in her shoes, and I loved watching figure herself out. Working through her “mess” and learning to embrace that she beats to her own drum. Not only do we get an epic love story with her and Leo, but this is also really her love story with her life- her building her OWN path for herself after huge stepbacks, heartbreak, and detours. Her character voice is SO brilliant and perfectly captured- I feel like I know her so well. I loved all her relationships with her family, the specificity to her, her humour and sass, her vulnerability, her ridiculousness, her boldness with Leo. She’s so well rounded and dynamic as a character- and I found myself giddy every time I got to embody her mind. She’s just the best.

And Leo- well SWOOOOOOOOOON. All RJ heroes have a swoony factor, but Leo is just so easy to fall for. He’s loyal, fun, affable, and kind- a reformed casual relationship guy who has found his dream girl and GOES HARD to win her, even though she’s the coach’s daughter. He's so dreamy, and all his sweet moments where he's figuring out how to get the girl are just so endearing. But I loved most just how supportive he is of Scarlet- he cherishes her “mess,” he has her back and lifts her up. And their chemistry is heart and panty melting. They fall so easily together. They help each other shine. The connection is both authentic AND fun- I just loved watching them flirt and bond so much. AND THEY ARE ALSO FIRE IN THE SHEETS!

With every new series, RJ gets better and better, and this series starter has me SUPER excited for this Wildcat series. Not only do we get to spend some QT with my favorite RJ hero, but the Wildcats are hysterical and fascinating. I’m melting for each of them already, and I can’t wait to get all of their stories! I'm still desperate for Jack, but Ash now has my heart. he dynamic is great, each has a bit of mystery or personality dynamic that I want to break down more. I’m over the moon that I get to spend more time in this fantastic new Wildcat world- I have a feeling, it’s going to be my new favorite place to be.

Profile Image for Jessica .
2,267 reviews14.9k followers
March 21, 2023
This was such a fun forbidden hockey romance! The hero and heroine meet not knowing who each other are and have a really hot night together. Little do they know, she's the hockey coach's daughter. And he plays for that coach. I really loved how the hero fell so hard and fast for the heroine. She was definitely harder to sway to give him a chance, but they had such a cute relationship! Lots of forced proximity because the heroine is working for her dad and has to be around the hero a lot. And we get some hockey!

I really enjoyed this first book and can't wait to continue on in the series!
Profile Image for SzarlottaSzott.
304 reviews41 followers
May 16, 2023
Where is the romance? The couple gets together within the first few pages and from that moment on the heroine is just playing hard to get. The only disadvantages of the hero seem to be being rich and famous because he is doing everything right while the heroine cannot do anything apart from being attractive.
Profile Image for Caitlin.
347 reviews2,825 followers
December 9, 2021
I officially want Leo to call me "dream girl"

Wildcat was the perfect hockey romance and I couldn't put it down. If you're looking for a hockey romance with a forbidden aspect that will have you grinning from start to finish, Wildcat is perfect for you!

This book follows Leo, a hockey player, and Scarlett, a girl just home from a year abroad trying to find her way in the world. They meet at a bar and instantly sparks fly and they spend the night together. The next time they see each other they realise that Scarlett is the daughter of Leo's hockey coach, which means she's off limits. But Scarlett and Leo can't deny the feelings they have for each other.

WOW this book!! It's been so long since I thoroughly enjoyed a hockey romance but Wildcat was so fun. It has me grinning throughout the whole book and I couldn't put it down at all. They are the most perfect couple. Leo is the perfect book boy who literally adored Scarlett. (I want my own Leo) Scarlett was a sweetheart, watching her try to achieve her dreams was so fun to read.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for Aviva’s Library.
282 reviews3,749 followers
June 16, 2022
By the time I got to the end of the book I realized that all the signs were there right from the start that this wasn’t gonna be for me - but I was too oblivious to realize it in the moment and therefore read the entire book even while I was thinking about DNFing it every other page.

There were so many things about this story that didn’t work for me. The plot was super basic and kind of boring. The characters felt very 2d and childish. There were a lot of cringy moments - like when they would keep calling each other ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’ (are you 12? 🤦🏼‍♀️) - and when he overused the nickname ‘dream girl’ (🥴) - there were more than just those things but it doesn’t really matter - basically just everything about this story, I didn’t love.

I think there are a ton hockey romances out there that are much better than this one and i don’t mean to go all ham on this book (especially if you were someone who enjoyed it) but it didn’t work for me and I wouldn’t recommend wasting your time on it.

Pick up an Off Campus/Briar U book if you’re in that sort of mood - this just felt like a super watered down/basic version of The Risk (briar u book two) which has a similar setup - but was way better
Profile Image for Rose.
423 reviews1,117 followers
November 24, 2022
4.75⭐️ My favorite hockey romance of all time. I love the boy obsessed trope and Leo Lohan was the definition of that. I absolutely adored Scarlett and Leo together. They are the definition of soulmates. The only reason I didn’t rate this 5 stars is because there was no epilogue, other than that I LOVED IT!!

“I’m not an artist, but loving Scarlett feels like a masterpiece and i’m just getting started.” 💛
December 27, 2021
**4.2/5 stars**

I really enjoyed this book. It had the setup for the overuse of tropes and actually didn't go that route. Something that I appreciate a lot when I read a romance story is when the authors make the female side characters non-toxic. Too often, they use the easy trope that women are conniving and mean, and I'm always happily surprised when I see more female friendships that don't involve snatching weaves, clawing eyeballs and backstabbing for a guy.

“He catches my eye and butterflies swarm in my stomach. Wait, no, I’m pretty sure that’s just hunger pains.”-Scarlett

If this is not a mood lmao

I added Leo as a book-boyfriend because he was flawless...or well, flawless even in his imperfections. He was so devoted and besotted with Scarlett. The first minute he saw her, he knew he wanted her and he pursued her hard, determined to make her his. It was mentioned that in his early years of being a professional hockey player, he let the fame get to his head, and would have a lot of partying and hookups but that after learning his lesson because of some scandals, he's been pretty much celibate and focusing on hockey; rarely ever hooking up. So when he meets Scarlett he wasn't seeing anyone for a while, and never was serious with any of them. He was so romantic with Scarlett, so nice and observant...and very much trying to woo her the whole time. It was delectable to read.

“I know it makes me an ass, but I’m really glad your date was a disaster.”-Leo

As for Scarlett, because of her recent breakup that left her on the fence with men (athletes in particular), she pushes Leo away, his attempts at wooing her slowly getting to her. Her pushing didn't really bother me. I thought it was nice to have a heroine not falling at the hero's feet right away. She stood her ground, and he respected her but was still trying. It was beautiful to see him so devoted to her, so interested. There was no doubt of Leo's feelings for her, and I don't blame her for slowly falling for him, letting him in. It all made sense. She was a fairly strong girl, a bit clumsy in the beginning, a bit naive near the end, which caused some slight drama but I didn't mind it much.

“She’s either going to be pleasantly surprised or run out the door. Here’s hoping she’s wearing heels, so I can catch her if she chooses the second option.”-Leo

There wasn't many sex scenes in this book. The steam wasn't super high, not many details but it didn't bother me at all. I think Scarlett and Leo's chemistry was still very much there. The way their relationship developed was very sweet and natural.

“Everything else is bullshit. I just want to talk to my girl.”-Leo

✔️HFN/HEA? +Bonus
✔️Dual POV
✔️No cheating
✔️No OW/ Slight OM
✔️Slow burn
✔️Push and pull
✔️Short separation/drama
🔥 Steam level:2/5

I think I will definitely read more from this author. Pleasantly surprised!
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,213 reviews861 followers
June 16, 2023
3.5 stars! Wildcat is the first book in Rebecca Jenshak’s Wildcat Hockey series and I’ve been wanting to give this series a try for a while. This is a contemporary, hockey romance series and this one is a bit forbidden cause she’s his coach’s daughter!

Leo first sees Scarlett when she’s working as a bartender at a college bar he’s visiting. He can’t believe she doesn’t know he’s a NHL hockey player, but he is definitely enjoying the fact of someone not knowing who he is for once at the same time. They end up hitting it off and share a fun night together! He’s convinced she’s his “dream girl” (he even nicknames her that later on)…until he finds out she’s his coach’s daughter!

Scarlett’s life is currently a bit of a mess: she’s 21 and dropped out of college to pursue photography, she has sworn off dating athletes since she is still getting over a recent breakup to a F1 racer, and she doesn’t have a real job. Scarlett’s dad is the coach of the Wildcats and when she sees what a mess his office looks like, she offers to step in and help as his temporary assistant since his current one is out of the office. Now she’s spending time with her dad, taking photos for the team, and traveling with them on the road too. Putting her even closer to Leo!

This was cute and low angst. I’ve read a lot of hockey romances, and while this one wasn’t a new fav or standout, I’m still planning to continue on in the series. I did like how the hero falls first (and hard). He’s the pursuer and just super sweet: he arranges for her car to get repaired and even leaves her coffee order outside her hotel room (when she’s on the road with the team). 🥰
Profile Image for Angie.
1,182 reviews202 followers
December 13, 2021
If I were a painter, I could use color and brushstrokes to bring her form to life with my eyes closed. If I were a rockstar, I'd sing the fuck out of some heartfelt lyrics that I wrote just for her. If I could take photos like her, I could show her just how beautiful she is.

4.5 Dream girl stars!

Rebecca always excels in writing swoony and heartfelt sports romance about characters who have to fight for their happily-ever-after, and WILDCAT was another fantastic edition to her collection. Leo was an absolute sweetheart, and I loved his open and playful nature. Scarlett had such a rough road to her happiness, but watching the romance between her and Leo was so satisfying. It was so great seeing Maverick and Dakota again, but I'm excited to read the rest of the Wildcats team stories! ♡

*ARC provided by Valentine PR, and I voluntarily reviewed it*
Profile Image for crystal.
580 reviews695 followers
October 25, 2022
this book was so cute😭🤍 i love leo so much goodbye
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,026 reviews824 followers
October 17, 2022
This book has 'book boyfriend' written all over it! I'm not even kidding. Leo Lohan is one swoon-worthy SOB.

This was my first book from this author and I was totally swept into the story. I loved Rebecca Jenshak's smooth storytelling. The story had the perfect pace and such a relatable quality to it. I love the way that Jenshak took the tropes in this book and made them her own. The plot was compelling and the world-building was on point.

I love how well-rounded the two main characters were. Their personalities and backgrounds were fleshed out wonderfully. There was some significant growth for both characters as well. There was an ensemble cast of secondary characters that were absolutely delightful. I am so eager for the remaining books in this series so I can get to know the rest of these characters better.

This story was equal parts hot and romantic. I truly loved the way that Leo showed Scarlett that he cared and that he was thinking about her. It was the little things that captured my heart. I also loved how he stood up for her and wanted what was best for her. He also saw the best in her. Welcome to Swoon Town. They had sizzling chemistry with one another but the steamy scenes weren't as spicy as I anticipated. The story was good though so I can live with that.

Overall, this was a swoon-worthy hockey romance with a hero that will capture your heart. There were memorable characters, an intriguing plot, and lovely storytelling. I definitely recommend this one and I can't wait for the next one!

Profile Image for Medollga.
471 reviews89 followers
February 22, 2024
this was really mediocre tbh 🤷🏼‍♀️😅

The main issue is the whole composition of the plot: they meet, hook up, then there's a bit of push back from her, but at around 35% they're together and the tension and build up is IN THE TRASH ☠️

I have no problem reading about an established couple, when their relationship is a sideline to the plot, NOT THE MAIN PLOTLINE ITSELF! there was literally nothing else except their romance to sink one's teeth into here... Her personal and professional struggles seemed superficial. His entire background was non existent!

Also, don't even get me started on the reason for their 3rd act breakup: i hate it when the couple breaks up for a stupid reason that isn't even resolved and just because it's the end of the book they deem the reason unworthy of staying apart for 🤡🤡🤡

But I'm interested in other books from this series. Plus the hockey group seems okay so far.
Profile Image for Books I Flove.
692 reviews35 followers
December 14, 2021
5 stars??? I would give this book all the stars in the world!!!
What an amazing, fantastic, swoony, lovely, sporty and haaawt story about Leo & Scarlett!! I am in LOVE!
This is an amazing start into a new series - and Rebecca Jenshak NAILED it!!! I was hooked from the first page, and devoured the book every single second of spare time I head!!
Leo, NHL Player, meets the new bartender Scarlett, who doesn’t recognize him. They spend a great night together, and a week later they meet again. Turns out, she’s his coaches daughter! That means she’s off limits, right?! But the attraction is there, and when Scarlett starts working for her dad, they see each other quite often. Can they resist?

This is an absolute MUST read!!! And I can’t wait to read about the Wildcats! Well done Rebecca, very well done!!!

I kindly received an arc from the author and voluntarily left a review
Profile Image for ItaPixie.
1,124 reviews126 followers
December 15, 2021

I love Rebecca Jenshak's books and Wildcat wasn't an exception. This story was entertaining and sweet, with some emotional scenes. I've read it in one sitting because I was hooked from the beginning and it was over before I knew it.

Scarlett Miller came back to Minnesota after she has travelled around the world with her ex boyfriend for the last two years. Her life is a mess. She doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up. This is not the right time to have a relationship, but when she meets a gorgeous guy at a bar she thinks that maybe a little fling could make her forget for a night her troubles. She doesn't know that that will be one of the best nights of her life, and that encounter will make her life even messier. Leo Lohan is a hockey player for the Wildcat, when he meets his dream girl on a trivia night at a bar, he doesn't know his life is getting messier.

I've really enjoyed the characters and the storyline. Scarlett and Leo relationship is delightful, funny and hot. They succeeded to grow together and to face any obstacle that's put in their path, giving each other strength and love. I was mostly smiling throughout their journey.
I need a Leo in my life. He is so charmin, sweet and devoted to his dream girl, my heart melted.

If you like sports romance and a funny bunch of jocks this is the perfect read for you.

Copy kindly provided by the Publisher/Author.

Profile Image for Veronica Ticker.
901 reviews56 followers
December 13, 2021
We had a glimpse of this new hockey team in the last book of the Campus nights series, when Maverick became a pro hockey player for the Wildcats. Maverick is back–so happy for that–but now he’s just one of the guys. This first book of the new series focuses on Leo, the good guy, the scandal free player, the alternate captain. At least for now.

After one sexy night with a stranger, he can’t stop thinking about her. Even when he discovers that she’s his coach’s daughter. There goes the scandal free life. And as much as Leo tries to stay a good guy, Scarlett’s past comes back to bite her in the ass, and it’s going to challenge Leo’s good nature.

First part of the story is about accepting that there’s something between them, and it takes some time. Then we get to see how Scarlett and Leo’s relationship develops, how their feelings evolve, and what bliss they feel when they’re together–inside and outside of the bedroom. Finally, the big drama. The structure is simple, but well done, and it keeps you engage with the story.

What also keeps you reading is the characters. Leo is a really nice guy who can be possessive, while Scarlett is the lost girl who discovers that she actually knows very well what she wants–she was just afraid of getting it. Around them, a bunch of jocks who are much more than what they show to the world.

I loved that there was a little on ice action, or even just in the arena. The behind the scene and the details are something I really enjoy in my hockey romances.

The ex coming back and the grand gesture could be guessed almost from the beginning, but that doesn’t mean that they weren’t nice. The story works, the characters work. A great start to a new series!


- Series: Wildcat hockey #1 (can be read as a standalone)
- Hashtags: #hockey romance #forbidden romance #new adult
- Triggers: some slurs
- Main couple: Scarlett Miller & Leo Lohan
- Hotness: 4/5
- Romance: 5/5
- + damn Leo was swoony
- – so convenient that Scarlett dates two professional athletes one after the other… but I guess that’s what romance is for
Profile Image for zahraa.
355 reviews
June 22, 2022
4/5 ✰

thank you to the author for sending this book my way! this book was super cute! i love nhl romances and this did NOT disappoint. the initial trope, coach’s daughter had me HOOKED & i loved every moment!

this was my first rebecca jenshak book but after this, i will definitely checking out her other books! not only does rebecca jenshak keep you entertained, but she writes such an amazing romance, that you can’t help but love!
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,764 reviews1,332 followers
January 14, 2022


I absolutely love this new world and standalone series from Rebecca Jenshak.

What I loved:
1. Leo was so sweet - kind, thoughtful, completely charming.
2. I really enjoyed Scarlett’s character. She was relatable.
3. They were the cutest couple ever.
4. I loved how Leo pursued her.

What I needed more of:
1. The steamy details were lacking. They had good chemistry, but it just seemed to not be there. Maybe after Wild Love my expectations were too high, but I know she can write some good steam. It get lacking.
2. The plot and conflict was pretty expected. I like a bit more a surprise when I read.

Would I recommend Wildcat? For sure, I can’t wait for the next one.
Profile Image for candace mai | candacereads.
431 reviews161 followers
February 16, 2023

I have mixed feeling about this one because there was a lot that I liked, but some things that missed the mark for me personally.

Scarlett is just back in Minnesota after two years of living abroad and a bad break up when he meets Leo at a bar. They hit it off and spend the night together, but Scarlett thinks Leo is just another college kid.. not a star player on the Minnesota wildcat hockey team.

Leo is already planning the next time he can see Scarlett the minute she leaves his house, but with the craziness of the season starting he hasn’t found the right time to reach out and take her on the date she deserves……until Leo sees scarlet again.. at his couches house for a family bbq, because her dad is his coach.

Okay so we have sports romance, coach’s daughter x star player, instant connection, boy obsessed, & a lil golden retriever bf. I can see the beginning of a found family as well with the boys on the team.

This book was super easy to get into, very fast paced and had me not wanting to stop until I finished.

But I found a bit of the dialogue rushed and cheesy…. also the reason for the third act break up………🙁Also no epilogue😭

There were a bunch of set ups with the other characters in this book so excited to see where the next books could go.
Profile Image for Joana (joanasbookshelf).
215 reviews157 followers
March 12, 2024
This was my very first book by Rebecca Jenshak and it did not disappoint!!! Honestly, hockey romance books are always perfect.
Wildcat was fun and cute and I loved it so so much. I’m a sucker for a forbidden love with forced proximity and this one delivered. the characters are incredible and this book was absolutely both adorable and steamy.
If you love hockey romance books you totally need to add this book to your TBR. Now I just can’t wait ro read the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Emily  | EMVZ.woodandbooks.
153 reviews14 followers
June 17, 2023
"Does your dad know?"
"I'm not telling him until I decide I like you fully clothed."

🏒 Hockey/Forbidden Romance
🏒 Coach's Daughter
🏒 He falls first
🏒 Spice 🌶🌶
🏒 Dual POV

This book was a quick, light-hearted, cute read with a ton of laughs! I loved that the book jumped right into it, the dual POV, short chapters with great headings, and Leo and Scarlett's chemistry together. The story processed nicely with their relationship and hurdles. Both were relatable characters even though Leo is sort of famous.

Overall, I didn't want to put the book down. I would definitely recommend this book to others!
Profile Image for Ashley.
501 reviews114 followers
December 30, 2023
Rebecca Jenshak's Wildcat is a forbidden romance that centers on photographer Scarlett Miller and alternating captain Leo Lohan.

The entire book was cute. Like, if I had to choose just one word to sum up this book, it would be that—cute.

Everything Leo did for Scar from start to finish was so wholesome. Also, I adored Scar and everything she did.

Even though the last chapters and the epilogue at the end seemed a little hurried, I still very much enjoyed this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,107 reviews

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